2 | | - | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} |
3 | | - | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} |
4 | | - | let RSAPUBLIC = fromBase64String("base64:MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqlAiANSmBpDHYKP9sKgeN/l1bAb28g/tGlgDkwT5FiMN4X3pwdvdxE7mvSR8/41dU9rx4jG+6tZpb1ULVDPs431tR2IRaTXw5Cj+Ac2vhL+5JamCerGD1UW+bh/EGQtxo8W3YLDrofXB5QHJx4Pkz2Kgf+oS/C8hHuB/U4krO76U0507GTjZPP9kRQ0uLSMeqQXt8wXS+nMp5wajqxPpDLMaSREgsKwv/AEkP4dzpTYbikLBYl4qtdJsD84HLFSkiwd3BhcOrPjoIYmLxQuBD5TIMKTKD3sdZgaY9rsyqx3A00innyxD6zp3b4gFpUOX8JxKZdEC2myEqleNgg7GzwIDAQAB") |
5 | | - | |
6 | | - | let SERVER = addressFromStringValue("3NCiG28LmWyTigWG13E5QnvdHBsZFYXSS2j") |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let WAVELET = ((100 * 1000) * 1000) |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let SESSIONIDFIXSIZE = 44 |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let RANDCYCLEPRICE = ((5 * WAVELET) / 1000) |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | let MAXRANDSPERCYCLE = 14 |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | let STATEINIT = "INIT" |
17 | | - | |
18 | | - | let DATADONE = "READY" |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | let STATEFINISHED = "FINISHED" |
21 | | - | |
22 | | - | let IdxState = 0 |
23 | | - | |
24 | | - | let IdxOrganizerPub = 1 |
25 | | - | |
26 | | - | let IdxRandFrom = 2 |
27 | | - | |
28 | | - | let IdxRandTo = 3 |
29 | | - | |
30 | | - | let IdxRandsCount = 4 |
31 | | - | |
32 | | - | let IdxRemainRandsCount = 5 |
33 | | - | |
34 | | - | let IdxDataKeysCount = 6 |
35 | | - | |
36 | | - | let IdxDataDoneTxId = 7 |
37 | | - | |
38 | | - | let IdxLastOffset = 8 |
39 | | - | |
40 | | - | let IdxCurrRands = 13 |
41 | | - | |
42 | | - | func abs (val) = if ((0 > val)) |
43 | | - | then -(val) |
44 | | - | else val |
45 | | - | |
46 | | - | |
47 | | - | func formatStateDataStr (drawState,organizerPubKey58,randFrom,randTo,randsCount,remainingRands,dataKeysCount,dataDoneTxId,lastOffset,slowIdx1,slowIdx2,fastIdx1,fastIdx2,randOrEmpty) = { |
48 | | - | let fullStateStr = ((((((((((((((((((((((((drawState + "_") + organizerPubKey58) + "_") + randFrom) + "_") + randTo) + "_") + randsCount) + "_") + remainingRands) + "_") + dataKeysCount) + "_") + dataDoneTxId) + "_") + lastOffset) + "_") + slowIdx1) + "_") + slowIdx2) + "_") + fastIdx1) + "_") + fastIdx2) |
49 | | - | if ((randOrEmpty == "")) |
50 | | - | then ((fullStateStr + "_") + "-") |
51 | | - | else ((fullStateStr + "_") + randOrEmpty) |
52 | | - | } |
53 | | - | |
54 | | - | |
55 | | - | func extractGameDataList (sessionId) = { |
56 | | - | let rawDataStr = getStringValue(this, sessionId) |
57 | | - | split(rawDataStr, "_") |
58 | | - | } |
59 | | - | |
60 | | - | |
61 | | - | func nextRand (div,min,currRandsStr,remainingRands,remainingHash) = { |
62 | | - | let nextRandInt = ((abs(toInt(remainingHash)) % div) + min) |
63 | | - | let nextRandStr = toString(nextRandInt) |
64 | | - | let duplicate = isDefined(indexOf(currRandsStr, nextRandStr)) |
65 | | - | if (if (!(duplicate)) |
66 | | - | then (remainingRands > 0) |
67 | | - | else false) |
68 | | - | then [((currRandsStr + "-") + nextRandStr), "yes"] |
69 | | - | else [currRandsStr, ""] |
70 | | - | } |
71 | | - | |
72 | | - | |
73 | | - | func generateRand (sessionId,from,to,rsaSign,currRandsStr,remainingRands,lastOffsetBytes,currSlowIdx1,currSlowIdx2,currFastIdx1,currFastIdx2) = { |
