tx · FvKx3cerSVYGfXKFvUgp7koNuTAcLs8DmtmwRrFVCqJv

3N5net4nzSeeqxPfGZrvVvnGavsinipQHbE:  +1971000.00000000 EFYT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.08.03 15:44 [338993] issue 3N5net4nzSeeqxPfGZrvVvnGavsinipQHbE > SELF +1971000.00000000 EFYT

{ "type": 3, "id": "FvKx3cerSVYGfXKFvUgp7koNuTAcLs8DmtmwRrFVCqJv", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1533300346569, "version": 1, "sender": "3N5net4nzSeeqxPfGZrvVvnGavsinipQHbE", "senderPublicKey": "416z9d8DQDy5MPTqDhvReRBaPb19gEyVRWvHcewpP6Nc", "proofs": [ "66rSRCdkGmmcgTFnadQbrXhCXTYT97AVkiXgeymtwKrN5P2KhBnvcRruHd1x9mG7vcXwhdW9t9RKXZC5PVp5ggZS" ], "signature": "66rSRCdkGmmcgTFnadQbrXhCXTYT97AVkiXgeymtwKrN5P2KhBnvcRruHd1x9mG7vcXwhdW9t9RKXZC5PVp5ggZS", "assetId": "FvKx3cerSVYGfXKFvUgp7koNuTAcLs8DmtmwRrFVCqJv", "name": "EFYT", "quantity": 197100000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Ergo First Year Tokens The Ergo Platform (http://ergoplatform.org/) will be a brand new and unique Proof-of-Work blockchain platform with state-of-art efficiency, a new transactional language which is more suitable for protocols to be built on top of blockchain, and an alternative economic model. Before genesis block and for the first year after it, an initial team will work on development and maintenance. After that, community will vote on developments and spendings with the help of privacy-friendly liquid-democracy system. To fund development and maintenance, miners will be taxed like in ZCash (with lower %%, 10% for the first year). For the first year, the initial team have a right to spend tokens upon needs of bootstrapping. 100M Ergo tokens will be issued within first year, thus the initial team will have 10M tokens. This EFYT(Ergo First Year Tokens) Waves Platform asset is the obligation backed by the Ergo tokens of the initial team.", "height": 338993, "spentComplexity": 0 }

10.06 ms