1 | | - | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 3 #-} |
2 | | - | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} |
3 | | - | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} |
4 | | - | let USDT = "3EJm7ZNZRjWngjVQ6qjFUef3iRUyJZoT4VYoCYaeVdqZ" |
5 | | - | |
6 | | - | let USDN = "37jVHZK2cgbNTAkMCLGdrbzvG1rwMjTrpD2TGzkictwL" |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let idUSDN = fromBase58String(USDN) |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let idUSDT = fromBase58String(USDT) |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let withdrawDelay = 1 |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | let decimalPartUSDN = 1000000 |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | let decimalPartUSDT = 1000000 |
17 | | - | |
18 | | - | let minimalAmountToSwapUSDT = (10000 * decimalPartUSDN) |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | let minimalAmountToSwapUSDN = (10000 * decimalPartUSDT) |
21 | | - | |
22 | | - | func collectKey (address,amountToSwapInKey,allowToWithdrawHeight) = ((((toString(address) + "_WITHDRAW_") + toString(amountToSwapInKey)) + "_HEIGHT_") + toString(allowToWithdrawHeight)) |
23 | | - | |
24 | | - | |
25 | | - | @Callable(contextObj) |
26 | | - | func swapUSDTtoUSDN () = { |
27 | | - | let payment = match contextObj.payment { |
28 | | - | case p: AttachedPayment => |
29 | | - | p |
30 | | - | case _ => |
31 | | - | throw("Payment not attached") |
32 | | - | } |
33 | | - | let assetIdReceived = payment.assetId |
34 | | - | let tokenReceiveAmount = payment.amount |
35 | | - | let userAddress = contextObj.caller |
36 | | - | let currentClientBalanceUSDT = match getInteger(this, (toString(userAddress) + "_balance")) { |
37 | | - | case currentBalance: Int => |
38 | | - | value(getInteger(this, (toString(userAddress) + "_balance"))) |
39 | | - | case _ => |
40 | | - | 0 |
41 | | - | } |
42 | | - | if ((assetIdReceived != idUSDT)) |
43 | | - | then throw("to swap USDT to USDN you need attach payment in USDT") |
44 | | - | else if ((minimalAmountToSwapUSDT > tokenReceiveAmount)) |
45 | | - | then throw((("you can swap at least " + toString((minimalAmountToSwapUSDT / decimalPartUSDT))) + " tokens")) |
46 | | - | else ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((toString(contextObj.caller) + "_balance"), (currentClientBalanceUSDT + tokenReceiveAmount))]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(contextObj.caller, tokenReceiveAmount, idUSDN)])) |
47 | | - | } |
48 | | - | |
49 | | - | |
50 | | - | |
51 | | - | @Callable(contextObj) |
52 | | - | func initializationUSDNtoUSDTswap () = { |
53 | | - | let payment = match contextObj.payment { |
54 | | - | case p: AttachedPayment => |
55 | | - | p |
56 | | - | case _ => |
57 | | - | throw("Payment not attached") |
58 | | - | } |
59 | | - | let assetIdReceived = payment.assetId |
60 | | - | let paymentAmount = payment.amount |
61 | | - | let userAddress = contextObj.caller |
62 | | - | let currentClientBalanceUSDT = match getInteger(this, (toString(userAddress) + "_balance")) { |
63 | | - | case currentBalance: Int => |
64 | | - | getIntegerValue(this, (toString(userAddress) + "_balance")) |
65 | | - | case _ => |
66 | | - | 0 |
67 | | - | } |
68 | | - | if ((assetIdReceived != idUSDN)) |
69 | | - | then throw("to swap USDN to USDT you need attach payment in USDN") |
70 | | - | else if (if ((paymentAmount > currentClientBalanceUSDT)) |
71 | | - | then true |
72 | | - | else (minimalAmountToSwapUSDN > paymentAmount)) |
73 | | - | then throw("swap amount fail") |
74 | | - | else { |
75 | | - | let allowToWithDrawHeight = (height + withdrawDelay) |
76 | | - | if (isDefined(getString(this, collectKey(contextObj.caller, paymentAmount, allowToWithDrawHeight)))) |
77 | | - | then throw("you have already started withdrawal process, wait next block") |
78 | | - | else ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry((toString(contextObj.caller) + "_balance"), (currentClientBalanceUSDT - paymentAmount)), DataEntry(collectKey(contextObj.caller, paymentAmount, allowToWithDrawHeight), "not_withdrawn")]), TransferSet(nil)) |
79 | | - | } |
80 | | - | } |
81 | | - | |
82 | | - | |
83 | | - | |
84 | | - | @Callable(contextObj) |
85 | | - | func swapUSDNtoUSDT (amountToSwapInKey,heightInKey) = { |
86 | | - | let key = collectKey(contextObj.caller, amountToSwapInKey, heightInKey) |
87 | | - | let withdrawnInfo = match getString(this, key) { |
88 | | - | case withdrawnInfo: String => |
89 | | - | getStringValue(this, key) |
90 | | - | case _ => |
91 | | - | throw(((("this key doesn't exists " + key) + " at address ") + toString(this))) |
92 | | - | } |
93 | | - | if (if ((height >= heightInKey)) |
94 | | - | then (withdrawnInfo == "not_withdrawn") |
95 | | - | else false) |
96 | | - | then ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(key, "withdrawn")]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(contextObj.caller, amountToSwapInKey, idUSDT)])) |
97 | | - | else throw((("withdrawal is possible after " + toString(heightInKey)) + " height or you have already withdrawn USDT")) |
98 | | - | } |
99 | | - | |
100 | | - | |
| 1 | + | # no script |