tx · H8TBnuroV37axkc8YZ35p3ue6Vc93xpv3jsTTRVxAU9a
3N8YSrH3EjHgRHG13ooDYTrKRGFg9DKUqVW: +100000000000.00 Most Wanted
———————————————————————————————————: -1.00000000 Waves
2020.01.17 15:53 [858179] issue 3N8YSrH3EjHgRHG13ooDYTrKRGFg9DKUqVW > SELF +100000000000.00 Most Wanted
"type": 3,
"id": "H8TBnuroV37axkc8YZ35p3ue6Vc93xpv3jsTTRVxAU9a",
"fee": 100000000,
"feeAssetId": null,
"timestamp": 1579265629723,
"version": 2,
"sender": "3N8YSrH3EjHgRHG13ooDYTrKRGFg9DKUqVW",
"senderPublicKey": "8i3uWpYg4EV5vSENr7UnVNydue2oDXNcYNEBd6ZQyPyP",
"proofs": [
"assetId": "H8TBnuroV37axkc8YZ35p3ue6Vc93xpv3jsTTRVxAU9a",
"name": "Most Wanted",
"quantity": 10000000000000,
"reissuable": false,
"decimals": 2,
"description": "The most sought after, and very famous, like this token, who will be most sought after and famous, so that those who know him will become famous and rich!",
"script": null,
"chainId": 84,
"height": 858179,
"spentComplexity": 0