25 | | - | func getIntegerOrFail (address,key) = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(address, key), wrapErr((key + " is not defined"))) |
26 | | - | |
27 | | - | |
28 | | - | func getStringOrEmpty (address,key) = valueOrElse(getString(address, key), "") |
29 | | - | |
30 | | - | |
31 | | - | func getStringOrFail (address,key) = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(address, key), wrapErr((key + " is not defined"))) |
32 | | - | |
33 | | - | |
34 | | - | let keyBoostingContract = makeString(["%s", "boostingContract"], separator) |
35 | | - | |
36 | | - | let keyEmissionContract = makeString(["%s", "emissionContract"], separator) |
37 | | - | |
38 | | - | let keyAssetsStoreContract = makeString(["%s", "assetsStoreContract"], separator) |
39 | | - | |
40 | | - | let boostingContract = addressFromStringValue(getStringValue(keyBoostingContract)) |
41 | | - | |
42 | | - | let emissionContract = addressFromStringValue(getStringValue(keyEmissionContract)) |
43 | | - | |
44 | | - | let assetsStoreContract = addressFromStringValue(getStringValue(keyAssetsStoreContract)) |
45 | | - | |
46 | | - | let keyEmissionConfig = makeString(["%s", "config"], separator) |
47 | | - | |
48 | | - | let wxAssetIdStr = split(getStringOrFail(emissionContract, keyEmissionConfig), separator)[1] |
49 | | - | |
50 | | - | let wxAssetId = fromBase58String(wxAssetIdStr) |
51 | | - | |
52 | | - | let keyVotingThresholdAdd = makeString(["%s%s", "votingThreshold", "add"], separator) |
53 | | - | |
54 | | - | let keyVotingThresholdRemove = makeString(["%s%s", "votingThreshold", "remove"], separator) |
55 | | - | |
56 | | - | let keyPeriodLengthRemove = makeString(["%s", "periodLengthRemove"], separator) |
57 | | - | |
58 | | - | let keyMaxPeriodLength = makeString(["%s", "maxPeriodLength"], separator) |
59 | | - | |
60 | | - | let keyMinPeriodLength = makeString(["%s", "minPeriodLength"], separator) |
61 | | - | |
62 | | - | func keyVotingRewardAssetId (assetId,index) = makeString(["%s%s%d", "votingRewardAssetId", assetId, toString(index)], separator) |
63 | | - | |
64 | | - | |
65 | | - | func keyVotingReward (userAddress,assetId,index) = makeString(["%s%s%s%d", "votingReward", toString(userAddress), assetId, toString(index)], separator) |
66 | | - | |
67 | | - | |
68 | | - | func keyTotalVotingReward (assetId,index) = makeString(["%s%s%d", "totalVotingReward", assetId, toString(index)], separator) |
69 | | - | |
70 | | - | |
71 | | - | let keyFinalizeCallRewardAmount = makeString(["%s", "finalizeCallRewardAmount"], separator) |
72 | | - | |
73 | | - | let keyMinSuggestRemoveBalance = makeString(["%s", "minSuggestRemoveBalance"], separator) |
74 | | - | |
75 | | - | func keyCurrentIndex (assetId) = makeString(["%s%s", "currentIndex", assetId], separator) |
76 | | - | |
77 | | - | |
78 | | - | func keyVote (assetId,index,caller) = makeString(["%s%s%d%s", "vote", assetId, toString(index), toString(caller)], separator) |
79 | | - | |
80 | | - | |
81 | | - | func voteValue (inFavor,gwxAmount) = makeString(["%s%d", toString(inFavor), toString(gwxAmount)], separator) |
82 | | - | |
83 | | - | |
84 | | - | func keySuggestIssuer (assetId,index) = makeString(["%s%s%d", "suggestIssuer", assetId, toString(index)], separator) |
85 | | - | |
86 | | - | |
87 | | - | func keyClaimHistory (userAddress,assetId,index) = makeString(["%s%s%s%d", "history", toString(userAddress), assetId, toString(index)], separator) |
88 | | - | |
89 | | - | |
90 | | - | let keyFeePerBlock = makeString(["%s", "feePerBlock"], separator) |
91 | | - | |
92 | | - | let feePerBlock = getIntegerOrFail(this, keyFeePerBlock) |
93 | | - | |
