1 | 1 | | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-} |
2 | 2 | | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} |
3 | 3 | | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} |
4 | 4 | | let SEP = "__" |
5 | 5 | | |
6 | 6 | | let SCALE8 = 8 |
7 | 7 | | |
8 | 8 | | let MULT8 = 100000000 |
9 | 9 | | |
10 | 10 | | let POOLWEIGHTMULT = MULT8 |
11 | 11 | | |
12 | 12 | | let contractFilename = "boosting.ride" |
13 | 13 | | |
14 | 14 | | let SCALE18 = 18 |
15 | 15 | | |
16 | 16 | | let MULT18 = 1000000000000000000 |
17 | 17 | | |
18 | 18 | | let MULT18BI = toBigInt(MULT18) |
19 | 19 | | |
20 | 20 | | let DECAY_CONSTANT = 8 |
21 | 21 | | |
22 | 22 | | func wrapErr (msg) = makeString([contractFilename, ": ", msg], "") |
23 | 23 | | |
24 | 24 | | |
25 | 25 | | func throwErr (msg) = throw(wrapErr(msg)) |
26 | 26 | | |
27 | 27 | | |
28 | 28 | | func getStringOrFail (address,key) = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(address, key), wrapErr((("mandatory this." + key) + " is not defined"))) |
29 | 29 | | |
30 | 30 | | |
31 | 31 | | func getIntOrZero (address,key) = valueOrElse(getInteger(address, key), 0) |
32 | 32 | | |
33 | 33 | | |
34 | 34 | | func getIntOrDefault (address,key,defaultVal) = valueOrElse(getInteger(address, key), defaultVal) |
35 | 35 | | |
36 | 36 | | |
37 | 37 | | func getIntOrFail (address,key) = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(address, key), wrapErr((("mandatory this." + key) + " is not defined"))) |
38 | 38 | | |
39 | 39 | | |
40 | 40 | | func abs (val) = if ((0 > val)) |
41 | 41 | | then -(val) |
42 | 42 | | else val |
43 | 43 | | |
44 | 44 | | |
45 | 45 | | func ensurePositive (v,m) = if ((v >= 0)) |
46 | 46 | | then v |
47 | 47 | | else throwErr((valueOrElse(m, "value") + " should be positive")) |
48 | 48 | | |
49 | 49 | | |
50 | 50 | | func keyReferralsContractAddress () = makeString(["%s%s", "config", "referralsContractAddress"], SEP) |
51 | 51 | | |
52 | 52 | | |
53 | 53 | | let referralsContractAddressOrFail = addressFromStringValue(getStringOrFail(this, keyReferralsContractAddress())) |
54 | 54 | | |
55 | 55 | | let keyReferralProgramName = makeString(["%s%s", "referral", "programName"], SEP) |
56 | 56 | | |
57 | 57 | | let referralProgramNameDefault = "wxlock" |
58 | 58 | | |
59 | 59 | | let referralProgramName = valueOrElse(getString(this, keyReferralProgramName), referralProgramNameDefault) |
60 | 60 | | |
61 | 61 | | func keyFactoryAddress () = "%s%s__config__factoryAddress" |
62 | 62 | | |
63 | 63 | | |
64 | 64 | | let IdxFactoryCfgStakingDapp = 1 |
65 | 65 | | |
66 | 66 | | let IdxFactoryCfgBoostingDapp = 2 |
67 | 67 | | |
68 | 68 | | let IdxFactoryCfgIdoDapp = 3 |
69 | 69 | | |
70 | 70 | | let IdxFactoryCfgTeamDapp = 4 |
71 | 71 | | |
72 | 72 | | let IdxFactoryCfgEmissionDapp = 5 |
73 | 73 | | |
74 | 74 | | let IdxFactoryCfgRestDapp = 6 |
75 | 75 | | |
76 | 76 | | let IdxFactoryCfgSlippageDapp = 7 |
77 | 77 | | |
78 | 78 | | let IdxFactoryCfgDaoDapp = 8 |
79 | 79 | | |
80 | 80 | | let IdxFactoryCfgMarketingDapp = 9 |
81 | 81 | | |
82 | 82 | | let IdxFactoryCfgGwxRewardDapp = 10 |
83 | 83 | | |
84 | 84 | | let IdxFactoryCfgBirdsDapp = 11 |
85 | 85 | | |
86 | 86 | | func keyFactoryCfg () = "%s__factoryConfig" |
87 | 87 | | |
88 | 88 | | |
89 | 89 | | func keyFactoryLpAssetToPoolContractAddress (lpAssetStr) = makeString(["%s%s%s", lpAssetStr, "mappings__lpAsset2PoolContract"], SEP) |
90 | 90 | | |
91 | 91 | | |
92 | 92 | | func keyFactoryPoolWeight (contractAddress) = makeString(["%s%s", "poolWeight", contractAddress], SEP) |
93 | 93 | | |
94 | 94 | | |
95 | 95 | | func keyFactoryPoolWeightHistory (poolAddress,num) = ((("%s%s__poolWeight__" + poolAddress) + "__") + toString(num)) |
96 | 96 | | |
97 | 97 | | |
98 | 98 | | func readFactoryAddressOrFail () = addressFromStringValue(getStringOrFail(this, keyFactoryAddress())) |
99 | 99 | | |
100 | 100 | | |
101 | 101 | | func readFactoryCfgOrFail (factory) = split(getStringOrFail(factory, keyFactoryCfg()), SEP) |
102 | 102 | | |
103 | 103 | | |
104 | 104 | | func getBoostingAddressOrFail (factoryCfg) = addressFromStringValue(factoryCfg[IdxFactoryCfgBoostingDapp]) |
105 | 105 | | |
106 | 106 | | |
107 | 107 | | func getEmissionAddressOrFail (factoryCfg) = addressFromStringValue(factoryCfg[IdxFactoryCfgEmissionDapp]) |
108 | 108 | | |
109 | 109 | | |
110 | 110 | | func getStakingAddressOrFail (factoryCfg) = addressFromStringValue(factoryCfg[IdxFactoryCfgStakingDapp]) |
111 | 111 | | |
112 | 112 | | |
113 | 113 | | func getGwxRewardAddressOrFail (factoryCfg) = addressFromStringValue(factoryCfg[IdxFactoryCfgGwxRewardDapp]) |
114 | 114 | | |
115 | 115 | | |
116 | 116 | | func keyManagerPublicKey () = "%s__managerPublicKey" |
117 | 117 | | |
118 | 118 | | |
119 | 119 | | func keyManagerVaultAddress () = "%s__managerVaultAddress" |
120 | 120 | | |
121 | 121 | | |
122 | 122 | | func keyEmissionRatePerBlockCurrent () = "%s%s__ratePerBlock__current" |
123 | 123 | | |
124 | 124 | | |
125 | 125 | | func keyEmissionRatePerBlockMaxCurrent () = "%s%s__ratePerBlockMax__current" |
126 | 126 | | |
127 | 127 | | |
128 | 128 | | func keyEmissionStartBlock () = "%s%s__emission__startBlock" |
129 | 129 | | |
130 | 130 | | |
131 | 131 | | func keyBoostingV2LastUpdateHeight () = "%s%s__boostingV2__startBlock" |
132 | 132 | | |
133 | 133 | | |
134 | 134 | | func keyBoostingV2Integral () = "%s%s__boostingV2__integral" |
135 | 135 | | |
136 | 136 | | |
137 | 137 | | func keyEmissionDurationInBlocks () = "%s%s__emission__duration" |
138 | 138 | | |
139 | 139 | | |
140 | 140 | | func keyEmissionEndBlock () = "%s%s__emission__endBlock" |
141 | 141 | | |
142 | 142 | | |
143 | 143 | | let IdxCfgAssetId = 1 |
144 | 144 | | |
145 | 145 | | let IdxCfgMinLockAmount = 2 |
146 | 146 | | |
147 | 147 | | let IdxCfgMinLockDuration = 3 |
148 | 148 | | |
149 | 149 | | let IdxCfgMaxLockDuration = 4 |
150 | 150 | | |
151 | 151 | | let IdxCfgMathContract = 5 |
152 | 152 | | |
153 | 153 | | let IdxCfgBlocksInPeriod = 6 |
154 | 154 | | |
155 | 155 | | let IdxCfgLockStepBlocks = 7 |
