tx · ECse3gkKzDJmV52NPw9zeY4k8UeMfZzziF1Lux5DXViz

3Mz9N7YPfZPWGd4yYaX6H53Gcgrq6ifYiH7:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.09.09 12:01 [668333] smart asset 3Mz9N7YPfZPWGd4yYaX6H53Gcgrq6ifYiH7 > SELF 0 HOT POTATO

{ "type": 15, "id": "ECse3gkKzDJmV52NPw9zeY4k8UeMfZzziF1Lux5DXViz", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1568019668411, "version": 1, "sender": "3Mz9N7YPfZPWGd4yYaX6H53Gcgrq6ifYiH7", "senderPublicKey": "2M25DqL2W4rGFLCFadgATboS8EPqyWAN3DjH12AH5Kdr", "proofs": [ "4TfdHdF8gN4UX9gTPYxRXvDh31UacNYSBiRiNo8yxbpJerdD5QNY2DrUuzN2LyjCanjGQmBvnYfdhjMbsxy4nEhk" ], "assetId": "4BTv2xDm1apCRXxQJ5Hhq3UrLvsEr8ougJR1tkAhaxBQ", "script": "base64:AwZd0cYf", "chainId": 84, "height": 668333, "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: D5frsmK81ZFU1gpZYZ2SWgbr4FrTSkhpEkyEVdbrtVuu Next: none Full:
1-{-# STDLIB_VERSION 2 #-}
1+{-# STDLIB_VERSION 3 #-}
3-let minimumWavesBalance = 1000000000
4-let moveTimeInBlocks = 5000
5-let minimalFeeToMove = 10000000
6-let minimalFeeToBurn = 50000000
7-match tx {
8- case t: TransferTransaction =>
9- let txId = t.attachment
10- let currentRecipientWavesBalance = wavesBalance(t.recipient)
11- let transaction = transactionById(extract(t.assetId))
12- match transaction {
13- case issueTx: IssueTransaction =>
14- let transactionByIssuer = (t.senderPublicKey == issueTx.senderPublicKey)
15- if (transactionByIssuer)
16- then if ((minimumWavesBalance > currentRecipientWavesBalance))
17- then throw("Current balance is less than minimalWavesBalance")
18- else true
19- else if ((32 > size(t.attachment)))
20- then throw("Attachment should contain transaction id ")
21- else {
22- let receiveTx = transactionById(txId)
23- match receiveTx {
24- case recTx: MassTransferTransaction|TransferTransaction =>
25- let receivedBlockNumber = extract(transactionHeightById(recTx.id))
26- let receivedAssetInLastNBlocks = if ((moveTimeInBlocks >= (height - receivedBlockNumber)))
27- then (t.assetId == recTx.assetId)
28- else false
29- let feeMore1Waves = (t.fee >= minimalFeeToMove)
30- if (if (!(receivedAssetInLastNBlocks))
31- then !(feeMore1Waves)
32- else false)
33- then throw("You got potato long time ago, now you have to pay 1 WAVES fee")
34- else if (receivedAssetInLastNBlocks)
35- then true
36- else feeMore1Waves
37- case _ =>
38- throw("Receive tx should be a transfer")
39- }
40- }
41- case _ =>
42- throw("Not issue tx")
43- }
44- case burn: BurnTransaction =>
45- if ((minimalFeeToBurn > burn.fee))
46- then throw("You have to pay 5 WAVES to burn this token")
47- else true
48- case mass: SetAssetScriptTransaction|MassTransferTransaction =>
49- let transaction = transactionById(extract(mass.assetId))
50- match transaction {
51- case issueTx: IssueTransaction =>
52- (mass.senderPublicKey == issueTx.senderPublicKey)
53- case _ =>
54- throw("Bad issue tx type")
55- }
56- case _ =>
57- throw("You only can transfer this token")

41.29 ms