94 | | - | let keyMinWxMinForSuggestAddAmountRequired = makeString(["%s", "wxMinForSuggestAddAmountRequired"], separator) |
95 | | - | |
96 | | - | let keyWxForSuggestRemoveAmountRequired = makeString(["%s", "wxForSuggestRemoveAmountRequired"], separator) |
97 | | - | |
98 | | - | func keyVotingInfo (assetId,index) = makeString(["%s%s%d", "votingInfo", assetId, toString(index)], separator) |
99 | | - | |
100 | | - | |
101 | | - | func votingInfoValue (isRewardExist,rewardAssetId,rewardAmount,votingType,status,votingStartHeight,votingEndHeight,votesQuorum,votesFor,votesAgainst) = makeString(["%s%s%d%s%s%d%d%d%d%d", toString(isRewardExist), rewardAssetId, toString(rewardAmount), votingType, status, toString(votingStartHeight), toString(votingEndHeight), toString(votesQuorum), toString(votesFor), toString(votesAgainst)], separator) |
102 | | - | |
103 | | - | |
104 | | - | func keyAssetImage (assetId) = makeString(["%s%s", "assetImage", assetId], separator) |
105 | | - | |
106 | | - | |
107 | | - | func getUserGwxAmountAtHeight (userAddress,targetHeight) = { |
108 | | - | let gwxAmount = invoke(boostingContract, "getUserGwxAmountAtHeightREADONLY", [userAddress, targetHeight], nil) |
109 | | - | asInt(gwxAmount) |
| 56 | + | func genVotesKeysHelper (a,adminAddress) = { |
| 57 | + | let $t013751399 = a |
| 58 | + | let result = $t013751399._1 |
| 59 | + | let prefix = $t013751399._2 |
| 60 | + | $Tuple2((result :+ keyFullAdminVote(prefix, adminAddress)), prefix) |
140 | | - | func getVotingInfoParts (votingInfo) = { |
141 | | - | let votingInfoParts = split(votingInfo, separator) |
142 | | - | let isRewardExistStr = votingInfoParts[1] |
143 | | - | let isRewardExist = if ((isRewardExistStr == "true")) |
144 | | - | then true |
145 | | - | else false |
146 | | - | let rewardAssetId = votingInfoParts[2] |
147 | | - | let rewardAmount = parseIntValue(votingInfoParts[3]) |
148 | | - | let votingType = votingInfoParts[4] |
149 | | - | let status = votingInfoParts[5] |
150 | | - | let votingStartHeight = parseIntValue(votingInfoParts[6]) |
151 | | - | let votingEndHeight = parseIntValue(votingInfoParts[7]) |
152 | | - | let votesQuorum = parseIntValue(votingInfoParts[8]) |
153 | | - | let votesFor = parseIntValue(votingInfoParts[9]) |
154 | | - | let votesAgainst = parseIntValue(votingInfoParts[10]) |
155 | | - | $Tuple10(isRewardExist, rewardAssetId, rewardAmount, votingType, status, votingStartHeight, votingEndHeight, votesQuorum, votesFor, votesAgainst) |
| 86 | + | func countVotesHelper (result,voteKey) = (result + valueOrElse(getInteger(voteKey), 0)) |
| 87 | + | |
| 88 | + | |
| 89 | + | func countVotes (prefix) = { |
| 90 | + | let votes = genVotesKeys(prefix) |
| 91 | + | let $l = votes |
| 92 | + | let $s = size($l) |
| 93 | + | let $acc0 = 0 |
| 94 | + | func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
| 95 | + | then $a |
| 96 | + | else countVotesHelper($a, $l[$i]) |
| 97 | + | |
| 98 | + | func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
| 99 | + | then $a |
| 100 | + | else throw("List size exceeds 5") |
| 101 | + | |
| 102 | + | $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5) |
159 | | - | func votingExistChecks (assetId,currentIndex) = { |
160 | | - | let votingInfo = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(keyVotingInfo(assetId, currentIndex)), wrapErr("voting info not found")) |
161 | | - | let votingInfoArray = split(votingInfo, separator) |
162 | | - | let status = votingInfoArray[5] |
163 | | - | let votingEndHeight = valueOrErrorMessage(parseIntValue(votingInfoArray[7]), wrapErr("voting start height not found")) |
164 | | - | let suggestIssuer = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(keySuggestIssuer(assetId, currentIndex)), wrapErr("voting issuer not found")) |
