6 | | - | let SEP = "__" |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let LISTSEP = ":" |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let DEFAULTQUORUM = 500000 |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let URLPATTERN = "https://forum.neutrino.at/" |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | let MAXTITLE = 160 |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | let MAXURL = 250 |
17 | | - | |
18 | | - | let MAXVOTINGTIME = 1209600000 |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | let MULT6 = 1000000 |
21 | | - | |
22 | | - | let DEFAULTPAYMENT = 1000000000 |
23 | | - | |
24 | | - | let DEFAULTCREATIONGNSBT = 1000000000 |
25 | | - | |
26 | | - | let PASTMARGIN = 7200000 |
27 | | - | |
28 | | - | let FUTUREMARGIN = 5400000 |
29 | | - | |
30 | | - | let govIdxProposalTxId = 1 |
31 | | - | |
32 | | - | let govIdxType = 2 |
33 | | - | |
34 | | - | let govIdxAuthor = 3 |
35 | | - | |
36 | | - | let govIdxUrl = 4 |
37 | | - | |
38 | | - | let govIdxTitle = 5 |
39 | | - | |
40 | | - | let govIdxCreationTime = 6 |
41 | | - | |
42 | | - | let govIdxStart = 7 |
43 | | - | |
44 | | - | let govIdxEnd = 8 |
45 | | - | |
46 | | - | let govIdxTxIds = 9 |
47 | | - | |
48 | | - | let govIdxQuorum = 10 |
49 | | - | |
50 | | - | let govIdxOptions = 11 |
51 | | - | |
52 | | - | let govStatusIdxIsValid = 1 |
53 | | - | |
54 | | - | let govStatusIdxWinOpt = 2 |
55 | | - | |
56 | | - | let govStatusIdxWinVotes = 3 |
57 | | - | |
58 | | - | let govStatusIdxTotalVotes = 4 |
59 | | - | |
60 | | - | let govStatusIdxScApplied = 5 |
61 | | - | |
62 | | - | let govStatusIdxScTime = 6 |
63 | | - | |
64 | | - | let govStatusIdxIsCanceled = 7 |
65 | | - | |
66 | | - | func getStringOrFail (address,key) = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(address, key), makeString(["mandatory ", toString(address), ".", key, " is not defined"], "")) |
67 | | - | |
68 | | - | |
69 | | - | func getIntOrElse (key,defaultVal) = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, key), defaultVal) |
70 | | - | |
71 | | - | |
72 | | - | let IdxControlCfgNeutrinoDapp = 1 |
73 | | - | |
74 | | - | let IdxControlCfgAuctionDapp = 2 |
75 | | - | |
76 | | - | let IdxControlCfgRpdDapp = 3 |
77 | | - | |
78 | | - | let IdxControlCfgMathDapp = 4 |
79 | | - | |
80 | | - | let IdxControlCfgLiquidationDapp = 5 |
81 | | - | |
82 | | - | let IdxControlCfgRestDapp = 6 |
83 | | - | |
84 | | - | let IdxControlCfgNodeRegistryDapp = 7 |
85 | | - | |
86 | | - | let IdxControlCfgNsbtStakingDapp = 8 |
87 | | - | |
88 | | - | let IdxControlCfgMediatorDapp = 9 |
89 | | - | |
90 | | - | let IdxControlCfgSurfStakingDapp = 10 |
91 | | - | |
92 | | - | let IdxControlCfgGnsbtControllerDapp = 11 |
93 | | - | |
94 | | - | let IdxControlCfgRestV2Dapp = 12 |
95 | | - | |
96 | | - | let IdxControlCfgGovernanceDapp = 13 |
97 | | - | |
98 | | - | func keyControlAddress () = "%s%s__config__controlAddress" |
99 | | - | |
100 | | - | |
101 | | - | func keyControlCfg () = "%s__controlConfig" |
102 | | - | |
103 | | - | |
104 | | - | func readControlCfgOrFail (control) = split_4C(getStringOrFail(control, keyControlCfg()), SEP) |
105 | | - | |
106 | | - | |
107 | | - | func getContractAddressOrFail (controlCfg,idx) = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(controlCfg[idx]), ("Control cfg doesn't contain address at index " + toString(idx))) |
108 | | - | |
109 | | - | |
