tx · 9fPgE3PKFfTBeTmYH4pnMTy9G25XKu7CTnYYkxnK3KP9 3N6hQF6HBBQ5JCKB8Xs17Q61wkG3VrLvbGd: -0.10001000 Waves 2021.12.03 00:18 [1817186] smart account 3N6hQF6HBBQ5JCKB8Xs17Q61wkG3VrLvbGd > SELF 0.00000000 Waves
{ "type": 13, "id": "9fPgE3PKFfTBeTmYH4pnMTy9G25XKu7CTnYYkxnK3KP9", "fee": 10001000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1638479928381, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3N6hQF6HBBQ5JCKB8Xs17Q61wkG3VrLvbGd", "senderPublicKey": "7Hi4o6vBstRs79NMVMjEove52dmP87RAcvNDAXN8C4Wi", "proofs": [ "5VngX9HKnqFP31cREQgLhKyp9uoC8VKfFPM2YbRS8LWRzJCUujYaai5SwVHZ6BUBcBuj4w35qg5bgycyGYR5DVWm" ], "script": "base64:AAIFAAAAAAAAADwIAhIDCgEIEgMKAQgaCwoCYTESBXJvdW5kGhMKAmEyEg1jYWxsZXJBZGRyZXNzGgwKAmEzEgZ2ZXJpZnkAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAFpAQAAAARiZXQyAAAAAQAAAAJhMQQAAAACYTIJAAJYAAAAAQgIBQAAAAFpAAAABmNhbGxlcgAAAAVieXRlcwkAAAIAAAABAgAAAAZjYWxsZWQAAAABaQEAAAAJd2l0aGRyYXcyAAAAAQAAAAJhMQQAAAACYTIJAAJYAAAAAQgIBQAAAAFpAAAABmNhbGxlcgAAAAVieXRlcwkAAAIAAAABAgAAAAZjYWxsZWQAAAABAAAAAnR4AQAAAAJhMwAAAAAJAAH0AAAAAwgFAAAAAnR4AAAACWJvZHlCeXRlcwkAAZEAAAACCAUAAAACdHgAAAAGcHJvb2ZzAAAAAAAAAAAACAUAAAACdHgAAAAPc2VuZGVyUHVibGljS2V52A62wQ==", "height": 1817186, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: 22efvLwL6mvigxDy8pVp1cXt7J2sjskUcPNDr6uXZiZm Next: BKBVVHDwFe1JT9XgqBJMMPXGUskqegrYKpdFwGHgL35r Diff:
Old | New | Differences | |
1 | 1 | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-} | |
2 | 2 | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} | |
3 | 3 | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} | |
4 | - | let casino = "3MtaCL4v1bjTabUqs7oU4ofS8fbai34WM1i" | |
5 | - | ||
6 | - | let WAVES = 1000000000 | |
7 | - | ||
8 | - | let maxBet = (100 * WAVES) | |
9 | - | ||
10 | - | let separator = "," | |
11 | - | ||
12 | - | func getNewDeck () = ["01C", "02C", "03C", "04C", "05C", "06C", "07C", "08C", "09C", "10C", "11C", "12C", "13C", "01D", "02D", "03D", "04D", "05D", "06D", "07D", "08D", "09D", "10D", "11D", "12D", "13D", "01H", "02H", "03H", "04H", "05H", "06H", "07H", "08H", "09H", "10H", "11H", "12H", "13H", "01S", "02S", "03S", "04S", "05S", "06S", "07S", "08S", "09S", "10S", "11S", "12S", "13S"] | |
13 | - | ||
14 | - | ||
15 | - | func getSixNewDecks () = (((((getNewDeck() ++ getNewDeck()) ++ getNewDeck()) ++ getNewDeck()) ++ getNewDeck()) ++ getNewDeck()) | |
16 | - | ||
17 | - | ||
18 | - | func getDeck (deck) = if ((0 >= size(deck))) | |
19 | - | then getSixNewDecks() | |
20 | - | else deck | |
21 | - | ||
22 | - | ||
23 | - | func getRandomNumber (salt1,salt2,answersCount) = { | |
24 | - | let hash = sha256(toBytes((salt1 + salt2))) | |
25 | - | let index = toInt(hash) | |
26 | - | let rand = (index % answersCount) | |
27 | - | if ((0 > rand)) | |
28 | - | then ((-1 * rand) + 1) | |
29 | - | else (rand + 1) | |
30 | - | } | |
31 | - | ||
32 | - | ||
33 | - | func getPreviousRandomNumber (address) = match getInteger(this, (address + "_LastRandonNumber")) { | |
34 | - | case n: Int => | |
35 | - | toString(n) | |
36 | - | case _ => | |
37 | - | address | |
38 | - | } | |
39 | - | ||
40 | - | ||
41 | - | func getAmountOrZero (this,key) = match getInteger(this, key) { | |
42 | - | case a: Int => | |
43 | - | a | |