74 | | - | let newIncList = if (((lastOffsetBytes + 1) > 87)) |
75 | | - | then if ((currFastIdx2 > 241)) |
76 | | - | then [0, (currSlowIdx1 + 1), (currSlowIdx2 + 1), 0, 1] |
77 | | - | else [0, currSlowIdx1, currSlowIdx2, (currFastIdx1 + 1), (currFastIdx2 + 1)] |
78 | | - | else [(lastOffsetBytes + 1), currSlowIdx1, currSlowIdx2, currFastIdx1, currFastIdx2] |
79 | | - | let newOffsetBytes = newIncList[0] |
80 | | - | let newSlowIdx1 = newIncList[1] |
81 | | - | let newSlowIdx2 = newIncList[2] |
82 | | - | let newFastIdx1 = newIncList[3] |
83 | | - | let newFastIdx2 = newIncList[4] |
84 | | - | let byteVect = (((((((take(drop(rsaSign, newSlowIdx1), 1) + take(drop(rsaSign, 1), 1)) + take(drop(rsaSign, newFastIdx1), 1)) + take(drop(rsaSign, 3), 1)) + take(drop(rsaSign, newSlowIdx2), 1)) + take(drop(rsaSign, 5), 1)) + take(drop(rsaSign, 6), 1)) + take(drop(rsaSign, newFastIdx2), 1)) |
85 | | - | let randHash = ((sha256(byteVect) + blake2b256(byteVect)) + keccak256(byteVect)) |
86 | | - | let div = ((to - from) + 1) |
87 | | - | let rand1 = nextRand(div, from, currRandsStr, remainingRands, drop(randHash, newOffsetBytes)) |
88 | | - | let rem1 = if ((rand1[1] != "")) |
89 | | - | then (remainingRands - 1) |
90 | | - | else remainingRands |
91 | | - | let rand2 = nextRand(div, from, rand1[0], rem1, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 1))) |
92 | | - | let rem2 = if ((rand2[1] != "")) |
93 | | - | then (rem1 - 1) |
94 | | - | else rem1 |
95 | | - | let rand3 = nextRand(div, from, rand2[0], rem2, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 2))) |
96 | | - | let rem3 = if ((rand3[1] != "")) |
97 | | - | then (rem2 - 1) |
98 | | - | else rem2 |
99 | | - | let rand4 = nextRand(div, from, rand3[0], rem3, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 3))) |
100 | | - | let rem4 = if ((rand4[1] != "")) |
101 | | - | then (rem3 - 1) |
102 | | - | else rem3 |
103 | | - | let rand5 = nextRand(div, from, rand4[0], rem4, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 4))) |
104 | | - | let rem5 = if ((rand5[1] != "")) |
105 | | - | then (rem4 - 1) |
106 | | - | else rem4 |
107 | | - | let rand6 = nextRand(div, from, rand5[0], rem5, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 5))) |
108 | | - | let rem6 = if ((rand6[1] != "")) |
109 | | - | then (rem5 - 1) |
110 | | - | else rem5 |
111 | | - | let rand7 = nextRand(div, from, rand6[0], rem6, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 6))) |
112 | | - | let rem7 = if ((rand7[1] != "")) |
113 | | - | then (rem6 - 1) |
114 | | - | else rem6 |
115 | | - | let rand8 = nextRand(div, from, rand7[0], rem7, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 7))) |
116 | | - | let rem8 = if ((rand8[1] != "")) |
117 | | - | then (rem7 - 1) |
118 | | - | else rem7 |
119 | | - | let rand9 = nextRand(div, from, rand8[0], rem8, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 8))) |
120 | | - | let rem9 = if ((rand9[1] != "")) |
121 | | - | then (rem8 - 1) |
122 | | - | else rem8 |
123 | | - | let rand10 = nextRand(div, from, rand9[0], rem9, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 9))) |
124 | | - | let rem10 = if ((rand10[1] != "")) |
125 | | - | then (rem9 - 1) |
126 | | - | else rem9 |
127 | | - | let rand11 = nextRand(div, from, rand10[0], rem10, drop(randHash, (newOffsetBytes + 10))) |
128 | | - | let rem11 = if ((rand11[1] != "")) |