110 | | - | let controlContract = addressFromStringValue(valueOrElse(getString(this, keyControlAddress()), "3P5Bfd58PPfNvBM2Hy8QfbcDqMeNtzg7KfP")) |
111 | | - | |
112 | | - | let controlCfg = readControlCfgOrFail(controlContract) |
113 | | - | |
114 | | - | let neutrinoContract = getContractAddressOrFail(controlCfg, IdxControlCfgNeutrinoDapp) |
115 | | - | |
116 | | - | let gnsbtControllerContract = getContractAddressOrFail(controlCfg, IdxControlCfgGnsbtControllerDapp) |
117 | | - | |
118 | | - | func keyQuorumRequiredPercent () = "%s__quorumRequired" |
119 | | - | |
120 | | - | |
121 | | - | func keyPaymentRequired () = "%s__paymentRequired" |
122 | | - | |
123 | | - | |
124 | | - | func keyGnsbtRequired () = "%s__gNsbtRequired" |
125 | | - | |
126 | | - | |
127 | | - | func keyLastProposalId () = "%s__proposalId" |
128 | | - | |
129 | | - | |
130 | | - | func keyProposalStatusDataById (proposalId) = ("%s%d__proposalStatusData__" + toString(proposalId)) |
131 | | - | |
132 | | - | |
133 | | - | func keyProposalDataById (proposalId) = ("%s%d__proposalData__" + toString(proposalId)) |
134 | | - | |
135 | | - | |
136 | | - | func keyProposalVotesByIdAndOption (proposalId,opt) = makeString(["%s%d%d", "votesByOpt", toString(proposalId), toString(opt)], SEP) |
137 | | - | |
138 | | - | |
139 | | - | func keyProposalVotesByIdAndUser (proposalId,userAddr) = makeString(["%s%d%s", "votesByUser", toString(proposalId), userAddr], SEP) |
140 | | - | |
141 | | - | |
142 | | - | func keyProposalChoiceByIdAndUser (proposalId,userAddr) = makeString(["%s%d%s", "optionByUser", toString(proposalId), userAddr], SEP) |
143 | | - | |
144 | | - | |
145 | | - | func keyApplyInProgress () = "%s__applyInProgress" |
146 | | - | |
147 | | - | |
148 | | - | func keyNumUniqueVotersByProposalId (proposalId) = ("%s%d__numVoters__" + toString(proposalId)) |
149 | | - | |
150 | | - | |
151 | | - | func keyStatsAverUniqueVoters () = "%s%s%s__stats__avg__uniqueVoters" |
152 | | - | |
153 | | - | |
154 | | - | func keyStatsAverGnsbtVoted () = "%s%s%s__stats__avg__gnsbtVoted" |
155 | | - | |
156 | | - | |
157 | | - | func keyStatsUniqueAuthors () = "%s%s__stats__uniqueAuthors" |
158 | | - | |
159 | | - | |
160 | | - | func keyNumProposalsByAuthor (addressStr) = ("%s%s__numProposalsByAuthor__" + addressStr) |
161 | | - | |
162 | | - | |
163 | | - | func asAnyList (v) = match v { |
164 | | - | case l: List[Any] => |
165 | | - | l |
| 6 | + | let usdnAssetId = match chain { |
170 | | - | |
171 | | - | func asInt (v) = match v { |
172 | | - | case i: Int => |
173 | | - | i |
174 | | - | case _ => |
175 | | - | throw("fail to cast into Int") |
176 | | - | } |
177 | | - | |
178 | | - | |
179 | | - | func statusData (isVotingValid,winOption,winOptionVotes,totalVotes,areScriptsApplied,scriptsTimestamp,canceledByTeam) = makeString(["%b%d%d%d%b%d%b", toString(isVotingValid), toString(winOption), toString(winOptionVotes), toString(totalVotes), toString(areScriptsApplied), toString(scriptsTimestamp), toString(canceledByTeam)], SEP) |
180 | | - | |
181 | | - | |
182 | | - | func proposalData (proposalTxId,type,author,forumLink,title,proposalTime,votingStartTime,votingEndTime,txIds,quorumInGnsbt,options) = makeString(["%s%s%s%s%s%d%d%d%s%d%s", proposalTxId, type, author, forumLink, title, toString(proposalTime), toString(votingStartTime), toString(votingEndTime), txIds, toString(quorumInGnsbt), options], SEP) |
