tx · 1ysdEgsqhzA7P4PBQNq4hPmvJBNcSZ2urzMVDq48ADG

3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5:  -0.01400000 Waves
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF:  +0.00500000 Waves

2019.07.20 13:55 [594142] invoke 3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5 > 3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF additem() 0.00500000 Waves

3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: expiration_two_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248: 594189
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: expiration_one_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248: 594184
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: datajson_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248: "{"name":"wInvites","description":"wInvites is a blockchain-backed supplier referral program built on the Waves Platform that establishes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement between the interested parties.","logoUrl":"https://i.postimg.cc/cLfskbv0/winvites.png","expireCrowd":"2019-08-31 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-17","targetWaves":1000,"tags":["-sharing referral RIDE dApp"],"contents":{"problem":"Traditional referral programs can be time intensive to manage, lack transparency (data held by program owner only), and be prone to human error.\n\nAdditionally, referral programs often only refer for a single product or service being offered. If the supplier is involved in several ventures, an invite would need to be sent for each product/service and the referral would have to sign up to each one individually. This requires more effort than is necessary and a better solution is required.","solution":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","xFactor":"wInvites allows any supplier to invite any other supplier to join a revenue-sharing referral program utilizing Waves Keeper and the RIDE for dApp's language to ensure referral revenue-sharing agreements are verifiable, enforceable and transparent.","whySmartContracts":"Smart contracts allow for the referral program to operate with minimal management, and auto-execution of the agreed upon referral reward terms. Further, utilising cryptocurrency witin the referral program allows it to be truly borderless and accessible to everyone.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"A heroku-based UI implementation that allows dApp owners and suppliers to register with the referral program and send invitations to register referrals to the program. The MVP will utilise the Waves Testnet for all relevant transactions. The MVP will satisfy July MW3 dev bounty 5. Suppliers referral reward program.","marketStrategy":"1. Develop MVP to demonstrate the use case. \nIf considered viable:\n2. Contact cryptocurrency-friendly projects this may be relevant to. \n3. Engage with WAVES/crypto community to identify and alert them of the referral program opportunities.","impactOnCommunity":"Paper prototype completed, grant to allow for development of MVP.","currentStage":"Paper prototype completed, grant to allow for development of MVP."},"socials":{"url_website":"Heroku - To Be Determined","url_twitter":"https://www.twitter.com/impossiblepairs"},"uid":"a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248","expireVoting":"2019-07-20 12:56:23","expireWhale":"2019-09-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-07-20 10:56:23"}"
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: status_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248: "new"
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: bank_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248: 500000
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: expiration_block_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248: 594150
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: block_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248: 594142
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: author_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248: "3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5"

