1 | | - | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 3 #-} |
2 | | - | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} |
3 | | - | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} |
4 | | - | let ownerPublicKey = base58'9UUaVVahBUyLHLQo4HNuQsRMKY9QBH43Grojkbdf4wG4' |
5 | | - | |
6 | | - | let destinationWalletAddressDataKey = "destination_wallet_address" |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let btcCurrency = "btc" |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let ethCurrency = "eth" |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let wavesCurrency = "waves" |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | let ltcCurrency = "ltc" |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | func getDestinationWalletAddress () = match getString(this, destinationWalletAddressDataKey) { |
17 | | - | case v: String => |
18 | | - | if ((v == "")) |
19 | | - | then throw("Destination wallet address cannot be empty") |
20 | | - | else addressFromStringValue(v) |
21 | | - | case _ => |
22 | | - | throw("Destination wallet address undefined") |
23 | | - | } |
24 | | - | |
25 | | - | |
26 | | - | func getCancelBetDataKey (raceId,playerAddress) = (((raceId + "_") + playerAddress) + "_canceled") |
27 | | - | |
28 | | - | |
29 | | - | func getBetDataKey (raceId,playerAddress,currency) = (((((raceId + "_player_") + playerAddress) + "_bet_") + currency) + "_amount") |
30 | | - | |
31 | | - | |
32 | | - | func getShareSumDataKey (raceId,playerAddress,currency) = (((((raceId + "_player_") + playerAddress) + "_") + currency) + "_share_sum") |
33 | | - | |
34 | | - | |
35 | | - | func getTotalBetDataKey (raceId) = (raceId + "_total_bet_amount") |
36 | | - | |
37 | | - | |
38 | | - | func getPlacePlayerAddressDataKey (raceId,placeIndex) = (((raceId + "_") + toString(placeIndex)) + "_place_player_address") |
39 | | - | |
40 | | - | |
41 | | - | func getStartPriceDataKey (raceId,currency) = (((raceId + "_") + currency) + "_start_price") |
42 | | - | |
43 | | - | |
44 | | - | func getEndPriceDataKey (raceId,currency) = (((raceId + "_") + currency) + "_end_price") |
45 | | - | |
46 | | - | |
47 | | - | func isBetCanceled (raceId,playerAddress) = match getBoolean(this, getCancelBetDataKey(raceId, playerAddress)) { |
48 | | - | case v: Boolean => |
49 | | - | v |
50 | | - | case _ => |
51 | | - | true |
52 | | - | } |
53 | | - | |
54 | | - | |
55 | | - | @Callable(i) |
56 | | - | func setDestinationWallet (address) = if ((i.callerPublicKey != ownerPublicKey)) |
57 | | - | then throw("Only owner can call this method") |
58 | | - | else if ((address == "")) |
59 | | - | then throw("Address cannot be empty") |
60 | | - | else WriteSet([DataEntry(destinationWalletAddressDataKey, address)]) |
61 | | - | |
62 | | - | |
63 | | - | |
64 | | - | @Callable(i) |
65 | | - | func bet (raceId,portfolioBtcShareSum,portfolioEthShareSum,portfolioWavesShareSum,portfolioLtcShareSum,signature) = { |
66 | | - | let raceIdStr = toString(raceId) |
67 | | - | let payment = extract(i.payment) |
68 | | - | let betAmount = payment.amount |
69 | | - | let callerAddressStr = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) |
70 | | - | if (isBetCanceled(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr)) |
71 | | - | then throw("Your bet has been canceled, you cannot bet in this race anymore") |
72 | | - | else { |
73 | | - | let validatingDataStr = ((((((raceIdStr + callerAddressStr) + toString(betAmount)) + toString(portfolioBtcShareSum)) + toString(portfolioEthShareSum)) + toString(portfolioWavesShareSum)) + toString(portfolioLtcShareSum)) |
74 | | - | if (!(sigVerify(toBytes(validatingDataStr), signature, ownerPublicKey))) |
75 | | - | then throw("Cannot verify signature") |
76 | | - | else { |
77 | | - | let totalBetAmount = match getInteger(this, getTotalBetDataKey(raceIdStr)) { |
78 | | - | case v: Int => |
79 | | - | v |
80 | | - | case _ => |
81 | | - | 0 |
82 | | - | } |
83 | | - | let newTotalBetAmount = (totalBetAmount + betAmount) |
84 | | - | WriteSet([DataEntry(getTotalBetDataKey(raceIdStr), newTotalBetAmount), DataEntry(getBetDataKey(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr, wavesCurrency), betAmount), DataEntry(getShareSumDataKey(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr, btcCurrency), portfolioBtcShareSum), DataEntry(getShareSumDataKey(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr, ethCurrency), portfolioEthShareSum), DataEntry(getShareSumDataKey(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr, wavesCurrency), portfolioWavesShareSum), DataEntry(getShareSumDataKey(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr, ltcCurrency), portfolioLtcShareSum)]) |
