tx · FZyexMAEYeHxrRaMSGZjznejm8bCYiAZDueegvndX3Qv

3N27vtpykLQSiPE4jY7uKGuV9K49n4Pwm2Q:  -0.00500000 Waves

2023.09.27 12:03 [2773615] invoke 3N27vtpykLQSiPE4jY7uKGuV9K49n4Pwm2Q > 3NC91h9Kv91JUnk3Sk6Xx91nb7QKuAjBA51 storeProject()

3NC91h9Kv91JUnk3Sk6Xx91nb7QKuAjBA51: counter: 98 -> 99
3NC91h9Kv91JUnk3Sk6Xx91nb7QKuAjBA51: project_98_creationDate: 1695805418602
3NC91h9Kv91JUnk3Sk6Xx91nb7QKuAjBA51: project_98_creator: "3MrRrtoP6xtrUxUuT8afasPxq9XFVkm7ta1"
3NC91h9Kv91JUnk3Sk6Xx91nb7QKuAjBA51: project_98_address: "3N27vtpykLQSiPE4jY7uKGuV9K49n4Pwm2Q"
3NC91h9Kv91JUnk3Sk6Xx91nb7QKuAjBA51: project_98_description: "BAI targets AI integration in blockchain solutions. The goal is to achieve a multichain approach and the question is now which EVM based chain should be used for the first cross-chain prototype."
3NC91h9Kv91JUnk3Sk6Xx91nb7QKuAjBA51: project_98_name: "Which EVM based blockchain should BAI use for the first cross-chain prototype?"

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17.30 ms