183 | | - | |
184 | | - | |
185 | | - | func checkTxList (txList) = if ((size(txList) > 20)) |
186 | | - | then throw(("Too many transactions: " + toString(size(txList)))) |
187 | | - | else { |
188 | | - | func combiner (acc,tx) = if ((size(fromBase58String(tx)) != 32)) |
189 | | - | then throw(("Wrong txId: " + tx)) |
190 | | - | else if ((acc == "")) |
191 | | - | then tx |
192 | | - | else ((acc + LISTSEP) + tx) |
193 | | - | |
194 | | - | let $l = txList |
195 | | - | let $s = size($l) |
196 | | - | let $acc0 = "" |
197 | | - | func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
198 | | - | then $a |
199 | | - | else combiner($a, $l[$i]) |
200 | | - | |
201 | | - | func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
202 | | - | then $a |
203 | | - | else throw("List size exceeds 20") |
204 | | - | |
205 | | - | $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9), 10), 11), 12), 13), 14), 15), 16), 17), 18), 19), 20) |
206 | | - | } |
207 | | - | |
208 | | - | |
209 | | - | func initiateVoting (payment,proposalTxId,type,author,forumLink,title,votingStartTime,votingEndTime,status,txList,optionsList) = if ((payment.assetId != unit)) |
210 | | - | then throw("Allowed WAVES payment only!") |
211 | | - | else { |
212 | | - | let pmtReq = getIntOrElse(keyPaymentRequired(), DEFAULTPAYMENT) |
213 | | - | if ((pmtReq > payment.amount)) |
214 | | - | then throw(("Payment attached should be at least " + toString(pmtReq))) |
215 | | - | else if ((value(indexOf(forumLink, URLPATTERN)) != 0)) |
216 | | - | then throw("Invalid url") |
217 | | - | else if ((size(forumLink) > MAXURL)) |
218 | | - | then throw("Url too long!") |
219 | | - | else if ((title == "")) |
220 | | - | then throw("Title is empty") |
221 | | - | else if ((size(title) > MAXTITLE)) |
222 | | - | then throw("Too long title") |
223 | | - | else { |
224 | | - | let proposalTime = lastBlock.timestamp |
225 | | - | if ((proposalTime > votingStartTime)) |
226 | | - | then throw(((("votingStartTime=" + toString(votingStartTime)) + " < proposalTime=") + toString(proposalTime))) |
227 | | - | else if ((votingStartTime > votingEndTime)) |
228 | | - | then throw(((("votingEndTime=" + toString(votingEndTime)) + " < votingStartTime=") + toString(votingStartTime))) |
229 | | - | else if (((votingEndTime - votingStartTime) > MAXVOTINGTIME)) |
230 | | - | then throw(((("Voting period exceeds max: " + toString((votingEndTime - votingStartTime))) + " > ") + toString(MAXVOTINGTIME))) |
231 | | - | else { |
232 | | - | let txIds = if ((type == "IDEA")) |
233 | | - | then "" |
234 | | - | else checkTxList(txList) |
235 | | - | if ((1 >= size(optionsList))) |
236 | | - | then throw("Too few choices to vote") |
237 | | - | else { |
238 | | - | let gnsbtInfo = asAnyList(invoke(gnsbtControllerContract, "gnsbtInfoSYSREADONLY", [author, 0, 0], nil)) |
239 | | - | let gnsbtTotal = asInt(gnsbtInfo[1]) |
240 | | - | let gNsbtUser = asInt(gnsbtInfo[0]) |
241 | | - | let gnsbtReq = getIntOrElse(keyGnsbtRequired(), DEFAULTCREATIONGNSBT) |
242 | | - | if ((gnsbtReq > gNsbtUser)) |
243 | | - | then throw((("You need at least " + toString(gnsbtReq)) + " gNsbt to create voting")) |
244 | | - | else { |
245 | | - | let amountLeased = invoke(neutrinoContract, "acceptWaves", nil, [payment]) |
246 | | - | if ((amountLeased == amountLeased)) |
247 | | - | then { |
248 | | - | let quorum = getIntOrElse(keyQuorumRequiredPercent(), DEFAULTQUORUM) |
