tx · ETRoECZU6TLbvmsqXvDkWqnodQdFVX5YLcCPQs5a9rd9 3MweDUGicjorwUViyXBcfCM15fQXXEDU3gN: -0.00500000 Waves 2023.09.22 09:31 [2766230] smart account 3MweDUGicjorwUViyXBcfCM15fQXXEDU3gN > SELF 0.00000000 Waves
{ "type": 13, "id": "ETRoECZU6TLbvmsqXvDkWqnodQdFVX5YLcCPQs5a9rd9", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1695364372555, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3MweDUGicjorwUViyXBcfCM15fQXXEDU3gN", "senderPublicKey": "DGFm8ntnNPVthPrdcaZNWKYZi1wYzD3vhJETwHnF2emk", "proofs": [ "5LW7dMUMdbKKGo3PoFR2QKTefuWH9XEej9XeHFahbiYFb7iAr3mxMCTdn1Fjfk5gmn3LHyV8XFcHVftR8PMNZ6RU" ], "script": "base64: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", "height": 2766230, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: Ah854Rvi6f23qwmyUuJnuYWA9PmhVbrHZWS1z9KwkZ4b Next: EToW9996YEmZaqjf5RMh4fWxAgcBxk7XSng7pWn7v3zu Diff:
Old | New | Differences | |
1 | 1 | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-} | |
2 | 2 | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} | |
3 | 3 | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} | |
4 | - | let | |
4 | + | let isConstructedKey = "is_constructed" | |
5 | 5 | ||
6 | - | let | |
6 | + | let assetIdKey = "assetId" | |
7 | 7 | ||
8 | - | let | |
8 | + | let lpPoolAssetId = "lpPoolAssetId" | |
9 | 9 | ||
10 | - | let poolId = 1 | |
11 | - | ||
12 | - | let poolLPTokenAddress = base58'4TLuEDo8QjPsxUGjfRPyqqvAk4JtnYMXK1ypGo8uKrb2' | |
13 | - | ||
14 | - | let stakeboosterRootAddress = base58'3N2PGCSexF2nUN9SmgsaLedFix3M67A9reg' | |
15 | - | ||
16 | - | let adminAddress = base58'3N2iME1bcpy9zdFi2S1rmQDjPvvN5X8t3qW' | |
17 | - | ||
18 | - | let totalPoolLPStakedKey = "total_pool_lp_staked" | |
19 | - | ||
20 | - | let totalPoolEarnedKey = "total_pool_earned" | |
21 | - | ||
22 | - | let poolCurrentClaimIdKey = "pool_current_claim_id" | |
23 | - | ||
24 | - | func asPayment (v) = match v { | |
25 | - | case p: AttachedPayment => | |
26 | - | p | |
27 | - | case _ => | |
28 | - | throw("fail to cast into AttachedPayment") | |
29 | - | } | |
30 | - | ||
31 | - | ||
32 | - | func asInt (val) = match val { | |
33 | - | case valInt: Int => | |
34 | - | valInt | |
35 | - | case _ => | |
36 | - | throw("fail to cast into Int") | |
37 | - | } | |
38 | - | ||
39 | - | ||
40 | - | func asString (val) = match val { | |
41 | - | case valString: String => | |
42 | - | valString | |
43 | - | case _ => | |
44 | - | throw("fail to cast into String") | |
45 | - | } | |
46 | - | ||
47 | - | ||
48 | - | func isUserHaveUnclaimedRewards (address) = if (!(isDefined(getString(address)))) | |
49 | - | then false | |
50 | - | else { | |
51 | - | let currentPoolClaimId = getIntegerValue(poolCurrentClaimIdKey) | |
52 | - | let userData = split(getStringValue(address), SEP) | |
53 | - | let userLastClaimedRewardsAtPoolClaimId = asInt(parseInt(userData[2])) | |
54 | - | (currentPoolClaimId > userLastClaimedRewardsAtPoolClaimId) | |
55 | - | } | |
56 | - | ||
10 | + | let currentRewardAmountIdKey = "reward_amount_id" | |
57 | 11 | ||
58 | 12 | @Callable(i) | |
59 | - | func | |
60 | - | then throw(" | |
13 | + | func constructor () = if (isDefined(getBoolean(isConstructedKey))) | |
14 | + | then throw("Constructor can be called one time") | |
61 | 15 | else { | |