129 | | - | then (rem10 - 1) |
130 | | - | else rem10 |
131 | | - | [rand11[0], if ((rem11 == 0)) |
132 | | - | then "0" |
133 | | - | else toString(rem11), toString((newOffsetBytes + 10)), toString(newSlowIdx1), toString(newSlowIdx2), toString(newFastIdx1), toString(newFastIdx2)] |
134 | | - | } |
135 | | - | |
136 | | - | |
137 | | - | func validateDtxKey (sessionId,dataKeysCount,data) = { |
138 | | - | let dataKeyInfo = split(data.key, "_") |
139 | | - | if ((size(dataKeyInfo) != 2)) |
140 | | - | then throw("Invalid data key format. It must follow to ${sessionId}_${num}") |
141 | | - | else { |
142 | | - | let keySessionId = dataKeyInfo[0] |
143 | | - | let keyPostfix = dataKeyInfo[1] |
144 | | - | if ((sessionId != keySessionId)) |
145 | | - | then throw(((("Several data keys have different sessionId: " + sessionId) + " and ") + keySessionId)) |
146 | | - | else if (isDefined(getString(this, data.key))) |
147 | | - | then throw(("One of the data keys has already presented in account state: key=" + data.key)) |
148 | | - | else if ((size(keyPostfix) > 4)) |
149 | | - | then throw("Invalid data key format. It must follow to ${sessionId}_${num} where ${num} length couldn't be greater than 4") |
150 | | - | else if ((take(keyPostfix, 1) == "0")) |
151 | | - | then throw("Invalid data key format. It must follow to ${sessionId}_${num} where ${num} couldn't start from 0") |
152 | | - | else { |
153 | | - | let keyPostfixIntOpt = parseInt(keyPostfix) |
154 | | - | if (isDefined(keyPostfixIntOpt)) |
155 | | - | then { |
156 | | - | let keyPostfixInt = extract(keyPostfixIntOpt) |
157 | | - | if (if ((1 > keyPostfixInt)) |
158 | | - | then true |
159 | | - | else (keyPostfixInt > dataKeysCount)) |
160 | | - | then throw((((("Invalid data key format. It must follow to ${sessionId}_${num}" + " where ${num} must be a valid int value from 1 to ") + toString(dataKeysCount)) + " but actualNum=") + toString(keyPostfixInt))) |
161 | | - | else match data.value { |
162 | | - | case str: String => |
163 | | - | true |
164 | | - | case _ => |
165 | | - | throw((sessionId + " draw: only String type is accepted for data transactions")) |
166 | | - | } |
167 | | - | } |
168 | | - | else throw((("Invalid data key format. It must follow to ${sessionId}_${num}" + " where ${num} must be a valid int value from 1 to 7145 but actualNum=") + keyPostfix)) |
169 | | - | } |
170 | | - | } |
171 | | - | } |
172 | | - | |
173 | | - | |
174 | | - | func validateAndGetRandsPmt (randsCount,pmt,minDataPmt) = { |
175 | | - | let bound1 = 1000 |
176 | | - | let basePrice1 = ((13 * WAVELET) / 100) |
177 | | - | let div1 = 50 |
178 | | - | let diff1 = ((8 * WAVELET) / 100) |
179 | | - | let bound2 = 5000 |
180 | | - | let basePrice2 = ((297 * WAVELET) / 100) |
181 | | - | let div2 = 1000 |
182 | | - | let diff2 = ((143 * WAVELET) / 100) |
183 | | - | let bound3 = 50000 |
184 | | - | let basePrice3 = ((1427 * WAVELET) / 100) |
185 | | - | let div3 = 5000 |
186 | | - | let diff3 = ((705 * WAVELET) / 100) |
187 | | - | let minRandsPmt = if ((bound1 > randsCount)) |
188 | | - | then (basePrice1 + ((randsCount / div1) * diff1)) |
189 | | - | else if ((bound2 > randsCount)) |
190 | | - | then (basePrice2 + (((randsCount / div2) - 1) * diff2)) |
191 | | - | else if ((bound3 > randsCount)) |
192 | | - | then (basePrice3 + (((randsCount / div3) - 1) * diff3)) |