249 | | - | let quorumInGnsbt = fraction(quorum, gnsbtTotal, MULT6) |
250 | | - | let proposalId = (getIntOrElse(keyLastProposalId(), 0) + 1) |
251 | | - | let numProposalsByAuthor = (getIntOrElse(keyNumProposalsByAuthor(author), 0) + 1) |
252 | | - | let uniqAuthors = (getIntOrElse(keyStatsUniqueAuthors(), 0) + (if ((numProposalsByAuthor == 1)) |
253 | | - | then 1 |
254 | | - | else 0)) |
255 | | - | let optionsStr = makeString(optionsList, LISTSEP) |
256 | | - | $Tuple2([IntegerEntry(keyLastProposalId(), proposalId), StringEntry(keyProposalStatusDataById(proposalId), statusData(false, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, false)), StringEntry(keyProposalDataById(proposalId), proposalData(proposalTxId, type, author, forumLink, title, proposalTime, votingStartTime, votingEndTime, txIds, quorumInGnsbt, optionsStr)), IntegerEntry(keyNumProposalsByAuthor(author), numProposalsByAuthor), IntegerEntry(keyStatsUniqueAuthors(), uniqAuthors)], proposalTxId) |
257 | | - | } |
258 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
259 | | - | } |
260 | | - | } |
261 | | - | } |
262 | | - | } |
263 | | - | } |
264 | | - | |
265 | | - | |
266 | | - | func calcWinOption (proposalId,optionsList,isPrevOptional,oldChoice,optionalTotalOld,newChoice,newTotalByNewChoice) = { |
267 | | - | func findBest (acc,elem) = { |
268 | | - | let idx = value(indexOf(optionsList, elem)) |
269 | | - | let val = if (isPrevOptional) |
270 | | - | then if ((idx == newChoice)) |
271 | | - | then newTotalByNewChoice |
272 | | - | else getIntOrElse(keyProposalVotesByIdAndOption(proposalId, idx), 0) |
273 | | - | else if ((idx == value(oldChoice))) |
274 | | - | then optionalTotalOld |
275 | | - | else if ((idx == newChoice)) |
276 | | - | then newTotalByNewChoice |
277 | | - | else getIntOrElse(keyProposalVotesByIdAndOption(proposalId, idx), 0) |
278 | | - | if ((acc._2 > val)) |
279 | | - | then acc |
280 | | - | else $Tuple2(idx, val) |
281 | | - | } |
282 | | - | |
283 | | - | let $l = optionsList |
284 | | - | let $s = size($l) |
285 | | - | let $acc0 = $Tuple2(0, 0) |
286 | | - | func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
287 | | - | then $a |
288 | | - | else findBest($a, $l[$i]) |
289 | | - | |
290 | | - | func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
291 | | - | then $a |
292 | | - | else throw("List size exceeds 10") |
293 | | - | |
294 | | - | $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9), 10) |
295 | | - | } |
296 | | - | |
297 | | - | |
298 | | - | func updateStatusData (oldData,isValid,newWinOpt,newTotalVotes) = makeString(["%b%d%d%d%b%d%b", toString(isValid), toString(newWinOpt._1), toString(newWinOpt._2), toString(newTotalVotes), oldData[govStatusIdxScApplied], oldData[govStatusIdxScTime], oldData[govStatusIdxIsCanceled]], SEP) |
299 | | - | |
300 | | - | |
301 | | - | func statusApplyScript (oldData) = makeString(["%b%d%d%d%b%d%b", oldData[govStatusIdxIsValid], oldData[govStatusIdxWinOpt], oldData[govStatusIdxWinVotes], oldData[govStatusIdxTotalVotes], "true", oldData[govStatusIdxScTime], oldData[govStatusIdxIsCanceled]], SEP) |
302 | | - | |
303 | | - | |
305 | | - | func castVote (proposalId,choice) = { |
306 | | - | let userAddressStr = toString(i.caller) |
307 | | - | let dynamicData = split(getStringOrFail(this, keyProposalStatusDataById(proposalId)), SEP) |
308 | | - | if ((dynamicData[govStatusIdxIsCanceled] == "true")) |
