1 | | - | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-} |
2 | | - | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} |
3 | | - | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} |
4 | | - | let SEP = "__" |
5 | | - | |
6 | | - | let MULT6 = 1000000 |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let MULT8 = 100000000 |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let WAVESIDSTR = "WAVES" |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let WAVESID = fromBase58String(WAVESIDSTR) |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | func getIntOrFail (key) = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(this, key), (("Mandatory this." + key) + " is not defined")) |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | |
17 | | - | func getStrOrElse (key,defaultVal) = valueOrElse(getString(this, key), defaultVal) |
18 | | - | |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | func getStringOrFail (address,key) = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(address, key), (("Mandatory this." + key) + " is not defined")) |
21 | | - | |
22 | | - | |
23 | | - | func getAddressOrFail (key) = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(getStringOrFail(this, key)), (("Fail to convert this." + key) + " value into Address")) |
24 | | - | |
25 | | - | |
26 | | - | func validateAddressOrFail (addressStr) = { |
27 | | - | let address = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(addressStr), ("fail to convert into address " + addressStr)) |
28 | | - | if ((0 > wavesBalance(address).available)) |
29 | | - | then throw() |
30 | | - | else addressStr |
31 | | - | } |
32 | | - | |
33 | | - | |
34 | | - | func keyNodeRegistry (address) = ("%s__" + address) |
35 | | - | |
36 | | - | |
37 | | - | func keyNodeRewardsTotals (address) = ("%s%s__totals__" + address) |
38 | | - | |
39 | | - | |
40 | | - | func keyDepositAmount () = "%s%s__cfg__depositAmount" |
41 | | - | |
42 | | - | |
43 | | - | func keyNeutrinoAddressStr () = "%s%s__cfg__neutrinoAddress" |
44 | | - | |
45 | | - | |
46 | | - | func keyMasterNodeAddressStr () = "%s%s__cfg__mainNeutrinoNodeAddress" |
47 | | - | |
48 | | - | |
49 | | - | func keyProtocolPartX6 () = "%s%s__cfg__protocolPartX6" |
50 | | - | |
51 | | - | |
52 | | - | func keyBenificaryPartX6 () = "%s%s__cfg__benificaryPartX6" |
53 | | - | |
54 | | - | |
55 | | - | func keyBeneficiaryAddress () = "%s%s__cfg__beneficiaryAddress" |
56 | | - | |
57 | | - | |
58 | | - | func keyLastUpdateHeight () = "%s__lastUpdatedHeight" |
59 | | - | |
60 | | - | |
61 | | - | func keyScriptUpdateHash () = "%s__scriptUpdateHash" |
62 | | - | |
63 | | - | |
64 | | - | func formatDepositAdd (txIdStr,depositAmount,remainingDepositAmount,status) = makeString(["%s%d%d%d%d%s%d%d", txIdStr, toString(lastBlock.height), toString(lastBlock.timestamp), toString(depositAmount), toString(remainingDepositAmount), status, "0", "0"], SEP) |
65 | | - | |
66 | | - | |
67 | | - | func formatDepositChangeStatus (origS,newStatus) = { |
68 | | - | let orig = split(origS, SEP) |
69 | | - | makeString(["%s%d%d%d%d%s%d%d", orig[1], orig[2], orig[3], orig[4], orig[5], newStatus, toString(lastBlock.height), toString(lastBlock.timestamp)], SEP) |
70 | | - | } |
71 | | - | |
72 | | - | |
73 | | - | func keyRewardHistory (nodeAddress,txId) = makeString(["%s%s%s", "history", toString(nodeAddress), toBase58String(txId)], SEP) |
74 | | - | |
75 | | - | |
