61 | | - | func generateNumber (inv,max,min) = { |
62 | | - | let lastPlay = match getBinary(this, "lastPlay") { |
63 | | - | case s: ByteVector => |
64 | | - | s |
65 | | - | case a: Unit => |
66 | | - | base58'2ee4oFDYriWJ9EMeR' |
67 | | - | case _ => |
68 | | - | throw() |
69 | | - | } |
70 | | - | let rand = (((((lastPlay + inv.transactionId) + inv.callerPublicKey) + lastBlock.generationSignature) + toBytes(lastBlock.timestamp)) + toBytes(lastBlock.height)) |
71 | | - | (((toInt(sha256(rand)) % 1000) % ((max - min) + 1)) + 1) |
72 | | - | } |
73 | | - | |
74 | | - | |
75 | | - | func GenerateRandInt (gameId,rsaSign) = { |
76 | | - | let rsaSigValid = rsaVerify(SHA256, toBytes(gameId), rsaSign, RSAPUBLIC) |
77 | | - | if (rsaSigValid) |
78 | | - | then { |
79 | | - | let rand = (toInt(sha256(rsaSign)) % 100) |
80 | | - | if ((0 > rand)) |
81 | | - | then ((-1 * rand) + 1) |
82 | | - | else (rand + 1) |
83 | | - | } |
84 | | - | else throw("Invalid RSA signature") |
85 | | - | } |
86 | | - | |
87 | | - | |
88 | | - | func paymentType (payment) = if ((payment.assetId == WBET)) |
89 | | - | then "WBET" |
90 | | - | else "WAVES" |
91 | | - | |
92 | | - | |
93 | | - | func tokenType (token) = if ((token == "WBET")) |
94 | | - | then WBET |
95 | | - | else unit |
96 | | - | |
97 | | - | |
98 | | - | func FormatGameDataParam (p) = { |
99 | | - | let s = size(p) |
100 | | - | if ((s == 0)) |
101 | | - | then throw("Parameter size must be greater then 0") |
102 | | - | else if ((s > 99)) |
103 | | - | then throw("Parameter size must be less then 100") |
104 | | - | else if ((10 > s)) |
105 | | - | then (("0" + toString(s)) + p) |
106 | | - | else (toString(s) + p) |
107 | | - | } |
108 | | - | |
109 | | - | |
110 | | - | func FormatGameDataStr (gameState,playerACoin,playerAPubKey58,payType,payAmount,winAmt,playerBCoin,playerBPubKey58,luckyCoin) = { |
111 | | - | let fullStateStr = ((((((((((FormatGameDataParam(gameState) + "_") + FormatGameDataParam(playerACoin)) + "_") + FormatGameDataParam(playerAPubKey58)) + "_") + FormatGameDataParam(payType)) + "_") + FormatGameDataParam(toString(payAmount))) + "_") + FormatGameDataParam(toString(winAmt))) |
112 | | - | if (if (if ((playerBCoin == "")) |
113 | | - | then true |
114 | | - | else (playerBPubKey58 == "")) |
115 | | - | then true |
116 | | - | else (luckyCoin == "")) |
117 | | - | then fullStateStr |
118 | | - | else ((((((fullStateStr + "_") + FormatGameDataParam(playerBCoin)) + "_") + FormatGameDataParam(playerBPubKey58)) + "_") + FormatGameDataParam(luckyCoin)) |
119 | | - | } |
120 | | - | |
121 | | - | |
122 | | - | func RemoveUnderscoreIfPresent (remaining) = if ((size(remaining) > 0)) |
123 | | - | then drop(remaining, 1) |
124 | | - | else remaining |
125 | | - | |
126 | | - | |
127 | | - | func ParseNextAttribute (remaining) = { |
128 | | - | let s = size(remaining) |
129 | | - | if ((s > 0)) |
130 | | - | then { |
131 | | - | let nn = parseIntValue(take(remaining, 2)) |
132 | | - | let v = take(drop(remaining, 2), nn) |
133 | | - | let tmpRemaining = drop(remaining, (nn + 2)) |
134 | | - | let remainingState = RemoveUnderscoreIfPresent(tmpRemaining) |
135 | | - | [v, remainingState] |
136 | | - | } |
137 | | - | else throw("Empty string was passed into parseNextAttribute func") |
138 | | - | } |
139 | | - | |
140 | | - | |
141 | | - | func ParseGameRawDataStr (rawStateStr) = { |
142 | | - | let gameState = ParseNextAttribute(rawStateStr) |
143 | | - | let paCoin = ParseNextAttribute(gameState[1]) |
144 | | - | let paPubKey58 = ParseNextAttribute(paCoin[1]) |
145 | | - | let payType = ParseNextAttribute(paPubKey58[1]) |
146 | | - | let payAmt = ParseNextAttribute(payType[1]) |
147 | | - | let winAmt = ParseNextAttribute(payAmt[1]) |
148 | | - | [gameState[0], paCoin[0], paPubKey58[0], payType[0], payAmt[0], winAmt[0]] |
149 | | - | } |
150 | | - | |
151 | | - | |