309 | | - | then throw("Voting is canceled by team") |
310 | | - | else { |
311 | | - | let propData = split(getStringOrFail(this, keyProposalDataById(proposalId)), SEP) |
312 | | - | let start = parseIntValue(propData[govIdxStart]) |
313 | | - | let end = parseIntValue(propData[govIdxEnd]) |
314 | | - | let now = lastBlock.timestamp |
315 | | - | if ((start > now)) |
316 | | - | then throw("Voting not started yet") |
317 | | - | else if ((now >= end)) |
318 | | - | then throw("Voting already finished") |
319 | | - | else { |
320 | | - | let availableOptions = split(propData[govIdxOptions], LISTSEP) |
321 | | - | let numOptions = size(availableOptions) |
322 | | - | if ((1 >= numOptions)) |
323 | | - | then throw("Too few choices to vote") |
324 | | - | else if ((choice >= numOptions)) |
325 | | - | then throw(("Unknown choice! Must be 0.." + toString((numOptions - 1)))) |
326 | | - | else { |
327 | | - | let gnsbtData = asAnyList(invoke(gnsbtControllerContract, "gnsbtInfoSYSREADONLY", [userAddressStr, 0, 0], nil)) |
328 | | - | let gnsbtAmt = asInt(gnsbtData[0]) |
329 | | - | if ((0 >= gnsbtAmt)) |
330 | | - | then throw("no gnsbt to vote") |
331 | | - | else { |
332 | | - | let gnsbtTotal = asInt(gnsbtData[1]) |
333 | | - | let oldChoice = getInteger(keyProposalChoiceByIdAndUser(proposalId, userAddressStr)) |
334 | | - | let oldUserVotes = if (!(isDefined(oldChoice))) |
335 | | - | then 0 |
336 | | - | else getIntOrElse(keyProposalVotesByIdAndUser(proposalId, userAddressStr), 0) |
337 | | - | let oldTotalByOldChoice = if (isDefined(oldChoice)) |
338 | | - | then getIntOrElse(keyProposalVotesByIdAndOption(proposalId, value(oldChoice)), 0) |
339 | | - | else 0 |
340 | | - | let oldTotalByNewChoice = getIntOrElse(keyProposalVotesByIdAndOption(proposalId, choice), 0) |
341 | | - | let oldTotal = parseIntValue(dynamicData[govStatusIdxTotalVotes]) |
342 | | - | let newTotalByOldChoice = if (!(isDefined(oldChoice))) |
343 | | - | then 0 |
344 | | - | else ((oldTotalByOldChoice - oldUserVotes) + (if ((value(oldChoice) == choice)) |
345 | | - | then gnsbtAmt |
346 | | - | else 0)) |
347 | | - | let newTotalByNewChoice = if (if (isDefined(oldChoice)) |
348 | | - | then (value(oldChoice) == choice) |
349 | | - | else false) |
350 | | - | then newTotalByOldChoice |
351 | | - | else (oldTotalByNewChoice + gnsbtAmt) |
352 | | - | let newTotal = ((oldTotal - oldUserVotes) + gnsbtAmt) |
353 | | - | let isQuorumReached = (newTotal > parseIntValue(propData[govIdxQuorum])) |
354 | | - | let numVotersByProposalId = getIntOrElse(keyNumUniqueVotersByProposalId(proposalId), 0) |
355 | | - | let oldAverUniqueVoters6 = getIntOrElse(keyStatsAverUniqueVoters(), 0) |
356 | | - | let numProposals = getIntegerValue(keyLastProposalId()) |
357 | | - | let uniqueDiff = if ((oldUserVotes == 0)) |
358 | | - | then 1 |
359 | | - | else 0 |
360 | | - | let newAverUniqueVoters6 = (oldAverUniqueVoters6 + fraction(uniqueDiff, MULT6, numProposals)) |
361 | | - | let oldAverGnsbt = getIntOrElse(keyStatsAverGnsbtVoted(), 0) |
362 | | - | let newAverGnsbt = (oldAverGnsbt + ((gnsbtAmt - oldUserVotes) / numProposals)) |
363 | | - | let isPrevOptional = if (!(isDefined(oldChoice))) |
364 | | - | then true |
365 | | - | else (value(oldChoice) == choice) |
366 | | - | let optionalTotalOld = if (isPrevOptional) |
367 | | - | then nil |
368 | | - | else [IntegerEntry(keyProposalVotesByIdAndOption(proposalId, value(oldChoice)), newTotalByOldChoice)] |