156 | 156 | | |
157 | 157 | | func keyConfig () = "%s__config" |
158 | 158 | | |
159 | 159 | | |
160 | 160 | | func readConfigArrayOrFail () = split(getStringOrFail(this, keyConfig()), SEP) |
161 | 161 | | |
162 | 162 | | |
163 | 163 | | let cfgArray = readConfigArrayOrFail() |
164 | 164 | | |
165 | 165 | | let assetId = fromBase58String(cfgArray[IdxCfgAssetId]) |
166 | 166 | | |
167 | 167 | | let minLockAmount = valueOrErrorMessage(parseInt(cfgArray[IdxCfgMinLockAmount]), wrapErr("invalid min lock amount")) |
168 | 168 | | |
169 | 169 | | let minLockDuration = valueOrErrorMessage(parseInt(cfgArray[IdxCfgMinLockDuration]), wrapErr("invalid min lock duration")) |
170 | 170 | | |
171 | 171 | | let maxLockDuration = valueOrErrorMessage(parseInt(cfgArray[IdxCfgMaxLockDuration]), wrapErr("invalid max lock duration")) |
172 | 172 | | |
173 | 173 | | let mathContract = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(cfgArray[IdxCfgMathContract]), wrapErr("invalid math contract address")) |
174 | 174 | | |
175 | 175 | | let blocksInPeriod = valueOrErrorMessage(parseInt(cfgArray[IdxCfgBlocksInPeriod]), wrapErr("invalid blocks in period")) |
176 | 176 | | |
177 | 177 | | let lockStepBlocks = valueOrErrorMessage(parseInt(cfgArray[IdxCfgLockStepBlocks]), wrapErr("invalid lock step blocks")) |
178 | 178 | | |
179 | 179 | | func getManagerVaultAddressOrThis () = match getString(keyManagerVaultAddress()) { |
180 | 180 | | case s: String => |
181 | 181 | | addressFromStringValue(s) |
182 | 182 | | case _ => |
183 | 183 | | this |
184 | 184 | | } |
185 | 185 | | |
186 | 186 | | |
187 | 187 | | func managerPublicKeyOrUnit () = { |
188 | 188 | | let managerVaultAddress = getManagerVaultAddressOrThis() |
189 | 189 | | match getString(managerVaultAddress, keyManagerPublicKey()) { |
190 | 190 | | case s: String => |
191 | 191 | | fromBase58String(s) |
192 | 192 | | case _: Unit => |
193 | 193 | | unit |
194 | 194 | | case _ => |
195 | 195 | | throw("Match error") |
196 | 196 | | } |
197 | 197 | | } |
198 | 198 | | |
199 | 199 | | |
200 | 200 | | func mustManager (i) = { |
201 | 201 | | let pd = throwErr("Permission denied") |
202 | 202 | | match managerPublicKeyOrUnit() { |
203 | 203 | | case pk: ByteVector => |
204 | 204 | | if ((i.callerPublicKey == pk)) |
205 | 205 | | then true |
206 | 206 | | else pd |
207 | 207 | | case _: Unit => |
208 | 208 | | if ((i.caller == this)) |
209 | 209 | | then true |
210 | 210 | | else pd |
211 | 211 | | case _ => |
212 | 212 | | throw("Match error") |
213 | 213 | | } |
214 | 214 | | } |
215 | 215 | | |
216 | 216 | | |
217 | 217 | | let IdxLockAmount = 1 |
218 | 218 | | |
219 | 219 | | let IdxLockStart = 2 |
220 | 220 | | |
221 | 221 | | let IdxLockDuration = 3 |
222 | 222 | | |
223 | 223 | | let IdxLockLastUpdateTimestamp = 4 |
224 | 224 | | |
225 | 225 | | let IdxLockGwxAmount = 5 |
226 | 226 | | |
227 | 227 | | let IdxLockWxClaimed = 6 |
228 | 228 | | |
229 | 229 | | func keyLockParamsRecord (userAddress,txId) = makeString(["%s%s%s__lock", toString(userAddress), match txId { |
230 | 230 | | case b: ByteVector => |
231 | 231 | | toBase58String(b) |
232 | 232 | | case _: Unit => |
233 | 233 | | "legacy" |
234 | 234 | | case _ => |
235 | 235 | | throw("Match error") |
236 | 236 | | }], SEP) |
237 | 237 | | |
238 | 238 | | |
239 | 239 | | func readLockParamsRecordOrFail (userAddress,txId) = split(getStringOrFail(this, keyLockParamsRecord(userAddress, txId)), SEP) |
240 | 240 | | |
241 | 241 | | |
242 | 242 | | func keyUserGwxAmountTotal (userAddress) = makeString(["%s%s__gwxAmountTotal", toString(userAddress)], SEP) |
243 | 243 | | |
244 | 244 | | |
245 | 245 | | func formatLockParamsRecord (amount,start,duration,gwxAmount,wxClaimed) = makeString(["%d%d%d%d%d%d", toString(amount), toString(start), toString(duration), toString(lastBlock.timestamp), toString(gwxAmount), toString(wxClaimed)], SEP) |
246 | 246 | | |
247 | 247 | | |
248 | 248 | | func keyNextUserNum () = "%s__nextUserNum" |
249 | 249 | | |
250 | 250 | | |
251 | 251 | | func keyUser2NumMapping (userAddress) = makeString(["%s%s%s__mapping__user2num", userAddress], SEP) |
252 | 252 | | |
253 | 253 | | |
254 | 254 | | func keyNum2UserMapping (num) = makeString(["%s%s%s__mapping__num2user", num], SEP) |
255 | 255 | | |
256 | 256 | | |
257 | 257 | | func keyLockParamTotalAmount () = "%s%s__stats__activeTotalLocked" |
258 | 258 | | |
259 | 259 | | |
260 | 260 | | func keyStatsLocksDurationSumInBlocks () = "%s%s__stats__locksDurationSumInBlocks" |
261 | 261 | | |
262 | 262 | | |
263 | 263 | | func keyStatsLocksCount () = "%s%s__stats__locksCount" |
264 | 264 | | |
265 | 265 | | |
266 | 266 | | func keyStatsUsersCount () = "%s%s__stats__activeUsersCount" |
267 | 267 | | |
268 | 268 | | |
269 | 269 | | func keyUserBoostEmissionLastINTEGRAL (userNum) = makeString(["%s%d__userBoostEmissionLastIntV2", toString(userNum)], SEP) |
270 | 270 | | |
271 | 271 | | |
272 | 272 | | func keyUserLpBoostEmissionLastINTEGRAL (userNum,lpAssetId) = makeString(["%s%d__userBoostEmissionLastIntV2", toString(userNum), lpAssetId], SEP) |
273 | 273 | | |
274 | 274 | | |
275 | 275 | | func keyUserMaxBoostINTEGRAL (userNum) = makeString(["%s%d__maxBoostInt", toString(userNum)], SEP) |
276 | 276 | | |
277 | 277 | | |
278 | 278 | | func keyTotalMaxBoostINTEGRAL () = "%s%s__maxBoostInt__total" |
279 | 279 | | |
280 | 280 | | |
281 | 281 | | func keyUserBoostAvalaibleToClaimTotal (userNum) = makeString(["%s%d__userBoostAvaliableToClaimTotal", toString(userNum)], SEP) |
282 | 282 | | |
283 | 283 | | |
284 | 284 | | func keyUserBoostClaimed (userNum) = makeString(["%s%d__userBoostClaimed", toString(userNum)], SEP) |
285 | 285 | | |
286 | 286 | | |
287 | 287 | | func keyGwxTotal () = "%s%s__gwx__total" |
288 | 288 | | |
289 | 289 | | |
290 | 290 | | func keyVote (amountAssetId,priceAssetId,address,epoch) = makeString(["%s%s%s%s%d", "vote", amountAssetId, priceAssetId, toString(address), toString(epoch)], SEP) |
291 | 291 | | |
292 | 292 | | |
