tx · BBkB4t4hmoX9GUAcfPJuZ2wBxzuNZvxLRQXFzwYQb437

3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT:  -0.00900000 Waves

2023.08.03 13:17 [2694265] data 3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa5:6: "Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa5:5: "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa5:4: "For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa5:3: "My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa5:2: "Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa5:1: "Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa4:8: "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa4:7: "Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa4:6: "There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? LORD, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us."
3N1ikbu9iWGfFteotH2tJDKhTXuLWY28ouT: Psa4:5: "Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD."

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9.44 ms