214 | | - | |
215 | | - | |
216 | | - | @Callable(i) |
217 | | - | func createAuction (jobExecutionDays,auctionDurationDays,auctionInfo) = { |
218 | | - | let auctionId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) |
219 | | - | let auctionClient = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
220 | | - | let pmt = extract(i.payment) |
221 | | - | let pmtAmount = pmt.amount |
222 | | - | let auctionPrice = createAuctionPriceCheck(pmtAmount) |
223 | | - | let auctionStart = height |
224 | | - | let auctionDurationBlocks = (auctionDurationDays * day) |
225 | | - | let blocksForExecution = (jobExecutionDays * day) |
226 | | - | let pmtAssetName = if (!(isDefined(pmt.assetId))) |
227 | | - | then "WAVES" |
228 | | - | else if ((pmt.assetId == wBTC)) |
229 | | - | then "BTC" |
230 | | - | else if ((pmt.assetId == wEUR)) |
231 | | - | then "EUR" |
232 | | - | else if ((pmt.assetId == wUSD)) |
233 | | - | then "USD" |
234 | | - | else throw("AssetId is incorrect") |
235 | | - | let newFreezedBalance = increaseFreezedBalance(pmtAssetName, auctionPrice) |
236 | | - | WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateOpen), DataEntry((auctionId + "_Info"), auctionInfo), DataEntry((auctionId + "_AuctionClient"), auctionClient), DataEntry((auctionId + "_AuctionStart"), auctionStart), DataEntry((auctionId + "_AuctionDuration"), auctionDurationBlocks), DataEntry((auctionId + "_JobPerformance"), blocksForExecution), DataEntry((auctionId + "_AssetName"), pmtAssetName), DataEntry((auctionId + "_Price"), auctionPrice), DataEntry((pmtAssetName + "_Freezed"), newFreezedBalance)]) |
237 | | - | } |
238 | | - | |
239 | | - | |
240 | | - | |
241 | | - | @Callable(i) |
242 | | - | func makeBid (auctionId,betPrice) = { |
243 | | - | let callerPub = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
244 | | - | let betTime = height |
245 | | - | let auctionState = getAuctionState(auctionId) |
246 | | - | let auctionClient = getAuctionClientPub(auctionId) |
247 | | - | let auctionStart = getAuctionStartTime(auctionId) |
248 | | - | let auctionDuration = getAuctionDurationTime(auctionId) |
249 | | - | let auctionBlocksForExecution = getAuctionJobPerformanceTime(auctionId) |
250 | | - | let auctionAssetName = getAuctionAssetName(auctionId) |
251 | | - | let auctionPrice = getAuctionPrice(auctionId) |
252 | | - | let auctionAssetId58 = AssetNameToBase58(auctionAssetName) |
253 | | - | let newFreelancer = freelancerIsRegistered(callerPub) |
254 | | - | let dAppCommission = ((auctionPrice * 3) / 100) |
255 | | - | let newFreezedBalance = decreaseFreezedBalance(auctionAssetName, auctionPrice) |
256 | | - | let auctionTimeisOver = timeCheck(betTime, auctionStart, auctionDuration) |
257 | | - | if (auctionTimeisOver) |
258 | | - | then if ((auctionState == stateOpen)) |
259 | | - | then ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateCancel), DataEntry((auctionAssetName + "_Freezed"), newFreezedBalance)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(auctionClient), (auctionPrice - dAppCommission), auctionAssetId58)])) |
260 | | - | else if ((auctionState == stateSuggested)) |
261 | | - | then { |
262 | | - | let auctionLowestBidder = { |
263 | | - | let valueLowestBidder = getString(this, (auctionId + "_LowestBidderPub")) |
264 | | - | match valueLowestBidder { |
265 | | - | case a: String => |
266 | | - | a |
267 | | - | case _ => |
268 | | - | throw("Auction lowest bidder was not found") |
269 | | - | } |
270 | | - | } |
271 | | - | let newAuctionPrice = { |
272 | | - | let valueNewAuctionPrice = getInteger(this, ((auctionId + "_Bid_") + auctionLowestBidder)) |
