12 | | - | func getStringByKey (key) = match getString(this, key) { |
13 | | - | case a: String => |
14 | | - | a |
15 | | - | case _ => |
16 | | - | "" |
17 | | - | } |
18 | | - | |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | func getBoolByKey (key) = match getBoolean(this, key) { |
21 | | - | case a: Boolean => |
22 | | - | a |
23 | | - | case _ => |
24 | | - | false |
25 | | - | } |
26 | | - | |
27 | | - | |
28 | | - | func getNumberByAddressAndKey (address,key) = match getInteger(addressFromStringValue(address), key) { |
29 | | - | case a: Int => |
30 | | - | a |
31 | | - | case _ => |
32 | | - | 0 |
33 | | - | } |
34 | | - | |
35 | | - | |
36 | | - | func getStringByAddressAndKey (address,key) = match getString(addressFromStringValue(address), key) { |
37 | | - | case a: String => |
38 | | - | a |
39 | | - | case _ => |
40 | | - | "" |
41 | | - | } |
42 | | - | |
43 | | - | |
44 | | - | func getBoolByAddressAndKey (address,key) = match getBoolean(addressFromStringValue(address), key) { |
45 | | - | case a: Boolean => |
46 | | - | a |
47 | | - | case _ => |
48 | | - | false |
49 | | - | } |
50 | | - | |
51 | | - | |
52 | | - | let SENDTXEXPIRE = 30 |
53 | | - | |
54 | | - | let LISTSPLITSYMBOL = "_" |
55 | | - | |
56 | | - | let LISTDATASYMBOL = "+" |
57 | | - | |
58 | | - | let WAVELET = 100000000 |
59 | | - | |
60 | | - | let PAULI = 1000000 |
61 | | - | |
62 | | - | let NeutrinoAssetIdKey = "neutrino_asset_id" |
63 | | - | |
64 | | - | let BondAssetIdKey = "bond_asset_id" |
65 | | - | |
66 | | - | let AuctionContractKey = "auction_contract" |
67 | | - | |
68 | | - | let LiquidationContractKey = "liquidation_contract" |
69 | | - | |
70 | | - | let RPDContractKey = "rpd_contract" |
71 | | - | |
72 | | - | let ContolContractKey = "control_contract" |
73 | | - | |
74 | | - | let BalanceWavesLockIntervalKey = "balance_waves_lock_interval" |
75 | | - | |
76 | | - | let BalanceNeutrinoLockIntervalKey = "balance_neutrino_lock_interval" |
77 | | - | |
78 | | - | let MinWavesSwapAmountKey = "min_waves_swap_amount" |
79 | | - | |
80 | | - | let MinNeutrinoSwapAmountKey = "min_neutrino_swap_amount" |
81 | | - | |
82 | | - | let NodeOracleProviderPubKeyKey = "node_oracle_provider" |
83 | | - | |
84 | | - | let RPDBalanceKey = "rpd_balance" |
85 | | - | |
86 | | - | func getRPDContractBalanceKey (assetId) = ((RPDBalanceKey + "_") + toBase58String(assetId)) |
87 | | - | |
88 | | - | |
89 | | - | let PriceKey = "price" |
90 | | - | |
91 | | - | let PriceIndexKey = "price_index" |
92 | | - | |
93 | | - | let IsBlockedKey = "is_blocked" |
94 | | - | |
95 | | - | func getPriceHistoryKey (block) = ((PriceKey + "_") + toString(block)) |
96 | | - | |
97 | | - | |
98 | | - | func getHeightPriceByIndexKey (index) = ((PriceIndexKey + "_") + toString(index)) |
99 | | - | |
100 | | - | |
101 | | - | let BalanceLockedkKey = "balance_lock_" |
102 | | - | |
103 | | - | let WavesLockedBalanceKey = (BalanceLockedkKey + "waves") |
104 | | - | |
105 | | - | let NeutrinoLockedBalanceKey = (BalanceLockedkKey + "neutrino") |
106 | | - | |
107 | | - | func getRPDSnapshotContractBalanceKey (count,assetId) = ((((RPDBalanceKey + "_") + toBase58String(assetId)) + "_") + toString(count)) |
108 | | - | |
109 | | - | |
110 | | - | func getCancelLeaseTxReserveFeeKey (hash) = (("cancel_lease_tx_reserve_fee" + "_") + hash) |
