tx · G3NyRCQv8y42scimk1z3ooyo29apjegtTxRYPHDPBbj8

3MpekrT2JNA5Db7TTo6ZDPazSuKmbq8LRFt:  +85000000000.00000000 NicoinGold
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2023.10.04 06:06 [2783322] issue 3MpekrT2JNA5Db7TTo6ZDPazSuKmbq8LRFt > SELF +85000000000.00000000 NicoinGold

{ "type": 3, "id": "G3NyRCQv8y42scimk1z3ooyo29apjegtTxRYPHDPBbj8", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1696388723964, "version": 2, "sender": "3MpekrT2JNA5Db7TTo6ZDPazSuKmbq8LRFt", "senderPublicKey": "2gFSmhqxBLPuAWJDGVqCi2K3CqXKexXYi6nLjvzc4hzW", "proofs": [ "3ki7MojRft5nZjrxJQBfzSjKy7QzoC5sTAZARCHUf85RgpavpXQZKXjsbQpgzwFnpWLnzeFjNfpo8WHDokPufwAz" ], "assetId": "G3NyRCQv8y42scimk1z3ooyo29apjegtTxRYPHDPBbj8", "name": "NicoinGold", "quantity": 8500000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "NicoinGold (NIGO) is a stable cryptocurrency with a value intended to reflect the value of the US currency. dollar. The idea was to create stable digital cash. NicoinGold converts cash into digital currency, "nicoingold" a digital representation of cash that can be used to interact with national currencies such as the US dollar, euro, Mexican peso and yen.", "script": null, "chainId": 84, "height": 2783322, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

10.29 ms