273 | | - | match valueNewAuctionPrice { |
274 | | - | case a: Int => |
275 | | - | a |
276 | | - | case _ => |
277 | | - | throw("Auction lowest bid was not found") |
278 | | - | } |
279 | | - | } |
280 | | - | let amountDifference = ((auctionPrice - newAuctionPrice) - dAppCommission) |
281 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateInProgress), DataEntry((auctionId + "_HiredFreelancer"), auctionLowestBidder), DataEntry((auctionId + "_Price"), newAuctionPrice)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(auctionClient), amountDifference, auctionAssetId58)])) |
282 | | - | } |
283 | | - | else throw("Incorrect auction state") |
284 | | - | else if ((auctionState == stateOpen)) |
285 | | - | then WriteSet([DataEntry(((auctionId + "_Bid_") + newFreelancer), betPrice), DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateSuggested), DataEntry((auctionId + "_LowestBidderPub"), callerPub)]) |
286 | | - | else if ((auctionState == stateSuggested)) |
287 | | - | then { |
288 | | - | let currentLowestBidderPub = { |
289 | | - | let lowestBidder = getString(this, (auctionId + "_LowestBidderPub")) |
290 | | - | match lowestBidder { |
291 | | - | case a: String => |
292 | | - | a |
293 | | - | case _ => |
294 | | - | throw("Auction lowest bidder was not found") |
295 | | - | } |
296 | | - | } |
297 | | - | let newLowestBidderPub = { |
298 | | - | let valueCurrentLowestBid = getInteger(this, ((auctionId + "_Bid_") + currentLowestBidderPub)) |
299 | | - | let currentLowestBid = match valueCurrentLowestBid { |
300 | | - | case a: Int => |
301 | | - | a |
302 | | - | case _ => |
303 | | - | throw("Auction lowest bid was not found") |
304 | | - | } |
305 | | - | if ((currentLowestBid > betPrice)) |
306 | | - | then newFreelancer |
307 | | - | else currentLowestBidderPub |
308 | | - | } |
309 | | - | WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_LowestBidderPub"), newLowestBidderPub), DataEntry(((auctionId + "_Bid_") + newFreelancer), betPrice)]) |
310 | | - | } |
311 | | - | else throw(((((("Incorrect jobId state. Now: " + auctionState) + ", must be: ") + stateOpen) + " or ") + stateSuggested)) |
312 | | - | } |
313 | | - | |
314 | | - | |
315 | | - | |
316 | | - | @Callable(i) |
317 | | - | func chooseFreelancer (auctionId,freelancerPub) = { |
318 | | - | let callerPub = extract(i.callerPublicKey) |
319 | | - | let betTime = height |
320 | | - | let auctionState = getAuctionState(auctionId) |
321 | | - | let auctionClient = getAuctionClientPub(auctionId) |
322 | | - | let auctionStart = getAuctionStartTime(auctionId) |
323 | | - | let auctionDuration = getAuctionDurationTime(auctionId) |
324 | | - | let auctionAssetName = getAuctionAssetName(auctionId) |
325 | | - | let auctionPrice = getAuctionPrice(auctionId) |
326 | | - | let auctionAssetId58 = AssetNameToBase58(auctionAssetName) |
327 | | - | let freelancerBidAmount = { |
328 | | - | let keyFreelancerBid = ((auctionId + "_Bid_") + freelancerPub) |
329 | | - | let valueFreelacerBid = getInteger(this, keyFreelancerBid) |
330 | | - | match valueFreelacerBid { |
331 | | - | case a: Int => |
332 | | - | a |
333 | | - | case _ => |
334 | | - | throw("Freelancer's bet was not found") |
335 | | - | } |
336 | | - | } |
337 | | - | let dAppCommission = ((freelancerBidAmount * 3) / 100) |
338 | | - | let auctionTimeisOver = timeCheck(betTime, auctionStart, auctionDuration) |
339 | | - | if ((callerPub == auctionClient)) |
340 | | - | then if (auctionTimeisOver) |
341 | | - | then if ((auctionState == stateOpen)) |
342 | | - | then { |
343 | | - | let newFreezedBalance = decreaseFreezedBalance(auctionAssetName, auctionPrice) |
