tx · AGy7KPpJ67ST3s3PNC739mZuyKkSL7m8JkCK7WYjyinb

3N67wqt9Xvvn1Qtgz6KvyEcdmr8AL7EVaQM:  -1.05000000 Waves
3N3PDiDHb1AJU8tTXJLcvoDNP29fdGNNWqs:  +1.00000000 Waves

2019.12.12 18:13 [805796] invoke 3N67wqt9Xvvn1Qtgz6KvyEcdmr8AL7EVaQM > 3N3PDiDHb1AJU8tTXJLcvoDNP29fdGNNWqs createTask() 1.00000000 Waves

3N3PDiDHb1AJU8tTXJLcvoDNP29fdGNNWqs: datajson_7c033a24-ae15-41a9-897b-2aa90e3ad562: "{"title":"Build me a Wordpress website","createTime":1576159968970,"expireTime":1577366700000,"price":"60","currency":"Waves","author":"3N67wqt9Xvvn1Qtgz6KvyEcdmr8AL7EVaQM","brief":"Need site on wordpress","uuid":"7c033a24-ae15-41a9-897b-2aa90e3ad562","tags":["Wordpress"],"updatedAt":1576159968970,"members":[],"freelancer":"","status":"featured","description":"What I want you to do is re-create this page/ You can set your own Wordpress in any hosting account, choose any free or annulled theme & then redesign this page, giving it a more modern look & presenting all the information in a nice, user-friendly manner.\n\nOnce you successfully complete this task, I will be able to evaluate you on the following parameters:\n1. Ability to setup Wordpress\n2. Ability to think & design a Wordpress Website\n3. Ability to use & customize Wordpress theme\nRemember, the quality of work needs to be very high, as if you are doing it for a client!","category":1}"
3N3PDiDHb1AJU8tTXJLcvoDNP29fdGNNWqs: status_7c033a24-ae15-41a9-897b-2aa90e3ad562: "featured"
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17.45 ms