293 | 293 | | func keyStartHeightByEpoch (epoch) = makeString(["%s%d", "startHeight", toString(epoch)], SEP) |
294 | 294 | | |
295 | 295 | | |
296 | 296 | | func keyCurrentEpochUi () = makeString(["%s", "currentEpochUi"], SEP) |
297 | 297 | | |
298 | 298 | | |
299 | 299 | | func keyVotingResultStaked (lpAssetIdStr,epoch) = makeString(["%s%s%d", "votingResultStaked", lpAssetIdStr, toString(epoch)], SEP) |
300 | 300 | | |
301 | 301 | | |
302 | 302 | | func keyVotingResultStakedIntegral (lpAssetIdStr,epoch) = makeString(["%s%s%d", "votingResultStakedIntegral", lpAssetIdStr, toString(epoch)], SEP) |
303 | 303 | | |
304 | 304 | | |
305 | 305 | | func keyVotingResultStakedLastUpdateHeight (lpAssetIdStr,epoch) = makeString(["%s%s%d", "votingResultStakedIntegralLastUpdateHeight", lpAssetIdStr, toString(epoch)], SEP) |
306 | 306 | | |
307 | 307 | | |
308 | 308 | | func keyVotingResultStakedIntegralLast (lpAssetIdStr,address,epoch) = makeString(["%s%s%s%d", "votingResultStakedIntegralLast", lpAssetIdStr, toString(address), toString(epoch)], SEP) |
309 | 309 | | |
310 | 310 | | |
311 | 311 | | func keyVoteStakedIntegral (lpAssetIdStr,address,epoch) = makeString(["%s%s%s%d", "voteStakedIntegral", lpAssetIdStr, toString(address), toString(epoch)], SEP) |
312 | 312 | | |
313 | 313 | | |
314 | 314 | | func keyVoteStakedLastUpdateHeight (lpAssetIdStr,address,epoch) = makeString(["%s%s%s%d", "voteStakedIntegralLastUpdateHeight", lpAssetIdStr, toString(address), toString(epoch)], SEP) |
315 | 315 | | |
316 | 316 | | |
317 | 317 | | func keyVoteStakedIntegralLast (lpAssetIdStr,address,epoch) = makeString(["%s%s%s%d", "voteStakedIntegralLast", lpAssetIdStr, toString(address), toString(epoch)], SEP) |
318 | 318 | | |
319 | 319 | | |
320 | 320 | | func keyStakedByUser (userAddressStr,lpAssetIdStr) = makeString(["%s%s%s", "staked", userAddressStr, lpAssetIdStr], SEP) |
321 | 321 | | |
322 | 322 | | |
323 | 323 | | let factoryContract = readFactoryAddressOrFail() |
324 | 324 | | |
325 | 325 | | let factoryCfg = readFactoryCfgOrFail(factoryContract) |
326 | 326 | | |
327 | 327 | | let emissionContract = getEmissionAddressOrFail(factoryCfg) |
328 | 328 | | |
329 | 329 | | let stakingContract = getStakingAddressOrFail(factoryCfg) |
330 | 330 | | |
331 | 331 | | let gwxRewardContract = getGwxRewardAddressOrFail(factoryCfg) |
332 | 332 | | |
333 | 333 | | let lpStakingPoolsContract = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(valueOrErrorMessage(getString(makeString(["%s", "lpStakingPoolsContract"], SEP)), wrapErr("lp_staking_pools contract address is undefined"))), wrapErr("invalid lp_staking_pools contract address")) |
334 | 334 | | |
335 | 335 | | let keyVotingEmissionContract = makeString(["%s", "votingEmissionContract"], SEP) |
336 | 336 | | |
337 | 337 | | let votingEmissionContract = addressFromStringValue(getStringValue(factoryContract, keyVotingEmissionContract)) |
338 | 338 | | |
339 | 339 | | let keyVotingEmissionRateContract = makeString(["%s", "votingEmissionRateContract"], SEP) |
340 | 340 | | |
341 | 341 | | let boostCoeff = { |
342 | 342 | | let @ = invoke(emissionContract, "getBoostCoeffREADONLY", nil, nil) |
343 | 343 | | if ($isInstanceOf(@, "Int")) |
344 | 344 | | then @ |
345 | 345 | | else throw(($getType(@) + " couldn't be cast to Int")) |
346 | 346 | | } |
347 | 347 | | |
348 | 348 | | func userNumberByAddressOrFail (userAddress) = match getString(this, keyUser2NumMapping(toString(userAddress))) { |
349 | 349 | | case s: String => |
350 | 350 | | valueOrErrorMessage(parseInt(s), wrapErr("invalid user number")) |
351 | 351 | | case _: Unit => |
352 | 352 | | throwErr("invalid user") |
353 | 353 | | case _ => |
354 | 354 | | throw("Match error") |
355 | 355 | | } |
356 | 356 | | |
357 | 357 | | |
358 | 358 | | func getGwxAmountTotal () = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyGwxTotal()), 0) |
359 | 359 | | |
360 | 360 | | |
361 | 361 | | func getLockedGwxAmount (userAddress) = { |
362 | 362 | | let functionName = "getLockedGwxAmount" |
363 | 363 | | let votingEmissionRateContract = valueOrErrorMessage( match getString(votingEmissionContract, keyVotingEmissionRateContract) { |
364 | 364 | | case _: Unit => |
365 | 365 | | unit |
366 | 366 | | case s: String => |
367 | 367 | | addressFromString(s) |
368 | 368 | | case _ => |
369 | 369 | | throw("Match error") |
370 | 370 | | }, wrapErr("invalid voting emission rate address")) |
371 | 371 | | let lockedVotingEmissionRate = { |
372 | 372 | | let @ = invoke(votingEmissionContract, functionName, [toString(userAddress)], nil) |
373 | 373 | | if ($isInstanceOf(@, "Int")) |
374 | 374 | | then @ |
375 | 375 | | else throw(($getType(@) + " couldn't be cast to Int")) |
376 | 376 | | } |
377 | 377 | | let lockedVotingEmission = { |
378 | 378 | | let @ = invoke(votingEmissionRateContract, functionName, [toString(userAddress)], nil) |
379 | 379 | | if ($isInstanceOf(@, "Int")) |
380 | 380 | | then @ |
381 | 381 | | else throw(($getType(@) + " couldn't be cast to Int")) |
382 | 382 | | } |
383 | 383 | | let locked = max([lockedVotingEmissionRate, lockedVotingEmission]) |
384 | 384 | | locked |
385 | 385 | | } |
386 | 386 | | |
387 | 387 | | |
388 | 388 | | func HistoryEntry (type,user,amount,lockStart,duration,gwxAmount,i) = { |
389 | 389 | | let historyKEY = makeString(["%s%s%s%s__history", type, user, toBase58String(i.transactionId)], SEP) |
390 | 390 | | let historyDATA = makeString(["%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", toString(lastBlock.height), toString(lastBlock.timestamp), toString(amount), toString(lockStart), toString(duration), toString(gwxAmount)], SEP) |
391 | 391 | | StringEntry(historyKEY, historyDATA) |
392 | 392 | | } |
393 | 393 | | |
394 | 394 | | |
395 | 395 | | func StatsEntry (totalLockedInc,durationInc,lockCountInc,usersCountInc) = { |
396 | 396 | | let locksDurationSumInBlocksKEY = keyStatsLocksDurationSumInBlocks() |
397 | 397 | | let locksCountKEY = keyStatsLocksCount() |
398 | 398 | | let usersCountKEY = keyStatsUsersCount() |
399 | 399 | | let totalAmountKEY = keyLockParamTotalAmount() |