62 | - | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
63 | - | let payment = asPayment(i.payments[0]) | |
64 | - | if (if ((payment.assetId != poolLPTokenAddress)) | |
65 | - | then true | |
66 | - | else (0 >= payment.amount)) | |
67 | - | then throw("Wrong asset id or negative amount") | |
68 | - | else if (isUserHaveUnclaimedRewards(callerAddress)) | |
69 | - | then throw("You have unclaimed rewards on contract, claim them first") | |
70 | - | else { | |
71 | - | let currentTotalPoolClaimId = valueOrElse(getInteger(poolCurrentClaimIdKey), 0) | |
72 | - | let currentTotalPoolLPStaked = valueOrElse(getInteger(totalPoolLPStakedKey), 0) | |
73 | - | let currentTotalPoolEarned = valueOrElse(getInteger(totalPoolEarnedKey), 0) | |
74 | - | let result = invoke(Address(stakeboosterRootAddress), "stakePoolLps", [poolId], [payment]) | |
75 | - | if ((result == result)) | |
76 | - | then { | |
77 | - | let userDataOpt = getString(callerAddress) | |
78 | - | let userData = if (isDefined(userDataOpt)) | |
79 | - | then { | |
80 | - | let userData = split(asString(userDataOpt), SEP) | |
81 | - | let userTotalStakedAmount = asInt(parseInt(userData[0])) | |
82 | - | let newUserData = [toString((userTotalStakedAmount + payment.amount)), removeByIndex(userData, 0)] | |
83 | - | makeString(newUserData, SEP) | |
84 | - | } | |
85 | - | else makeString([toString(payment.amount), "0", toString(currentTotalPoolClaimId), toString(currentTotalPoolEarned)], SEP) | |
86 | - | [StringEntry(callerAddress, userData), IntegerEntry(poolCurrentClaimIdKey, currentTotalPoolClaimId), IntegerEntry(totalPoolEarnedKey, currentTotalPoolEarned), IntegerEntry(totalPoolLPStakedKey, (currentTotalPoolLPStaked + payment.amount))] | |
87 | - | } | |
88 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
89 | - | } | |
16 | + | let asset = Issue("WXTest", "", 1000000000000000, 8, false, unit, 0) | |
17 | + | let assetId = calculateAssetId(asset) | |
18 | + | [asset, StringEntry(assetIdKey, toBase58String(assetId)), BooleanEntry(isConstructedKey, true), IntegerEntry(currentRewardAmountIdKey, 0)] | |
90 | 19 | } | |
91 | 20 | ||
92 | 21 | ||
93 | 22 | ||
94 | 23 | @Callable(i) | |
95 | - | func withdrawLP () = { | |
96 | - | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
97 | - | if (isUserHaveUnclaimedRewards(callerAddress)) | |
98 | - | then throw("You have unclaimed rewards on contract, claim them first") | |
99 | - | else nil | |
24 | + | func issueLPAsset (recipient) = { | |
25 | + | let asset = Issue("LPPool", "", 1000000000000000, 8, false, unit, 0) | |
26 | + | let assetId = calculateAssetId(asset) | |
27 | + | [asset, StringEntry(lpPoolAssetId, toBase58String(assetId)), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(recipient)), 1000000000000, assetId)] | |
100 | 28 | } | |
101 | 29 | ||
102 | 30 | ||
103 | 31 | ||
104 | 32 | @Callable(i) | |
105 | - | func claimRewards () = { | |
106 | - | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
107 | - | if (!(isUserHaveUnclaimedRewards(callerAddress))) | |
108 | - | then throw("Nothing to claim, wait for a while, pool will collect the rewards from WX soon") | |
109 | - | else { | |
110 | - | let poolCurrentClaimId = getIntegerValue(poolCurrentClaimIdKey) | |
111 | - | let totalPoolEarned = getIntegerValue(totalPoolEarnedKey) | |
