tx · GHUr75suPFacRdHFdTxxUrGdvcRBUCgi7Z7QfdfSAdCL 3NA2sejUzEcL7Gg8WfhrcqxP22fHk2SS9pK: -0.00600000 Waves 2022.08.27 23:17 [2203352] smart account 3NA2sejUzEcL7Gg8WfhrcqxP22fHk2SS9pK > SELF 0.00000000 Waves
{ "type": 13, "id": "GHUr75suPFacRdHFdTxxUrGdvcRBUCgi7Z7QfdfSAdCL", "fee": 600000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1661631461421, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3NA2sejUzEcL7Gg8WfhrcqxP22fHk2SS9pK", "senderPublicKey": "HMzDczZUThMMhE2Grm1ZmpN3QNZ9N7CUCYnsqh4utSDJ", "proofs": [ "2VLHepm3qFYNbwD4KPPPe3rY3B4k6EsCs6TDHA5ZVY2sHP83Pj3WbbRhXRP6xhU1uNEV9gNDjipSDbVKpm8iFxxp" ], "script": "base64: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"height": 2203352, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: B61NsM2LhKBSU36wXvVVABFLrQRefJLUhC3ETXyGT2Bi Next: 5Ycjr7zDvSnC97yakyTgq9HZtnVpZWAF6tpM996uvy28 Diff:
Old | New | Differences | |
28 | 28 | let new_user_credit = (user_credit + deposit_amount) | |
29 | 29 | let all_credit = tryGetInteger("usdn_all_credit") | |
30 | 30 | let new_all_credit = (all_credit + deposit_amount) | |
31 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
31 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
32 | 32 | case a: Int => | |
33 | 33 | a | |
34 | 34 | case _ => | |
35 | - | throw("Error | |
35 | + | throw("Error! with blochchain height") | |
36 | 36 | } | |
37 | 37 | let res = invoke(Address(vires_dapp), "usdN_stake", nil, [AttachedPayment(usdn, deposit_amount)]) | |
38 | 38 | if ((res == res)) | |
39 | - | then { | |
40 | - | let vires_res = match res { | |
41 | - | case r: List[Any] => | |
42 | - | r | |
43 | - | case _ => | |
44 | - | throw() | |
45 | - | } | |
46 | - | if ((vires_res == vires_res)) | |
47 | - | then [IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
48 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
49 | - | } | |
39 | + | then [IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
50 | 40 | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
51 | 41 | } | |
52 | 42 | ||
61 | 51 | let new_user_credit = (user_credit + deposit_amount) | |
62 | 52 | let all_credit = tryGetInteger("usdc_all_credit") | |
63 | 53 | let new_all_credit = (all_credit + deposit_amount) | |
64 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
54 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
65 | 55 | case a: Int => | |
66 | 56 | a | |
67 | 57 | case _ => | |
69 | 59 | } | |
70 | 60 | let res = invoke(Address(vires_dapp), "usdC_stake", nil, [AttachedPayment(usdc, deposit_amount)]) | |
71 | 61 | if ((res == res)) | |
72 | - | then { | |
73 | - | let vires_res = match res { | |
74 | - | case r: List[Any] => | |
75 | - | r | |
76 | - | case _ => | |
77 | - | throw("Incorrect invoke result") | |
78 | - | } | |
79 | - | if ((vires_res == vires_res)) | |
80 | - | then [IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
81 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
82 | - | } | |
62 | + | then [IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
83 | 63 | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
84 | 64 | } | |
85 | 65 | ||
94 | 74 | let new_user_credit = (user_credit - amount) | |
95 | 75 | let all_credit = tryGetInteger("usdn_all_credit") | |
96 | 76 | let new_all_credit = (all_credit - amount) | |
97 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
77 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
98 | 78 | case a: Int => | |
99 | 79 | a | |
100 | 80 | case _ => | |
102 | 82 | } | |
103 | 83 | let res = invoke(Address(vires_dapp), "usdN_cancelStake", [amount], nil) | |
104 | 84 | if ((res == res)) | |
105 | - | then { | |
106 | - | let vires_res = match res { | |
107 | - | case r: List[Any] => | |
108 | - | r | |
109 | - | case _ => | |
110 | - | throw("Incorrect invoke result") | |
111 | - | } | |
112 | - | if ((vires_res == vires_res)) | |
113 | - | then [IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
114 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
115 | - | } | |
85 | + | then [IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
116 | 86 | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
117 | 87 | } | |
118 | 88 | } | |
128 | 98 | let new_user_credit = (user_credit - amount) | |