111 | | - | |
112 | | - | |
113 | | - | func getWavesLockedBalanceKey (owner) = ((WavesLockedBalanceKey + "_") + owner) |
114 | | - | |
115 | | - | |
116 | | - | func getNeutrinoLockedBalanceKey (owner) = ((NeutrinoLockedBalanceKey + "_") + owner) |
117 | | - | |
118 | | - | |
119 | | - | func getBalanceUnlockBlockKey (owner) = ("balance_unlock_block_" + owner) |
120 | | - | |
121 | | - | |
122 | | - | func getRPDProfitKey (count) = (("rpd_profit" + "_") + toString(count)) |
123 | | - | |
124 | | - | |
125 | | - | func convertNeutrinoToWaves (amount,price) = fraction(fraction(amount, 100, price), WAVELET, PAULI) |
126 | | - | |
127 | | - | |
128 | | - | func convertWavesToNeutrino (amount,price) = fraction(fraction(amount, price, 100), PAULI, WAVELET) |
129 | | - | |
130 | | - | |
131 | | - | func convertWavesToBond (amount,price) = convertWavesToNeutrino(amount, price) |
132 | | - | |
133 | | - | |
134 | | - | func convertJsonArrayToList (jsonArray) = split(jsonArray, ",") |
135 | | - | |
136 | | - | |
137 | | - | let liquidationContract = getStringByKey(LiquidationContractKey) |
138 | | - | |
139 | | - | let neutrinoAssetIdString = getStringByKey(NeutrinoAssetIdKey) |
140 | | - | |
141 | | - | let neutrinoAssetId = base58'GXEFzEQ6BwnQcftiAFXCygb7tc5Rwq2dMQEfsZxcD1Pu' |
142 | | - | |
143 | | - | let auctionContract = getStringByKey(AuctionContractKey) |
144 | | - | |
145 | | - | let rpdContract = getStringByKey(RPDContractKey) |
146 | | - | |
147 | | - | let controlContract = getStringByKey(ContolContractKey) |
148 | | - | |
149 | | - | let priceIndex = getNumberByAddressAndKey(controlContract, PriceIndexKey) |
150 | | - | |
151 | | - | let isBlocked = getBoolByAddressAndKey(controlContract, IsBlockedKey) |
152 | | - | |
153 | | - | let nodeOracleProviderPubKey = fromBase58String(getStringByKey(NodeOracleProviderPubKeyKey)) |
154 | | - | |
155 | | - | let balanceWavesLockInterval = getNumberByKey(BalanceWavesLockIntervalKey) |
156 | | - | |
157 | | - | let balanceNeutrinoLockInterval = getNumberByKey(BalanceNeutrinoLockIntervalKey) |
158 | | - | |
159 | | - | let minWavesSwapAmount = getNumberByKey(MinWavesSwapAmountKey) |
160 | | - | |
161 | | - | let minNeutrinoSwapAmount = getNumberByKey(MinNeutrinoSwapAmountKey) |
162 | | - | |
163 | | - | let bondAssetId = fromBase58String("6nSpVyNH7yM69eg446wrQR94ipbbcmZMU1ENPwanC97g") |
164 | | - | |
165 | | - | let deprecatedBondAssetId = fromBase58String("975akZBfnMj513U7MZaHKzQrmsEx5aE3wdWKTrHBhbjF") |
166 | | - | |
167 | | - | let neutrinoContract = this |
168 | | - | |
169 | | - | let currentPrice = getNumberByAddressAndKey(controlContract, PriceKey) |
170 | | - | |
171 | | - | let neutrinoLockedBalance = getNumberByKey(NeutrinoLockedBalanceKey) |
172 | | - | |
173 | | - | let wavesLockedBalance = getNumberByKey(WavesLockedBalanceKey) |
174 | | - | |
175 | | - | let reserve = (wavesBalance(neutrinoContract) - wavesLockedBalance) |
176 | | - | |
177 | | - | let neutrinoSupply = (((neutrinoLockedBalance + extract(assetInfo(neutrinoAssetId)).quantity) - assetBalance(neutrinoContract, neutrinoAssetId)) - assetBalance(addressFromStringValue(liquidationContract), neutrinoAssetId)) |
178 | | - | |
179 | | - | let surplus = (convertWavesToNeutrino(reserve, currentPrice) - neutrinoSupply) |
180 | | - | |
