tx · 3fJmTgGE7RjTp2vtSVSezyeKVvWXPNAf9eZXuKC1R636

3NCpyPuNzUaB7LFS4KBzwzWVnXmjur582oy:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.01.02 13:53 [1335650] smart asset 3NCpyPuNzUaB7LFS4KBzwzWVnXmjur582oy > SELF 0.00000000 D-ETH

{ "type": 15, "id": "3fJmTgGE7RjTp2vtSVSezyeKVvWXPNAf9eZXuKC1R636", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1609584819985, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3NCpyPuNzUaB7LFS4KBzwzWVnXmjur582oy", "senderPublicKey": "57EFni8M1XesEurFh3c4jnpLExP2PCPd5TRrwMjePAT4", "proofs": [ "2wZmoFug3SKvwGURU4qySUanViKRr74EXCqmFZ5XuGy6uzkhxJT7p8PQicsVkMVQcXPoNvbE5yXUMUVpBNBp42qP" ], "assetId": "LVf3qaCtb9tieS1bHD8gg5XjWvqpBm5TaDxeSVcqPwn", "script": "base64:AgQAAAAHJG1hdGNoMAUAAAACdHgGMAZGuQ==", "height": 1335650, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: 2xUXAfcscq2UfE89h2a1SQ6R9MZgvL77pq8JLzvnQyVV Next: none Full:
11 {-# STDLIB_VERSION 2 #-}
3-let admin = Address(base58'3NCpyPuNzUaB7LFS4KBzwzWVnXmjur582oy')
4-let gateway = Address(base58'3NCpyPuNzUaB7LFS4KBzwzWVnXmjur582oy')
5-let banned = 403
6-let KYCVer1 = 0
7-let KYCVer2 = 0
8-let isMerchant = 0
9-let KYCPending = 0
10-let maxAmount = 100000000
113 match tx {
12- case t: TransferTransaction =>
13- let data = getInteger(admin, toBase58String(t.sender.bytes))
14- let amount = t.amount
15- let isUser = getInteger(admin, toBase58String(addressFromRecipient(t.recipient).bytes))
16- if (!(isDefined(data)))
17- then throw("You are not a registered member. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset!")
18- else if ((data == KYCPending))
19- then throw("KYC Pending. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
20- else if ((data == KYCVer1))
21- then if ((t.recipient == gateway))
22- then true
23- else if (if (if ((isUser == KYCVer1))
24- then true
25- else (isUser == KYCVer2))
26- then true
27- else (isUser == isMerchant))
28- then if ((maxAmount >= amount))
29- then true
30- else throw("Cannot transfer please verify your acount. Amount is too much!")
31- else if ((isUser == KYCPending))
32- then throw("The recipient is in KYC pending status. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
33- else if ((isUser == banned))
34- then throw("The recipient is banned. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
35- else throw("Undefined situation!")
36- else if ((data == KYCVer2))
37- then if (isDefined(isUser))
38- then if ((isUser == KYCVer1))
39- then if ((maxAmount >= amount))
40- then true
41- else throw("Cannot transfer please verify your acount. Amount is too much!")
42- else if ((isUser == KYCPending))
43- then throw("The recipient is in KYC pending status. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
44- else if (if ((isUser == KYCVer2))
45- then true
46- else (isUser == isMerchant))
47- then true
48- else if ((isUser == banned))
49- then throw("The recipient is banned. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
50- else throw("Undefined situation!")
51- else throw("The recipient is not authorized to possess this SmartAsset!")
52- else if ((data == banned))
53- then throw("Your acount has been suspended!")
54- else if ((data == isMerchant))
55- then if ((t.recipient == gateway))
56- then true
57- else throw("Cannot transfer this asset to another account.")
58- else throw("Undefined situation!")
59- case mtt: MassTransferTransaction =>
60- let data = getInteger(admin, toBase58String(mtt.sender.bytes))
61- let amount = mtt.totalAmount
62- let assetId = extract(mtt.assetId)
63- let transferCount = mtt.transferCount
64- let firstRecipient = mtt.transfers[0].recipient
65- let secondRecipient = mtt.transfers[1].recipient
66- let firstAmount = mtt.transfers[0].amount
