6 | | - | let SEP = "__" |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let MAXDEPTH = 17 |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let USERDEPTH = 26 |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let SCALE = 1000 |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | func getNumberByKey (key) = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, key), 0) |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | |
17 | | - | func getStringByKey (key) = valueOrElse(getString(this, key), "") |
18 | | - | |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | func getStringOrFail (key) = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(key), (("mandatory this." + key) + " is not defined")) |
21 | | - | |
22 | | - | |
23 | | - | let IdxCfgNeutrinoContract = 1 |
24 | | - | |
25 | | - | let IdxCfgNsbtLockContract = 2 |
26 | | - | |
27 | | - | let IdxCfgMaxDepth = 3 |
28 | | - | |
29 | | - | let IdxCfgPeriodDelay = 4 |
30 | | - | |
31 | | - | func keyConfig () = "%s__config" |
32 | | - | |
33 | | - | |
34 | | - | func readConfigArrayOrFail () = split(getStringOrFail(keyConfig()), SEP) |
35 | | - | |
36 | | - | |
37 | | - | func formatConfig (neutrinoContractAddressStr,nsbtLockContractAddressStr,maxDepth,periodDelay) = makeString(["%s%s%d%d", neutrinoContractAddressStr, nsbtLockContractAddressStr, toString(maxDepth), toString(periodDelay)], SEP) |
38 | | - | |
39 | | - | |
40 | | - | func keyUsersCount () = "%s__nextUserNum" |
41 | | - | |
42 | | - | |
43 | | - | func keyMaxLockDuration () = "%s__maxLockDuration" |
44 | | - | |
45 | | - | |
46 | | - | func keyNextProcessedUser () = "%s__nextProcessedUser" |
47 | | - | |
48 | | - | |
49 | | - | func keyLatestPeriod () = "%s__latestPeriod" |
50 | | - | |
51 | | - | |
52 | | - | func keyNextPeriod () = "%s__nextPeriod" |
53 | | - | |
54 | | - | |
55 | | - | func keyNextProcessedPeriod () = "%s__nextProcessedPeriod" |
56 | | - | |
57 | | - | |
58 | | - | func keyNextUnlaimedPeriodOfUser (userIndex) = makeString(["%s%d__nextClaimedPeriod", toString(userIndex)], SEP) |
59 | | - | |
60 | | - | |
61 | | - | func keyLastProcessedPeriodOfUser (userIndex) = makeString(["%s%d__lastProcessedPeriod", toString(userIndex)], SEP) |
62 | | - | |
63 | | - | |
64 | | - | func keyHeightForPeriod (period) = makeString(["%s%d__startHeightForPeriod", toString(period)], SEP) |
65 | | - | |
66 | | - | |
67 | | - | func keyTotalAmountForPeriod (period,isWaves) = makeString([if (isWaves) |
68 | | - | then "%s%d__totalWavesAmountForPeriod" |
69 | | - | else "%s%d__totalUsdnAmountForPeriod", toString(period)], SEP) |
70 | | - | |
71 | | - | |
72 | | - | func keyTotalAmount (isWaves) = if (isWaves) |
73 | | - | then "%s__totalWavesAmount" |
74 | | - | else "%s__totalUsdnAmount" |
75 | | - | |
76 | | - | |
77 | | - | func keyTotalWeightForPeriod (period) = makeString(["%s%d__totalWeightForPeriod", toString(period)], SEP) |
78 | | - | |
79 | | - | |
80 | | - | func keyUserKValueForPeriod (period,userIndex) = makeString(["%s%d%s%d__paramByPeriod", toString(userIndex), "k", toString(period)], SEP) |
81 | | - | |
82 | | - | |