44 | - | case _ => | |
45 | - | 0 | |
46 | - | } | |
47 | - | ||
48 | - | ||
49 | - | func getPayment (i) = if ((size(i.payments) == 0)) | |
50 | - | then throw("Payment must be attached") | |
51 | - | else { | |
52 | - | let pmt = i.payments[0] | |
53 | - | if (isDefined(pmt.assetId)) | |
54 | - | then throw("This function accepts WAVES tokens only") | |
55 | - | else pmt.amount | |
56 | - | } | |
57 | - | ||
58 | - | ||
59 | - | func getCardValue (stringCard) = { | |
60 | - | let p = parseIntValue(take(stringCard, 2)) | |
61 | - | if ((p == 1)) | |
62 | - | then 20 | |
63 | - | else p | |
64 | - | } | |
65 | - | ||
66 | - | ||
67 | - | func getWinner (cardPlayer,cardCasino,callerAddress,casino) = { | |
68 | - | let p = getCardValue(cardPlayer) | |
69 | - | let o = getCardValue(cardCasino) | |
70 | - | if ((p > o)) | |
71 | - | then callerAddress | |
72 | - | else casino | |
73 | - | } | |
74 | - | ||
75 | - | ||
76 | - | func Exit () = if ((1 >= 1)) | |
77 | - | then throw("exit") | |
78 | - | else throw("message") | |
79 | - | ||
80 | - | ||
81 | - | func getAvailableDeck (this,availableProp) = if (isDefined(getString(this, availableProp))) | |
82 | - | then { | |
83 | - | let stringDeck = getStringValue(this, availableProp) | |
84 | - | let deck = split(stringDeck, separator) | |
85 | - | getDeck(deck) | |
86 | - | } | |
87 | - | else getSixNewDecks() | |
88 | - | ||
89 | - | ||
90 | - | func getPlayerCardAndPositionAndUpdateDeck (meKey,callerAddress,deck) = { | |
91 | - | let avDeck2 = getDeck(deck) | |
92 | - | let cardPosition = getRandomNumber(((meKey + makeString(avDeck2, separator)) + callerAddress), getPreviousRandomNumber(callerAddress), size(avDeck2)) | |
93 | - | let card = avDeck2[(cardPosition % size(avDeck2))] | |
94 | - | let avDeck3 = removeByIndex(avDeck2, (cardPosition % size(avDeck2))) | |
95 | - | $Tuple3(card, cardPosition, avDeck3) | |
96 | - | } | |
97 | 4 | ||
98 | 5 | ||
99 | 6 | @Callable(i) | |
100 | - | func | |
7 | + | func bet2 (round) = { | |
101 | 8 | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
102 | - | let exit = Exit() | |
103 | - | let meKey = round | |
104 | - | let p = getPayment(i) | |
105 | - | let curSumBets = getAmountOrZero(c2, (round + "_sumBets")) | |
106 | - | let currentDraws = match getInteger(c2, (round + "_drawSequence")) { | |
107 | - | case a: Int => | |
108 | - | (a + 1) | |
109 | - | case _ => | |
110 | - | 0 | |
111 | - | } | |
112 | - | let currentPlayer = match getString(c2, (round + "_player")) { | |
113 | - | case a: String => | |
114 | - | a | |
115 | - | case _ => | |
116 | - | unit | |
117 | - | } | |
118 | - | let initialBet = match getInteger(c2, (round + "_initialBet")) { | |
119 | - | case a: Int => | |
120 | - | a | |
121 | - | case _ => | |
122 | - | p | |
123 | - | } | |
124 | - | let availableProp = (meKey + "_available") | |
125 | - | let newSumBets = (curSumBets + p) | |
126 | - | if (if (isDefined(getBoolean(c2, (round + "_stop")))) | |
127 | - | then true | |
128 | - | else isDefined(getString(c2, round))) | |
129 | - | then throw("This round is already played") | |
130 | - | else if (if (isDefined(getString(c2, (round + "_player")))) | |
131 | - | then (currentPlayer != callerAddress) | |