76 | | - | func dataRewardHistory (wavesAmountTotal,beneficiaryAmt,protocolAmt,protocolAmtPart1,protocolAmtPart2) = makeString(["%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", toString(lastBlock.height), toString(lastBlock.timestamp), toString(wavesAmountTotal), toString(beneficiaryAmt), toString(protocolAmt), toString(protocolAmtPart1), toString(protocolAmtPart2)], SEP) |
77 | | - | |
78 | | - | |
79 | | - | func RewardHistoryEntry (nodeAddress,txId,minedAmt,beneficiaryAmt,protocolAmt,protocolAmt1,protocolAmt2) = StringEntry(keyRewardHistory(nodeAddress, txId), dataRewardHistory(minedAmt, beneficiaryAmt, protocolAmt, protocolAmt1, protocolAmt2)) |
80 | | - | |
81 | | - | |
82 | | - | func dataRewardTotals (minedAmt,beneficiaryAmt,protocolAmt,protocolAmtPart1,protocolAmtPart2) = makeString(["%d%d%d%d%d", toString(minedAmt), toString(beneficiaryAmt), toString(protocolAmt), toString(protocolAmtPart1), toString(protocolAmtPart2)], SEP) |
83 | | - | |
84 | | - | |
85 | | - | func RewardTotalsEntry (miner,minedAmt,beneficiaryAmt,protocolAmt,protocolAmtPart1,protocolAmtPart2) = { |
86 | | - | let nodeRewardsTotalsKEY = keyNodeRewardsTotals(toString(miner)) |
87 | | - | let nodeRewardsArray = split(getStrOrElse(nodeRewardsTotalsKEY, dataRewardTotals(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), SEP) |
88 | | - | let newMinedAmt = (parseIntValue(nodeRewardsArray[1]) + minedAmt) |
89 | | - | let newBeneficiaryAmt = (parseIntValue(nodeRewardsArray[2]) + beneficiaryAmt) |
90 | | - | let newProtocolAmt = (parseIntValue(nodeRewardsArray[3]) + protocolAmt) |
91 | | - | let newProtocolAmtPart1 = (parseIntValue(nodeRewardsArray[4]) + protocolAmtPart1) |
92 | | - | let newProtocolAmtPart2 = (parseIntValue(nodeRewardsArray[5]) + protocolAmtPart2) |
93 | | - | StringEntry(nodeRewardsTotalsKEY, dataRewardTotals(newMinedAmt, newBeneficiaryAmt, newProtocolAmt, newProtocolAmtPart1, newProtocolAmtPart2)) |
94 | | - | } |
95 | | - | |
96 | | - | |
97 | | - | @Callable(i) |
98 | | - | func constructor (depositAmount,neutrinoAddressStr,masterNodeAddressStr,protocolPartX6,benificaryPartX6) = if ((i.caller != this)) |
99 | | - | then throw("permissions denied") |
100 | | - | else if ((0 > depositAmount)) |
101 | | - | then throw("depositAmount less then zero") |
102 | | - | else if ((0 > protocolPartX6)) |
103 | | - | then throw("protocolPartX6 less then zero") |
104 | | - | else if ((0 > benificaryPartX6)) |
105 | | - | then throw("benificaryPartX6 less then zero") |
106 | | - | else if (((protocolPartX6 + benificaryPartX6) != MULT6)) |
107 | | - | then throw("parts sum must be 1") |
108 | | - | else [IntegerEntry(keyDepositAmount(), depositAmount), StringEntry(keyNeutrinoAddressStr(), validateAddressOrFail(neutrinoAddressStr)), StringEntry(keyMasterNodeAddressStr(), validateAddressOrFail(masterNodeAddressStr)), IntegerEntry(keyProtocolPartX6(), protocolPartX6), IntegerEntry(keyBenificaryPartX6(), benificaryPartX6)] |
109 | | - | |
110 | | - | |
111 | | - | |
112 | | - | @Callable(i) |
113 | | - | func sumbitApplication () = if ((size(i.payments) != 1)) |
114 | | - | then throw("exact 1 payment must be attached") |
115 | | - | else if ((i.caller != i.originCaller)) |
116 | | - | then throw("dapp to dapp calls are not allowed") |
117 | | - | else { |
118 | | - | let pmt = i.payments[0] |
119 | | - | let deposit = pmt.amount |
120 | | - | let pmtAssetId = valueOrElse(pmt.assetId, WAVESID) |
121 | | - | let expectedDepositAmount = getIntOrFail(keyDepositAmount()) |
122 | | - | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) |
123 | | - | let nodeAddress = toString(i.caller) |
