tx · Ctaw7M5QgpUn4nMptRnYVStAzuVahibhJVi7Qfqi22RE

3N8ZpuFLVKwxbpVFe1Pcs14hLCrujizpQsa:  -1.00500000 Waves

2021.06.12 17:16 [1567235] issue 3MuDZSULkhcvXKP7YG2HbuKrBUNe324Zss5 > SELF initWithInitRatio() 0.0000000 ssUSDN_WAVES
2021.06.12 17:16 [1567235] invoke 3N8ZpuFLVKwxbpVFe1Pcs14hLCrujizpQsa > 3MuDZSULkhcvXKP7YG2HbuKrBUNe324Zss5 initWithInitRatio()

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24.32 ms