152 | | - | func ExtractGameDataList (gameId) = { |
153 | | - | let rawDataStr = match getString(this, gameId) { |
154 | | - | case str: String => |
155 | | - | str |
156 | | - | case _ => |
157 | | - | throw(("Couldn't find game by " + gameId)) |
158 | | - | } |
159 | | - | ParseGameRawDataStr(rawDataStr) |
160 | | - | } |
161 | | - | |
162 | | - | |
163 | | - | func ValidateBetAndDefineWinAmt (amount,playerCoin,paymentType) = if (if ((playerCoin != COINRED)) |
164 | | - | then (playerCoin != COINBLUE) |
165 | | - | else false) |
166 | | - | then throw("Invalid play, change your bet to RED or BLUE coin. Game aborted.") |
167 | | - | else if (if ((paymentType == "WBET")) |
168 | | - | then (BETMINWBET > amount) |
169 | | - | else false) |
170 | | - | then throw(("The minimum bet on Wbet is " + toString((BETMINWBET / WAVELET)))) |
171 | | - | else if (if ((paymentType == "WAVES")) |
172 | | - | then (BETMINWAVES > amount) |
173 | | - | else false) |
174 | | - | then throw(("The minimum bet on Waves is " + toString((BETMINWAVES / WAVELET)))) |
175 | | - | else (((amount * 2) * (100 - (FEEWAVESBET + FEEMCAFEE))) / 100) |
| 16 | + | func ExtractPlayerAmt (wallet) = match getInteger(this, wallet) { |
| 17 | + | case a: Int => |
| 18 | + | a |
| 19 | + | case _ => |
| 20 | + | 0 |
| 21 | + | } |
183 | | - | let feeAssetId = isDefined(i.feeAssetId) |
184 | | - | if (if ((payment.assetId != assetInfo(base58'WAVES'))) |
185 | | - | then (payment.assetId != WBET) |
186 | | - | else false) |
187 | | - | then throw("Payment should be in Wbet or Waves. Game aborted.") |
188 | | - | else if (feeAssetId) |
189 | | - | then throw("Transaction's fee must be in Waves. Game aborted.") |
190 | | - | else if (gameIdUsed) |
191 | | - | then throw("Passed gameId had been used before. Game aborted.") |
192 | | - | else if ((i.caller == this)) |
193 | | - | then throw("Coinflip contract cannot create a game. Game aborted.") |
194 | | - | else { |
195 | | - | let newGameNum = IncrementGameNum() |
196 | | - | let playerAPubKey58 = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
197 | | - | let payType = paymentType(payment) |
198 | | - | let winAmt = ValidateBetAndDefineWinAmt(payment.amount, paCoin, payType) |
199 | | - | let gameDataStr = FormatGameDataStr(STATESUBMITTED, paCoin, playerAPubKey58, payType, payment.amount, winAmt, "", "", "") |
200 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(GAMESCOUNTERKEY, newGameNum), DataEntry(gameId, gameDataStr)]), TransferSet(nil)) |
201 | | - | } |
| 27 | + | if ((payment.assetId != WBET)) |
| 28 | + | then throw("Payment should be in Wbet.") |
| 29 | + | else { |
| 30 | + | let wallet = toString(i.caller) |
| 31 | + | let newPlayerAmount = (ExtractPlayerAmt(wallet) + payment.amount) |
| 32 | + | let newReservedAmount = (ExtractReservedAmt() + payment.amount) |
| 33 | + | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(RESERVATIONKEY, newReservedAmount), DataEntry(wallet, newPlayerAmount)]), TransferSet(nil)) |
| 34 | + | } |
207 | | - | func acceptCoinChallenge (gameId,rsaSig) = { |
208 | | - | let gameDataList = ExtractGameDataList(gameId) |
209 | | - | let gameState = gameDataList[IdxGameState] |
210 | | - | let paCoin = gameDataList[IdxPlayerACoin] |
211 | | - | let paPubKey58 = gameDataList[IdxPlayerAPubKey58] |
212 | | - | let payType = gameDataList[IdxPayType] |
213 | | - | let payAmt = parseIntValue(gameDataList[IdxPayAmt]) |
214 | | - | let winAmt = parseIntValue(gameDataList[IdxWinAmt]) |
215 | | - | let payment = extract(i.payment) |
216 | | - | let feeAssetId = isDefined(i.feeAssetId) |
217 | | - | let pbPubKey58 = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
218 | | - | let payTypeB = paymentType(payment) |
219 | | - | if (if ((payment.assetId != assetInfo(base58'WAVES'))) |
220 | | - | then (payment.assetId != WBET) |
221 | | - | else false) |