83 | | - | func keyUserBValueForPeriod (period,userIndex) = makeString(["%s%d%s%d__paramByPeriod", toString(userIndex), "b", toString(period)], SEP) |
84 | | - | |
85 | | - | |
86 | | - | func HistoryEntry (type,user,usdnAmount,wavesAamount,currentPeriod,latestPeriod,i) = { |
87 | | - | let historyKEY = makeString(["%s%s%s%s__history", type, user, toBase58String(i.transactionId)], SEP) |
88 | | - | let historyDATA = makeString(["%d%d%d%d%d%d", toString(lastBlock.height), toString(lastBlock.timestamp), toString(usdnAmount), toString(wavesAamount), toString(currentPeriod), toString(latestPeriod)], SEP) |
89 | | - | StringEntry(historyKEY, historyDATA) |
90 | | - | } |
91 | | - | |
92 | | - | |
93 | | - | func getUsdnAssetId (neutrinoContractAddress) = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(neutrinoContractAddress, "neutrino_asset_id"), "mandatory key neutrino_asset_id is not defined") |
94 | | - | |
95 | | - | |
96 | | - | func getNsbtAssetId (neutrinoContractAddress) = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(neutrinoContractAddress, "bond_asset_id"), "mandatory key bond_asset_id is not defined") |
97 | | - | |
98 | | - | |
99 | | - | func calcUserWeight (nsbtLockContractAddress,heightForPeriod,period,userIndex) = { |
100 | | - | let kLast = keyLastProcessedPeriodOfUser(userIndex) |
101 | | - | let kKey = keyUserKValueForPeriod(period, userIndex) |
102 | | - | let kRaw = getInteger(nsbtLockContractAddress, kKey) |
103 | | - | if (isDefined(kRaw)) |
104 | | - | then { |
105 | | - | let k = value(kRaw) |
106 | | - | let b = value(getInteger(nsbtLockContractAddress, keyUserBValueForPeriod(period, userIndex))) |
107 | | - | let w = ((k * heightForPeriod) + b) |
108 | | - | if ((w > 0)) |
109 | | - | then $Tuple2((w / SCALE), [IntegerEntry(kLast, period)]) |
110 | | - | else $Tuple2(0, nil) |
111 | | - | } |
112 | | - | else { |
113 | | - | let p = getInteger(this, kLast) |
114 | | - | if (isDefined(p)) |
115 | | - | then { |
116 | | - | let pv = value(p) |
117 | | - | let k = value(getInteger(nsbtLockContractAddress, keyUserKValueForPeriod(pv, userIndex))) |
118 | | - | let b = value(getInteger(nsbtLockContractAddress, keyUserBValueForPeriod(pv, userIndex))) |
119 | | - | let w = ((k * heightForPeriod) + b) |
120 | | - | if ((w > 0)) |
121 | | - | then $Tuple2((w / SCALE), nil) |
122 | | - | else $Tuple2(0, nil) |
123 | | - | } |
124 | | - | else $Tuple2(0, nil) |
125 | | - | } |
126 | | - | } |
127 | | - | |
128 | | - | |
129 | | - | func getUserIndexByAddress (nsbtLockContractAddressStr,userAddress) = { |
130 | | - | let key = makeString(["%s%s%s", "mapping", "user2num", userAddress], SEP) |
131 | | - | valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(Address(fromBase58String(nsbtLockContractAddressStr)), key), ((("User address " + userAddress) + " is not found in nsbtLock contract data, key=") + key)) |
132 | | - | } |
133 | | - | |
134 | | - | |
135 | | - | func nextPeriod () = getNumberByKey(keyNextPeriod()) |
136 | | - | |
137 | | - | |
138 | | - | func DepositEntry (period,pmt,finalize) = [IntegerEntry(keyLatestPeriod(), if (finalize) |
139 | | - | then (period - 1) |