85 | | - | } |
86 | | - | } |
87 | | - | } |
88 | | - | |
89 | | - | |
90 | | - | |
91 | | - | @Callable(i) |
92 | | - | func cancelBet (raceId,signature) = { |
93 | | - | let raceIdStr = toString(raceId) |
94 | | - | let callerAddressStr = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) |
95 | | - | if (isBetCanceled(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr)) |
96 | | - | then throw("Bet already canceled") |
97 | | - | else { |
98 | | - | let validatingDataStr = ((toString(raceId) + callerAddressStr) + "cancel") |
99 | | - | if (!(sigVerify(toBytes(validatingDataStr), signature, ownerPublicKey))) |
100 | | - | then throw("Cannot verify signature") |
101 | | - | else { |
102 | | - | let totalBetDataKey = getTotalBetDataKey(raceIdStr) |
103 | | - | let playerBetAmount = getIntegerValue(this, getBetDataKey(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr, wavesCurrency)) |
104 | | - | let currentTotalBetAmount = getIntegerValue(this, totalBetDataKey) |
105 | | - | let newTotalBetAmount = (currentTotalBetAmount - playerBetAmount) |
106 | | - | if ((0 > newTotalBetAmount)) |
107 | | - | then throw("New state of total bet will be less than zero, state error") |
108 | | - | else ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(getCancelBetDataKey(raceIdStr, callerAddressStr), true), DataEntry(totalBetDataKey, newTotalBetAmount)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(callerAddressStr), playerBetAmount, unit)])) |
109 | | - | } |
110 | | - | } |
111 | | - | } |
112 | | - | |
113 | | - | |
114 | | - | |
115 | | - | @Callable(i) |
116 | | - | func endRace (id,firstPlacePlayerAddress,secondPlacePlayerAddress,thirdPlacePlayerAddress,btcStartPrice,btcEndPrice,ethStartPrice,ethEndPrice,wavesStartPrice,wavesEndPrice,ltcStartPrice,ltcEndPrice) = if ((i.callerPublicKey != ownerPublicKey)) |
117 | | - | then throw("Only owner can call endRace") |
118 | | - | else { |
119 | | - | let raceIdStr = toString(id) |
120 | | - | let totalBetAmount = getIntegerValue(this, getTotalBetDataKey(raceIdStr)) |
121 | | - | let firstPlacePlayerDepositAmount = getIntegerValue(this, getBetDataKey(raceIdStr, firstPlacePlayerAddress, wavesCurrency)) |
122 | | - | let secondPlacePlayerDepositAmount = getIntegerValue(this, getBetDataKey(raceIdStr, secondPlacePlayerAddress, wavesCurrency)) |
123 | | - | let thirdPlacePlayerDepositAmount = getIntegerValue(this, getBetDataKey(raceIdStr, thirdPlacePlayerAddress, wavesCurrency)) |
124 | | - | let firstPlacePrizeAmount = (firstPlacePlayerDepositAmount * 2) |
125 | | - | let secondPlacePrizeAmount = ((secondPlacePlayerDepositAmount * 3) / 2) |
126 | | - | let thirdPlacePrizeAmount = thirdPlacePlayerDepositAmount |
127 | | - | let commissionAmount = (totalBetAmount - ((firstPlacePrizeAmount + secondPlacePrizeAmount) + thirdPlacePrizeAmount)) |
128 | | - | if ((0 >= commissionAmount)) |
129 | | - | then throw("Commission must be greater than zero, state error") |
130 | | - | else { |
131 | | - | let currentAmount = wavesBalance(this) |
132 | | - | let newAmount = (currentAmount - commissionAmount) |
133 | | - | if ((0 > newAmount)) |
134 | | - | then throw("Not enough funds in core account") |
135 | | - | else ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(getPlacePlayerAddressDataKey(raceIdStr, 1), firstPlacePlayerAddress), DataEntry(getPlacePlayerAddressDataKey(raceIdStr, 2), secondPlacePlayerAddress), DataEntry(getPlacePlayerAddressDataKey(raceIdStr, 3), thirdPlacePlayerAddress), DataEntry(getStartPriceDataKey(raceIdStr, btcCurrency), btcStartPrice), DataEntry(getEndPriceDataKey(raceIdStr, btcCurrency), btcEndPrice), DataEntry(getStartPriceDataKey(raceIdStr, ethCurrency), ethStartPrice), DataEntry(getEndPriceDataKey(raceIdStr, ethCurrency), ethEndPrice), DataEntry(getStartPriceDataKey(raceIdStr, wavesCurrency), wavesStartPrice), DataEntry(getEndPriceDataKey(raceIdStr, wavesCurrency), wavesEndPrice), DataEntry(getStartPriceDataKey(raceIdStr, ltcCurrency), ltcStartPrice), DataEntry(getEndPriceDataKey(raceIdStr, ltcCurrency), ltcEndPrice)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(firstPlacePlayerAddress), firstPlacePrizeAmount, unit), ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(secondPlacePlayerAddress), secondPlacePrizeAmount, unit), ScriptTransfer(addressFromStringValue(thirdPlacePlayerAddress), thirdPlacePrizeAmount, unit), ScriptTransfer(getDestinationWalletAddress(), commissionAmount, unit)])) |
136 | | - | } |
137 | | - | } |
138 | | - | |
139 | | - | |
| 1 | + | # no script |