132 | - | else false) | |
133 | - | then throw("This is not your game") | |
134 | - | else if ((newSumBets > maxBet)) | |
135 | - | then throw(((("Maximum amount of bets for round " + toString(maxBet)) + ". With your bet it's ") + toString(newSumBets))) | |
136 | - | else if ((initialBet != p)) | |
137 | - | then throw(((("Initial bet not maching original:" + toString(initialBet)) + ", actual:") + toString(p))) | |
138 | - | else { | |
139 | - | let avDeck = getAvailableDeck(c2, availableProp) | |
140 | - | let $t040774192 = getPlayerCardAndPositionAndUpdateDeck(meKey, callerAddress, avDeck) | |
141 | - | let cardPlayer = $t040774192._1 | |
142 | - | let cardPositionPlayer = $t040774192._2 | |
143 | - | let avDeck1 = $t040774192._3 | |
144 | - | let $t041974313 = getPlayerCardAndPositionAndUpdateDeck(meKey, callerAddress, avDeck1) | |
145 | - | let cardCasino = $t041974313._1 | |
146 | - | let cardPositionCasino = $t041974313._2 | |
147 | - | let avDeck2 = $t041974313._3 | |
148 | - | if ((getCardValue(cardPlayer) == getCardValue(cardCasino))) | |
149 | - | then [StringEntry(availableProp, makeString(avDeck2, separator)), StringEntry((round + "_player"), callerAddress), IntegerEntry((round + "_initialBet"), initialBet), StringEntry((meKey + "_salt_debug"), meKey), IntegerEntry((meKey + "_LastRandonNumber"), cardPositionCasino), IntegerEntry((round + "_sumBets"), newSumBets), StringEntry((meKey + "_playerCard"), cardPlayer), StringEntry((meKey + "_casinoCard"), cardCasino), IntegerEntry((round + "_drawSequence"), (currentDraws + 1))] | |
150 | - | else { | |
151 | - | let winner = getWinner(cardPlayer, cardCasino, callerAddress, casino) | |
152 | - | [StringEntry(availableProp, makeString(avDeck2, separator)), StringEntry((round + "_player"), callerAddress), IntegerEntry((round + "_initialBet"), initialBet), StringEntry((meKey + "_salt_debug"), meKey), IntegerEntry((meKey + "_LastRandonNumber"), cardPositionCasino), IntegerEntry((round + "_sumBets"), newSumBets), StringEntry((meKey + "_playerCard"), cardPlayer), StringEntry((meKey + "_casinoCard"), cardCasino), BooleanEntry((round + "_stop"), true), StringEntry((round + "_winner"), winner)] | |
153 | - | } | |
154 | - | } | |
9 | + | throw("called") | |
155 | 10 | } | |
156 | 11 | ||
157 | 12 | ||
158 | 13 | ||
159 | 14 | @Callable(i) | |
160 | - | func | |
15 | + | func withdraw2 (round) = { | |
161 | 16 | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
162 | - | let meKey = ((round + "_") + callerAddress) | |
163 | - | let withdrawKey = (round + "_withdraw") | |
164 | - | if (isDefined(getString(c2, withdrawKey))) | |
165 | - | then throw("You have already got your prize") | |
166 | - | else if (!(isDefined(getString(c2, (round + "_winner"))))) | |
167 | - | then throw("There is no winner, it was a draw") | |
168 | - | else { | |
169 | - | let winner = getStringValue(c2, (round + "_winner")) | |
170 | - | let player = getStringValue(c2, (round + "_player")) | |
171 | - | let curSumBet = getIntegerValue(c2, (round + "_sumBets")) | |
172 | - | if ((curSumBet == 0)) | |
173 | - | then throw("You won nothing this round") | |
174 | - | else if (if ((winner == callerAddress)) | |