112 | - | let userData = split(getStringValue(callerAddress), SEP) | |
113 | - | let userTotalLPStaked = asInt(parseInt(userData[0])) | |
114 | - | let userTotalRewardsClaimed = asInt(parseInt(userData[1])) | |
115 | - | let userLastClaimPoolClaimId = asInt(parseInt(userData[2])) | |
116 | - | let poolEarnedRewardsWithoutUser = asInt(parseInt(userData[3])) | |
117 | - | let totalPoolEarningsWithUser = (totalPoolEarned - poolEarnedRewardsWithoutUser) | |
118 | - | let unclaimedRewards = (totalPoolEarningsWithUser - (userTotalRewardsClaimed * MULT10)) | |
119 | - | let userCurrentClaim = fraction(unclaimedRewards, userTotalLPStaked, MULT10) | |
120 | - | let newUserData = makeString([userData[0], toString((userTotalRewardsClaimed + userCurrentClaim)), toString(poolCurrentClaimId), userData[3]], SEP) | |
121 | - | [StringEntry(callerAddress, newUserData), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, userCurrentClaim, wxAssetId)] | |
122 | - | } | |
123 | - | } | |
33 | + | func stakePoolLps (poolId) = [IntegerEntry("stakePoolLpsFuncCalled", height)] | |
124 | 34 | ||
125 | 35 | ||
126 | 36 | ||
127 | 37 | @Callable(i) | |
128 | - | func claimPoolRewards () = if ((i.caller.bytes != adminAddress)) | |
129 | - | then throw("Admin only") | |
130 | - | else { | |
131 | - | let totalPoolLPStaked = getIntegerValue(totalPoolLPStakedKey) | |
132 | - | let totalPoolEarned = getIntegerValue(totalPoolEarnedKey) | |
133 | - | let poolCurrentClaimId = getIntegerValue(poolCurrentClaimIdKey) | |
134 | - | let currentWxOnContract = assetBalance(this, wxAssetId) | |
135 | - | if ((currentWxOnContract == currentWxOnContract)) | |
136 | - | then { | |
137 | - | let result = invoke(Address(stakeboosterRootAddress), "claimPoolRewards", [poolId], nil) | |
138 | - | if ((result == result)) | |
139 | - | then { | |
140 | - | let newWxOnContract = assetBalance(this, wxAssetId) | |
141 | - | let claimedWxAmount = (newWxOnContract - currentWxOnContract) | |
142 | - | let currentClaimIdEarnings = fraction(claimedWxAmount, MULT10, totalPoolLPStaked) | |
143 | - | [IntegerEntry("CURRENT_WX_ON_CONTRACT", currentWxOnContract), IntegerEntry("NEW_WX_ON_CONTRACT", newWxOnContract), IntegerEntry(poolCurrentClaimIdKey, (poolCurrentClaimId + 1)), IntegerEntry(totalPoolEarnedKey, (totalPoolEarned + currentClaimIdEarnings))] | |
144 | - | } | |
145 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
146 | - | } | |
147 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
148 | - | } | |
38 | + | func withdrawPoolLps (poolId) = [IntegerEntry("withdrawPoolLpsFuncCalled", height)] | |
39 | + | ||
40 | + | ||
41 | + | ||
42 | + | @Callable(i) | |
43 | + | func claimPoolRewards (poolId) = { | |
44 | + | let currentRewardAmountId = getIntegerValue(currentRewardAmountIdKey) | |
45 | + | let assetId = getStringValue(assetIdKey) | |
46 | + | let amount = if ((currentRewardAmountId == 0)) | |
47 | + | then 10000000000 | |
48 | + | else if ((currentRewardAmountId == 1)) | |
49 | + | then 20000000000 | |
50 | + | else if ((currentRewardAmountId == 2)) | |
51 | + | then 5000000000 | |
52 | + | else if ((currentRewardAmountId == 3)) | |
53 | + | then 35000000000 | |
54 | + | else 22000000000 | |
55 | + | let newCurrentRewardAmountId = if ((currentRewardAmountId == 4)) | |