140 | | - | else -1), IntegerEntry(keyHeightForPeriod(period), height), IntegerEntry(keyTotalAmountForPeriod(period, (pmt.assetId == unit)), pmt.amount), IntegerEntry(keyTotalAmount((pmt.assetId == unit)), (getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmount((pmt.assetId == unit))) + pmt.amount)), IntegerEntry(keyNextPeriod(), period)] |
141 | | - | |
142 | | - | |
143 | | - | func invokeProcess (nsbtLockContract,period,user,depth,weight) = { |
144 | | - | let result = invoke(this, "processNextBatch", [nsbtLockContract, period, user, depth, weight], nil) |
145 | | - | if ((result == result)) |
146 | | - | then match result { |
147 | | - | case r: (Int, Int, Int) => |
148 | | - | r |
149 | | - | case _ => |
150 | | - | throw("Incorrect invoke result") |
151 | | - | } |
152 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
153 | | - | } |
154 | | - | |
155 | | - | |
156 | | - | func processNextBatchInternal (nsbtLockContract,currentPeriod,currentUser,depth,totalWeight) = { |
157 | | - | let nsbtLockContractAddress = Address(nsbtLockContract) |
158 | | - | let latestPeriod = getNumberByKey(keyLatestPeriod()) |
159 | | - | let usersCount = valueOrElse(getInteger(nsbtLockContractAddress, keyUsersCount()), 0) |
160 | | - | let totalWeightKey = keyTotalWeightForPeriod(currentPeriod) |
161 | | - | let heightForPeriod = getNumberByKey(keyHeightForPeriod(currentPeriod)) |
162 | | - | if (if ((depth > 0)) |
163 | | - | then (latestPeriod >= currentPeriod) |
164 | | - | else false) |
165 | | - | then { |
166 | | - | let t0 = calcUserWeight(nsbtLockContractAddress, heightForPeriod, currentPeriod, currentUser) |
167 | | - | let weight0 = (totalWeight + t0._1) |
168 | | - | if ((usersCount > (currentUser + 1))) |
169 | | - | then { |
170 | | - | let t1 = calcUserWeight(nsbtLockContractAddress, heightForPeriod, currentPeriod, (currentUser + 1)) |
171 | | - | let weight1 = (weight0 + t1._1) |
172 | | - | if ((usersCount > (currentUser + 2))) |
173 | | - | then { |
174 | | - | let t2 = calcUserWeight(nsbtLockContractAddress, heightForPeriod, currentPeriod, (currentUser + 2)) |
175 | | - | let weight2 = (weight1 + t2._1) |
176 | | - | if ((usersCount > (currentUser + 3))) |
177 | | - | then { |
178 | | - | let t3 = calcUserWeight(nsbtLockContractAddress, heightForPeriod, currentPeriod, (currentUser + 3)) |
179 | | - | let weight3 = (weight2 + t3._1) |
180 | | - | if ((usersCount > (currentUser + 4))) |
181 | | - | then { |
182 | | - | let t4 = calcUserWeight(nsbtLockContractAddress, heightForPeriod, currentPeriod, (currentUser + 4)) |
183 | | - | let weight4 = (weight3 + t4._1) |
184 | | - | if ((usersCount > (currentUser + 5))) |
185 | | - | then { |
186 | | - | let t5 = calcUserWeight(nsbtLockContractAddress, heightForPeriod, currentPeriod, (currentUser + 5)) |
187 | | - | let weight5 = (weight4 + t5._1) |
188 | | - | if ((usersCount > (currentUser + 6))) |
189 | | - | then { |
190 | | - | let r5 = invokeProcess(nsbtLockContract, currentPeriod, (currentUser + 6), (depth - 1), weight5) |
191 | | - | $Tuple4((((((t0._2 ++ t1._2) ++ t2._2) ++ t3._2) ++ t4._2) ++ t5._2), r5._1, r5._2, r5._3) |
192 | | - | } |
