4 | | - | let waves = 100000000 |
5 | | - | |
6 | | - | let empty = base58'' |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let hashSize = 32 |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let keySize = 32 |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let longSize = 8 |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | let fightTimeout = 100 |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | let movesCount = 3 |
17 | | - | |
18 | | - | let rock = base58'1' |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | let paper = base58'2' |
21 | | - | |
22 | | - | let scissors = base58'3' |
23 | | - | |
24 | | - | func get (bytes,index) = take(drop(bytes, index), 1) |
25 | | - | |
26 | | - | |
27 | | - | func getBinaryOr (key,default) = if (isDefined(getBinary(this, key))) |
28 | | - | then getBinaryValue(this, key) |
29 | | - | else default |
30 | | - | |
31 | | - | |
32 | | - | func isValidMove (move) = if (if ((move == rock)) |
33 | | - | then true |
34 | | - | else (move == paper)) |
35 | | - | then true |
36 | | - | else (move == scissors) |
37 | | - | |
38 | | - | |
39 | | - | func isValidMoves (moves) = if (if (if ((size(moves) >= movesCount)) |
40 | | - | then isValidMove(get(moves, 0)) |
41 | | - | else false) |
42 | | - | then isValidMove(get(moves, 1)) |
43 | | - | else false) |
44 | | - | then isValidMove(get(moves, 2)) |
45 | | - | else false |
46 | | - | |
47 | | - | |
48 | | - | func round (p1Moves,p2Moves,round) = { |
49 | | - | let m1 = get(p1Moves, round) |
50 | | - | let m2 = get(p2Moves, round) |
51 | | - | if ((m1 == m2)) |
52 | | - | then 0 |
53 | | - | else if (if (if (if ((m1 == scissors)) |
54 | | - | then (m2 == paper) |
55 | | - | else false) |
56 | | - | then true |
57 | | - | else if ((m1 == rock)) |
58 | | - | then (m2 == scissors) |
59 | | - | else false) |
60 | | - | then true |
61 | | - | else if ((m1 == paper)) |
62 | | - | then (m2 == rock) |
63 | | - | else false) |
64 | | - | then -1 |
65 | | - | else 1 |
66 | | - | } |
67 | | - | |
68 | | - | |
69 | | - | func fight (p1Moves,p2Moves) = ((round(p1Moves, p2Moves, 0) + round(p1Moves, p2Moves, 1)) + round(p1Moves, p2Moves, 2)) |
70 | | - | |
71 | | - | |
72 | | - | func store (fightId,data) = DataEntry(fightId, (getBinaryOr(fightId, empty) + data)) |
76 | | - | func create (movesHash) = { |
77 | | - | let p = extract(i.payment) |
78 | | - | if (isDefined(p.assetId)) |
79 | | - | then throw("Payment should be in WAVES.") |
80 | | - | else if ((p.amount != (1 * waves))) |
81 | | - | then throw("Amount should be 1 WAVE.") |
82 | | - | else if ((size(movesHash) != hashSize)) |
83 | | - | then throw("Invalid moves.") |
84 | | - | else WriteSet([store(((toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) + "_") + toBase58String(i.transactionId)), movesHash)]) |
85 | | - | } |
86 | | - | |
87 | | - | |
88 | | - | |
89 | | - | @Callable(i) |
90 | | - | func join (fightId,moves) = { |
91 | | - | let p = extract(i.payment) |
92 | | - | if (isDefined(p.assetId)) |
93 | | - | then throw("Payment should be in WAVES.") |
94 | | - | else if ((p.amount != (1 * waves))) |
95 | | - | then throw("Amount should be 1 WAVE.") |
96 | | - | else if (!(isDefined(getBinary(this, fightId)))) |
97 | | - | then throw("Fight is not found.") |
98 | | - | else if ((size(getBinaryValue(this, fightId)) != hashSize)) |
99 | | - | then throw("Fight is already started.") |
100 | | - | else if (!(isValidMoves(moves))) |
101 | | - | then throw("Invalid moves.") |
102 | | - | else WriteSet([store(fightId, ((toBytes(height) + i.callerPublicKey) + moves))]) |
103 | | - | } |
104 | | - | |
105 | | - | |
106 | | - | |
107 | | - | @Callable(i) |
108 | | - | func complete (fightId,moves) = if (!(isDefined(getBinary(this, fightId)))) |
109 | | - | then throw("Fight is not found.") |
110 | | - | else { |
111 | | - | let fightData = getBinaryValue(this, fightId) |
112 | | - | if ((size(fightData) == hashSize)) |
113 | | - | then throw("Fight is not started.") |
114 | | - | else if ((size(fightData) > (((hashSize + longSize) + keySize) + movesCount))) |
115 | | - | then throw("Fight is already finished.") |
116 | | - | else { |
117 | | - | let hashedMoves = take(getBinaryValue(this, fightId), hashSize) |
118 | | - | if (if ((hashedMoves != blake2b256(moves))) |
119 | | - | then true |
120 | | - | else !(isValidMoves(moves))) |
121 | | - | then throw("Invalid moves.") |
122 | | - | else { |
123 | | - | let p2PublicKey = takeRightBytes(dropRightBytes(fightData, movesCount), keySize) |
124 | | - | let r = fight(take(moves, movesCount), takeRightBytes(fightData, movesCount)) |
125 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([store(fightId, moves)]), TransferSet(if ((r == 0)) |
126 | | - | then [ScriptTransfer(i.caller, (1 * waves), unit), ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(p2PublicKey), (1 * waves), unit)] |
127 | | - | else if ((0 > r)) |
128 | | - | then [ScriptTransfer(i.caller, (2 * waves), unit)] |
129 | | - | else [ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(p2PublicKey), (2 * waves), unit)])) |
130 | | - | } |
131 | | - | } |
132 | | - | } |
133 | | - | |
134 | | - | |
135 | | - | |
136 | | - | @Callable(i) |
137 | | - | func timeout (fightId) = if (!(isDefined(getBinary(this, fightId)))) |
138 | | - | then throw("Fight is not found.") |
139 | | - | else { |
140 | | - | let fightData = getBinaryValue(this, fightId) |
141 | | - | if ((size(fightData) == hashSize)) |
142 | | - | then throw("Fight is not started.") |
143 | | - | else if ((size(fightData) > (((hashSize + longSize) + keySize) + movesCount))) |
144 | | - | then throw("Fight is already finished.") |
145 | | - | else { |
146 | | - | let h = toInt(take(drop(fightData, hashSize), longSize)) |
147 | | - | if ((fightTimeout > (height - h))) |
148 | | - | then throw("Player1 still has a time to complete the fight.") |
149 | | - | else { |
150 | | - | let p2PublicKey = takeRightBytes(dropRightBytes(fightData, movesCount), keySize) |
151 | | - | ScriptResult(WriteSet([store(fightId, p2PublicKey)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromPublicKey(p2PublicKey), (2 * waves), unit)])) |
152 | | - | } |
153 | | - | } |
154 | | - | } |
| 7 | + | func foo (value) = WriteSet([DataEntry("data", size(value))]) |