369 | | - | let winOpt = calcWinOption(proposalId, availableOptions, isPrevOptional, oldChoice, newTotalByOldChoice, choice, newTotalByNewChoice) |
370 | | - | $Tuple2(([IntegerEntry(keyProposalChoiceByIdAndUser(proposalId, userAddressStr), choice), IntegerEntry(keyProposalVotesByIdAndUser(proposalId, userAddressStr), gnsbtAmt), IntegerEntry(keyProposalVotesByIdAndOption(proposalId, choice), newTotalByNewChoice), IntegerEntry(keyNumUniqueVotersByProposalId(proposalId), (numVotersByProposalId + uniqueDiff)), IntegerEntry(keyStatsAverUniqueVoters(), newAverUniqueVoters6), IntegerEntry(keyStatsAverGnsbtVoted(), newAverGnsbt), StringEntry(keyProposalStatusDataById(proposalId), updateStatusData(dynamicData, isQuorumReached, winOpt, newTotal))] ++ optionalTotalOld), unit) |
371 | | - | } |
372 | | - | } |
373 | | - | } |
374 | | - | } |
375 | | - | } |
376 | | - | |
377 | | - | |
378 | | - | |
379 | | - | @Callable(i) |
380 | | - | func initiateIdeaVoting (forumLink,title,votingStartTime,votingEndTime,optionsList) = if ((size(i.payments) != 1)) |
381 | | - | then throw("Exactly one payment required") |
382 | | - | else initiateVoting(value(i.payments[0]), toBase58String(i.transactionId), "IDEA", toString(i.caller), forumLink, title, votingStartTime, votingEndTime, "PENDING", nil, optionsList) |
383 | | - | |
384 | | - | |
385 | | - | |
386 | | - | @Callable(i) |
387 | | - | func initiateUpdateVoting (forumLink,title,votingStartTime,votingEndTime,txList) = if ((size(i.payments) != 1)) |
388 | | - | then throw("Exactly one payment required") |
389 | | - | else if ((1 > size(txList))) |
390 | | - | then throw("Transactions list is empty") |
391 | | - | else initiateVoting(value(i.payments[0]), toBase58String(i.transactionId), "UPDATE", toString(i.caller), forumLink, title, votingStartTime, votingEndTime, "PENDING", txList, ["NO", "YES"]) |
392 | | - | |
393 | | - | |
394 | | - | |
395 | | - | @Callable(i) |
396 | | - | func cancelVoting (proposalId) = if ((i.caller != this)) |
397 | | - | then throw("not authorized") |
398 | | - | else { |
399 | | - | let currentData = getStringOrFail(this, keyProposalStatusDataById(proposalId)) |
400 | | - | let updatedData = ((take(currentData, value(lastIndexOf(currentData, SEP))) + SEP) + "true") |
401 | | - | $Tuple2([StringEntry(keyProposalStatusDataById(proposalId), updatedData)], unit) |
402 | | - | } |
403 | | - | |
404 | | - | |
405 | | - | |
406 | | - | @Callable(i) |
407 | | - | func applyUpdate (proposalId) = { |
408 | | - | let propData = split(getStringOrFail(this, keyProposalDataById(proposalId)), SEP) |
409 | | - | let end = parseIntValue(propData[govIdxEnd]) |
410 | | - | let now = lastBlock.timestamp |
411 | | - | if ((end > now)) |
412 | | - | then throw("Voting is not finished yet") |
413 | | - | else if (("UPDATE" != propData[govIdxType])) |
414 | | - | then throw("Only UPDATE type can be applied") |
415 | | - | else { |
416 | | - | let dynamicData = split(getStringOrFail(this, keyProposalStatusDataById(proposalId)), SEP) |
417 | | - | if ((dynamicData[govStatusIdxIsCanceled] == "true")) |
418 | | - | then throw("Voting is canceled") |
419 | | - | else if ((dynamicData[govStatusIdxIsValid] != "true")) |
420 | | - | then throw("Voting status invalid") |
421 | | - | else if ((dynamicData[govStatusIdxWinOpt] != "1")) |
422 | | - | then throw("Winner is 'NO' - nothing to apply") |