67- let secondAmount = mtt.transfers[1].amount
68- let issueTransaction = transactionById(assetId)
69- let isUser = getInteger(admin, toBase58String(addressFromRecipient(secondRecipient).bytes))
70- if (!(isDefined(isUser)))
71- then false
72- else if ((transferCount > 2))
73- then throw("not allowed")
74- else if (!(isDefined(data)))
75- then throw("You are not a registered member. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset!")
76- else if ((data == KYCPending))
77- then throw("KYC Pending. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
78- else if ((data == KYCVer1))
79- then if ((firstRecipient != gateway))
80- then throw("First recipient must be the issuer")
81- else if (if ((isUser == KYCVer1))
82- then true
83- else (isUser == KYCVer2))
84- then if ((maxAmount >= amount))
85- then match issueTransaction {
86- case issueTx: IssueTransaction =>
87- let issuerAddress = addressFromPublicKey(issueTx.senderPublicKey)
88- let taxSize = extract(getInteger(issuerAddress, toBase58String(assetId)))
89- if ((firstRecipient == issuerAddress))
90- then (firstAmount >= ((secondAmount / 1000) * taxSize))
91- else false
92- case _ =>
93- false
94- }
95- else throw("Cannot transfer please verify your acount. Amount is too much!")
96- else if ((isUser == KYCPending))
97- then throw("The recipient is in KYC pending status. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
98- else if ((isUser == banned))
99- then throw("The recipient is banned. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
100- else if ((isUser == isMerchant))
101- then throw("Merchants cannot recieve mass payments")
102- else throw("Undefined situation!")
103- else if ((data == KYCVer2))
104- then if (isDefined(isUser))
105- then if ((isUser == KYCVer1))
106- then if ((maxAmount >= amount))
107- then match issueTransaction {
108- case issueTx: IssueTransaction =>
109- let issuerAddress = addressFromPublicKey(issueTx.senderPublicKey)
110- let taxSize = extract(getInteger(issuerAddress, toBase58String(assetId)))
111- if ((firstRecipient == issuerAddress))
112- then (firstAmount >= ((secondAmount / 1000) * taxSize))
113- else false
114- case _ =>
115- false
116- }
117- else throw("Cannot transfer please verify your acount. Amount is too much!")
118- else if ((isUser == KYCVer1))
119- then throw("The recipient is in KYC pending status. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
120- else if ((isUser == KYCVer2))
121- then match issueTransaction {
122- case issueTx: IssueTransaction =>
123- let issuerAddress = addressFromPublicKey(issueTx.senderPublicKey)
124- let taxSize = extract(getInteger(issuerAddress, toBase58String(assetId)))
125- if ((firstRecipient == issuerAddress))
126- then (firstAmount >= ((secondAmount / 1000) * taxSize))
127- else false
128- case _ =>
129- false
130- }
131- else if ((isUser == banned))
132- then throw("The recipient is banned. You cannot transfer this SmartAsset")
133- else if ((isUser == isMerchant))
134- then throw("Merchants cannot recieve mass payments")
135- else throw("Undefined situation!")
136- else throw("The recipient is not authorized to possess this SmartAsset!")
137- else if ((data == banned))
138- then throw("Your acount has been suspended!")
139- else if ((data == isMerchant))
140- then throw("Merchant account cannot perform mass transfer")
141- else throw("Undefined situation!")
142- case ex: ExchangeTransaction =>
143- false
144- case b: BurnTransaction =>
145- false
146- case script: SetAssetScriptTransaction =>
147- if ((script.sender == admin))
148- then true
149- else throw("Admin operation only..")
1504 case _ =>
1515 true
1526 }

75.70 ms