56 | + | then 0 | |
57 | + | else (currentRewardAmountId + 1) | |
58 | + | [IntegerEntry(currentRewardAmountIdKey, newCurrentRewardAmountId), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, amount, fromBase58String(assetId))] | |
59 | + | } | |
149 | 60 | ||
150 | 61 | ||
151 | 62 | @Verifier(tx) |
Old | New | Differences | |
1 | 1 | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-} | |
2 | 2 | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} | |
3 | 3 | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} | |
4 | - | let | |
4 | + | let isConstructedKey = "is_constructed" | |
5 | 5 | ||
6 | - | let | |
6 | + | let assetIdKey = "assetId" | |
7 | 7 | ||
8 | - | let | |
8 | + | let lpPoolAssetId = "lpPoolAssetId" | |
9 | 9 | ||
10 | - | let poolId = 1 | |
11 | - | ||
12 | - | let poolLPTokenAddress = base58'4TLuEDo8QjPsxUGjfRPyqqvAk4JtnYMXK1ypGo8uKrb2' | |
13 | - | ||
14 | - | let stakeboosterRootAddress = base58'3N2PGCSexF2nUN9SmgsaLedFix3M67A9reg' | |
15 | - | ||
16 | - | let adminAddress = base58'3N2iME1bcpy9zdFi2S1rmQDjPvvN5X8t3qW' | |
17 | - | ||
18 | - | let totalPoolLPStakedKey = "total_pool_lp_staked" | |
19 | - | ||
20 | - | let totalPoolEarnedKey = "total_pool_earned" | |
21 | - | ||
22 | - | let poolCurrentClaimIdKey = "pool_current_claim_id" | |
23 | - | ||
24 | - | func asPayment (v) = match v { | |
25 | - | case p: AttachedPayment => | |
26 | - | p | |
27 | - | case _ => | |
28 | - | throw("fail to cast into AttachedPayment") | |
29 | - | } | |
30 | - | ||
31 | - | ||
32 | - | func asInt (val) = match val { | |
33 | - | case valInt: Int => | |
34 | - | valInt | |
35 | - | case _ => | |
36 | - | throw("fail to cast into Int") | |
37 | - | } | |
38 | - | ||
39 | - | ||
40 | - | func asString (val) = match val { | |
41 | - | case valString: String => | |
42 | - | valString | |
43 | - | case _ => | |
44 | - | throw("fail to cast into String") | |
45 | - | } | |
46 | - | ||
47 | - | ||
48 | - | func isUserHaveUnclaimedRewards (address) = if (!(isDefined(getString(address)))) | |
49 | - | then false | |
50 | - | else { | |
51 | - | let currentPoolClaimId = getIntegerValue(poolCurrentClaimIdKey) | |
52 | - | let userData = split(getStringValue(address), SEP) | |
53 | - | let userLastClaimedRewardsAtPoolClaimId = asInt(parseInt(userData[2])) | |
54 | - | (currentPoolClaimId > userLastClaimedRewardsAtPoolClaimId) | |
55 | - | } | |
56 | - | ||
10 | + | let currentRewardAmountIdKey = "reward_amount_id" | |
57 | 11 | ||
58 | 12 | @Callable(i) | |
59 | - | func | |
60 | - | then throw(" | |
13 | + | func constructor () = if (isDefined(getBoolean(isConstructedKey))) | |
14 | + | then throw("Constructor can be called one time") | |
61 | 15 | else { | |
62 | - | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
63 | - | let payment = asPayment(i.payments[0]) | |
64 | - | if (if ((payment.assetId != poolLPTokenAddress)) | |
65 | - | then true | |
66 | - | else (0 >= payment.amount)) | |
67 | - | then throw("Wrong asset id or negative amount") | |
68 | - | else if (isUserHaveUnclaimedRewards(callerAddress)) | |
69 | - | then throw("You have unclaimed rewards on contract, claim them first") | |
70 | - | else { | |
71 | - | let currentTotalPoolClaimId = valueOrElse(getInteger(poolCurrentClaimIdKey), 0) | |
