tx · SfLmcUuNS65yKbrjn8Ck52LmRoPY3i1RZrk9EBSqu2U

3MtsjR7qZQLRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X:  -0.00500000 Waves

2021.02.11 18:42 [1393707] invoke 3MtsjR7qZQLRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X > 3MutoJzdTrUrDBhCu1qU6FRgAADLadZEL9D applyForTask()

3MutoJzdTrUrDBhCu1qU6FRgAADLadZEL9D: tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_applicants: ";3MtsjR7qZQLRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X"
3MutoJzdTrUrDBhCu1qU6FRgAADLadZEL9D: tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_app_LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X_id: "LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X"
3MutoJzdTrUrDBhCu1qU6FRgAADLadZEL9D: tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_app_LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X_leader: "3MtsjR7qZQLRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X"
3MutoJzdTrUrDBhCu1qU6FRgAADLadZEL9D: tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_app_LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X_link: "https://github.com/vlzhr/grants-program/issues/3"
3MutoJzdTrUrDBhCu1qU6FRgAADLadZEL9D: tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_app_LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X_name: "Please describe your solution idea by the following structure:  Short description of the solution you suggest How does it solve the specified problem? How you will integrate this project into Waves / Gravity / Neutrino. Why your team is interested in creating this project. What is the target audience of the final solution? What is the “secret sauce” of it? What is the duration of the whole project? Resources required to implement the grant task"

{ "type": 16, "id": "SfLmcUuNS65yKbrjn8Ck52LmRoPY3i1RZrk9EBSqu2U", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1613058227293, "version": 1, "sender": "3MtsjR7qZQLRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X", "senderPublicKey": "AFtshvuHdsHtZFrPCZMHLTp5Jnxh8WWyiuy5KcmHNWZg", "proofs": [ "26YH4VxTvQsbGaTKxkxMY3zAxq8xaHx16xfTbvsLvzuMmAChYm1vVVLXagzJtgDaWwtmYbXqjJTxg9pKMgDVNnkn" ], "dApp": "3MutoJzdTrUrDBhCu1qU6FRgAADLadZEL9D", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "applyForTask", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916" }, { "type": "string", "value": "Please describe your solution idea by the following structure: Short description of the solution you suggest How does it solve the specified problem? How you will integrate this project into Waves / Gravity / Neutrino. Why your team is interested in creating this project. What is the target audience of the final solution? What is the “secret sauce” of it? What is the duration of the whole project? Resources required to implement the grant task" }, { "type": "string", "value": "https://github.com/vlzhr/grants-program/issues/3" } ] }, "height": 1393707, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 671, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_app_LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X_name", "type": "string", "value": "Please describe your solution idea by the following structure: Short description of the solution you suggest How does it solve the specified problem? How you will integrate this project into Waves / Gravity / Neutrino. Why your team is interested in creating this project. What is the target audience of the final solution? What is the “secret sauce” of it? What is the duration of the whole project? Resources required to implement the grant task" }, { "key": "tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_app_LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X_link", "type": "string", "value": "https://github.com/vlzhr/grants-program/issues/3" }, { "key": "tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_app_LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X_leader", "type": "string", "value": "3MtsjR7qZQLRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X" }, { "key": "tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_app_LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X_id", "type": "string", "value": "LRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X" }, { "key": "tasks_FSY8UjZfPXAkRL1bbD6tbMjKQfqdEFUTZ9oVV1WRz916_applicants", "type": "string", "value": ";3MtsjR7qZQLRKfpkYHybo65f2p6GydDvn5X" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

23.94 ms