344 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateCancel), DataEntry((auctionAssetName + "_Freezed"), newFreezedBalance)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(auctionClient), (auctionPrice - dAppCommission), auctionAssetId58)])) |
345 | | - | } |
346 | | - | else if ((auctionState == stateSuggested)) |
347 | | - | then { |
348 | | - | let auctionLowestBidder = { |
349 | | - | let valueLowestBidder = getString(this, (auctionId + "_LowestBidderPub")) |
350 | | - | match valueLowestBidder { |
351 | | - | case a: String => |
352 | | - | a |
353 | | - | case _ => |
354 | | - | throw("Auction lowest bidder was not found") |
355 | | - | } |
356 | | - | } |
357 | | - | let newAuctionPrice = { |
358 | | - | let valueNewAuctionPrice = getInteger(this, ((auctionId + "_Bid_") + auctionLowestBidder)) |
359 | | - | match valueNewAuctionPrice { |
360 | | - | case a: Int => |
361 | | - | a |
362 | | - | case _ => |
363 | | - | throw("Auction lowest bid was not found") |
364 | | - | } |
365 | | - | } |
366 | | - | let amountDifference = (auctionPrice - newAuctionPrice) |
367 | | - | let newFreezedBalance = decreaseFreezedBalance(auctionAssetName, amountDifference) |
368 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateInProgress), DataEntry((auctionId + "_HiredFreelancer"), auctionLowestBidder), DataEntry((auctionId + "_Price"), newAuctionPrice), DataEntry((auctionAssetName + "_Freezed"), newFreezedBalance)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(auctionClient), amountDifference, auctionAssetId58)])) |
369 | | - | } |
370 | | - | else throw("Incorrect auction state") |
371 | | - | else { |
372 | | - | let setNewFreelancer = { |
373 | | - | let newFreelancer = getInteger(this, ((auctionId + "_Bid_") + freelancerPub)) |
374 | | - | match newFreelancer { |
375 | | - | case a: Int => |
376 | | - | freelancerPub |
377 | | - | case _ => |
378 | | - | throw("Error: Incorrect freelancerPub") |
379 | | - | } |
380 | | - | } |
381 | | - | let newAuctionPrice = { |
382 | | - | let freelancerBid = getInteger(this, ((auctionId + "_Bid_") + freelancerPub)) |
383 | | - | match freelancerBid { |
384 | | - | case a: Int => |
385 | | - | a |
386 | | - | case _ => |
387 | | - | throw("Auction lowest bidder was not found") |
388 | | - | } |
389 | | - | } |
390 | | - | let amountDifference = (auctionPrice - freelancerBidAmount) |
391 | | - | let newFreezedBalance = decreaseFreezedBalance(auctionAssetName, amountDifference) |
392 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateInProgress), DataEntry((auctionId + "_HiredFreelancer"), setNewFreelancer), DataEntry((auctionId + "_Price"), newAuctionPrice), DataEntry((auctionAssetName + "_Freezed"), newFreezedBalance)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(auctionClient), (amountDifference - dAppCommission), auctionAssetId58)])) |
393 | | - | } |
394 | | - | else throw("Only auction customer can choose a freelancer") |
395 | | - | } |
396 | | - | |
397 | | - | |
398 | | - | |
399 | | - | @Callable(i) |
400 | | - | func increaseExecutionTime (auctionId,executionDays) = { |
401 | | - | let caller = extract(i.callerPublicKey) |
402 | | - | let auctionState = getAuctionState(auctionId) |
403 | | - | let auctionClient = getAuctionClientPub(auctionId) |
404 | | - | let auctionBlocksForExecution = getAuctionJobPerformanceTime(auctionId) |
405 | | - | let newAuctionExecutionTime = { |
406 | | - | let newAuctionBlocksForExecution = (executionDays * day) |
407 | | - | if ((newAuctionBlocksForExecution > auctionBlocksForExecution)) |
408 | | - | then newAuctionBlocksForExecution |