129 | 99 | let all_credit = tryGetInteger("usdc_all_credit") | |
130 | 100 | let new_all_credit = (all_credit - amount) | |
131 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
101 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
132 | 102 | case a: Int => | |
133 | 103 | a | |
134 | 104 | case _ => | |
136 | 106 | } | |
137 | 107 | let res = invoke(Address(vires_dapp), "usdC_cancelStake", [amount], nil) | |
138 | 108 | if ((res == res)) | |
139 | - | then { | |
140 | - | let vires_res = match res { | |
141 | - | case r: List[Any] => | |
142 | - | r | |
143 | - | case _ => | |
144 | - | throw("Incorrect invoke result") | |
145 | - | } | |
146 | - | if ((vires_res == vires_res)) | |
147 | - | then [IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
148 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
149 | - | } | |
109 | + | then [IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
150 | 110 | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
151 | 111 | } | |
152 | 112 | } | |
159 | 119 | else { | |
160 | 120 | let usdn_profit_last_block = tryGetInteger("usdn_profit_last_block") | |
161 | 121 | let usdn_profit_last_amount = tryGetInteger("usdn_profit_last_amount") | |
162 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
122 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
163 | 123 | case a: Int => | |
164 | 124 | a | |
165 | 125 | case _ => | |
195 | 155 | else { | |
196 | 156 | let usdc_profit_last_block = tryGetInteger("usdc_profit_last_block") | |
197 | 157 | let usdc_profit_last_amount = tryGetInteger("usdc_profit_last_amount") | |
198 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
158 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
199 | 159 | case a: Int => | |
200 | 160 | a | |
201 | 161 | case _ => |
Old | New | Differences | |
1 | 1 | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-} | |
2 | 2 | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} | |
3 | 3 | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} | |
4 | 4 | let usdn = base58'FVXgJ86erBw5GAMeAw1CnYXwQn48BFAEAhRyHPUjbMQB' | |
5 | 5 | ||
6 | 6 | let usdc = base58'HRut8ESAGXxwvsKJky1V96qRtqyXQd4Apq4GY7TE5yGP' | |
7 | 7 | ||
8 | 8 | let admin_wallet = "3N3DCngjidivkJbTJwFTEvbYRTffCWVBLCL" | |
9 | 9 | ||
10 | 10 | let alfark_testnet = 5 | |
11 | 11 | ||
12 | 12 | let vires_dapp = base58'3MzwNdM8LQZEPXq3d4uXvxeZGpBwVQXs9RD' | |
13 | 13 | ||
14 | 14 | func tryGetInteger (key) = match getInteger(this, key) { | |
15 | 15 | case b: Int => | |
16 | 16 | b | |
17 | 17 | case _ => | |
18 | 18 | 0 | |
19 | 19 | } | |
20 | 20 | ||
21 | 21 | ||
22 | 22 | @Callable(i) | |
23 | 23 | func buy_usdn_ticket () = if ((i.payments[0].assetId != usdn)) | |
24 | 24 | then throw("Please deposit USD-N token only") | |
25 | 25 | else { | |
26 | 26 | let user_credit = tryGetInteger((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit")) | |
27 | 27 | let deposit_amount = i.payments[0].amount | |
28 | 28 | let new_user_credit = (user_credit + deposit_amount) | |
29 | 29 | let all_credit = tryGetInteger("usdn_all_credit") | |
30 | 30 | let new_all_credit = (all_credit + deposit_amount) | |
31 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
31 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
32 | 32 | case a: Int => | |
33 | 33 | a | |
34 | 34 | case _ => | |
35 | - | throw("Error | |
35 | + | throw("Error! with blochchain height") | |
36 | 36 | } | |
37 | 37 | let res = invoke(Address(vires_dapp), "usdN_stake", nil, [AttachedPayment(usdn, deposit_amount)]) | |
38 | 38 | if ((res == res)) | |
39 | - | then { | |
40 | - | let vires_res = match res { | |
41 | - | case r: List[Any] => | |
42 | - | r | |
43 | - | case _ => | |
44 | - | throw() | |
45 | - | } | |
46 | - | if ((vires_res == vires_res)) | |
47 | - | then [IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
48 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
49 | - | } | |
39 | + | then [IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
50 | 40 | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
51 | 41 | } | |
52 | 42 | ||
53 | 43 | ||
54 | 44 | ||
55 | 45 | @Callable(i) | |
56 | 46 | func buy_usdc_ticket () = if ((i.payments[0].assetId != usdc)) | |