175 | - | then (winner == casino) | |
176 | - | else false) | |
177 | - | then [StringEntry(withdrawKey, toString(curSumBet)), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, curSumBet, unit)] | |
178 | - | else if (if ((winner == callerAddress)) | |
179 | - | then (winner == player) | |
180 | - | else false) | |
181 | - | then [StringEntry(withdrawKey, toString((curSumBet * 2))), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, (curSumBet * 2), unit)] | |
182 | - | else throw("You are not the winner") | |
183 | - | } | |
17 | + | throw("called") | |
184 | 18 | } | |
185 | 19 | ||
186 | 20 |
Old | New | Differences | |
1 | 1 | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-} | |
2 | 2 | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} | |
3 | 3 | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} | |
4 | - | let casino = "3MtaCL4v1bjTabUqs7oU4ofS8fbai34WM1i" | |
5 | - | ||
6 | - | let WAVES = 1000000000 | |
7 | - | ||
8 | - | let maxBet = (100 * WAVES) | |
9 | - | ||
10 | - | let separator = "," | |
11 | - | ||
12 | - | func getNewDeck () = ["01C", "02C", "03C", "04C", "05C", "06C", "07C", "08C", "09C", "10C", "11C", "12C", "13C", "01D", "02D", "03D", "04D", "05D", "06D", "07D", "08D", "09D", "10D", "11D", "12D", "13D", "01H", "02H", "03H", "04H", "05H", "06H", "07H", "08H", "09H", "10H", "11H", "12H", "13H", "01S", "02S", "03S", "04S", "05S", "06S", "07S", "08S", "09S", "10S", "11S", "12S", "13S"] | |
13 | - | ||
14 | - | ||
15 | - | func getSixNewDecks () = (((((getNewDeck() ++ getNewDeck()) ++ getNewDeck()) ++ getNewDeck()) ++ getNewDeck()) ++ getNewDeck()) | |
16 | - | ||
17 | - | ||
18 | - | func getDeck (deck) = if ((0 >= size(deck))) | |
19 | - | then getSixNewDecks() | |
20 | - | else deck | |
21 | - | ||
22 | - | ||
23 | - | func getRandomNumber (salt1,salt2,answersCount) = { | |
24 | - | let hash = sha256(toBytes((salt1 + salt2))) | |
25 | - | let index = toInt(hash) | |
26 | - | let rand = (index % answersCount) | |
27 | - | if ((0 > rand)) | |
28 | - | then ((-1 * rand) + 1) | |
29 | - | else (rand + 1) | |
30 | - | } | |
31 | - | ||
32 | - | ||
33 | - | func getPreviousRandomNumber (address) = match getInteger(this, (address + "_LastRandonNumber")) { | |
34 | - | case n: Int => | |
35 | - | toString(n) | |
36 | - | case _ => | |
37 | - | address | |
38 | - | } | |
39 | - | ||
40 | - | ||
41 | - | func getAmountOrZero (this,key) = match getInteger(this, key) { | |
42 | - | case a: Int => | |
43 | - | a | |
44 | - | case _ => | |
45 | - | 0 | |
46 | - | } | |
47 | - | ||
48 | - | ||
49 | - | func getPayment (i) = if ((size(i.payments) == 0)) | |
50 | - | then throw("Payment must be attached") | |
51 | - | else { | |
52 | - | let pmt = i.payments[0] | |
53 | - | if (isDefined(pmt.assetId)) | |
54 | - | then throw("This function accepts WAVES tokens only") | |
55 | - | else pmt.amount | |
56 | - | } | |
57 | - | ||
58 | - | ||
59 | - | func getCardValue (stringCard) = { | |
60 | - | let p = parseIntValue(take(stringCard, 2)) | |
61 | - | if ((p == 1)) | |
62 | - | then 20 | |
63 | - | else p | |
64 | - | } | |
65 | - | ||
66 | - | ||
67 | - | func getWinner (cardPlayer,cardCasino,callerAddress,casino) = { | |
68 | - | let p = getCardValue(cardPlayer) | |