193 | | - | else $Tuple4((((((([IntegerEntry(totalWeightKey, weight5)] ++ t0._2) ++ t1._2) ++ t2._2) ++ t3._2) ++ t4._2) ++ t5._2), (currentPeriod + 1), 0, 0) |
194 | | - | } |
195 | | - | else $Tuple4(((((([IntegerEntry(totalWeightKey, weight4)] ++ t0._2) ++ t1._2) ++ t2._2) ++ t3._2) ++ t4._2), (currentPeriod + 1), 0, 0) |
196 | | - | } |
197 | | - | else $Tuple4((((([IntegerEntry(totalWeightKey, weight3)] ++ t0._2) ++ t1._2) ++ t2._2) ++ t3._2), (currentPeriod + 1), 0, 0) |
198 | | - | } |
199 | | - | else $Tuple4(((([IntegerEntry(totalWeightKey, weight2)] ++ t0._2) ++ t1._2) ++ t2._2), (currentPeriod + 1), 0, 0) |
200 | | - | } |
201 | | - | else $Tuple4((([IntegerEntry(totalWeightKey, weight1)] ++ t0._2) ++ t1._2), (currentPeriod + 1), 0, 0) |
202 | | - | } |
203 | | - | else $Tuple4(([IntegerEntry(totalWeightKey, weight0)] ++ t0._2), (currentPeriod + 1), 0, 0) |
204 | | - | } |
205 | | - | else if ((currentUser == 0)) |
206 | | - | then $Tuple4(nil, currentPeriod, 0, 0) |
207 | | - | else $Tuple4([IntegerEntry(totalWeightKey, totalWeight)], currentPeriod, currentUser, 0) |
208 | | - | } |
209 | | - | |
210 | | - | |
211 | | - | func invokeClaim (nsbtLockContract,period,user,depth,totalUsdn,totalWaves) = { |
212 | | - | let result = invoke(this, "claimNextBatch", [nsbtLockContract, period, user, depth, totalUsdn, totalWaves], nil) |
213 | | - | if ((result == result)) |
214 | | - | then match result { |
215 | | - | case r: (Int, Int, Int) => |
216 | | - | r |
217 | | - | case _ => |
218 | | - | throw("Incorrect invoke result") |
219 | | - | } |
220 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
221 | | - | } |
222 | | - | |
223 | | - | |
224 | | - | func claimInternal (nsbtLockContract,currentPeriod,currentUser,depth,userUsdnAccumulated,userWavesAccumulated) = { |
225 | | - | let nsbtLockContractAddress = Address(nsbtLockContract) |
226 | | - | let latestPeriod = getNumberByKey(keyNextProcessedPeriod()) |
227 | | - | let totalWeight = getNumberByKey(keyTotalWeightForPeriod(currentPeriod)) |
228 | | - | let heightForPeriod = getNumberByKey(keyHeightForPeriod(currentPeriod)) |
229 | | - | let $t01096311075 = calcUserWeight(nsbtLockContractAddress, heightForPeriod, currentPeriod, currentUser) |
230 | | - | let userWeight = $t01096311075._1 |
231 | | - | let ignored = $t01096311075._2 |
232 | | - | let userUsdnAmountForPeriod = fraction(getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmountForPeriod(currentPeriod, false)), userWeight, totalWeight) |
233 | | - | let userWavesAmountForPeriod = fraction(getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmountForPeriod(currentPeriod, true)), userWeight, totalWeight) |
234 | | - | if (if ((0 >= depth)) |
235 | | - | then true |
236 | | - | else ((currentPeriod + 1) >= latestPeriod)) |
237 | | - | then $Tuple3((currentPeriod + 1), (userUsdnAccumulated + userUsdnAmountForPeriod), (userWavesAccumulated + userWavesAmountForPeriod)) |
238 | | - | else invokeClaim(nsbtLockContract, (currentPeriod + 1), currentUser, (depth - 1), (userUsdnAccumulated + userUsdnAmountForPeriod), (userWavesAccumulated + userWavesAmountForPeriod)) |
239 | | - | } |
240 | | - | |