409 | | - | else throw("New execution time must more than current execution time") |
410 | | - | } |
411 | | - | if ((caller == auctionClient)) |
412 | | - | then if (if (if ((auctionState == stateOpen)) |
413 | | - | then true |
414 | | - | else (auctionState == stateSuggested)) |
415 | | - | then true |
416 | | - | else (auctionState == stateInProgress)) |
417 | | - | then WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_JobPerformance"), newAuctionExecutionTime)]) |
418 | | - | else throw("Incorrect state") |
419 | | - | else throw("Only Client can increase execution time") |
420 | | - | } |
421 | | - | |
422 | | - | |
423 | | - | |
424 | | - | @Callable(i) |
425 | | - | func cancelAuction (auctionId) = { |
426 | | - | let callerPub = extract(i.callerPublicKey) |
427 | | - | let auctionState = getAuctionState(auctionId) |
428 | | - | let auctionClient = getAuctionClientPub(auctionId) |
429 | | - | let auctionAssetName = getAuctionAssetName(auctionId) |
430 | | - | let auctionPrice = getAuctionPrice(auctionId) |
431 | | - | let auctionAssetId58 = AssetNameToBase58(auctionAssetName) |
432 | | - | let dAppCommission = ((auctionPrice * 3) / 100) |
433 | | - | let amountWithoutComm = (auctionPrice - dAppCommission) |
434 | | - | let newFreezedBalance = decreaseFreezedBalance(auctionAssetName, auctionPrice) |
435 | | - | let callerIsClient = if ((callerPub == auctionClient)) |
436 | | - | then true |
437 | | - | else throw("Auction can be canceled only by auction owner.") |
438 | | - | if (callerIsClient) |
439 | | - | then if ((auctionState == stateOpen)) |
440 | | - | then ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateCancel), DataEntry((auctionAssetName + "_Freezed"), newFreezedBalance)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(auctionClient), amountWithoutComm, auctionAssetId58)])) |
441 | | - | else throw("Incorrect auction state.") |
442 | | - | else throw("Only Client can cancel auction") |
443 | | - | } |
444 | | - | |
445 | | - | |
446 | | - | |
447 | | - | @Callable(i) |
448 | | - | func openDispute (auctionId) = { |
449 | | - | let caller = extract(i.callerPublicKey) |
450 | | - | let auctionState = getAuctionState(auctionId) |
451 | | - | let auctionClient = getAuctionClientPub(auctionId) |
452 | | - | let auctionFreelancer = getAuctionFreelancerPub(auctionId) |
453 | | - | if (if ((auctionState == stateOpen)) |
454 | | - | then true |
455 | | - | else (auctionState == stateSuggested)) |
456 | | - | then throw("Incorrect auction state for dispute opening") |
457 | | - | else if (if ((caller == auctionClient)) |
458 | | - | then true |
459 | | - | else (caller == auctionFreelancer)) |
460 | | - | then WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateDispute), DataEntry((auctionId + "_DisputeVotes"), 0)]) |
461 | | - | else throw("Only customer and freelancer can open dispute") |
462 | | - | } |
463 | | - | |
464 | | - | |
465 | | - | |
466 | | - | @Callable(i) |
467 | | - | func voteDispute (auctionId,vote) = { |
468 | | - | let callerPub = extract(i.callerPublicKey) |
469 | | - | let auctionState = getAuctionState(auctionId) |
470 | | - | let auctionClient = getAuctionClientPub(auctionId) |
471 | | - | let auctionAssetName = getAuctionAssetName(auctionId) |
472 | | - | let auctionPrice = getAuctionPrice(auctionId) |
473 | | - | let auctionFreelancer = getAuctionFreelancerPub(auctionId) |
474 | | - | let comission = ((auctionPrice * 3) / 100) |
475 | | - | let auctionAssetId58 = AssetNameToBase58(auctionAssetName) |
476 | | - | let callerIsAmbassador = if (if (if (if (if ((callerPub == ambassador1)) |
477 | | - | then true |