400 | 400 | | let locksDurationSumInBlocks = getIntOrZero(this, locksDurationSumInBlocksKEY) |
401 | 401 | | let locksCount = getIntOrZero(this, locksCountKEY) |
402 | 402 | | let usersCount = getIntOrZero(this, usersCountKEY) |
403 | 403 | | let totalAmount = getIntOrZero(this, totalAmountKEY) |
404 | 404 | | [IntegerEntry(locksDurationSumInBlocksKEY, (locksDurationSumInBlocks + durationInc)), IntegerEntry(locksCountKEY, (locksCount + lockCountInc)), IntegerEntry(usersCountKEY, (usersCount + usersCountInc)), IntegerEntry(totalAmountKEY, (totalAmount + totalLockedInc))] |
405 | 405 | | } |
406 | 406 | | |
407 | 407 | | |
408 | 408 | | func LockParamsEntry (userAddress,txId,amount,start,duration,gwxAmount,wxClaimed) = [StringEntry(keyLockParamsRecord(userAddress, txId), formatLockParamsRecord(amount, start, duration, gwxAmount, wxClaimed))] |
409 | 409 | | |
410 | 410 | | |
411 | 411 | | func extractOptionalPaymentAmountOrFail (i,expectedAssetId) = if ((size(i.payments) > 1)) |
412 | 412 | | then throwErr("only one payment is allowed") |
413 | 413 | | else if ((size(i.payments) == 0)) |
414 | 414 | | then 0 |
415 | 415 | | else { |
416 | 416 | | let pmt = i.payments[0] |
417 | 417 | | if ((value(pmt.assetId) != expectedAssetId)) |
418 | 418 | | then throwErr("invalid asset id in payment") |
419 | 419 | | else pmt.amount |
420 | 420 | | } |
421 | 421 | | |
422 | 422 | | |
423 | 423 | | func getUserGwxAmountTotal (userAddress) = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyUserGwxAmountTotal(userAddress)), 0) |
424 | 424 | | |
425 | 425 | | |
426 | 426 | | func getVotingEmissionEpochInfo () = { |
427 | 427 | | let $t01451614806 = { |
428 | 428 | | let currentEpochUi = value(getInteger(votingEmissionContract, keyCurrentEpochUi())) |
429 | 429 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = (currentEpochUi - 1) |
430 | 430 | | if ((0 > lastFinalizedEpoch)) |
431 | 431 | | then throwErr("invalid epoch") |
432 | 432 | | else $Tuple2(currentEpochUi, lastFinalizedEpoch) |
433 | 433 | | } |
434 | 434 | | let currentEpochUi = $t01451614806._1 |
435 | 435 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = $t01451614806._2 |
436 | 436 | | let currentEpochStartHeight = value(getInteger(votingEmissionContract, keyStartHeightByEpoch(currentEpochUi))) |
437 | 437 | | $Tuple2(lastFinalizedEpoch, currentEpochStartHeight) |
438 | 438 | | } |
439 | 439 | | |
440 | 440 | | |
441 | 441 | | func getPoolAssetsByLpAssetId (lpAssetIdStr) = { |
442 | 442 | | let idxAmountAssetId = 4 |
443 | 443 | | let idxPriceAssetId = 5 |
444 | 444 | | let poolCfg = { |
445 | 445 | | let @ = invoke(factoryContract, "getPoolConfigByLpAssetIdREADONLY", [lpAssetIdStr], nil) |
446 | 446 | | if ($isInstanceOf(@, "List[Any]")) |
447 | 447 | | then @ |
448 | 448 | | else throw(($getType(@) + " couldn't be cast to List[Any]")) |
449 | 449 | | } |
450 | 450 | | let amountAssetId = { |
451 | 451 | | let @ = poolCfg[idxAmountAssetId] |
452 | 452 | | if ($isInstanceOf(@, "String")) |
453 | 453 | | then @ |
454 | 454 | | else throw(($getType(@) + " couldn't be cast to String")) |
455 | 455 | | } |
456 | 456 | | let priceAssetId = { |
457 | 457 | | let @ = poolCfg[idxPriceAssetId] |
458 | 458 | | if ($isInstanceOf(@, "String")) |
459 | 459 | | then @ |
460 | 460 | | else throw(($getType(@) + " couldn't be cast to String")) |
461 | 461 | | } |
462 | 462 | | $Tuple2(amountAssetId, priceAssetId) |
463 | 463 | | } |
464 | 464 | | |
465 | 465 | | |
466 | 466 | | func getUserVoteFinalized (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr) = { |
467 | 467 | | let userAddress = addressFromStringValue(userAddressStr) |
468 | 468 | | let $t01549715577 = getVotingEmissionEpochInfo() |
469 | 469 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = $t01549715577._1 |
470 | 470 | | let currentEpochStartHeight = $t01549715577._2 |
471 | 471 | | let $t01558015655 = getPoolAssetsByLpAssetId(lpAssetIdStr) |
472 | 472 | | let amountAssetId = $t01558015655._1 |
473 | 473 | | let priceAssetId = $t01558015655._2 |
474 | 474 | | let userVoteKey = keyVote(amountAssetId, priceAssetId, userAddress, lastFinalizedEpoch) |
475 | 475 | | let userVote = valueOrElse(getInteger(votingEmissionContract, userVoteKey), 0) |
476 | 476 | | userVote |
477 | 477 | | } |
478 | 478 | | |
479 | 479 | | |
480 | 480 | | func getUserVoteStaked (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr) = { |
481 | 481 | | let stakedByUser = valueOrElse(getInteger(stakingContract, keyStakedByUser(userAddressStr, lpAssetIdStr)), 0) |
482 | 482 | | let userVote = getUserVoteFinalized(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr) |
483 | 483 | | if ((stakedByUser == 0)) |
484 | 484 | | then 0 |
485 | 485 | | else userVote |
486 | 486 | | } |
487 | 487 | | |
488 | 488 | | |
489 | 489 | | func getVotingResultStaked (lpAssetIdStr) = { |
490 | 490 | | let $t01619916279 = getVotingEmissionEpochInfo() |
491 | 491 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = $t01619916279._1 |
492 | 492 | | let currentEpochStartHeight = $t01619916279._2 |
493 | 493 | | let votingResultStakedStart = valueOrElse(getInteger(votingEmissionContract, keyVotingResultStaked(lpAssetIdStr, lastFinalizedEpoch)), 0) |
494 | 494 | | let votingResultStaked = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyVotingResultStaked(lpAssetIdStr, lastFinalizedEpoch)), votingResultStakedStart) |
495 | 495 | | votingResultStaked |
496 | 496 | | } |
497 | 497 | | |
498 | 498 | | |
499 | 499 | | func getVotingResultStakedIntegral (lpAssetIdStr) = { |
500 | 500 | | let $t01664116721 = getVotingEmissionEpochInfo() |
501 | 501 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = $t01664116721._1 |
502 | 502 | | let currentEpochStartHeight = $t01664116721._2 |
503 | 503 | | let votingResultStaked = getVotingResultStaked(lpAssetIdStr) |
504 | 504 | | let votingResultStakedIntegralPrev = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyVotingResultStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, lastFinalizedEpoch)), 0) |