72 | - | let currentTotalPoolLPStaked = valueOrElse(getInteger(totalPoolLPStakedKey), 0) | |
73 | - | let currentTotalPoolEarned = valueOrElse(getInteger(totalPoolEarnedKey), 0) | |
74 | - | let result = invoke(Address(stakeboosterRootAddress), "stakePoolLps", [poolId], [payment]) | |
75 | - | if ((result == result)) | |
76 | - | then { | |
77 | - | let userDataOpt = getString(callerAddress) | |
78 | - | let userData = if (isDefined(userDataOpt)) | |
79 | - | then { | |
80 | - | let userData = split(asString(userDataOpt), SEP) | |
81 | - | let userTotalStakedAmount = asInt(parseInt(userData[0])) | |
82 | - | let newUserData = [toString((userTotalStakedAmount + payment.amount)), removeByIndex(userData, 0)] | |
83 | - | makeString(newUserData, SEP) | |
84 | - | } | |
85 | - | else makeString([toString(payment.amount), "0", toString(currentTotalPoolClaimId), toString(currentTotalPoolEarned)], SEP) | |
86 | - | [StringEntry(callerAddress, userData), IntegerEntry(poolCurrentClaimIdKey, currentTotalPoolClaimId), IntegerEntry(totalPoolEarnedKey, currentTotalPoolEarned), IntegerEntry(totalPoolLPStakedKey, (currentTotalPoolLPStaked + payment.amount))] | |
87 | - | } | |
88 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
89 | - | } | |
16 | + | let asset = Issue("WXTest", "", 1000000000000000, 8, false, unit, 0) | |
17 | + | let assetId = calculateAssetId(asset) | |
18 | + | [asset, StringEntry(assetIdKey, toBase58String(assetId)), BooleanEntry(isConstructedKey, true), IntegerEntry(currentRewardAmountIdKey, 0)] | |
90 | 19 | } | |
91 | 20 | ||
92 | 21 | ||
93 | 22 | ||
94 | 23 | @Callable(i) | |
95 | - | func withdrawLP () = { | |
96 | - | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
97 | - | if (isUserHaveUnclaimedRewards(callerAddress)) | |
98 | - | then throw("You have unclaimed rewards on contract, claim them first") | |
99 | - | else nil | |
24 | + | func issueLPAsset (recipient) = { | |
25 | + | let asset = Issue("LPPool", "", 1000000000000000, 8, false, unit, 0) | |
26 | + | let assetId = calculateAssetId(asset) | |
27 | + | [asset, StringEntry(lpPoolAssetId, toBase58String(assetId)), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(recipient)), 1000000000000, assetId)] | |
100 | 28 | } | |
101 | 29 | ||
102 | 30 | ||
103 | 31 | ||
104 | 32 | @Callable(i) | |
105 | - | func claimRewards () = { | |
106 | - | let callerAddress = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) | |
107 | - | if (!(isUserHaveUnclaimedRewards(callerAddress))) | |
108 | - | then throw("Nothing to claim, wait for a while, pool will collect the rewards from WX soon") | |
109 | - | else { | |
110 | - | let poolCurrentClaimId = getIntegerValue(poolCurrentClaimIdKey) | |
111 | - | let totalPoolEarned = getIntegerValue(totalPoolEarnedKey) | |
112 | - | let userData = split(getStringValue(callerAddress), SEP) | |
113 | - | let userTotalLPStaked = asInt(parseInt(userData[0])) | |
114 | - | let userTotalRewardsClaimed = asInt(parseInt(userData[1])) | |
115 | - | let userLastClaimPoolClaimId = asInt(parseInt(userData[2])) | |
116 | - | let poolEarnedRewardsWithoutUser = asInt(parseInt(userData[3])) | |
117 | - | let totalPoolEarningsWithUser = (totalPoolEarned - poolEarnedRewardsWithoutUser) | |
