tx · FWs1u7oRVsTKmJvQqwCxJJbrykJWLne5a2yts7dZdzCF

3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT:  -0.00900000 Waves

2023.08.03 13:23 [2694270] data 3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa82:6: "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa82:5: "They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa82:4: "Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa82:3: "Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa82:2: "How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa82:1: "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa81:16: "He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat: and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa81:15: "The haters of the LORD should have submitted themselves unto him: but their time should have endured for ever."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa81:14: "I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa81:13: "Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!"

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7.99 ms