505 | 505 | | let votingResultStakedLastUpdateHeight = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyVotingResultStakedLastUpdateHeight(lpAssetIdStr, lastFinalizedEpoch)), currentEpochStartHeight) |
506 | 506 | | let votingResultStakedIntegralDh = (height - votingResultStakedLastUpdateHeight) |
507 | 507 | | let votingResultStakedIntegral = ((votingResultStakedIntegralDh * votingResultStaked) + votingResultStakedIntegralPrev) |
508 | 508 | | votingResultStakedIntegral |
509 | 509 | | } |
510 | 510 | | |
511 | 511 | | |
512 | 512 | | func refreshVotingResultStakedIntegral (lpAssetIdStr,stakedVoteDelta) = { |
513 | 513 | | let $t01755817638 = getVotingEmissionEpochInfo() |
514 | 514 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = $t01755817638._1 |
515 | 515 | | let currentEpochStartHeight = $t01755817638._2 |
516 | 516 | | let votingResultStaked = getVotingResultStaked(lpAssetIdStr) |
517 | 517 | | let votingResultStakedNew = (votingResultStaked + stakedVoteDelta) |
518 | 518 | | let votingResultStakedIntegral = getVotingResultStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr) |
519 | 519 | | [IntegerEntry(keyVotingResultStaked(lpAssetIdStr, lastFinalizedEpoch), votingResultStakedNew), IntegerEntry(keyVotingResultStakedLastUpdateHeight(lpAssetIdStr, lastFinalizedEpoch), height), IntegerEntry(keyVotingResultStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, lastFinalizedEpoch), votingResultStakedIntegral)] |
520 | 520 | | } |
521 | 521 | | |
522 | 522 | | |
523 | 523 | | func getUserVoteStakedIntegral (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr) = { |
524 | 524 | | let $t01824918329 = getVotingEmissionEpochInfo() |
525 | 525 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = $t01824918329._1 |
526 | 526 | | let currentEpochStartHeight = $t01824918329._2 |
527 | 527 | | let userAddress = addressFromStringValue(userAddressStr) |
528 | 528 | | let userVoteStaked = getUserVoteStaked(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr) |
529 | 529 | | let userVoteStakedIntegralPrev = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyVoteStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, userAddress, lastFinalizedEpoch)), 0) |
530 | 530 | | let userVoteStakedLastUpdateHeight = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyVoteStakedLastUpdateHeight(lpAssetIdStr, userAddress, lastFinalizedEpoch)), currentEpochStartHeight) |
531 | 531 | | let userVoteStakedIntegralDh = (height - userVoteStakedLastUpdateHeight) |
532 | 532 | | let userVoteStakedIntegral = ((userVoteStakedIntegralDh * userVoteStaked) + userVoteStakedIntegralPrev) |
533 | 533 | | userVoteStakedIntegral |
534 | 534 | | } |
535 | 535 | | |
536 | 536 | | |
537 | 537 | | func refreshVoteStakedIntegral (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr,edge) = { |
538 | 538 | | let $t01911719197 = getVotingEmissionEpochInfo() |
539 | 539 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = $t01911719197._1 |
540 | 540 | | let currentEpochStartHeight = $t01911719197._2 |
541 | 541 | | let userAddress = addressFromStringValue(userAddressStr) |
542 | 542 | | let userVoteFinalized = getUserVoteFinalized(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr) |
543 | 543 | | let actions = if ((userVoteFinalized == 0)) |
544 | 544 | | then nil |
545 | 545 | | else { |
546 | 546 | | let stakedVoteDelta = if (edge) |
547 | 547 | | then userVoteFinalized |
548 | 548 | | else -(userVoteFinalized) |
549 | 549 | | let votingResultActions = refreshVotingResultStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, stakedVoteDelta) |
550 | 550 | | let userVoteStakedIntegral = getUserVoteStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr) |
551 | 551 | | let voteActions = [IntegerEntry(keyVoteStakedLastUpdateHeight(lpAssetIdStr, userAddress, lastFinalizedEpoch), height), IntegerEntry(keyVoteStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, userAddress, lastFinalizedEpoch), userVoteStakedIntegral)] |
552 | 552 | | (votingResultActions ++ voteActions) |
553 | 553 | | } |
554 | 554 | | actions |
555 | 555 | | } |
556 | 556 | | |
557 | 557 | | |
558 | 558 | | func getStakedVotesIntegralsDiff (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr) = { |
559 | 559 | | let $t02005120131 = getVotingEmissionEpochInfo() |
560 | 560 | | let lastFinalizedEpoch = $t02005120131._1 |
561 | 561 | | let currentEpochStartHeight = $t02005120131._2 |
562 | 562 | | let userAddress = addressFromStringValue(userAddressStr) |
563 | 563 | | let userVoteStakedIntegralLastKey = keyVoteStakedIntegralLast(lpAssetIdStr, userAddress, lastFinalizedEpoch) |
564 | 564 | | let userVoteStakedIntegralLast = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, userVoteStakedIntegralLastKey), 0) |
565 | 565 | | let votingResultStakedIntegralLastKey = keyVotingResultStakedIntegralLast(lpAssetIdStr, userAddress, lastFinalizedEpoch) |
566 | 566 | | let votingResultStakedIntegralLast = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, votingResultStakedIntegralLastKey), 0) |
567 | 567 | | let userVoteStakedIntegral = getUserVoteStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr) |
568 | 568 | | let votingResultStakedIntegral = getVotingResultStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr) |
569 | 569 | | let userVoteStakedIntegralDiff = (userVoteStakedIntegral - userVoteStakedIntegralLast) |
570 | 570 | | let votingResultStakedIntegralDiff = (votingResultStakedIntegral - votingResultStakedIntegralLast) |
571 | 571 | | $Tuple3([IntegerEntry(userVoteStakedIntegralLastKey, userVoteStakedIntegral), IntegerEntry(votingResultStakedIntegralLastKey, votingResultStakedIntegral)], userVoteStakedIntegralDiff, votingResultStakedIntegralDiff) |
572 | 572 | | } |
573 | 573 | | |
574 | 574 | | |
575 | 575 | | func refreshBoostEmissionIntegral () = { |
576 | 576 | | let wxEmissionPerBlock = getIntOrFail(emissionContract, keyEmissionRatePerBlockCurrent()) |
577 | 577 | | let boostingV2LastUpdateHeightOption = getInteger(this, keyBoostingV2LastUpdateHeight()) |
