tx · zKapj7tQpAUdF2dVJpuBr6B4bttShfpNNdpTYYNpM57

3MvhfP9R4LcFNwsGfi2tHvUmyLYMUEPZa7g:  -0.01900000 Waves
3Mvbw1Sx9xtM6akJrBPorkPpp4B3sJRFPFX:  +0.01000000 Waves

2020.11.12 15:42 [1262127] invoke 3MvhfP9R4LcFNwsGfi2tHvUmyLYMUEPZa7g > 3Mvbw1Sx9xtM6akJrBPorkPpp4B3sJRFPFX addTemplateDetails() 0.01000000 Waves

3Mvbw1Sx9xtM6akJrBPorkPpp4B3sJRFPFX: template_C8LqSJUsxsSbyfd8ytmkWLyoVNUonWvKH2cQfgf9hPyf_link: "https://ruysdaelclinics.nl/"
3Mvbw1Sx9xtM6akJrBPorkPpp4B3sJRFPFX: template_C8LqSJUsxsSbyfd8ytmkWLyoVNUonWvKH2cQfgf9hPyf_company: "Ruysdael Clinics"
3Mvbw1Sx9xtM6akJrBPorkPpp4B3sJRFPFX: template_C8LqSJUsxsSbyfd8ytmkWLyoVNUonWvKH2cQfgf9hPyf_author: "Joe Doe"
3Mvbw1Sx9xtM6akJrBPorkPpp4B3sJRFPFX: template_C8LqSJUsxsSbyfd8ytmkWLyoVNUonWvKH2cQfgf9hPyf_description: "Anyone who has ever been involved in a first-response emergency situation will know the value and importance of first-aid. By covering the full spectrum of common injuries, wounds, and other conditions, a good first-aid certification course and training program will be able to prepare you for a wide range of different situations.  The idea behind first-aid is to provide immediate care to those in need until medical professionals arrive on the scene. While the care of a trained doctor is always the priority, it is often these first-responders who are able to take life or death situations into their own hands. This is why quality first-aid training is so important."

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33.80 ms