124 | | - | let nodeRegistryKEY = keyNodeRegistry(nodeAddress) |
125 | | - | if ((pmtAssetId != WAVESID)) |
126 | | - | then throw("only Waves can be used for deposit") |
127 | | - | else if ((deposit != expectedDepositAmount)) |
128 | | - | then throw((("exactly " + toString(expectedDepositAmount)) + " Wavelets are expected")) |
129 | | - | else if ((getStrOrElse(nodeRegistryKEY, "") != "")) |
130 | | - | then throw("your node already registered") |
131 | | - | else [StringEntry(nodeRegistryKEY, formatDepositAdd(txId, deposit, deposit, "PENDING"))] |
132 | | - | } |
133 | | - | |
134 | | - | |
135 | | - | |
136 | | - | @Callable(i) |
137 | | - | func distibuteMinerReward (benificaryAddressStr) = if ((size(i.payments) != 1)) |
138 | | - | then throw("exact 1 payment must be attached") |
139 | | - | else if ((i.caller != i.originCaller)) |
140 | | - | then throw("dapp to dapp calls are not allowed") |
141 | | - | else { |
142 | | - | let pmt = i.payments[0] |
143 | | - | let pmtAssetId = valueOrElse(pmt.assetId, WAVESID) |
144 | | - | let feeAmt = i.fee |
145 | | - | let feeAssetId = valueOrElse(i.feeAssetId, WAVESID) |
146 | | - | let callReward = (feeAmt * 2) |
147 | | - | let minedAmt = (pmt.amount - callReward) |
148 | | - | if ((pmtAssetId != WAVESID)) |
149 | | - | then throw("only Waves can be used in payment") |
150 | | - | else if ((feeAssetId != WAVESID)) |
151 | | - | then throw("only Waves can be used in fees") |
152 | | - | else if ((feeAmt != ((5 * MULT8) / 1000))) |
153 | | - | then throw("fee amount couldn't exceed 0.005") |
154 | | - | else { |
155 | | - | let neutrinoAddress = getAddressOrFail(keyNeutrinoAddressStr()) |
156 | | - | let masterNodeAddress = getAddressOrFail(keyMasterNodeAddressStr()) |
157 | | - | let minerAddress = i.caller |
158 | | - | let minerScriptHash = scriptHash(minerAddress) |
159 | | - | let beneficaryFromParam = addressFromStringValue(benificaryAddressStr) |
160 | | - | let beneficcaryFromMinerState = addressFromStringValue(getStringOrFail(minerAddress, keyBeneficiaryAddress())) |
161 | | - | let $t075137705 = if ((minerScriptHash == unit)) |
162 | | - | then $Tuple2(beneficaryFromParam, beneficaryFromParam) |
163 | | - | else $Tuple2(beneficcaryFromMinerState, beneficaryFromParam) |
164 | | - | let benificaryAddress = $t075137705._1 |
165 | | - | let callRewardReceiver = $t075137705._2 |
166 | | - | let protocolPart = getIntOrFail(keyProtocolPartX6()) |
167 | | - | let benificaryPart = getIntOrFail(keyBenificaryPartX6()) |
168 | | - | let availableBalance = (wavesBalance(minerAddress).available - feeAmt) |
169 | | - | if ((availableBalance != 0)) |
170 | | - | then throw((("all " + toString(availableBalance)) + " Wavelets from the Node balance must be attached into the payment")) |
171 | | - | else { |
172 | | - | let benificaryAmt = fraction(minedAmt, benificaryPart, MULT6) |
173 | | - | let protocolAmt = (minedAmt - benificaryAmt) |
174 | | - | let protocolAmt1 = (protocolAmt / 2) |
175 | | - | let protocolAmt2 = (protocolAmt - protocolAmt1) |
176 | | - | [ScriptTransfer(benificaryAddress, benificaryAmt, unit), ScriptTransfer(neutrinoAddress, protocolAmt1, unit), ScriptTransfer(masterNodeAddress, protocolAmt2, unit), ScriptTransfer(callRewardReceiver, callReward, unit), RewardHistoryEntry(minerAddress, i.transactionId, minedAmt, benificaryAmt, protocolAmt, protocolAmt1, protocolAmt2), RewardTotalsEntry(minerAddress, minedAmt, benificaryAmt, protocolAmt, protocolAmt1, protocolAmt2)] |
177 | | - | } |
178 | | - | } |
179 | | - | } |
180 | | - | |
181 | | - | |
