tx · 5VWxjSbGsXj96S83Lgb4j5zMpjsnYeuTyKLnQPDzvW5p

3N8ZpuFLVKwxbpVFe1Pcs14hLCrujizpQsa:  -1.00900000 Waves

2021.08.19 09:38 [1664881] issue 3N7evRNtscJdUExmp4teCBK63ejbLPdsBeD > SELF initWithInitRatio() 0.00000000 ssEMM_WAVES
2021.08.19 09:38 [1664881] invoke 3N8ZpuFLVKwxbpVFe1Pcs14hLCrujizpQsa > 3N7evRNtscJdUExmp4teCBK63ejbLPdsBeD initWithInitRatio()

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49.68 ms