181 | | - | let deficit = (neutrinoSupply - convertWavesToNeutrino(reserve, currentPrice)) |
182 | | - | |
183 | | - | func checkIsValidMinSponsoredFee (tx) = { |
184 | | - | let MINTRANSFERFEE = 100000 |
185 | | - | let SponsoredFeeUpperBound = 1000 |
186 | | - | let realNeutrinoFee = convertWavesToNeutrino(MINTRANSFERFEE, currentPrice) |
187 | | - | let minNeutrinoFee = (realNeutrinoFee * 2) |
188 | | - | let maxNeutrinoFee = fraction(realNeutrinoFee, SponsoredFeeUpperBound, 100) |
189 | | - | let inputFee = extract(tx.minSponsoredAssetFee) |
190 | | - | if (if ((inputFee >= minNeutrinoFee)) |
191 | | - | then (maxNeutrinoFee >= inputFee) |
192 | | - | else false) |
193 | | - | then (tx.assetId == neutrinoAssetId) |
194 | | - | else false |
| 8 | + | func tryGetInteger (key) = { |
| 9 | + | let val = match getInteger(this, key) { |
| 10 | + | case b: Int => |
| 11 | + | b |
| 12 | + | case _ => |
| 13 | + | 0 |
| 14 | + | } |
| 15 | + | val |
234 | | - | func swapNeutrinoToWaves () = { |
235 | | - | let pmt = extract(i.payment) |
236 | | - | let account = toString(i.caller) |
237 | | - | if ((minNeutrinoSwapAmount > pmt.amount)) |
238 | | - | then throw((("The specified Neutrino amount is less than the required minimum of " + toString(minNeutrinoSwapAmount)) + " Neutrino cents.")) |
239 | | - | else if (isBlocked) |
240 | | - | then throw("The contract is blocked by EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN. Please wait for reactivation by emergency oracles.") |
241 | | - | else if ((pmt.assetId != neutrinoAssetId)) |
242 | | - | then throw("Only appropriate Neutrino tokens are allowed for swapping.") |
243 | | - | else if ((getUnlockBalanceBlock(account) > height)) |
244 | | - | then throw((("await " + toString((getUnlockBalanceBlock(account) - height))) + " blocks")) |
245 | | - | else if (if ((getNeutrinoLockedBalance(account) != 0)) |
246 | | - | then true |
247 | | - | else (getWavesLockedBalance(account) != 0)) |
248 | | - | then throw("please withdraw locked funds first") |
249 | | - | else WriteSet([DataEntry(getNeutrinoLockedBalanceKey(account), pmt.amount), DataEntry(getBalanceUnlockBlockKey(account), (height + balanceNeutrinoLockInterval)), DataEntry(NeutrinoLockedBalanceKey, (neutrinoLockedBalance + pmt.amount))]) |
250 | | - | } |
| 49 | + | func withdrawTips (amount) = WriteSet(nil) |
255 | | - | func withdraw (account,index) = { |
256 | | - | let unlockHeight = getUnlockBalanceBlock(account) |
257 | | - | let userWavesLockedBalance = getWavesLockedBalance(account) |
258 | | - | let userNeutrinoLockedBalance = getNeutrinoLockedBalance(account) |
259 | | - | let indexHeight = getHeightPriceByIndex(index) |
260 | | - | let prevIndexHeight = getHeightPriceByIndex((index - 1)) |
261 | | - | let priceByIndex = getPriceHistory(indexHeight) |
262 | | - | let spread = if ((100 > priceByIndex)) |
263 | | - | then 1 |
264 | | - | else (priceByIndex / 100) |
265 | | - | let neutrinoAmount = convertWavesToNeutrino(userWavesLockedBalance, (priceByIndex - spread)) |
266 | | - | let wavesAmount = convertNeutrinoToWaves(userNeutrinoLockedBalance, (priceByIndex + spread)) |
267 | | - | if (isBlocked) |
268 | | - | then throw("contract is blocked by EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN actions untill reactivation by emergency oracles") |
269 | | - | else if ((unlockHeight > height)) |