{ "type": 16, "id": "1ysdEgsqhzA7P4PBQNq4hPmvJBNcSZ2urzMVDq48ADG", "fee": 900000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1563620183091, "version": 1, "sender": "3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5", "senderPublicKey": "3wiUqSzhQgfRkSr3PvpbckF1GtGtF65hFYDHQWPaywUb", "proofs": [ "67qf4xap7WAJfGJVizw9rmx7WzSdS1UyiShGTaumMqFDAgqRfoLsNJ27jy1eaFawiHpBomNjWDn3FAbZybrptgaB" ], "dApp": "3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF", "payment": [ { "amount": 500000, "assetId": null } ], "call": { "function": "additem", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248" }, { "type": "integer", "value": 8 }, { "type": "integer", "value": 42 }, { "type": "integer", "value": 47 }, { "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"wInvites","description":"wInvites is a blockchain-backed supplier referral program built on the Waves Platform that establishes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement between the interested parties.","logoUrl":"https://i.postimg.cc/cLfskbv0/winvites.png","expireCrowd":"2019-08-31 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-17","targetWaves":1000,"tags":["-sharing referral RIDE dApp"],"contents":{"problem":"Traditional referral programs can be time intensive to manage, lack transparency (data held by program owner only), and be prone to human error.\\n\\nAdditionally, referral programs often only refer for a single product or service being offered. If the supplier is involved in several ventures, an invite would need to be sent for each product/service and the referral would have to sign up to each one individually. This requires more effort than is necessary and a better solution is required.","solution":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","xFactor":"wInvites allows any supplier to invite any other supplier to join a revenue-sharing referral program utilizing Waves Keeper and the RIDE for dApp's language to ensure referral revenue-sharing agreements are verifiable, enforceable and transparent.","whySmartContracts":"Smart contracts allow for the referral program to operate with minimal management, and auto-execution of the agreed upon referral reward terms. Further, utilising cryptocurrency witin the referral program allows it to be truly borderless and accessible to everyone.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"A heroku-based UI implementation that allows dApp owners and suppliers to register with the referral program and send invitations to register referrals to the program. The MVP will utilise the Waves Testnet for all relevant transactions. The MVP will satisfy July MW3 dev bounty 5. Suppliers referral reward program.","marketStrategy":"1. Develop MVP to demonstrate the use case. \\nIf considered viable:\\n2. Contact cryptocurrency-friendly projects this may be relevant to. \\n3. Engage with WAVES/crypto community to identify and alert them of the referral program opportunities.","impactOnCommunity":"Paper prototype completed, grant to allow for development of MVP.","currentStage":"Paper prototype completed, grant to allow for development of MVP."},"socials":{"url_website":"Heroku - To Be Determined","url_twitter":"https://www.twitter.com/impossiblepairs"},"uid":"a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248","expireVoting":"2019-07-20 12:56:23","expireWhale":"2019-09-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-07-20 10:56:23"}" } ] }, "height": 594142, "spentComplexity": 307, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "author_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248", "type": "string", "value": "3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5" }, { "key": "block_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248", "type": "integer", "value": 594142 }, { "key": "expiration_block_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248", "type": "integer", "value": 594150 }, { "key": "bank_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248", "type": "integer", "value": 500000 }, { "key": "status_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248", "type": "string", "value": "new" }, { "key": "datajson_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"wInvites","description":"wInvites is a blockchain-backed supplier referral program built on the Waves Platform that establishes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement between the interested parties.","logoUrl":"https://i.postimg.cc/cLfskbv0/winvites.png","expireCrowd":"2019-08-31 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-17","targetWaves":1000,"tags":["-sharing referral RIDE dApp"],"contents":{"problem":"Traditional referral programs can be time intensive to manage, lack transparency (data held by program owner only), and be prone to human error.\\n\\nAdditionally, referral programs often only refer for a single product or service being offered. If the supplier is involved in several ventures, an invite would need to be sent for each product/service and the referral would have to sign up to each one individually. This requires more effort than is necessary and a better solution is required.","solution":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","xFactor":"wInvites allows any supplier to invite any other supplier to join a revenue-sharing referral program utilizing Waves Keeper and the RIDE for dApp's language to ensure referral revenue-sharing agreements are verifiable, enforceable and transparent.","whySmartContracts":"Smart contracts allow for the referral program to operate with minimal management, and auto-execution of the agreed upon referral reward terms. Further, utilising cryptocurrency witin the referral program allows it to be truly borderless and accessible to everyone.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"A heroku-based UI implementation that allows dApp owners and suppliers to register with the referral program and send invitations to register referrals to the program. The MVP will utilise the Waves Testnet for all relevant transactions. The MVP will satisfy July MW3 dev bounty 5. Suppliers referral reward program.","marketStrategy":"1. Develop MVP to demonstrate the use case. \\nIf considered viable:\\n2. Contact cryptocurrency-friendly projects this may be relevant to. \\n3. Engage with WAVES/crypto community to identify and alert them of the referral program opportunities.","impactOnCommunity":"Paper prototype completed, grant to allow for development of MVP.","currentStage":"Paper prototype completed, grant to allow for development of MVP."},"socials":{"url_website":"Heroku - To Be Determined","url_twitter":"https://www.twitter.com/impossiblepairs"},"uid":"a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248","expireVoting":"2019-07-20 12:56:23","expireWhale":"2019-09-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-07-20 10:56:23"}" }, { "key": "expiration_one_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248", "type": "integer", "value": 594184 }, { "key": "expiration_two_a18ce990-136d-467e-b411-5557f14ff248", "type": "integer", "value": 594189 } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

371.36 ms