193 | | - | else throw("Please contact our sales team to generate more than 50k rands") |
194 | | - | let minPmt = (minRandsPmt + minDataPmt) |
195 | | - | if (isDefined(pmt.assetId)) |
196 | | - | then throw("Only WAVES can be used as a payment for rands generation") |
197 | | - | else if ((minPmt > pmt.amount)) |
198 | | - | then throw(((((("Attached payment is to small to generate " + toString(randsCount)) + " unique randoms numbers and upload at least 1 data tx: actualPmt=") + toString(pmt.amount)) + " but minPmt is ") + toString(minPmt))) |
199 | | - | else minRandsPmt |
200 | | - | } |
201 | | - | |
202 | | - | |
203 | | - | @Callable(i) |
204 | | - | func initDraw (randFrom,randTo,randsCount) = { |
205 | | - | let sessionId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) |
206 | | - | let rangeLength = ((randTo - randFrom) + 1) |
207 | | - | let maxRangeLength = (rangeLength / 2) |
208 | | - | let randToLen = size(toString((randTo - 1))) |
209 | | - | let randsCountLen = size(toString(randsCount)) |
210 | | - | let dynamicStatusLen = (((2 * randToLen) + (2 * randsCountLen)) + 4) |
211 | | - | let maxRandsCount = (((5120 - 175) - dynamicStatusLen) / (randToLen + 1)) |
212 | | - | if (if ((0 >= randFrom)) |
213 | | - | then true |
214 | | - | else (0 >= randTo)) |
215 | | - | then throw("randFrom and randTo must be greater than 0") |
216 | | - | else if ((randFrom >= randTo)) |
217 | | - | then throw("randFrom must be strict less then randTo") |
218 | | - | else if ((randsCount > rangeLength)) |
219 | | - | then throw(((((((("Impossible to generate " + toString(randsCount)) + " unique numbers for provided random range [") + toString(randFrom)) + ", ") + toString(randTo)) + "] with actual size ") + toString(rangeLength))) |
220 | | - | else if ((randsCount > maxRangeLength)) |
221 | | - | then throw(((((((((("randsCount must be less then 50% of passed range length: range=[" + toString(randFrom)) + ", ") + toString(randTo)) + "], rangeLength=") + toString(rangeLength)) + " randsCount=") + toString(randsCount)) + " allowedRandsCount=") + toString(maxRangeLength))) |
222 | | - | else if ((randsCount > maxRandsCount)) |
223 | | - | then throw(((((("randsCount couldn't be kept in 1 data entry: 1_randNumSpace=" + toString((randToLen + 1))) + " maxAllowedRandsCount=") + toString(maxRandsCount)) + " actualRandsCount=") + toString(randsCount))) |
224 | | - | else if (!(isDefined(i.payment))) |
225 | | - | then throw("Please provide payment to generate unique random numbers") |
226 | | - | else { |
227 | | - | let pmt = extract(i.payment) |
228 | | - | let minDataPmt = ((((WAVELET * 1) / 1000) * 33) + ((WAVELET * 4) / 1000)) |
229 | | - | let randsPmt = validateAndGetRandsPmt(randsCount, pmt, minDataPmt) |
230 | | - | let dataPmt = (pmt.amount - randsPmt) |
231 | | - | let dataTxCount = (dataPmt / minDataPmt) |
232 | | - | let dataKeysCount = if ((7145 >= (dataTxCount * 5))) |
233 | | - | then (dataTxCount * 5) |
234 | | - | else 7145 |
235 | | - | let organizerPubKey58 = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
236 | | - | let randsCountStr = toString(randsCount) |
237 | | - | let initState = formatStateDataStr(STATEINIT, organizerPubKey58, toString(randFrom), toString(randTo), randsCountStr, randsCountStr, toString(dataKeysCount), "null", "0", "0", "1", "0", "1", "") |