578 | 578 | | let boostingV2IngergalOption = getInteger(this, keyBoostingV2Integral()) |
579 | 579 | | let emissionEnd = getIntOrFail(emissionContract, keyEmissionEndBlock()) |
580 | 580 | | let h = if ((height > emissionEnd)) |
581 | 581 | | then emissionEnd |
582 | 582 | | else height |
583 | 583 | | let dh = match boostingV2LastUpdateHeightOption { |
584 | 584 | | case lastUpdateHeight: Int => |
585 | 585 | | max([(h - lastUpdateHeight), 0]) |
586 | 586 | | case _: Unit => |
587 | 587 | | 0 |
588 | 588 | | case _ => |
589 | 589 | | throw("Match error") |
590 | 590 | | } |
591 | 591 | | let boostEmissionPerBlock = ((wxEmissionPerBlock * (boostCoeff - 1)) / boostCoeff) |
592 | 592 | | let boostEmissionIntegralPrev = valueOrElse(boostingV2IngergalOption, 0) |
593 | 593 | | let boostEmissionIntegral = ((boostEmissionPerBlock * dh) + boostEmissionIntegralPrev) |
594 | 594 | | $Tuple2([IntegerEntry(keyBoostingV2Integral(), boostEmissionIntegral), IntegerEntry(keyBoostingV2LastUpdateHeight(), height)], boostEmissionIntegral) |
595 | 595 | | } |
596 | 596 | | |
597 | 597 | | |
598 | 598 | | func internalClaimWxBoost (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr,readOnly) = { |
599 | 599 | | let userAddress = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(userAddressStr), wrapErr("invalid user address")) |
600 | 600 | | let userNum = userNumberByAddressOrFail(userAddress) |
601 | 601 | | if ((userNum == userNum)) |
602 | 602 | | then { |
603 | 603 | | let EMPTYSTR = "empty" |
604 | 604 | | let poolWeight = if ((lpAssetIdStr != EMPTYSTR)) |
605 | 605 | | then { |
606 | 606 | | let poolAddressStr = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(factoryContract, keyFactoryLpAssetToPoolContractAddress(lpAssetIdStr)), wrapErr(("unsupported lp asset " + lpAssetIdStr))) |
607 | 607 | | getIntegerValue(factoryContract, keyFactoryPoolWeight(poolAddressStr)) |
608 | 608 | | } |
609 | 609 | | else if (readOnly) |
610 | 610 | | then 0 |
611 | 611 | | else throwErr(("not readonly mode: unsupported lp asset " + lpAssetIdStr)) |
612 | 612 | | let userLpBoostEmissionLastIntegralKEY = keyUserLpBoostEmissionLastINTEGRAL(userNum, lpAssetIdStr) |
613 | 613 | | let userBoostEmissionLastIntegralKEY = keyUserBoostEmissionLastINTEGRAL(userNum) |
614 | 614 | | let userBoostEmissionLastIntegral = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, userLpBoostEmissionLastIntegralKEY), getIntOrZero(this, userBoostEmissionLastIntegralKEY)) |
615 | 615 | | let boostEmissionIntegral = refreshBoostEmissionIntegral()._2 |
616 | 616 | | let userBoostEmissionIntegral = (boostEmissionIntegral - userBoostEmissionLastIntegral) |
617 | 617 | | if ((0 > userBoostEmissionIntegral)) |
618 | 618 | | then throwErr("wrong calculations") |
619 | 619 | | else { |
620 | 620 | | let $t02367323812 = getStakedVotesIntegralsDiff(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr) |
621 | 621 | | let stakedVotesIntegralsActions = $t02367323812._1 |
622 | 622 | | let userVoteIntegralDiff = $t02367323812._2 |
623 | 623 | | let totalVotesIntegralDiff = $t02367323812._3 |
624 | 624 | | let poolUserBoostEmissionIntegral = fraction(userBoostEmissionIntegral, poolWeight, POOLWEIGHTMULT) |
625 | 625 | | let userBoostAvaliableToClaimTotalNew = if ((totalVotesIntegralDiff == 0)) |
626 | 626 | | then 0 |
627 | 627 | | else fraction(poolUserBoostEmissionIntegral, userVoteIntegralDiff, totalVotesIntegralDiff) |
628 | 628 | | let dataState = ([IntegerEntry(userLpBoostEmissionLastIntegralKEY, boostEmissionIntegral)] ++ stakedVotesIntegralsActions) |
629 | 629 | | let debug = makeString([toString(userBoostEmissionLastIntegral), toString(userBoostEmissionIntegral), toString(poolWeight), toString(userVoteIntegralDiff), toString(totalVotesIntegralDiff)], ":") |
630 | 630 | | $Tuple3(userBoostAvaliableToClaimTotalNew, dataState, debug) |
631 | 631 | | } |
632 | 632 | | } |
633 | 633 | | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
634 | 634 | | } |
635 | 635 | | |
636 | 636 | | |
637 | 637 | | func lockActions (i,duration) = { |
638 | 638 | | let assetIdStr = toBase58String(assetId) |
639 | 639 | | if ((size(i.payments) != 1)) |
640 | 640 | | then throwErr("invalid payment - exact one payment must be attached") |
641 | 641 | | else { |
642 | 642 | | let pmt = i.payments[0] |
643 | 643 | | let pmtAmount = pmt.amount |
644 | 644 | | if ((assetId != value(pmt.assetId))) |
645 | 645 | | then throwErr((("invalid asset is in payment - " + assetIdStr) + " is expected")) |
646 | 646 | | else { |
647 | 647 | | let nextUserNumKEY = keyNextUserNum() |
648 | 648 | | let userAddress = i.caller |
649 | 649 | | let userAddressStr = toString(userAddress) |
650 | 650 | | let userIsExisting = isDefined(getString(keyUser2NumMapping(userAddressStr))) |
651 | 651 | | let userNumStr = if (userIsExisting) |
652 | 652 | | then value(getString(keyUser2NumMapping(userAddressStr))) |
653 | 653 | | else toString(getIntOrFail(this, nextUserNumKEY)) |
654 | 654 | | let userNum = parseIntValue(userNumStr) |
655 | 655 | | let lockStart = height |
656 | 656 | | if (if ((minLockAmount > pmtAmount)) |
657 | 657 | | then (userAddress != lpStakingPoolsContract) |
658 | 658 | | else false) |
659 | 659 | | then throwErr(("amount is less then minLockAmount=" + toString(minLockAmount))) |
660 | 660 | | else if ((minLockDuration > duration)) |
664 | 664 | | else if (((duration % lockStepBlocks) != 0)) |
665 | 665 | | then throwErr(("duration must be multiple of lockStepBlocks=" + toString(lockStepBlocks))) |
666 | 666 | | else { |
667 | 667 | | let gWxAmountStart = fraction(pmtAmount, duration, maxLockDuration) |
668 | 668 | | let gwxAmountTotal = getGwxAmountTotal() |
669 | 669 | | let userBoostEmissionLastIntegralKEY = keyUserBoostEmissionLastINTEGRAL(userNum) |
670 | 670 | | let boostEmissionIntegral = refreshBoostEmissionIntegral()._2 |
671 | 671 | | let userGwxAmountTotal = getUserGwxAmountTotal(userAddress) |
672 | 672 | | let gwxRewardInv = invoke(gwxRewardContract, "refreshUserReward", [userAddress.bytes, userNum], nil) |