118 | - | let unclaimedRewards = (totalPoolEarningsWithUser - (userTotalRewardsClaimed * MULT10)) | |
119 | - | let userCurrentClaim = fraction(unclaimedRewards, userTotalLPStaked, MULT10) | |
120 | - | let newUserData = makeString([userData[0], toString((userTotalRewardsClaimed + userCurrentClaim)), toString(poolCurrentClaimId), userData[3]], SEP) | |
121 | - | [StringEntry(callerAddress, newUserData), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, userCurrentClaim, wxAssetId)] | |
122 | - | } | |
123 | - | } | |
33 | + | func stakePoolLps (poolId) = [IntegerEntry("stakePoolLpsFuncCalled", height)] | |
124 | 34 | ||
125 | 35 | ||
126 | 36 | ||
127 | 37 | @Callable(i) | |
128 | - | func claimPoolRewards () = if ((i.caller.bytes != adminAddress)) | |
129 | - | then throw("Admin only") | |
130 | - | else { | |
131 | - | let totalPoolLPStaked = getIntegerValue(totalPoolLPStakedKey) | |
132 | - | let totalPoolEarned = getIntegerValue(totalPoolEarnedKey) | |
133 | - | let poolCurrentClaimId = getIntegerValue(poolCurrentClaimIdKey) | |
134 | - | let currentWxOnContract = assetBalance(this, wxAssetId) | |
135 | - | if ((currentWxOnContract == currentWxOnContract)) | |
136 | - | then { | |
137 | - | let result = invoke(Address(stakeboosterRootAddress), "claimPoolRewards", [poolId], nil) | |
138 | - | if ((result == result)) | |
139 | - | then { | |
140 | - | let newWxOnContract = assetBalance(this, wxAssetId) | |
141 | - | let claimedWxAmount = (newWxOnContract - currentWxOnContract) | |
142 | - | let currentClaimIdEarnings = fraction(claimedWxAmount, MULT10, totalPoolLPStaked) | |
143 | - | [IntegerEntry("CURRENT_WX_ON_CONTRACT", currentWxOnContract), IntegerEntry("NEW_WX_ON_CONTRACT", newWxOnContract), IntegerEntry(poolCurrentClaimIdKey, (poolCurrentClaimId + 1)), IntegerEntry(totalPoolEarnedKey, (totalPoolEarned + currentClaimIdEarnings))] | |
144 | - | } | |
145 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
146 | - | } | |
147 | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") | |
148 | - | } | |
38 | + | func withdrawPoolLps (poolId) = [IntegerEntry("withdrawPoolLpsFuncCalled", height)] | |
39 | + | ||
40 | + | ||
41 | + | ||
42 | + | @Callable(i) | |
43 | + | func claimPoolRewards (poolId) = { | |
44 | + | let currentRewardAmountId = getIntegerValue(currentRewardAmountIdKey) | |
45 | + | let assetId = getStringValue(assetIdKey) | |
46 | + | let amount = if ((currentRewardAmountId == 0)) | |
47 | + | then 10000000000 | |
48 | + | else if ((currentRewardAmountId == 1)) | |
49 | + | then 20000000000 | |
50 | + | else if ((currentRewardAmountId == 2)) | |
51 | + | then 5000000000 | |
52 | + | else if ((currentRewardAmountId == 3)) | |
53 | + | then 35000000000 | |
54 | + | else 22000000000 | |
55 | + | let newCurrentRewardAmountId = if ((currentRewardAmountId == 4)) | |
56 | + | then 0 | |
57 | + | else (currentRewardAmountId + 1) | |
58 | + | [IntegerEntry(currentRewardAmountIdKey, newCurrentRewardAmountId), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, amount, fromBase58String(assetId))] | |
59 | + | } | |
149 | 60 | ||
150 | 61 | ||
151 | 62 | @Verifier(tx) | |
152 | 63 | func verify () = sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey) | |
153 | 64 |
github/deemru/w8io/169f3d6 34.97 ms ◑![]()