tx · 83msHFQT43HJHgDdnsW1RSW5yV8Fwu12ib6HSKQDcbAR

3N9ttyLcRwDo7L4EmJkbS3ZFuQJygivupsL:  -0.00500000 Waves

2024.08.26 14:09 [3255778] invoke 3N9ttyLcRwDo7L4EmJkbS3ZFuQJygivupsL > 3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV commitTask()

3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: checked_out_by_92ovWCy1Zf8CSsTLLLssC74m8yn5yPMqVp9fmVacou97_llama3_9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp: true -> null
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_timestamp_llama3: 1724670561939
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_height_llama3: 3255778
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_result_llama3: "Alan Turing (1912-1954) was a British mathematician, computer scientist, logician, and philosopher who made significant contributions to computer science, artificial intelligence, cryptography, and theoretical computer science. He is widely considered one of the most influential minds of the 20th century.

Here are some of his notable achievements:

1. **Codebreaking and the Enigma Machine**: During World War II, Turing played a crucial role in cracking the German Enigma code, a complex encryption machine used by the German military to transmit secret messages. His work at the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park helped shorten the war by an estimated 2-4 years.
2. **Theoretical Computer Science**: Turing is known as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. He proposed the Turing Machine, a mathematical model for computation that is still used today to understand the fundamental principles of computation.
3. **Turing Test**: In 1950, Turing proposed the Turing Test, a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. The test is still used today to assess the progress of artificial intelligence research.
4. **Digital Computers**: Turing's 1936 paper, "On Computable Numbers," laid the foundation for the development of the modern digital computer. He designed and built the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE), a computer that predated the first commercial computers.
5. **Mathematics and Codependency**: Turing's work on mathematical logic and computation led to a more detailed understanding of algorithms, recursion, and formal systems, laying the groundwork for modern computer science.

Despite his groundbreaking contributions, Turing faced persecution for his bisexuality and was chemically castrated as a result. He died tragically young at 41 from cyanide poisoning, which was believed to be a suicide.

Turing's legacy has been recognized with many tributes, including:

* The Alan Turing Award, considered the "Nobel Prize of Computing"
* The Turing Prize for Computing
* Turing Centenary Celebrations (2012)
* A nationwide apology and pardon in the UK for his persecution
* Turing's face on the 50p coin in the UK
* Numerous books, films, and documentaries about his life and work

Alan Turing's pioneering work continues to inspire innovation and research in the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence, and mathematics, and his contributions remain a testament to his enduring legacy."
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_status_llama3: "checked_out" -> "done"

{ "type": 16, "id": "83msHFQT43HJHgDdnsW1RSW5yV8Fwu12ib6HSKQDcbAR", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1724670585626, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3N9ttyLcRwDo7L4EmJkbS3ZFuQJygivupsL", "senderPublicKey": "92ovWCy1Zf8CSsTLLLssC74m8yn5yPMqVp9fmVacou97", "proofs": [ "2HHdBvqjXMr51A4t9KE7xhsAmBzaP2z1adt7PW8J6Tc1LTAkPrvaNho64ET3x9pMP8JCMegUnLWHqKJdKU1LkoLR" ], "dApp": "3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "commitTask", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp" }, { "type": "string", "value": "Alan Turing (1912-1954) was a British mathematician, computer scientist, logician, and philosopher who made significant contributions to computer science, artificial intelligence, cryptography, and theoretical computer science. He is widely considered one of the most influential minds of the 20th century.\n\nHere are some of his notable achievements:\n\n1. **Codebreaking and the Enigma Machine**: During World War II, Turing played a crucial role in cracking the German Enigma code, a complex encryption machine used by the German military to transmit secret messages. His work at the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park helped shorten the war by an estimated 2-4 years.\n2. **Theoretical Computer Science**: Turing is known as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. He proposed the Turing Machine, a mathematical model for computation that is still used today to understand the fundamental principles of computation.\n3. **Turing Test**: In 1950, Turing proposed the Turing Test, a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. The test is still used today to assess the progress of artificial intelligence research.\n4. **Digital Computers**: Turing's 1936 paper, "On Computable Numbers," laid the foundation for the development of the modern digital computer. He designed and built the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE), a computer that predated the first commercial computers.\n5. **Mathematics and Codependency**: Turing's work on mathematical logic and computation led to a more detailed understanding of algorithms, recursion, and formal systems, laying the groundwork for modern computer science.\n\nDespite his groundbreaking contributions, Turing faced persecution for his bisexuality and was chemically castrated as a result. He died tragically young at 41 from cyanide poisoning, which was believed to be a suicide.\n\nTuring's legacy has been recognized with many tributes, including:\n\n* The Alan Turing Award, considered the "Nobel Prize of Computing"\n* The Turing Prize for Computing\n* Turing Centenary Celebrations (2012)\n* A nationwide apology and pardon in the UK for his persecution\n* Turing's face on the 50p coin in the UK\n* Numerous books, films, and documentaries about his life and work\n\nAlan Turing's pioneering work continues to inspire innovation and research in the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence, and mathematics, and his contributions remain a testament to his enduring legacy." } ] }, "height": 3255778, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 67, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_status_llama3", "type": "string", "value": "done" }, { "key": "9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_result_llama3", "type": "string", "value": "Alan Turing (1912-1954) was a British mathematician, computer scientist, logician, and philosopher who made significant contributions to computer science, artificial intelligence, cryptography, and theoretical computer science. He is widely considered one of the most influential minds of the 20th century.\n\nHere are some of his notable achievements:\n\n1. **Codebreaking and the Enigma Machine**: During World War II, Turing played a crucial role in cracking the German Enigma code, a complex encryption machine used by the German military to transmit secret messages. His work at the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park helped shorten the war by an estimated 2-4 years.\n2. **Theoretical Computer Science**: Turing is known as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. He proposed the Turing Machine, a mathematical model for computation that is still used today to understand the fundamental principles of computation.\n3. **Turing Test**: In 1950, Turing proposed the Turing Test, a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. The test is still used today to assess the progress of artificial intelligence research.\n4. **Digital Computers**: Turing's 1936 paper, "On Computable Numbers," laid the foundation for the development of the modern digital computer. He designed and built the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE), a computer that predated the first commercial computers.\n5. **Mathematics and Codependency**: Turing's work on mathematical logic and computation led to a more detailed understanding of algorithms, recursion, and formal systems, laying the groundwork for modern computer science.\n\nDespite his groundbreaking contributions, Turing faced persecution for his bisexuality and was chemically castrated as a result. He died tragically young at 41 from cyanide poisoning, which was believed to be a suicide.\n\nTuring's legacy has been recognized with many tributes, including:\n\n* The Alan Turing Award, considered the "Nobel Prize of Computing"\n* The Turing Prize for Computing\n* Turing Centenary Celebrations (2012)\n* A nationwide apology and pardon in the UK for his persecution\n* Turing's face on the 50p coin in the UK\n* Numerous books, films, and documentaries about his life and work\n\nAlan Turing's pioneering work continues to inspire innovation and research in the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence, and mathematics, and his contributions remain a testament to his enduring legacy." }, { "key": "9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_height_llama3", "type": "integer", "value": 3255778 }, { "key": "9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_timestamp_llama3", "type": "integer", "value": 1724670561939 }, { "key": "checked_out_by_92ovWCy1Zf8CSsTLLLssC74m8yn5yPMqVp9fmVacou97_llama3_9XgRGJCtBp5SZFneEbrL4fm4ZcDRTsaduLRPotDqv1yE_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp", "value": null } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

13.22 ms