| 6 | + | let firstNode = getString(this, keyFirstNode) |
271 | | - | |
272 | | - | |
273 | | - | |
274 | | - | @Callable(i) |
275 | | - | func deposit () = { |
276 | | - | let cfgArray = readConfigArrayOrFail() |
277 | | - | let neutrinoContract = Address(fromBase58String(cfgArray[IdxCfgNeutrinoContract])) |
278 | | - | if ((i.caller != neutrinoContract)) |
279 | | - | then throw("Wrong caller address") |
280 | | - | else { |
281 | | - | let pmt = value(i.payments[0]) |
282 | | - | let assetId = pmt.assetId |
283 | | - | let period = getNumberByKey(keyNextPeriod()) |
284 | | - | let hRaw = getInteger(this, keyHeightForPeriod(period)) |
285 | | - | let delay = parseIntValue(cfgArray[IdxCfgPeriodDelay]) |
286 | | - | if (!(isDefined(hRaw))) |
287 | | - | then DepositEntry(period, pmt, false) |
288 | | - | else if ((height >= (value(hRaw) + delay))) |
289 | | - | then DepositEntry((period + 1), pmt, true) |
290 | | - | else { |
291 | | - | let keyAmount = keyTotalAmountForPeriod(period, (assetId == unit)) |
292 | | - | [IntegerEntry(keyAmount, (getNumberByKey(keyAmount) + pmt.amount)), IntegerEntry(keyTotalAmount((assetId == unit)), (getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmount((assetId == unit))) + pmt.amount))] |
293 | | - | } |
294 | | - | } |
295 | | - | } |
296 | | - | |
297 | | - | |
298 | | - | |
299 | | - | @Callable(i) |
300 | | - | func claimNextBatch (nsbtLockContract,currentPeriod,currentUser,depth,usdnAccumulated,wavesAccumulated) = if ((i.caller != this)) |
301 | | - | then throw("Should be called by this script only") |
302 | | - | else { |
303 | | - | let periodAndTotals = claimInternal(nsbtLockContract, currentPeriod, currentUser, depth, usdnAccumulated, wavesAccumulated) |
304 | | - | $Tuple2(nil, periodAndTotals) |
305 | | - | } |
306 | | - | |
307 | | - | |
308 | | - | |
309 | | - | @Callable(i) |
310 | | - | func claimReward () = { |
311 | | - | let cfgArray = readConfigArrayOrFail() |
312 | | - | let address = toString(i.caller) |
313 | | - | let userIdx = getUserIndexByAddress(cfgArray[IdxCfgNsbtLockContract], address) |
314 | | - | let currentPeriod = getNumberByKey(keyNextUnlaimedPeriodOfUser(userIdx)) |
315 | | - | let latestPeriod = getNumberByKey(keyNextProcessedPeriod()) |
316 | | - | if ((currentPeriod >= latestPeriod)) |
317 | | - | then throw("Nothing to claim") |
318 | | - | else { |
319 | | - | let nsbtLockContract = fromBase58String(cfgArray[IdxCfgNsbtLockContract]) |
320 | | - | let $t01558715699 = claimInternal(nsbtLockContract, currentPeriod, userIdx, USERDEPTH, 0, 0) |
321 | | - | let period = $t01558715699._1 |
322 | | - | let usdnAmount = $t01558715699._2 |
323 | | - | let wavesAmount = $t01558715699._3 |
324 | | - | if (if ((0 >= usdnAmount)) |
325 | | - | then (0 >= wavesAmount) |
326 | | - | else false) |
327 | | - | then throw("No payouts available") |
328 | | - | else { |
329 | | - | let neutrinoContract = Address(fromBase58String(cfgArray[IdxCfgNeutrinoContract])) |
330 | | - | $Tuple2(([IntegerEntry(keyNextUnlaimedPeriodOfUser(userIdx), period), HistoryEntry("claimReward", address, usdnAmount, wavesAmount, period, latestPeriod, i)] ++ (if ((usdnAmount > 0)) |