673 | 673 | | if ((gwxRewardInv == gwxRewardInv)) |
674 | 674 | | then { |
675 | 675 | | let arr = if (userIsExisting) |
676 | 676 | | then nil |
677 | 677 | | else [IntegerEntry(nextUserNumKEY, (userNum + 1)), StringEntry(keyUser2NumMapping(userAddressStr), userNumStr), StringEntry(keyNum2UserMapping(userNumStr), userAddressStr)] |
678 | 678 | | $Tuple2(((((arr ++ LockParamsEntry(userAddress, i.transactionId, pmtAmount, lockStart, duration, gWxAmountStart, 0)) ++ StatsEntry(pmtAmount, duration, 1, if (userIsExisting) |
679 | 679 | | then 0 |
680 | 680 | | else 1)) :+ HistoryEntry("lock", userAddressStr, pmtAmount, lockStart, duration, gWxAmountStart, i)) ++ [IntegerEntry(userBoostEmissionLastIntegralKEY, boostEmissionIntegral), IntegerEntry(keyGwxTotal(), (gwxAmountTotal + gWxAmountStart)), IntegerEntry(keyUserGwxAmountTotal(userAddress), (userGwxAmountTotal + gWxAmountStart))]), gWxAmountStart) |
681 | 681 | | } |
682 | 682 | | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
683 | 683 | | } |
684 | 684 | | } |
685 | 685 | | } |
686 | 686 | | } |
687 | 687 | | |
688 | 688 | | |
689 | 689 | | func getWxWithdrawable (userAddress,txIdOption) = { |
690 | 690 | | let userRecordArray = readLockParamsRecordOrFail(userAddress, txIdOption) |
691 | 691 | | let userAmount = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockAmount]) |
692 | 692 | | let lockStart = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockStart]) |
693 | 693 | | let lockDuration = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockDuration]) |
694 | 694 | | let lockEnd = (lockStart + lockDuration) |
695 | 695 | | let wxClaimed = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockWxClaimed]) |
696 | 696 | | let t = ((height - lockStart) / blocksInPeriod) |
697 | 697 | | let exponent = fraction(toBigInt(t), (toBigInt((DECAY_CONSTANT * blocksInPeriod)) * MULT18BI), toBigInt(lockDuration)) |
698 | 698 | | let wxWithdrawable = if ((height > lockEnd)) |
699 | 699 | | then userAmount |
700 | 700 | | else (toInt(fraction(toBigInt(userAmount), (MULT18BI - pow(toBigInt(5), 1, exponent, SCALE18, SCALE18, DOWN)), MULT18BI)) - wxClaimed) |
701 | 701 | | wxWithdrawable |
702 | 702 | | } |
703 | 703 | | |
704 | 704 | | |
705 | 705 | | @Callable(i) |
706 | 706 | | func lockRef (duration,referrerAddress,signature) = { |
707 | 707 | | let $t02813628201 = lockActions(i, duration) |
708 | 708 | | let lockActionsResult = $t02813628201._1 |
709 | 709 | | let gWxAmountStart = $t02813628201._2 |
710 | 710 | | let referralAddress = toString(i.caller) |
711 | 711 | | let refInv = if (if ((referrerAddress == "")) |
712 | 712 | | then true |
713 | 713 | | else (signature == base58'')) |
714 | 714 | | then unit |
715 | 715 | | else invoke(referralsContractAddressOrFail, "createPair", [referralProgramName, referrerAddress, referralAddress, signature], nil) |
716 | 716 | | if ((refInv == refInv)) |
717 | 717 | | then { |
718 | 718 | | let updateRefActivity = invoke(mathContract, "updateReferralActivity", [toString(i.caller), gWxAmountStart], nil) |
719 | 719 | | if ((updateRefActivity == updateRefActivity)) |
720 | 720 | | then $Tuple2(lockActionsResult, unit) |
721 | 721 | | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
722 | 722 | | } |
723 | 723 | | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
724 | 724 | | } |
725 | 725 | | |
726 | 726 | | |
727 | 727 | | |
728 | 728 | | @Callable(i) |
729 | 729 | | func lock (duration) = { |
730 | 730 | | let $t02865928724 = lockActions(i, duration) |
731 | 731 | | let lockActionsResult = $t02865928724._1 |
732 | 732 | | let gWxAmountStart = $t02865928724._2 |
733 | 733 | | let updateRefActivity = invoke(mathContract, "updateReferralActivity", [toString(i.caller), gWxAmountStart], nil) |
734 | 734 | | if ((updateRefActivity == updateRefActivity)) |
735 | 735 | | then $Tuple2(lockActionsResult, unit) |
736 | 736 | | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
737 | 737 | | } |
738 | 738 | | |
739 | 739 | | |
740 | 740 | | |
741 | 741 | | @Callable(i) |
742 | 742 | | func claimWxBoost (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr) = if ((stakingContract != i.caller)) |
743 | 743 | | then throwErr("permissions denied") |
744 | 744 | | else { |
745 | 745 | | let $t02903429136 = internalClaimWxBoost(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr, false) |
746 | 746 | | let userBoostAvailable = $t02903429136._1 |
747 | 747 | | let dataState = $t02903429136._2 |
748 | 748 | | let debug = $t02903429136._3 |
749 | 749 | | $Tuple2(dataState, [userBoostAvailable]) |
750 | 750 | | } |
751 | 751 | | |
752 | 752 | | |
753 | 753 | | |
754 | 754 | | @Callable(i) |
755 | 755 | | func claimWxBoostREADONLY (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr) = { |
756 | 756 | | let $t02926829369 = internalClaimWxBoost(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr, true) |
757 | 757 | | let userBoostAvailable = $t02926829369._1 |
758 | 758 | | let dataState = $t02926829369._2 |
759 | 759 | | let debug = $t02926829369._3 |
760 | 760 | | $Tuple2(nil, [userBoostAvailable, debug]) |
761 | 761 | | } |
762 | 762 | | |
763 | 763 | | |
764 | 764 | | |
765 | 765 | | @Callable(i) |
766 | 766 | | func unlock (txIdStr) = { |
767 | 767 | | let userAddress = i.caller |
768 | 768 | | let userAddressStr = toString(userAddress) |
769 | 769 | | let txIdOption = if ((txIdStr == "")) |
770 | 770 | | then unit |
771 | 771 | | else fromBase58String(txIdStr) |
772 | 772 | | let userRecordArray = readLockParamsRecordOrFail(userAddress, txIdOption) |
773 | 773 | | let userAmount = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockAmount]) |
774 | 774 | | let lockStart = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockStart]) |
775 | 775 | | let lockDuration = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockDuration]) |
776 | 776 | | let wxClaimed = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockWxClaimed]) |
777 | 777 | | let gwxAmount = parseIntValue(userRecordArray[IdxLockGwxAmount]) |
