tx · 8TWxLcstf1RBfFoyctxm6jjMVZZzf9xAS59ZASUHwpGd

3N49shcErzZepEy7HDR1fjAce8humpL7QiH:  -0.01000000 Waves

2022.12.14 21:57 [2360368] smart account 3N49shcErzZepEy7HDR1fjAce8humpL7QiH > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

{ "type": 13, "id": "8TWxLcstf1RBfFoyctxm6jjMVZZzf9xAS59ZASUHwpGd", "fee": 1000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1671044242091, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3N49shcErzZepEy7HDR1fjAce8humpL7QiH", "senderPublicKey": "9frGdXQHcSntKXRWwZ4YJZWnnKREWwYH4cEzMVQwcwYj", "proofs": [ "2wq17c55Ad8uPxbBNSL6RLmsbPpMoQL4HEpt799qcdvzQS8aFwSdD7ZZ2SRxyryjQs5ZLuEjivQ6HmFaGrK3ycyJ" ], "script": "base64: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", "height": 2360368, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: H3iKbjWRDkYfJoHTeU9kFTdnHGahvep3hnGVqsaGhpZb Next: 751d6XsShSJ97x6Wq8Gsnoikapqn6wR2Y337sSV92GNC Diff:
11 {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-}
4+func w (accum,address) = {
5+ let res = invoke(addressFromStringValue(address), "vf", [false, true], nil)
6+ if ((res == res))
7+ then nil
8+ else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
9+ }
612 @Callable(i)
7-func vfa5 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
13+func v (f) = if ((i.caller != this))
814 then throw("only admin allowed")
915 else {
10- let ads = split(a, ",")
11- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[0]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
12- if ((r0 == r0))
13- then {
14- let r1 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[1]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
15- if ((r1 == r1))
16- then {
17- let r2 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[2]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
18- if ((r2 == r2))
19- then {
20- let r3 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[3]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
21- if ((r3 == r3))
22- then {
23- let r4 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[4]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
24- if ((r4 == r4))
25- then nil
26- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
27- }
28- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
29- }
30- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
31- }
32- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
33- }
16+ let inv = invoke(addressFromStringValue(f), "vf", [false, true], nil)
17+ if ((inv == inv))
18+ then nil
3419 else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
3520 }
3924 @Callable(i)
40-func vfa4 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
25+func vfa5 (addresses) = if ((i.caller != this))
4126 then throw("only admin allowed")
4227 else {
43- let ads = split(a, ",")
44- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[0]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
45- if ((r0 == r0))
46- then {
47- let r1 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[1]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
48- if ((r1 == r1))
49- then {
50- let r2 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[2]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
51- if ((r2 == r2))
52- then {
53- let r3 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[3]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
54- if ((r3 == r3))
55- then nil
56- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
57- }
58- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
59- }
60- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
61- }
62- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
63- }
28+ let list = split(addresses, ",")
29+ let fold = {
30+ let $l = list
31+ let $s = size($l)
32+ let $acc0 = ""
33+ func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s))
34+ then $a
35+ else w($a, $l[$i])
37+ func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s))
38+ then $a
39+ else throw("List size exceeds 5")
68-func vfa3 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
69- then throw("only admin allowed")
70- else {
71- let ads = split(a, ",")
72- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[0]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
73- if ((r0 == r0))
74- then {
75- let r1 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[1]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
76- if ((r1 == r1))
77- then {
78- let r2 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[2]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
79- if ((r2 == r2))
80- then nil
81- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
82- }
83- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
84- }
85- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
86- }
91-func vfa2 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
92- then throw("only admin allowed")
93- else {
94- let ads = split(a, ",")
95- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[0]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
96- if ((r0 == r0))
97- then {
98- let r1 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[1]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
99- if ((r1 == r1))
100- then nil
101- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
102- }
103- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
104- }
109-func vfa1 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
110- then throw("only admin allowed")
111- else {
112- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(a), "vf", [false, true], nil)
113- if ((r0 == r0))
41+ $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5)
42+ }
43+ if ((fold == fold))
11444 then nil
11545 else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
11646 }
11 {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-}
4+func w (accum,address) = {
5+ let res = invoke(addressFromStringValue(address), "vf", [false, true], nil)
6+ if ((res == res))
7+ then nil
8+ else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
9+ }
612 @Callable(i)
7-func vfa5 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
13+func v (f) = if ((i.caller != this))
814 then throw("only admin allowed")
915 else {
10- let ads = split(a, ",")
11- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[0]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
12- if ((r0 == r0))
13- then {
14- let r1 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[1]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
15- if ((r1 == r1))
16- then {
17- let r2 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[2]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
18- if ((r2 == r2))
19- then {
20- let r3 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[3]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
21- if ((r3 == r3))
22- then {
23- let r4 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[4]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
24- if ((r4 == r4))
25- then nil
26- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
27- }
28- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
29- }
30- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
31- }
32- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
33- }
16+ let inv = invoke(addressFromStringValue(f), "vf", [false, true], nil)
17+ if ((inv == inv))
18+ then nil
3419 else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
3520 }
3924 @Callable(i)
40-func vfa4 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
25+func vfa5 (addresses) = if ((i.caller != this))
4126 then throw("only admin allowed")
4227 else {
43- let ads = split(a, ",")
44- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[0]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
45- if ((r0 == r0))
46- then {
47- let r1 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[1]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
48- if ((r1 == r1))
49- then {
50- let r2 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[2]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
51- if ((r2 == r2))
52- then {
53- let r3 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[3]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
54- if ((r3 == r3))
55- then nil
56- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
57- }
58- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
59- }
60- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
61- }
62- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
63- }
28+ let list = split(addresses, ",")
29+ let fold = {
30+ let $l = list
31+ let $s = size($l)
32+ let $acc0 = ""
33+ func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s))
34+ then $a
35+ else w($a, $l[$i])
37+ func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s))
38+ then $a
39+ else throw("List size exceeds 5")
68-func vfa3 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
69- then throw("only admin allowed")
70- else {
71- let ads = split(a, ",")
72- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[0]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
73- if ((r0 == r0))
74- then {
75- let r1 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[1]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
76- if ((r1 == r1))
77- then {
78- let r2 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[2]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
79- if ((r2 == r2))
80- then nil
81- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
82- }
83- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
84- }
85- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
86- }
91-func vfa2 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
92- then throw("only admin allowed")
93- else {
94- let ads = split(a, ",")
95- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[0]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
96- if ((r0 == r0))
97- then {
98- let r1 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(ads[1]), "vf", [false, true], nil)
99- if ((r1 == r1))
100- then nil
101- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
102- }
103- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
104- }
109-func vfa1 (a) = if ((i.caller != this))
110- then throw("only admin allowed")
111- else {
112- let r0 = invoke(addressFromStringValue(a), "vf", [false, true], nil)
113- if ((r0 == r0))
41+ $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5)
42+ }
43+ if ((fold == fold))
11444 then nil
11545 else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
11646 }

45.55 ms