222 | | - | then throw("Payment should be in Wbet or Waves. Game aborted.") |
223 | | - | else if (feeAssetId) |
224 | | - | then throw("Transaction's fee must be in Waves. Game aborted.") |
225 | | - | else if ((paPubKey58 == pbPubKey58)) |
226 | | - | then throw("You can't accept a challenge created by yourself. Game aborted.") |
227 | | - | else if ((payType != payTypeB)) |
228 | | - | then throw("Payment must be made in the same currency token as the bet, WBET/WBET or WAVES/WAVES. Game aborted.") |
229 | | - | else if ((payAmt != payment.amount)) |
230 | | - | then throw("Payout must be equal to the challenger bet amount. Game aborted.") |
231 | | - | else if ((gameState != STATESUBMITTED)) |
232 | | - | then throw("Invalid game state for passed gameId. Game aborted.") |
233 | | - | else if ((i.caller == this)) |
234 | | - | then throw("Coinflip contract cannot accept a game. Game aborted.") |
235 | | - | else { |
236 | | - | let rand = generateNumber(i, 100, 0) |
237 | | - | let luckyCoin = if ((rand > 50)) |
238 | | - | then COINRED |
239 | | - | else COINBLUE |
240 | | - | let pbCoin = if ((paCoin == COINRED)) |
241 | | - | then COINBLUE |
242 | | - | else COINRED |
243 | | - | let tokenAssetId = tokenType(payType) |
244 | | - | let newGameDataStr = FormatGameDataStr(STATEACCEPTED, paCoin, paPubKey58, payType, payAmt, winAmt, pbCoin, pbPubKey58, luckyCoin) |
245 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(gameId, newGameDataStr)]), TransferSet(nil)) |
246 | | - | } |
247 | | - | } |
248 | | - | |
249 | | - | |
250 | | - | |
251 | | - | @Callable(i) |
252 | | - | func cancelCoinChallenge (gameId) = { |
253 | | - | let gameDataList = ExtractGameDataList(gameId) |
254 | | - | let gameState = gameDataList[IdxGameState] |
255 | | - | let paCoin = gameDataList[IdxPlayerACoin] |
256 | | - | let paPubKey58 = gameDataList[IdxPlayerAPubKey58] |
257 | | - | let payType = gameDataList[IdxPayType] |
258 | | - | let payAmt = parseIntValue(gameDataList[IdxPayAmt]) |
259 | | - | let winAmt = parseIntValue(gameDataList[IdxWinAmt]) |
260 | | - | let pubKey58 = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
261 | | - | let feeAssetId = isDefined(i.feeAssetId) |
262 | | - | if (feeAssetId) |
263 | | - | then throw("Transaction's fee must be in Waves. Game aborted.") |
264 | | - | else if ((gameState != STATESUBMITTED)) |
265 | | - | then throw("Invalid game state for passed gameId. Game aborted.") |
266 | | - | else if ((paPubKey58 != pubKey58)) |
267 | | - | then throw("You cannot cancel a game created by another player. Game aborted.") |
268 | | - | else if ((i.caller == this)) |
269 | | - | then throw("Coinflip contract cannot cancel a game. Game aborted.") |
270 | | - | else { |
271 | | - | let newGameDataStr = FormatGameDataStr(STATECANCELED, paCoin, paPubKey58, payType, payAmt, winAmt, "", "", "") |
272 | | - | let refundAmt = (payAmt - ((payAmt * FEEWAVESBET) / 100)) |
273 | | - | let refundWallet = addressFromPublicKey(fromBase58String(paPubKey58)) |
274 | | - | let refundToken = tokenType(payType) |
275 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(gameId, newGameDataStr)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(refundWallet, refundAmt, refundToken)])) |
276 | | - | } |
| 40 | + | func withdraw (amount) = { |
| 41 | + | let wallet = toString(i.caller) |
| 42 | + | let playerAmount = ExtractPlayerAmt(wallet) |
| 43 | + | if ((amount > playerAmount)) |
| 44 | + | then throw("There is not enough balance to withdraw the amount requested.") |
| 45 | + | else { |
| 46 | + | let newPlayerAmount = (playerAmount - amount) |
| 47 | + | let newReservedAmount = (ExtractReservedAmt() - amount) |
| 48 | + | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(RESERVATIONKEY, newReservedAmount), DataEntry(wallet, newPlayerAmount)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(i.caller, amount, WBET)])) |
| 49 | + | } |