tx · 7vbsVHnozWXoBHPmK815L5geNjy7vVdGMwArpaBeHDRa

3N9bUhu6M49KADh1W5zpVE97AkevPxf4wD7:  -0.00900250 Waves
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF:  +0.00000250 Waves

2019.07.12 09:44 [582157] invoke 3N9bUhu6M49KADh1W5zpVE97AkevPxf4wD7 > 3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF donate() 0.00000250 Waves

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26.54 ms