tx · HpSeEzP6ebrKCRokmGy2E59a5vBX2qe8sQfCVEtdjP3g

3MyLDDChFqiZMV8At2rmymVkQzrrPbSE7EK:  -1.00500000 Waves
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2:  +1.00000000 Waves

2022.04.14 13:51 [2008135] invoke 3MyLDDChFqiZMV8At2rmymVkQzrrPbSE7EK > 3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2 initSurvey() 1.00000000 Waves

3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_3_survey_option_type: "string"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_3_survey_option_name: "Longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_2_survey_option_type: "string"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_2_survey_option_name: "omar"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_1_survey_option_type: "string"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_1_survey_option_name: "lobster"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_0_survey_option_type: "string"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_0_survey_option_name: "crab"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_survey_description: "Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. Basic test of voting. "
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_survey_title: "Im Test voting"
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: 4_survey_height_completion: 1649932958389
3MwXzdxuugbRMCKKFFD3W6GjzNfz6iwSHy2: last_survey_id: 3 -> 4

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45.28 ms