3N9ttyLcRwDo7L4EmJkbS3ZFuQJygivupsL:  -0.00500000 Waves

2023.09.03 14:58 [2739158] invoke 3N9ttyLcRwDo7L4EmJkbS3ZFuQJygivupsL > 3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV commitTask()

3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: checked_out_by_92ovWCy1Zf8CSsTLLLssC74m8yn5yPMqVp9fmVacou97_orca_6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp: true -> null
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_timestamp: 1693742335241
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_height: 2739158
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_result: " One effective strategy for playing chess in hexagonal pawn formation is to focus on controlling the center of the board. This can be done by developing your knights and bishops early, while also protecting your own pawns. 

Here are some steps you can follow to achieve this strategy:
1. Develop your knights and bishops early, often in conjunction with other pieces like castling or moving a pawn two spaces forward. This will allow you to control the center of the board and develop your pieces' full potential.
2. Protect your own pawns by developing them in the center of the board. Pawns are particularly vulnerable to capture, so it's important to keep them on the board as much as possible. 
3. Look for opportunities to castle, which can help you control the center of the board even further. This involves moving your king two spaces towards a rook and then moving that rook to the other side of the king. 
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_status: "checked_out" -> "done"

{ "type": 16, "id": "7uSFXufPEHZQBRHVpFEy3q9obXUBANi6o1pkFFA3WmMH", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1693742353142, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3N9ttyLcRwDo7L4EmJkbS3ZFuQJygivupsL", "senderPublicKey": "92ovWCy1Zf8CSsTLLLssC74m8yn5yPMqVp9fmVacou97", "proofs": [ "BLguz99fJLtWQSNNHadLNBxespv8xMhjSbYzmAPg7MYMdgAeif726w9gabHef49osgi5RuTasR8TZYFe3Lo7Zs5" ], "dApp": "3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "commitTask", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp" }, { "type": "string", "value": " One effective strategy for playing chess in hexagonal pawn formation is to focus on controlling the center of the board. This can be done by developing your knights and bishops early, while also protecting your own pawns. \n\nHere are some steps you can follow to achieve this strategy:\n1. Develop your knights and bishops early, often in conjunction with other pieces like castling or moving a pawn two spaces forward. This will allow you to control the center of the board and develop your pieces' full potential.\n2. Protect your own pawns by developing them in the center of the board. Pawns are particularly vulnerable to capture, so it's important to keep them on the board as much as possible. \n3. Look for opportunities to castle, which can help you control the center of the board even further. This involves moving your king two spaces towards a rook and then moving that rook to the other side of the king. \n" } ] }, "height": 2739158, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 48, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_status", "type": "string", "value": "done" }, { "key": "6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_result", "type": "string", "value": " One effective strategy for playing chess in hexagonal pawn formation is to focus on controlling the center of the board. This can be done by developing your knights and bishops early, while also protecting your own pawns. \n\nHere are some steps you can follow to achieve this strategy:\n1. Develop your knights and bishops early, often in conjunction with other pieces like castling or moving a pawn two spaces forward. This will allow you to control the center of the board and develop your pieces' full potential.\n2. Protect your own pawns by developing them in the center of the board. Pawns are particularly vulnerable to capture, so it's important to keep them on the board as much as possible. \n3. Look for opportunities to castle, which can help you control the center of the board even further. This involves moving your king two spaces towards a rook and then moving that rook to the other side of the king. \n" }, { "key": "6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_height", "type": "integer", "value": 2739158 }, { "key": "6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_timestamp", "type": "integer", "value": 1693742335241 }, { "key": "checked_out_by_92ovWCy1Zf8CSsTLLLssC74m8yn5yPMqVp9fmVacou97_orca_6vUTdjkWiy9qyPBm772o5msb521KBhW51XupwM84jhi2_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp", "value": null } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

23.05 ms