tx · G7vKZFe4adfLzre81DRWcAGJe23o82BDGN6fsBTFrjd4

3NC919nbxwuSaHY8X6x8NmqD1zZdWSd7gaf:  -0.01000000 Waves

2022.11.07 02:35 [2305938] smart account 3NC919nbxwuSaHY8X6x8NmqD1zZdWSd7gaf > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

{ "type": 13, "id": "G7vKZFe4adfLzre81DRWcAGJe23o82BDGN6fsBTFrjd4", "fee": 1000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1667777811693, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3NC919nbxwuSaHY8X6x8NmqD1zZdWSd7gaf", "senderPublicKey": "Fvzdy4Qppd2VzNFAj8ySdyEvhoiRFQfm9WyUtWbe96zY", "proofs": [ "EhKC3D9aUsc4EnTTWeuMkdm7Srim2L4o5E94zi5Qo6zoLmALLxrJydF8g5ctAe8M3dACywHaUkN5f7rthnAY2NM" ], "script": "base64:BgEEByRtYXRjaDAFAnR4AwkAAQIFByRtYXRjaDACF0ludm9rZVNjcmlwdFRyYW5zYWN0aW9uBAF0BQckbWF0Y2gwAwkAZgIJAJADAQgFAnR4BnByb29mcwAACQD0AwMIBQJ0eAlib2R5Qnl0ZXMJAJEDAggFAnR4BnByb29mcwAACAUCdHgPc2VuZGVyUHVibGljS2V5AwkAZgIJAJADAQgFAXQIcGF5bWVudHMAAAkAAgECG3RoZXJlIHNob3VsZCBiZSBubyBwYXltZW50cwMDCQBmAggFAXQDZmVlAKDCHgYJAQlpc0RlZmluZWQBCAUBdApmZWVBc3NldElkCQACAQIZZmVlIHNob3VsZCBiZSAwLjAwNSBXQVZFUwYJAPQDAwgFAnR4CWJvZHlCeXRlcwkAkQMCCAUCdHgGcHJvb2ZzAAAIBQJ0eA9zZW5kZXJQdWJsaWNLZXkfs1me", "height": 2305938, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: 5v4fAsQ3uShtTuoybStXdoWmT99g6KFbuzYBD4ZcTEBj Next: Be4jxaHRH15n27B3wqgLXMxuXoYzLheT1wbauRgLfjw3 Diff:
44 case t: InvokeScriptTransaction =>
55 if ((size(tx.proofs) > 0))
66 then sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)
7- else if (if ((addressFromRecipient(t.dApp) == addressFromStringValue("3Mtz2T6oLFkK4F7QvSrhtpV7Z5gMbreoNmi")))
8- then (t.function == "dummy")
9- else false)
10- then if ((size(t.payments) > 0))
11- then throw("there should be no payments")
12- else if (if ((t.fee > 500000))
13- then true
14- else isDefined(t.feeAssetId))
15- then throw("fee should be 0.005 WAVES")
16- else true
17- else throw("only calling specified function on specified dapp allowed")
7+ else if ((size(t.payments) > 0))
8+ then throw("there should be no payments")
9+ else if (if ((t.fee > 500000))
10+ then true
11+ else isDefined(t.feeAssetId))
12+ then throw("fee should be 0.005 WAVES")
13+ else true
1814 case _ =>
1915 sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)
2016 }
11 {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-}
33 match tx {
44 case t: InvokeScriptTransaction =>
55 if ((size(tx.proofs) > 0))
66 then sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)
7- else if (if ((addressFromRecipient(t.dApp) == addressFromStringValue("3Mtz2T6oLFkK4F7QvSrhtpV7Z5gMbreoNmi")))
8- then (t.function == "dummy")
9- else false)
10- then if ((size(t.payments) > 0))
11- then throw("there should be no payments")
12- else if (if ((t.fee > 500000))
13- then true
14- else isDefined(t.feeAssetId))
15- then throw("fee should be 0.005 WAVES")
16- else true
17- else throw("only calling specified function on specified dapp allowed")
7+ else if ((size(t.payments) > 0))
8+ then throw("there should be no payments")
9+ else if (if ((t.fee > 500000))
10+ then true
11+ else isDefined(t.feeAssetId))
12+ then throw("fee should be 0.005 WAVES")
13+ else true
1814 case _ =>
1915 sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)
2016 }

23.38 ms