165 | | - | let checks = [if ((status == "inProgress")) |
166 | | - | then true |
167 | | - | else throwErr("no voting in progress"), if ((votingEndHeight > height)) |
168 | | - | then true |
169 | | - | else throwErr("voting expired")] |
170 | | - | if ((checks == checks)) |
171 | | - | then $Tuple3(status, votingEndHeight, suggestIssuer) |
172 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
| 106 | + | func clearVotesHelper (result,key) = (result :+ DeleteEntry(key)) |
| 107 | + | |
| 108 | + | |
| 109 | + | func getClearVoteEntries (prefix) = { |
| 110 | + | let votes = genVotesKeys(prefix) |
| 111 | + | let $l = votes |
| 112 | + | let $s = size($l) |
| 113 | + | let $acc0 = nil |
| 114 | + | func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
| 115 | + | then $a |
| 116 | + | else clearVotesHelper($a, $l[$i]) |
| 117 | + | |
| 118 | + | func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
| 119 | + | then $a |
| 120 | + | else throw("List size exceeds 5") |
| 121 | + | |
| 122 | + | $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5) |
176 | | - | func calculateReward (voter,assetId,index) = { |
177 | | - | let voteKey = keyVote(assetId, index, voter) |
178 | | - | let lastVote = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(voteKey), wrapErr("you have not voted")) |
179 | | - | let lastVoteParts = split(lastVote, separator) |
180 | | - | let gwxAmount = parseIntValue(lastVoteParts[2]) |
181 | | - | let votingInfoStr = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(keyVotingInfo(assetId, index)), wrapErr("voting info not found")) |
182 | | - | let votingParts = getVotingInfoParts(votingInfoStr) |
183 | | - | let votesFor = votingParts._9 |
184 | | - | let votesAgainst = votingParts._10 |
185 | | - | let partOfTheTotalVotesX8 = fraction(gwxAmount, MULT8, (votesFor + votesAgainst)) |
186 | | - | let totalVotingReward = valueOrElse(getInteger(keyTotalVotingReward(assetId, index)), 0) |
187 | | - | let voterRewardAmount = fraction(partOfTheTotalVotesX8, totalVotingReward, MULT8, FLOOR) |
188 | | - | voterRewardAmount |
189 | | - | } |
190 | | - | |
191 | | - | |
192 | | - | @Callable(i) |
193 | | - | func suggestAdd (assetId,periodLength,assetImage) = { |
194 | | - | let wxPayment = i.payments[0] |
195 | | - | let wxPaymentAssetId = value(wxPayment.assetId) |
196 | | - | let wxPaymentAmount = value(wxPayment.amount) |
197 | | - | let minPeriodLength = getIntegerValue(keyMinPeriodLength) |
198 | | - | let maxPeriodLength = getIntegerValue(keyMaxPeriodLength) |
199 | | - | let tokenIsVerified = { |
200 | | - | let @ = invoke(assetsStoreContract, "isVerifiedREADONLY", [assetId], nil) |
201 | | - | if ($isInstanceOf(@, "Boolean")) |
202 | | - | then @ |
203 | | - | else throw(($getType(@) + " couldn't be cast to Boolean")) |
204 | | - | } |
205 | | - | let checks = [if (if ((periodLength >= minPeriodLength)) |
206 | | - | then (maxPeriodLength >= periodLength) |
207 | | - | else false) |
208 | | - | then true |
209 | | - | else throwErr("invalid periodLength"), if ((tokenIsVerified == false)) |
210 | | - | then true |
211 | | - | else throwErr("token already verified"), if ((wxPaymentAmount > (periodLength * feePerBlock))) |
212 | | - | then true |
213 | | - | else throwErr("not enough wx for given period"), if ((wxPaymentAmount >= getIntegerValue(keyMinWxMinForSuggestAddAmountRequired))) |
214 | | - | then true |
215 | | - | else throwErr("payment less then min for suggest")] |
216 | | - | if ((checks == checks)) |
| 126 | + | func voteINTERNAL (callerAddressString,keyPrefix,minVotes,voteResult) = { |
| 127 | + | let voteKey = keyFullAdminVote(keyPrefix, callerAddressString) |