331 | | - | then [ScriptTransfer(i.caller, usdnAmount, fromBase58String(getUsdnAssetId(neutrinoContract))), IntegerEntry(keyTotalAmount(false), (getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmount(false)) - usdnAmount))] |
332 | | - | else (nil ++ (if ((wavesAmount > 0)) |
333 | | - | then [ScriptTransfer(i.caller, wavesAmount, unit), IntegerEntry(keyTotalAmount(true), (getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmount(true)) - wavesAmount))] |
334 | | - | else nil)))), $Tuple2(usdnAmount, wavesAmount)) |
335 | | - | } |
336 | | - | } |
337 | | - | } |
338 | | - | |
339 | | - | |
340 | | - | |
341 | | - | @Callable(i) |
342 | | - | func calcGovernanceParamsREADONLY (nsbtLockedAmount,lockStartHeight,lockDurationBlocks) = { |
343 | | - | let cfgArray = readConfigArrayOrFail() |
344 | | - | let nsbtLockContract = fromBase58String(cfgArray[IdxCfgNsbtLockContract]) |
345 | | - | let maxDuration = getIntegerValue(Address(nsbtLockContract), keyMaxLockDuration()) |
346 | | - | let lockEndHeight = (lockStartHeight + lockDurationBlocks) |
347 | | - | let k = -(fraction(nsbtLockedAmount, SCALE, maxDuration)) |
348 | | - | let b = (-(k) * lockEndHeight) |
349 | | - | $Tuple2(nil, [k, b, nextPeriod()]) |
350 | | - | } |
351 | | - | |
352 | | - | |
353 | | - | |
354 | | - | @Callable(i) |
355 | | - | func getTotalRewardREADONLY () = $Tuple2(nil, [getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmount(false)), getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmount(true))]) |
356 | | - | |
357 | | - | |
358 | | - | |
359 | | - | @Callable(i) |
360 | | - | func paramsREADONLY () = { |
361 | | - | let cfgArray = readConfigArrayOrFail() |
362 | | - | let periodDelay = parseIntValue(cfgArray[IdxCfgPeriodDelay]) |
363 | | - | $Tuple2(nil, [periodDelay]) |
364 | | - | } |
365 | | - | |
366 | | - | |
367 | | - | |
368 | | - | @Callable(i) |
369 | | - | func rewardsPerGNsbtForPeriodREADONLY (period) = { |
370 | | - | let latestPeriod = getNumberByKey(keyLatestPeriod()) |
371 | | - | if (if ((0 > period)) |
372 | | - | then true |
373 | | - | else (period > latestPeriod)) |
374 | | - | then throw("Invalid period") |
375 | | - | else { |
376 | | - | let totalWeight = getNumberByKey(keyTotalWeightForPeriod(period)) |
377 | | - | let $t01767317914 = if ((totalWeight > 0)) |
378 | | - | then $Tuple2((getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmountForPeriod(period, true)) / totalWeight), (getNumberByKey(keyTotalAmountForPeriod(period, false)) / totalWeight)) |
379 | | - | else $Tuple2(0, 0) |
380 | | - | let wavesPerGNsbt = $t01767317914._1 |
381 | | - | let usdnPerGNsbt = $t01767317914._2 |
382 | | - | $Tuple2(nil, [wavesPerGNsbt, usdnPerGNsbt]) |
383 | | - | } |
384 | | - | } |
385 | | - | |
386 | | - | |
387 | | - | |
388 | | - | @Callable(i) |
389 | | - | func constructor (neutrinoContractAddressStr,nsbtLockContractAddressStr,maxDepth,periodDelay) = if ((this != i.caller)) |
390 | | - | then throw("not authorized") |
391 | | - | else [StringEntry(keyConfig(), formatConfig(neutrinoContractAddressStr, nsbtLockContractAddressStr, maxDepth, periodDelay))] |