57 | 47 | then throw("Please deposit USD-N token only") | |
58 | 48 | else { | |
59 | 49 | let user_credit = tryGetInteger((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit")) | |
60 | 50 | let deposit_amount = i.payments[0].amount | |
61 | 51 | let new_user_credit = (user_credit + deposit_amount) | |
62 | 52 | let all_credit = tryGetInteger("usdc_all_credit") | |
63 | 53 | let new_all_credit = (all_credit + deposit_amount) | |
64 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
54 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
65 | 55 | case a: Int => | |
66 | 56 | a | |
67 | 57 | case _ => | |
68 | 58 | throw("Error block number") | |
69 | 59 | } | |
70 | 60 | let res = invoke(Address(vires_dapp), "usdC_stake", nil, [AttachedPayment(usdc, deposit_amount)]) | |
71 | 61 | if ((res == res)) | |
72 | - | then { | |
73 | - | let vires_res = match res { | |
74 | - | case r: List[Any] => | |
75 | - | r | |
76 | - | case _ => | |
77 | - | throw("Incorrect invoke result") | |
78 | - | } | |
79 | - | if ((vires_res == vires_res)) | |
80 | - | then [IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
81 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
82 | - | } | |
62 | + | then [IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
83 | 63 | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
84 | 64 | } | |
85 | 65 | ||
86 | 66 | ||
87 | 67 | ||
88 | 68 | @Callable(i) | |
89 | 69 | func sell_usdn_ticket (amount) = { | |
90 | 70 | let user_credit = tryGetInteger((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit")) | |
91 | 71 | if ((amount > user_credit)) | |
92 | 72 | then throw(("sorry you can't withdraw this amount, because u=you have only " + toString(user_credit))) | |
93 | 73 | else { | |
94 | 74 | let new_user_credit = (user_credit - amount) | |
95 | 75 | let all_credit = tryGetInteger("usdn_all_credit") | |
96 | 76 | let new_all_credit = (all_credit - amount) | |
97 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
77 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
98 | 78 | case a: Int => | |
99 | 79 | a | |
100 | 80 | case _ => | |
101 | 81 | throw("Error block number") | |
102 | 82 | } | |
103 | 83 | let res = invoke(Address(vires_dapp), "usdN_cancelStake", [amount], nil) | |
104 | 84 | if ((res == res)) | |
105 | - | then { | |
106 | - | let vires_res = match res { | |
107 | - | case r: List[Any] => | |
108 | - | r | |
109 | - | case _ => | |
110 | - | throw("Incorrect invoke result") | |
111 | - | } | |
112 | - | if ((vires_res == vires_res)) | |
113 | - | then [IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
114 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
115 | - | } | |
85 | + | then [IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdn_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdn_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
116 | 86 | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
117 | 87 | } | |
118 | 88 | } | |
119 | 89 | ||
120 | 90 | ||
121 | 91 | ||
122 | 92 | @Callable(i) | |
123 | 93 | func sell_usdc_ticket (amount) = { | |
124 | 94 | let user_credit = tryGetInteger((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit")) | |
125 | 95 | if ((amount > user_credit)) | |
126 | 96 | then throw(("sorry you can't withdraw this amount, because u=you have only " + toString(user_credit))) | |
127 | 97 | else { | |
128 | 98 | let new_user_credit = (user_credit - amount) | |
129 | 99 | let all_credit = tryGetInteger("usdc_all_credit") | |
130 | 100 | let new_all_credit = (all_credit - amount) | |
131 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
101 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
132 | 102 | case a: Int => | |
133 | 103 | a | |
134 | 104 | case _ => | |
135 | 105 | throw("Error block number") | |
136 | 106 | } | |
137 | 107 | let res = invoke(Address(vires_dapp), "usdC_cancelStake", [amount], nil) | |
138 | 108 | if ((res == res)) | |
139 | - | then { | |
140 | - | let vires_res = match res { | |
141 | - | case r: List[Any] => | |
142 | - | r | |
143 | - | case _ => | |
144 | - | throw("Incorrect invoke result") | |
145 | - | } | |
146 | - | if ((vires_res == vires_res)) | |
147 | - | then [IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