478 | | - | else (callerPub == ambassador2)) |
479 | | - | then true |
480 | | - | else (callerPub == ambassador3)) |
481 | | - | then true |
482 | | - | else (callerPub == ambassador4)) |
483 | | - | then true |
484 | | - | else (callerPub == ambassador5)) |
485 | | - | then toBase58String(callerPub) |
486 | | - | else throw("Only defined ambassadors can vote in disputes") |
487 | | - | let newVote = if (if ((vote == client)) |
488 | | - | then true |
489 | | - | else (vote == freelancer)) |
490 | | - | then vote |
491 | | - | else throw(((("Vote is incorrect. Must be: " + client) + " or ") + freelancer)) |
492 | | - | let newVoter = { |
493 | | - | let keyVoter = ((auctionId + "_DiputeVote_") + callerIsAmbassador) |
494 | | - | let valueVoter = getString(this, keyVoter) |
495 | | - | match valueVoter { |
496 | | - | case a: String => |
497 | | - | throw("User already voted") |
498 | | - | case _ => |
499 | | - | callerIsAmbassador |
500 | | - | } |
501 | | - | } |
502 | | - | let votesNumber = { |
503 | | - | let valueVotesNumber = getInteger(this, (auctionId + "_DisputeVotes")) |
504 | | - | match valueVotesNumber { |
505 | | - | case a: Int => |
506 | | - | a |
507 | | - | case _ => |
508 | | - | throw("VotesNumber was not found") |
509 | | - | } |
510 | | - | } |
511 | | - | if ((auctionState == stateDispute)) |
512 | | - | then if ((votesNumber == 4)) |
513 | | - | then { |
514 | | - | let disputeWinner = { |
515 | | - | let ambassador1Vote = getString(this, ((auctionId + "_DiputeVote_") + toBase58String(ambassador1))) |
516 | | - | let ambassador2Vote = getString(this, ((auctionId + "_DiputeVote_") + toBase58String(ambassador2))) |
517 | | - | let ambassador3Vote = getString(this, ((auctionId + "_DiputeVote_") + toBase58String(ambassador3))) |
518 | | - | let ambassador4Vote = getString(this, ((auctionId + "_DiputeVote_") + toBase58String(ambassador4))) |
519 | | - | let ambassador5Vote = getString(this, ((auctionId + "_DiputeVote_") + toBase58String(ambassador5))) |
520 | | - | let v1 = if ((ambassador1Vote == client)) |
521 | | - | then 1 |
522 | | - | else 0 |
523 | | - | let v2 = if ((ambassador2Vote == client)) |
524 | | - | then 1 |
525 | | - | else 0 |
526 | | - | let v3 = if ((ambassador3Vote == client)) |
527 | | - | then 1 |
528 | | - | else 0 |
529 | | - | let v4 = if ((ambassador4Vote == client)) |
530 | | - | then 1 |
531 | | - | else 0 |
532 | | - | let v5 = if ((ambassador5Vote == client)) |
533 | | - | then 1 |
534 | | - | else 0 |
535 | | - | let currentVote = if ((newVote == client)) |
536 | | - | then 1 |
537 | | - | else 0 |
538 | | - | let votesForClient = (((((v1 + v2) + v3) + v4) + v5) + currentVote) |
539 | | - | if ((votesForClient > 2)) |
540 | | - | then auctionClient |
541 | | - | else auctionFreelancer |
542 | | - | } |
543 | | - | let paymentWithoutComm = if ((disputeWinner == auctionClient)) |
544 | | - | then auctionPrice |
545 | | - | else (auctionPrice - comission) |
546 | | - | let newFreezedBalance = decreaseFreezedBalance(auctionAssetName, auctionPrice) |
547 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_DisputeVotes"), (votesNumber + 1)), DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateDisputeResolved), DataEntry(((auctionId + "_DiputeVote_") + callerIsAmbassador), newVote), DataEntry((auctionAssetName + "_Freezed"), newFreezedBalance)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(disputeWinner), paymentWithoutComm, auctionAssetId58)])) |
548 | | - | } |
549 | | - | else WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_DisputeVotes"), (votesNumber + 1)), DataEntry(((auctionId + "_DiputeVote_") + callerIsAmbassador), newVote)]) |