423 | | - | else if ((dynamicData[govStatusIdxScApplied] == "true")) |
424 | | - | then throw("Scripts are already applied") |
425 | | - | else { |
426 | | - | let scriptTime = parseIntValue(dynamicData[govStatusIdxScTime]) |
427 | | - | if (((now - PASTMARGIN) > scriptTime)) |
428 | | - | then throw((("Scripts timestamp=" + toString(scriptTime)) + " is too far in the past, max 2 hrs allowed")) |
429 | | - | else if ((scriptTime > (now + FUTUREMARGIN))) |
430 | | - | then throw((("Scripts timestamp=" + toString(scriptTime)) + " is too far in the future, max 1.5 hrs allowed")) |
431 | | - | else { |
432 | | - | let inProgressId = getIntOrElse(keyApplyInProgress(), -1) |
433 | | - | if ((inProgressId != -1)) |
434 | | - | then throw((("proposalId=" + toString(inProgressId)) + " is already being applied. Finish it first!")) |
435 | | - | else { |
436 | | - | let shutdown = invoke(controlContract, "callEmergencyShutdown", ["Applying Governance UPDATE"], nil) |
437 | | - | if ((shutdown == shutdown)) |
438 | | - | then $Tuple2([IntegerEntry(keyApplyInProgress(), proposalId)], unit) |
439 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
440 | | - | } |
441 | | - | } |
442 | | - | } |
443 | | - | } |
444 | | - | } |
445 | | - | |
446 | | - | |
447 | | - | |
448 | | - | @Callable(i) |
449 | | - | func finishApply () = { |
450 | | - | let proposalId = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(keyApplyInProgress()), "No apply in progress, nothing to finish") |
451 | | - | let propData = split(getStringOrFail(this, keyProposalDataById(proposalId)), SEP) |
452 | | - | let txList = split(propData[govIdxTxIds], LISTSEP) |
453 | | - | let dynamicData = split(getStringOrFail(this, keyProposalStatusDataById(proposalId)), SEP) |
454 | | - | if ((dynamicData[govStatusIdxScApplied] == "true")) |
455 | | - | then throw("Scripts are already applied") |
456 | | - | else { |
457 | | - | func checker (acc,tx) = if (!(isDefined(transactionHeightById(fromBase58String(tx))))) |
458 | | - | then throw(("NOT applied txId: " + tx)) |
459 | | - | else unit |
460 | | - | |
461 | | - | let ignored = { |
462 | | - | let $l = txList |
463 | | - | let $s = size($l) |
464 | | - | let $acc0 = unit |
465 | | - | func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
466 | | - | then $a |
467 | | - | else checker($a, $l[$i]) |
468 | | - | |
469 | | - | func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
470 | | - | then $a |
471 | | - | else throw("List size exceeds 20") |
472 | | - | |
473 | | - | $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9), 10), 11), 12), 13), 14), 15), 16), 17), 18), 19), 20) |
474 | | - | } |
475 | | - | $Tuple2([DeleteEntry(keyApplyInProgress()), StringEntry(keyProposalStatusDataById(proposalId), statusApplyScript(dynamicData))], ignored) |
476 | | - | } |
| 16 | + | func walletInfoREADONLY (userAddressStrOpt) = { |
| 17 | + | let addr = addressFromString(userAddressStrOpt) |
| 18 | + | let balance = if (isDefined(addr)) |
| 19 | + | then wavesBalance(value(addr)) |
| 20 | + | else BalanceDetails(0, 0, 0, 0) |
| 21 | + | let usdnBalance = if (isDefined(addr)) |
| 22 | + | then assetBalance(value(addr), usdnAssetId) |
| 23 | + | else 0 |
| 24 | + | $Tuple2(nil, makeString(["%d%d%d%d%d", toString(balance.regular), toString(balance.available), toString(balance.generating), toString(balance.effective), toString(usdnBalance)], "_")) |