148 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
149 | - | } | |
109 | + | then [IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_credit"), new_user_credit), IntegerEntry((("usdc_" + toString(i.originCaller)) + "_block"), transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_credit", new_all_credit), IntegerEntry("usdc_all_block", transaction_block)] | |
150 | 110 | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
151 | 111 | } | |
152 | 112 | } | |
153 | 113 | ||
154 | 114 | ||
155 | 115 | ||
156 | 116 | @Callable(i) | |
157 | 117 | func usdn_calc_profit_amount () = if ((toString(i.originCaller) != admin_wallet)) | |
158 | 118 | then throw("Sorry! you are not allowed to use this funaction") | |
159 | 119 | else { | |
160 | 120 | let usdn_profit_last_block = tryGetInteger("usdn_profit_last_block") | |
161 | 121 | let usdn_profit_last_amount = tryGetInteger("usdn_profit_last_amount") | |
162 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
122 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
163 | 123 | case a: Int => | |
164 | 124 | a | |
165 | 125 | case _ => | |
166 | 126 | throw("Error block number") | |
167 | 127 | } | |
168 | 128 | let alfark = (transaction_block - usdn_profit_last_block) | |
169 | 129 | if ((alfark_testnet > alfark)) | |
170 | 130 | then throw((("Please try again after " + toString((alfark_testnet - alfark))) + " block")) | |
171 | 131 | else { | |
172 | 132 | let usdn_balance = assetBalance(this, usdn) | |
173 | 133 | [IntegerEntry("usdn_profit_last_block", transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdn_profit_last_amount", usdn_balance)] | |
174 | 134 | } | |
175 | 135 | } | |
176 | 136 | ||
177 | 137 | ||
178 | 138 | ||
179 | 139 | @Callable(i) | |
180 | 140 | func usdn_send_profit_amount () = { | |
181 | 141 | let usdn_profit_last_amount = tryGetInteger("usdn_profit_last_amount") | |
182 | 142 | if ((0 >= usdn_profit_last_amount)) | |
183 | 143 | then throw(("you dont have profit amount " + toString(usdn_profit_last_amount))) | |
184 | 144 | else { | |
185 | 145 | let transfer = ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(admin_wallet), usdn_profit_last_amount, usdn) | |
186 | 146 | [transfer] | |
187 | 147 | } | |
188 | 148 | } | |
189 | 149 | ||
190 | 150 | ||
191 | 151 | ||
192 | 152 | @Callable(i) | |
193 | 153 | func usdc_calc_profit_amount () = if ((toString(i.originCaller) != admin_wallet)) | |
194 | 154 | then throw("Sorry! you are not allowed to use this funaction") | |
195 | 155 | else { | |
196 | 156 | let usdc_profit_last_block = tryGetInteger("usdc_profit_last_block") | |
197 | 157 | let usdc_profit_last_amount = tryGetInteger("usdc_profit_last_amount") | |
198 | - | let transaction_block = match | |
158 | + | let transaction_block = match lastBlock.height { | |
199 | 159 | case a: Int => | |
200 | 160 | a | |
201 | 161 | case _ => | |
202 | 162 | throw("Error block number") | |
203 | 163 | } | |
204 | 164 | let alfark = (transaction_block - usdc_profit_last_block) | |
205 | 165 | if ((alfark_testnet > alfark)) | |
206 | 166 | then throw((("Please try again after " + toString((alfark_testnet - alfark))) + " block")) | |
207 | 167 | else { | |
208 | 168 | let usdc_balance = assetBalance(this, usdc) | |
209 | 169 | [IntegerEntry("usdc_profit_last_block", transaction_block), IntegerEntry("usdc_profit_last_amount", usdc_balance)] | |
210 | 170 | } | |
211 | 171 | } | |
212 | 172 | ||
213 | 173 | ||
214 | 174 | ||
215 | 175 | @Callable(i) | |
216 | 176 | func usdc_send_profit_amount () = { | |
217 | 177 | let usdc_profit_last_amount = tryGetInteger("usdc_profit_last_amount") | |
218 | 178 | if ((0 >= usdc_profit_last_amount)) | |
219 | 179 | then throw(("you dont have profit amount " + toString(usdc_profit_last_amount))) | |
220 | 180 | else { | |
221 | 181 | let transfer = ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(admin_wallet), usdc_profit_last_amount, usdc) | |
222 | 182 | [transfer] | |
223 | 183 | } | |
224 | 184 | } | |
225 | 185 | ||
226 | 186 | ||
227 | 187 | @Verifier(tx) | |
228 | 188 | func verify () = sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey) | |
229 | 189 |
github/deemru/w8io/169f3d6 37.19 ms ◑