3N5net4nzSeeqxPfGZrvVvnGavsinipQHbE: +1250.0000 Primalbase Token
———————————————————————————————————: -1.00000000 Waves
2018.12.14 17:30 [404573] issue 3N5net4nzSeeqxPfGZrvVvnGavsinipQHbE > SELF +1250.0000 Primalbase Token
"type": 3,
"id": "5fmYjWQPnE7aGJNZmgJLUcWMMPAdMdxWjNeQBFVQhhqU",
"fee": 100000000,
"feeAssetId": null,
"timestamp": 1544797866551,
"version": 2,
"sender": "3N5net4nzSeeqxPfGZrvVvnGavsinipQHbE",
"senderPublicKey": "416z9d8DQDy5MPTqDhvReRBaPb19gEyVRWvHcewpP6Nc",
"proofs": [
"assetId": "5fmYjWQPnE7aGJNZmgJLUcWMMPAdMdxWjNeQBFVQhhqU",
"name": "Primalbase Token",
"quantity": 12500000,
"reissuable": true,
"decimals": 4,
"description": "https://www.primalbase.com Shared workspaces on crypto tokens. One PBT token provides full access to the co-working or shared workspace with all the necessary services at any Primalbase location for one person. The possession of 4 tokens allows you to use a separate office, if it is free.",
"script": null,
"chainId": 84,
"height": 404573,
"spentComplexity": 0