tx · D6sRpAV8St3i3TJCCm3bUPqciQn8QoqJBuFj5RP9L6DZ

3Mt2GZyaqDr77pGesz8GNrgdRL1uEJJGqNc:  +1 BBB-50
———————————————————————————————————:  -0.00500000 Waves

2022.04.11 14:17 [2003860] transfer 3MsGgBAKydWguLMEpobQUKaBWxX6F4Wbsrd > 3Mt2GZyaqDr77pGesz8GNrgdRL1uEJJGqNc IssueNFTSeries() 1 BBB-50
2022.04.11 14:17 [2003860] issue 3MsGgBAKydWguLMEpobQUKaBWxX6F4Wbsrd > SELF IssueNFTSeries() 1 BBB-50
2022.04.11 14:17 [2003860] invoke 3Mt2GZyaqDr77pGesz8GNrgdRL1uEJJGqNc > 3MsGgBAKydWguLMEpobQUKaBWxX6F4Wbsrd IssueNFTSeries()

3MsGgBAKydWguLMEpobQUKaBWxX6F4Wbsrd: SeriesCurrentCounter_BBB: 49 -> 50
3MsGgBAKydWguLMEpobQUKaBWxX6F4Wbsrd: SeriesEndCounter_BBB: 100 == 100
3MsGgBAKydWguLMEpobQUKaBWxX6F4Wbsrd: SeriesStartCounter_BBB: 1 == 1

{ "type": 16, "id": "D6sRpAV8St3i3TJCCm3bUPqciQn8QoqJBuFj5RP9L6DZ", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1649675928439, "version": 1, "sender": "3Mt2GZyaqDr77pGesz8GNrgdRL1uEJJGqNc", "senderPublicKey": "7HBH28fnFcSRYFu5GHN9wwJyeQyyz3thxSq6WxQMvnRz", "proofs": [ "4M7mFoPnsLZWqxZwbfz4fHJEhu7bWRNvnJLTshqytqffYrnqM8qeMrNNjtRnW15Q2wW7TWuJZFVPXb9PYUiwWCdG" ], "dApp": "3MsGgBAKydWguLMEpobQUKaBWxX6F4Wbsrd", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "IssueNFTSeries", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "BBB" } ] }, "height": 2003860, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 383, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "SeriesStartCounter_BBB", "type": "integer", "value": 1 }, { "key": "SeriesEndCounter_BBB", "type": "integer", "value": 100 }, { "key": "SeriesCurrentCounter_BBB", "type": "integer", "value": 50 } ], "transfers": [ { "address": "3Mt2GZyaqDr77pGesz8GNrgdRL1uEJJGqNc", "asset": "G7dtB8SdGwP9WsCHpKxCXYoHr3QqGwjEyP1KyVnko8FK", "amount": 1 } ], "issues": [ { "assetId": "G7dtB8SdGwP9WsCHpKxCXYoHr3QqGwjEyP1KyVnko8FK", "name": "BBB-50", "description": "This is a test real estate fractional nft. Up to 100,000 AAA fractional nfts will be minted. see holder rights on our telegram group", "quantity": 1, "decimals": 0, "isReissuable": false, "compiledScript": null, "nonce": 0 } ], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

16.86 ms