69 | - | let o = getCardValue(cardCasino) | |
70 | - | if ((p > o)) | |
71 | - | then callerAddress | |
72 | - | else casino | |
73 | - | } | |
74 | - | ||
75 | - | ||
76 | - | func Exit () = if ((1 >= 1)) | |
77 | - | then throw("exit") | |
78 | - | else throw("message") | |
79 | - | ||
80 | - | ||
81 | - | func getAvailableDeck (this,availableProp) = if (isDefined(getString(this, availableProp))) | |
82 | - | then { | |
83 | - | let stringDeck = getStringValue(this, availableProp) | |
84 | - | let deck = split(stringDeck, separator) | |
85 | - | getDeck(deck) | |
86 | - | } | |
87 | - | else getSixNewDecks() | |
88 | - | ||
89 | - | ||
90 | - | func getPlayerCardAndPositionAndUpdateDeck (meKey,callerAddress,deck) = { | |
91 | - | let avDeck2 = getDeck(deck) | |
92 | - | let cardPosition = getRandomNumber(((meKey + makeString(avDeck2, separator)) + callerAddress), getPreviousRandomNumber(callerAddress), size(avDeck2)) | |
93 | - | let card = avDeck2[(cardPosition % size(avDeck2))] | |
94 | - | let avDeck3 = removeByIndex(avDeck2, (cardPosition % size(avDeck2))) | |
95 | - | $Tuple3(card, cardPosition, avDeck3) | |
96 | - | } | |
97 | 4 | ||
98 | 5 | ||
99 | 6 | @Callable(i) | |
100 | - | func | |
7 | + | func bet2 (round) = { | |
101 | 8 | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
102 | - | let exit = Exit() | |
103 | - | let meKey = round | |
104 | - | let p = getPayment(i) | |
105 | - | let curSumBets = getAmountOrZero(c2, (round + "_sumBets")) | |
106 | - | let currentDraws = match getInteger(c2, (round + "_drawSequence")) { | |
107 | - | case a: Int => | |
108 | - | (a + 1) | |
109 | - | case _ => | |
110 | - | 0 | |
111 | - | } | |
112 | - | let currentPlayer = match getString(c2, (round + "_player")) { | |
113 | - | case a: String => | |
114 | - | a | |
115 | - | case _ => | |
116 | - | unit | |
117 | - | } | |
118 | - | let initialBet = match getInteger(c2, (round + "_initialBet")) { | |
119 | - | case a: Int => | |
120 | - | a | |
121 | - | case _ => | |
122 | - | p | |
123 | - | } | |
124 | - | let availableProp = (meKey + "_available") | |
125 | - | let newSumBets = (curSumBets + p) | |
126 | - | if (if (isDefined(getBoolean(c2, (round + "_stop")))) | |
127 | - | then true | |
128 | - | else isDefined(getString(c2, round))) | |
129 | - | then throw("This round is already played") | |
130 | - | else if (if (isDefined(getString(c2, (round + "_player")))) | |
131 | - | then (currentPlayer != callerAddress) | |
132 | - | else false) | |
133 | - | then throw("This is not your game") | |
134 | - | else if ((newSumBets > maxBet)) | |
135 | - | then throw(((("Maximum amount of bets for round " + toString(maxBet)) + ". With your bet it's ") + toString(newSumBets))) | |
136 | - | else if ((initialBet != p)) | |
137 | - | then throw(((("Initial bet not maching original:" + toString(initialBet)) + ", actual:") + toString(p))) | |
138 | - | else { | |
139 | - | let avDeck = getAvailableDeck(c2, availableProp) | |
140 | - | let $t040774192 = getPlayerCardAndPositionAndUpdateDeck(meKey, callerAddress, avDeck) | |
141 | - | let cardPlayer = $t040774192._1 | |
142 | - | let cardPositionPlayer = $t040774192._2 | |
143 | - | let avDeck1 = $t040774192._3 | |