238 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(sessionId, initState)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(SERVER, randsPmt, unit)])) |
239 | | - | } |
240 | | - | } |
241 | | - | |
242 | | - | |
243 | | - | |
244 | | - | @Callable(i) |
245 | | - | func ready (sessionId) = { |
246 | | - | let drawParamsList = extractGameDataList(sessionId) |
247 | | - | let drawState = drawParamsList[IdxState] |
248 | | - | let organizerPubKey58 = drawParamsList[IdxOrganizerPub] |
249 | | - | let randsCountStr = drawParamsList[IdxRandsCount] |
250 | | - | let remainRandsCountStr = drawParamsList[IdxRemainRandsCount] |
251 | | - | let fromStr = drawParamsList[IdxRandFrom] |
252 | | - | let toStr = drawParamsList[IdxRandTo] |
253 | | - | let dataKeysCount = drawParamsList[IdxDataKeysCount] |
254 | | - | let organizerPubKey = fromBase58String(organizerPubKey58) |
255 | | - | if ((drawState != STATEINIT)) |
256 | | - | then throw((sessionId + " draw: moving into READY state is allowed only from INIT state")) |
257 | | - | else if ((organizerPubKey != i.callerPublicKey)) |
258 | | - | then throw((sessionId + "draw: moving into READY state is allowed for organizer only")) |
259 | | - | else { |
260 | | - | let readyState = formatStateDataStr(DATADONE, organizerPubKey58, fromStr, toStr, randsCountStr, remainRandsCountStr, dataKeysCount, toBase58String(i.transactionId), "0", "0", "1", "0", "1", "") |
261 | | - | WriteSet([DataEntry(sessionId, readyState)]) |
262 | | - | } |
263 | | - | } |
264 | | - | |
265 | | - | |
266 | | - | |
267 | | - | @Callable(i) |
268 | | - | func random (sessionId,rsaSign) = { |
269 | | - | let drawParamsList = extractGameDataList(sessionId) |
270 | | - | let drawState = drawParamsList[IdxState] |
271 | | - | let organizerPubKey58 = drawParamsList[IdxOrganizerPub] |
272 | | - | let randsCountStr = drawParamsList[IdxRandsCount] |
273 | | - | let remainRandsCount = parseIntValue(drawParamsList[IdxRemainRandsCount]) |
274 | | - | let lastOffsetBytes = parseIntValue(drawParamsList[IdxLastOffset]) |
275 | | - | let currRandsStr = drawParamsList[IdxCurrRands] |
276 | | - | let fromStr = drawParamsList[IdxRandFrom] |
277 | | - | let toStr = drawParamsList[IdxRandTo] |
278 | | - | let dataDoneTxId = drawParamsList[IdxDataDoneTxId] |
279 | | - | let slowIdx1 = parseIntValue(drawParamsList[9]) |
280 | | - | let slowIdx2 = parseIntValue(drawParamsList[10]) |
281 | | - | let fastIdx1 = parseIntValue(drawParamsList[11]) |
282 | | - | let fastIdx2 = parseIntValue(drawParamsList[12]) |
283 | | - | let from = parseIntValue(fromStr) |
284 | | - | let to = parseIntValue(toStr) |
285 | | - | let organizerPubKey = fromBase58String(organizerPubKey58) |
286 | | - | if ((drawState != DATADONE)) |
287 | | - | then throw((sessionId + " draw: it must be in READY state to generate random numbers")) |
288 | | - | else if (!(rsaVerify(SHA256, (toBytes(sessionId) + toBytes(dataDoneTxId)), rsaSign, RSAPUBLIC))) |
289 | | - | then throw("Invalid RSA signature") |
290 | | - | else { |
291 | | - | let randGenInfo = generateRand(sessionId, from, to, rsaSign, currRandsStr, remainRandsCount, lastOffsetBytes, slowIdx1, slowIdx2, fastIdx1, fastIdx2) |
292 | | - | let newRemainRandsCountStr = randGenInfo[1] |
293 | | - | let newState = if ((newRemainRandsCountStr == "0")) |
294 | | - | then STATEFINISHED |
295 | | - | else DATADONE |