550 | | - | else throw(("Incorrect state. Must be: " + stateDispute)) |
551 | | - | } |
552 | | - | |
553 | | - | |
554 | | - | |
555 | | - | @Callable(i) |
556 | | - | func workHandOver (auctionId) = { |
557 | | - | let callerPub = extract(i.callerPublicKey) |
558 | | - | let auctionState = getAuctionState(auctionId) |
559 | | - | let auctionStart = getAuctionStartTime(auctionId) |
560 | | - | let auctionDuration = getAuctionDurationTime(auctionId) |
561 | | - | let auctionBlocksForExecution = getAuctionJobPerformanceTime(auctionId) |
562 | | - | let auctionFreelancer = getAuctionFreelancerPub(auctionId) |
563 | | - | let currentTime = height |
564 | | - | let freelancerPubCheck = if ((callerPub == auctionFreelancer)) |
565 | | - | then callerPub |
566 | | - | else throw("Only a freelancer can indicate that the work is done") |
567 | | - | let timeIsOver = ((currentTime - auctionStart) > auctionBlocksForExecution) |
568 | | - | if ((auctionState == stateInProgress)) |
569 | | - | then if (timeIsOver) |
570 | | - | then WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateDispute), DataEntry((auctionId + "_DisputeVotes"), "0")]) |
571 | | - | else WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateWait4Confirm)]) |
572 | | - | else throw("Auction state is incorrect") |
573 | | - | } |
574 | | - | |
575 | | - | |
576 | | - | |
577 | | - | @Callable(i) |
578 | | - | func acceptWork (auctionId) = { |
579 | | - | let callerPub = extract(i.callerPublicKey) |
580 | | - | let auctionState = getAuctionState(auctionId) |
581 | | - | let auctionClient = getAuctionClientPub(auctionId) |
582 | | - | let auctionStart = getAuctionStartTime(auctionId) |
583 | | - | let auctionDuration = getAuctionDurationTime(auctionId) |
584 | | - | let auctionAssetName = getAuctionAssetName(auctionId) |
585 | | - | let auctionPrice = getAuctionPrice(auctionId) |
586 | | - | let auctionFreelancer = getAuctionFreelancerPub(auctionId) |
587 | | - | let dAppCommission = ((auctionPrice * 3) / 100) |
588 | | - | let amountWithoutComm = (auctionPrice - dAppCommission) |
589 | | - | let auctionAssetId58 = AssetNameToBase58(auctionAssetName) |
590 | | - | let newFreezedBalance = decreaseFreezedBalance(auctionAssetName, auctionPrice) |
591 | | - | let newRating = { |
592 | | - | let valueRating = getInteger(this, (toBase58String(auctionFreelancer) + "_Rating")) |
593 | | - | let currentRating = match valueRating { |
594 | | - | case a: Int => |
595 | | - | a |
596 | | - | case _ => |
597 | | - | 0 |
598 | | - | } |
599 | | - | (currentRating + 1) |
600 | | - | } |
601 | | - | if ((callerPub == auctionClient)) |
602 | | - | then if ((auctionState == stateWait4Confirm)) |
603 | | - | then ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((auctionId + "_State"), stateComplete), DataEntry((toBase58String(auctionFreelancer) + "_Rating"), newRating), DataEntry((auctionAssetName + "_Freezed"), newFreezedBalance)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(auctionFreelancer), amountWithoutComm, auctionAssetId58)])) |
604 | | - | else throw(("Incorrect state. Must be: " + stateWait4Confirm)) |
605 | | - | else throw("Only auction customer can use this function") |
606 | | - | } |
607 | | - | |
608 | | - | |
609 | | - | @Verifier(tx) |
610 | | - | func verify () = if (sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)) |
611 | | - | then match tx { |
612 | | - | case ttx: TransferTransaction => |
613 | | - | true |
614 | | - | case stx: SetScriptTransaction => |
615 | | - | true |
616 | | - | case _ => |
617 | | - | false |
618 | | - | } |
619 | | - | else false |