778 | 778 | | let t = ((height - lockStart) / blocksInPeriod) |
779 | 779 | | let wxWithdrawable = getWxWithdrawable(userAddress, txIdOption) |
780 | 780 | | let gWxAmountStart = fraction(userAmount, lockDuration, maxLockDuration) |
781 | 781 | | let gwxBurned = min([fraction((t * blocksInPeriod), gWxAmountStart, maxLockDuration), gwxAmount]) |
782 | 782 | | let gwxRemaining = ensurePositive((gwxAmount - gwxBurned), "gwxRemaining") |
783 | 783 | | let lockedGwxAmount = getLockedGwxAmount(userAddress) |
784 | 784 | | if ((0 >= wxWithdrawable)) |
785 | 785 | | then throwErr("nothing to unlock") |
786 | 786 | | else { |
787 | 787 | | let gwxAmountTotal = getGwxAmountTotal() |
788 | 788 | | let userGwxAmountTotal = getUserGwxAmountTotal(userAddress) |
789 | 789 | | let userGwxAmountTotalNew = ensurePositive((userGwxAmountTotal - gwxBurned), "userGwxAmountTotalNew") |
790 | 790 | | if ((lockedGwxAmount > userGwxAmountTotalNew)) |
791 | 791 | | then throwErr(("locked gwx amount: " + toString(lockedGwxAmount))) |
792 | 792 | | else { |
793 | 793 | | let userNum = parseIntValue(valueOrErrorMessage(getString(keyUser2NumMapping(userAddressStr)), wrapErr("invalid user number"))) |
794 | 794 | | let gwxRewardInv = invoke(gwxRewardContract, "refreshUserReward", [userAddress.bytes, userNum], nil) |
795 | 795 | | if ((gwxRewardInv == gwxRewardInv)) |
796 | 796 | | then ((((LockParamsEntry(userAddress, txIdOption, userAmount, lockStart, lockDuration, gwxRemaining, (wxClaimed + wxWithdrawable)) ++ StatsEntry(-(wxWithdrawable), 0, 0, 0)) :+ HistoryEntry("unlock", userAddressStr, wxWithdrawable, lockStart, lockDuration, gwxBurned, i)) :+ ScriptTransfer(userAddress, wxWithdrawable, assetId)) ++ [IntegerEntry(keyGwxTotal(), ensurePositive((gwxAmountTotal - gwxBurned), "gwxTotal")), IntegerEntry(keyUserGwxAmountTotal(userAddress), userGwxAmountTotalNew)]) |
797 | 797 | | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
798 | 798 | | } |
799 | 799 | | } |
800 | 800 | | } |
801 | 801 | | |
802 | 802 | | |
803 | 803 | | |
804 | 804 | | @Callable(i) |
805 | 805 | | func gwxUserInfoREADONLY (userAddressStr) = { |
806 | 806 | | let userAddress = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(userAddressStr), wrapErr("invalid user address")) |
807 | 807 | | let gwxAmount = getUserGwxAmountTotal(userAddress) |
808 | 808 | | $Tuple2(nil, [gwxAmount]) |
809 | 809 | | } |
810 | 810 | | |
811 | 811 | | |
812 | 812 | | |
813 | 813 | | @Callable(i) |
814 | 814 | | func userMaxDurationREADONLY (userAddressStr) = $Tuple2(nil, $Tuple2("lock", maxLockDuration)) |
815 | 815 | | |
816 | 816 | | |
817 | 817 | | |
818 | 818 | | @Callable(i) |
819 | 819 | | func getUserGwxAmountAtHeightREADONLY (userAddressStr,targetHeight) = { |
820 | 820 | | let userAddress = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(userAddressStr), wrapErr("invalid user address")) |
821 | 821 | | let gwxAmount = getUserGwxAmountTotal(userAddress) |
822 | 822 | | $Tuple2(nil, gwxAmount) |
823 | 823 | | } |
824 | 824 | | |
825 | 825 | | |
826 | 826 | | |
827 | 827 | | @Callable(i) |
828 | 828 | | func getUserGwxAmount (userAddressStr) = { |
829 | 829 | | let userAddress = valueOrErrorMessage(addressFromString(userAddressStr), wrapErr("invalid user address")) |
830 | 830 | | let gwxAmount = getUserGwxAmountTotal(userAddress) |
831 | 831 | | $Tuple2(nil, gwxAmount) |
832 | 832 | | } |
833 | 833 | | |
834 | 834 | | |
835 | 835 | | |
836 | 836 | | @Callable(i) |
837 | 837 | | func getGwxTotalREADONLY () = $Tuple2(nil, getGwxAmountTotal()) |
838 | 838 | | |
839 | 839 | | |
840 | 840 | | |
841 | 841 | | @Callable(i) |
842 | 842 | | func onBoostEmissionUpdate () = { |
843 | 843 | | let checkCaller = if ((i.caller == emissionContract)) |
844 | 844 | | then true |
845 | 845 | | else mustManager(i) |
846 | 846 | | if ((checkCaller == checkCaller)) |
847 | 847 | | then refreshBoostEmissionIntegral() |
848 | 848 | | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
849 | 849 | | } |
850 | 850 | | |
851 | 851 | | |
852 | 852 | | |
853 | 853 | | @Callable(i) |
854 | 854 | | func onStakedVoteUpdate (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr,edge) = { |
855 | 855 | | let checkCaller = if ((i.caller == stakingContract)) |
856 | 856 | | then true |
857 | 857 | | else mustManager(i) |
858 | 858 | | if ((checkCaller == checkCaller)) |
859 | 859 | | then { |
860 | 860 | | let actions = refreshVoteStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr, edge) |
861 | 861 | | $Tuple2(actions, unit) |
862 | 862 | | } |
863 | 863 | | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
864 | 864 | | } |
865 | 865 | | |
866 | 866 | | |
867 | 867 | | |
868 | 868 | | @Callable(i) |
869 | 869 | | func getVotingResultStakedREADONLY (lpAssetIdStr) = $Tuple2(nil, getVotingResultStaked(lpAssetIdStr)) |
870 | 870 | | |
871 | 871 | | |
872 | 872 | | |
873 | 873 | | @Callable(i) |
874 | 874 | | func getVotingResultStakedIntegralREADONLY (lpAssetIdStr) = $Tuple2(nil, getVotingResultStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr)) |
875 | 875 | | |
876 | 876 | | |
877 | 877 | | |
878 | 878 | | @Callable(i) |
879 | 879 | | func getUserVoteFinalizedREADONLY (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr) = $Tuple2(nil, getUserVoteFinalized(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr)) |
880 | 880 | | |
881 | 881 | | |
882 | 882 | | |
883 | 883 | | @Callable(i) |
884 | 884 | | func getUserVoteStakedIntegralREADONLY (lpAssetIdStr,userAddressStr) = $Tuple2(nil, getUserVoteStakedIntegral(lpAssetIdStr, userAddressStr)) |
885 | 885 | | |
886 | 886 | | |
887 | 887 | | @Verifier(tx) |
888 | 888 | | func verify () = { |
889 | 889 | | let targetPublicKey = match managerPublicKeyOrUnit() { |
890 | 890 | | case pk: ByteVector => |
891 | 891 | | pk |
892 | 892 | | case _: Unit => |
893 | 893 | | tx.senderPublicKey |
894 | 894 | | case _ => |
895 | 895 | | throw("Match error") |
896 | 896 | | } |
897 | 897 | | sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], targetPublicKey) |
898 | 898 | | } |
899 | 899 | | |