144 | - | let $t041974313 = getPlayerCardAndPositionAndUpdateDeck(meKey, callerAddress, avDeck1) | |
145 | - | let cardCasino = $t041974313._1 | |
146 | - | let cardPositionCasino = $t041974313._2 | |
147 | - | let avDeck2 = $t041974313._3 | |
148 | - | if ((getCardValue(cardPlayer) == getCardValue(cardCasino))) | |
149 | - | then [StringEntry(availableProp, makeString(avDeck2, separator)), StringEntry((round + "_player"), callerAddress), IntegerEntry((round + "_initialBet"), initialBet), StringEntry((meKey + "_salt_debug"), meKey), IntegerEntry((meKey + "_LastRandonNumber"), cardPositionCasino), IntegerEntry((round + "_sumBets"), newSumBets), StringEntry((meKey + "_playerCard"), cardPlayer), StringEntry((meKey + "_casinoCard"), cardCasino), IntegerEntry((round + "_drawSequence"), (currentDraws + 1))] | |
150 | - | else { | |
151 | - | let winner = getWinner(cardPlayer, cardCasino, callerAddress, casino) | |
152 | - | [StringEntry(availableProp, makeString(avDeck2, separator)), StringEntry((round + "_player"), callerAddress), IntegerEntry((round + "_initialBet"), initialBet), StringEntry((meKey + "_salt_debug"), meKey), IntegerEntry((meKey + "_LastRandonNumber"), cardPositionCasino), IntegerEntry((round + "_sumBets"), newSumBets), StringEntry((meKey + "_playerCard"), cardPlayer), StringEntry((meKey + "_casinoCard"), cardCasino), BooleanEntry((round + "_stop"), true), StringEntry((round + "_winner"), winner)] | |
153 | - | } | |
154 | - | } | |
9 | + | throw("called") | |
155 | 10 | } | |
156 | 11 | ||
157 | 12 | ||
158 | 13 | ||
159 | 14 | @Callable(i) | |
160 | - | func | |
15 | + | func withdraw2 (round) = { | |
161 | 16 | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
162 | - | let meKey = ((round + "_") + callerAddress) | |
163 | - | let withdrawKey = (round + "_withdraw") | |
164 | - | if (isDefined(getString(c2, withdrawKey))) | |
165 | - | then throw("You have already got your prize") | |
166 | - | else if (!(isDefined(getString(c2, (round + "_winner"))))) | |
167 | - | then throw("There is no winner, it was a draw") | |
168 | - | else { | |
169 | - | let winner = getStringValue(c2, (round + "_winner")) | |
170 | - | let player = getStringValue(c2, (round + "_player")) | |
171 | - | let curSumBet = getIntegerValue(c2, (round + "_sumBets")) | |
172 | - | if ((curSumBet == 0)) | |
173 | - | then throw("You won nothing this round") | |
174 | - | else if (if ((winner == callerAddress)) | |
175 | - | then (winner == casino) | |
176 | - | else false) | |
177 | - | then [StringEntry(withdrawKey, toString(curSumBet)), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, curSumBet, unit)] | |
178 | - | else if (if ((winner == callerAddress)) | |
179 | - | then (winner == player) | |
180 | - | else false) | |
181 | - | then [StringEntry(withdrawKey, toString((curSumBet * 2))), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, (curSumBet * 2), unit)] | |
182 | - | else throw("You are not the winner") | |
183 | - | } | |
17 | + | throw("called") | |
184 | 18 | } | |
185 | 19 | ||
186 | 20 | ||
187 | 21 | @Verifier(tx) | |
188 | 22 | func verify () = sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey) | |
189 | 23 |
github/deemru/w8io/169f3d6 41.79 ms ◑