296 | | - | WriteSet([DataEntry(sessionId, formatStateDataStr(newState, organizerPubKey58, fromStr, toStr, randsCountStr, newRemainRandsCountStr, drawParamsList[IdxDataKeysCount], dataDoneTxId, randGenInfo[2], randGenInfo[3], randGenInfo[4], randGenInfo[5], randGenInfo[6], randGenInfo[0]))]) |
297 | | - | } |
298 | | - | } |
299 | | - | |
300 | | - | |
301 | | - | @Verifier(tx) |
302 | | - | func verify () = match tx { |
303 | | - | case dtx: DataTransaction => |
304 | | - | let data0 = dtx.data[0] |
305 | | - | let sessionId = take(data0.key, SESSIONIDFIXSIZE) |
306 | | - | let drawParamsList = extractGameDataList(sessionId) |
307 | | - | let drawState = drawParamsList[IdxState] |
308 | | - | let organizerPubKey58 = drawParamsList[IdxOrganizerPub] |
309 | | - | let dataKeysCount = parseIntValue(drawParamsList[IdxDataKeysCount]) |
310 | | - | let organizerPubKey = fromBase58String(organizerPubKey58) |
311 | | - | let dataEntriesCount = size(dtx.data) |
312 | | - | let allowedDataEntriesCount = 5 |
313 | | - | let allowedDtxSize = (32 * 1024) |
314 | | - | let sigValid = sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], organizerPubKey) |
315 | | - | let dataSizeValid = (dataEntriesCount == allowedDataEntriesCount) |
316 | | - | let minDataPmt = ((((WAVELET * 1) / 1000) * 33) + ((WAVELET * 4) / 1000)) |
317 | | - | let feeValid = (dtx.fee == minDataPmt) |
318 | | - | let keysValid = if (if (if (if (validateDtxKey(sessionId, dataKeysCount, data0)) |
319 | | - | then validateDtxKey(sessionId, dataKeysCount, dtx.data[1]) |
320 | | - | else false) |
321 | | - | then validateDtxKey(sessionId, dataKeysCount, dtx.data[2]) |
322 | | - | else false) |
323 | | - | then validateDtxKey(sessionId, dataKeysCount, dtx.data[3]) |
324 | | - | else false) |
325 | | - | then validateDtxKey(sessionId, dataKeysCount, dtx.data[4]) |
326 | | - | else false |
327 | | - | let dtxSizeValid = (allowedDtxSize >= size(dtx.bodyBytes)) |
328 | | - | if ((drawState != STATEINIT)) |
329 | | - | then throw(((("Data transaction is allowed for " + STATEINIT) + " status only, current status is ") + drawState)) |
330 | | - | else if (!(sigValid)) |
331 | | - | then throw("Invalid data transaction signature") |
332 | | - | else if (!(feeValid)) |
333 | | - | then throw(("Invalid DataTransaction fee. Fee must be exact " + toString(minDataPmt))) |
334 | | - | else if (!(dataSizeValid)) |
335 | | - | then throw(("Invalid data entries count. Data entries count must be exact " + toString(allowedDataEntriesCount))) |
336 | | - | else if (!(keysValid)) |
337 | | - | then throw("Invalid data keys format") |
338 | | - | else if (!(dtxSizeValid)) |
339 | | - | then throw((("Invalid DataTransaction size. Max allowed size is " + toString(allowedDtxSize)) + " bytes")) |
340 | | - | else true |
341 | | - | case sstx: SetScriptTransaction => |
342 | | - | true |
343 | | - | case ttx: TransferTransaction => |
344 | | - | true |
345 | | - | case _ => |
346 | | - | false |
347 | | - | } |
348 | | - | |
| 2 | + | {-# CONTENT_TYPE EXPRESSION #-} |
| 3 | + | let PubKey1 = base58'854p8BYzrj6yBPRPmfQur3oF1Rjc1AJ548qRp5FT5kDa' |
| 4 | + | let PubKey2 = base58'DKGFPozLrsiR8NM4NJzqQaBYC8NyGYjuw2hDYicQVjco' |
| 5 | + | let sig1 = if (sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], PubKey1)) |
| 6 | + | then 1 |
| 7 | + | else 0 |
| 8 | + | let sig2 = if (sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[1], PubKey2)) |
| 9 | + | then 1 |
| 10 | + | else 0 |
| 11 | + | ((sig1 + sig2) > 0) |