182 | | - | |
183 | | - | @Callable(i) |
184 | | - | func validateAndApproveLeasings (nListS) = { |
185 | | - | let nIdxs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] |
186 | | - | let nList = split(nListS, SEP) |
187 | | - | let expectedCount = size(nIdxs) |
188 | | - | let neutrinoAddress = getAddressOrFail(keyNeutrinoAddressStr()) |
189 | | - | if ((i.caller != neutrinoAddress)) |
190 | | - | then throw("validateAndApproveLeasings not authorized") |
191 | | - | else if (((size(nList) % 2) != 0)) |
192 | | - | then throw("Only even number of nodes is allowed") |
193 | | - | else if ((size(nList) != expectedCount)) |
194 | | - | then throw((("Only " + toString(expectedCount)) + " node's address cab be passed")) |
195 | | - | else { |
196 | | - | func forEachNodeChangeStatus (acc,i) = { |
197 | | - | let nodeAddr = nList[i] |
198 | | - | let nodeRegistryKEY = keyNodeRegistry(nodeAddr) |
199 | | - | let nodeDataOpt = getString(this, nodeRegistryKEY) |
200 | | - | if (!(isDefined(nodeDataOpt))) |
201 | | - | then throw(("invalid Node in list " + nodeAddr)) |
202 | | - | else { |
203 | | - | let nodeData = split(value(nodeDataOpt), SEP) |
204 | | - | let nodeStatus = nodeData[6] |
205 | | - | if (if ((size(nodeData) >= 9)) |
206 | | - | then (nodeStatus != "PENDING") |
207 | | - | else false) |
208 | | - | then throw(((("node " + nodeAddr) + " already has a final status ") + nodeStatus)) |
209 | | - | else (acc :+ StringEntry(nodeRegistryKEY, formatDepositChangeStatus(value(nodeDataOpt), "APPROVED"))) |
210 | | - | } |
211 | | - | } |
212 | | - | |
213 | | - | let approvedNodesData = { |
214 | | - | let $l = nIdxs |
215 | | - | let $s = size($l) |
216 | | - | let $acc0 = nil |
217 | | - | func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
218 | | - | then $a |
219 | | - | else forEachNodeChangeStatus($a, $l[$i]) |
220 | | - | |
221 | | - | func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
222 | | - | then $a |
223 | | - | else throw("List size exceeds 8") |
224 | | - | |
225 | | - | $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8) |
226 | | - | } |
227 | | - | $Tuple2(approvedNodesData, nil) |
228 | | - | } |
229 | | - | } |
230 | | - | |
231 | | - | |
232 | | - | |
233 | | - | @Callable(i) |
234 | | - | func returnDeposit (nodeAddress) = if ((size(i.payments) != 0)) |
235 | | - | then throw("No payments allowed") |
236 | | - | else { |
237 | | - | let callerAddress = i.caller |
238 | | - | if (if ((callerAddress != this)) |
239 | | - | then (nodeAddress != toString(callerAddress)) |
240 | | - | else false) |
241 | | - | then throw("returnDeposit permissions denied") |
242 | | - | else { |
243 | | - | let nodeRegistryKEY = keyNodeRegistry(nodeAddress) |
244 | | - | let nodeDataOpt = getString(this, nodeRegistryKEY) |
245 | | - | if (!(isDefined(nodeDataOpt))) |
246 | | - | then throw(("Address is not applied as neutrino node: " + nodeAddress)) |
247 | | - | else { |
248 | | - | let nodeData = split(value(nodeDataOpt), SEP) |
249 | | - | let status = if ((size(nodeData) >= 9)) |
250 | | - | then nodeData[6] |
251 | | - | else "PENDING" |
252 | | - | if ((status != "PENDING")) |
253 | | - | then throw("Application status is not PENDING!") |
254 | | - | else { |
255 | | - | let depoAmount = parseIntValue(nodeData[4]) |
256 | | - | [DeleteEntry(nodeRegistryKEY), ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(nodeAddress), depoAmount, unit)] |
257 | | - | } |
258 | | - | } |
259 | | - | } |
260 | | - | } |
261 | | - | |
262 | | - | |
| 1 | + | # no script |