270 | | - | then throw((("please wait for: " + toString(unlockHeight)) + " block height to withdraw WAVES funds")) |
271 | | - | else if (if (if ((index > priceIndex)) |
272 | | - | then true |
273 | | - | else (unlockHeight > indexHeight)) |
274 | | - | then true |
275 | | - | else if ((prevIndexHeight != 0)) |
276 | | - | then (prevIndexHeight >= unlockHeight) |
277 | | - | else false) |
278 | | - | then throw(((((((((("invalid price history index: index=" + toString(index)) + " priceIndex=") + toString(priceIndex)) + " indexHeight=") + toString(indexHeight)) + " unlockHeight=") + toString(unlockHeight)) + " prevIndexHeight=") + toString(prevIndexHeight))) |
279 | | - | else if (if ((0 >= neutrinoAmount)) |
280 | | - | then (0 >= wavesAmount) |
281 | | - | else false) |
282 | | - | then throw("balance equals zero") |
283 | | - | else ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(getWavesLockedBalanceKey(account), 0), DataEntry(getNeutrinoLockedBalanceKey(account), 0), DataEntry(WavesLockedBalanceKey, (wavesLockedBalance - userWavesLockedBalance)), DataEntry(NeutrinoLockedBalanceKey, (neutrinoLockedBalance - userNeutrinoLockedBalance))]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(account), wavesAmount, unit), ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(account), neutrinoAmount, neutrinoAssetId)])) |
284 | | - | } |
285 | | - | |
286 | | - | |
287 | | - | |
288 | | - | @Callable(i) |
289 | | - | func transferToAuction () = { |
290 | | - | let auctionNBAmount = (neutrinoSupply - assetBalance(addressFromStringValue(auctionContract), bondAssetId)) |
291 | | - | let surplusWithLiquidation = (surplus - assetBalance(addressFromStringValue(liquidationContract), neutrinoAssetId)) |
292 | | - | if (isBlocked) |
293 | | - | then throw("contract is blocked by EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN actions untill reactivation by emergency oracles") |
294 | | - | else if ((auctionNBAmount > (1 * PAULI))) |
295 | | - | then TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(auctionContract), auctionNBAmount, bondAssetId)]) |
296 | | - | else if ((surplusWithLiquidation >= (1 * PAULI))) |
297 | | - | then TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(liquidationContract), surplusWithLiquidation, neutrinoAssetId)]) |
298 | | - | else throw(((((((("bond were generated or do not need it. Deficit:" + toString(auctionNBAmount)) + "|") + toString(0)) + ". Surplus:") + toString(surplusWithLiquidation)) + "|") + toString(surplus))) |
299 | | - | } |
300 | | - | |
301 | | - | |
302 | | - | |
303 | | - | @Callable(i) |
304 | | - | func transfer (account) = { |
305 | | - | let pmt = extract(i.payment) |
306 | | - | TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(account), pmt.amount, pmt.assetId)]) |
307 | | - | } |
308 | | - | |
309 | | - | |
310 | | - | |
311 | | - | @Callable(i) |
312 | | - | func migrationUSDNB2NSBTSwap () = { |
313 | | - | let pmt = extract(i.payment) |
314 | | - | let account = i.caller |
315 | | - | if ((deprecatedBondAssetId != pmt.assetId)) |
316 | | - | then throw("error: attempt to swap not USDNB tokens") |
317 | | - | else TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(account, (pmt.amount * PAULI), bondAssetId)]) |
318 | | - | } |
| 54 | + | func addTipsReceivers () = WriteSet(nil) |