| 128 | + | let adminCurrentVote = getAdminVote(keyPrefix, callerAddressString) |
| 129 | + | let err = if (!(isInAdminList(callerAddressString))) |
| 130 | + | then throwErr((("Address: " + callerAddressString) + " not in Admin list")) |
| 131 | + | else if ((adminCurrentVote == 1)) |
| 132 | + | then throwErr((voteKey + " you already voted")) |
| 133 | + | else unit |
| 134 | + | if ((err == err)) |
230 | | - | else $Tuple4(false, "EMPTY", 0, nil) |
231 | | - | let isRewardExist = $t087849424._1 |
232 | | - | let rewardAssetId = $t087849424._2 |
233 | | - | let rewardAmount = $t087849424._3 |
234 | | - | let votingRewardActions = $t087849424._4 |
235 | | - | let votesQuorum = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(keyVotingThresholdAdd), wrapErr("votingThresholdAdd not set")) |
236 | | - | let votingInfo = votingInfoValue(isRewardExist, rewardAssetId, rewardAmount, "verification", "inProgress", height, (height + periodLength), votesQuorum, 0, 0) |
237 | | - | let finalizeCallRewardAmount = getIntegerValue(keyFinalizeCallRewardAmount) |
238 | | - | let burnWxAmount = (wxPaymentAmount - finalizeCallRewardAmount) |
239 | | - | ([IntegerEntry(currentIndexKey, newIndex), StringEntry(keySuggestIssuer(assetId, newIndex), toString(i.caller)), StringEntry(keyVotingInfo(assetId, newIndex), votingInfo), StringEntry(keyAssetImage(assetId), assetImage), Burn(wxPaymentAssetId, burnWxAmount)] ++ votingRewardActions) |
| 142 | + | else [IntegerEntry(voteKey, 1)] |
| 148 | + | func keyCalculatorAddress () = "%s__calculator" |
| 149 | + | |
| 150 | + | |
| 151 | + | func keyProxyTreasuryAddress () = "%s__proxyTreasury" |
| 152 | + | |
| 153 | + | |
| 154 | + | func keyChildAddress () = "%s__child" |
| 155 | + | |
| 156 | + | |
| 157 | + | func keyBlockProcessingReward () = "%s__blockProcessingReward" |
| 158 | + | |
| 159 | + | |
| 160 | + | func keyNextBlockToProcess () = "%s__nextBlockToProcess" |
| 161 | + | |
| 162 | + | |
| 163 | + | func keyLpAssetId () = "%s__lpAssetId" |
| 164 | + | |
| 165 | + | |
| 166 | + | let calculatorAddressOption = match getString(this, keyCalculatorAddress()) { |
| 167 | + | case s: String => |
| 168 | + | addressFromString(s) |
| 169 | + | case _: Unit => |
| 170 | + | unit |
| 171 | + | case _ => |
| 172 | + | throw("Match error") |
| 173 | + | } |
| 174 | + | |
| 175 | + | let calculatorAddressOrFail = valueOrErrorMessage(calculatorAddressOption, wrapErr("invalid calculator address")) |
| 176 | + | |
| 177 | + | let proxyTreasuryAddressOption = match getString(this, keyProxyTreasuryAddress()) { |
| 178 | + | case s: String => |
| 179 | + | addressFromString(s) |
| 180 | + | case _: Unit => |
| 181 | + | unit |
| 182 | + | case _ => |
| 183 | + | throw("Match error") |
| 184 | + | } |
| 185 | + | |
| 186 | + | let proxyTreasuryAddressOrFail = valueOrErrorMessage(proxyTreasuryAddressOption, wrapErr("invalid proxy treasury address")) |
| 187 | + | |
| 188 | + | func keyConfigAddress () = "%s__config" |
| 189 | + | |
| 190 | + | |
| 191 | + | func keyChildrenAddress () = "contract_children" |
| 192 | + | |
| 193 | + | |
| 194 | + | func keyVotingResultAddress () = "contract_voting_result" |
| 195 | + | |
| 196 | + | |
| 197 | + | func keyProposalAllowBroadcast (address,txId) = ((("proposal_allow_broadcast_" + toString(address)) + "_") + toBase58String(txId)) |
| 198 | + | |
| 199 | + | |
| 200 | + | func keyInvestedByUser (childAddress,userAddress) = makeString(["investor", toString(childAddress), toString(userAddress)], "_") |
| 201 | + | |
| 202 | + | |
| 203 | + | let configAddressOption = match getString(this, keyConfigAddress()) { |
| 204 | + | case s: String => |
| 205 | + | addressFromString(s) |
| 206 | + | case _: Unit => |
| 207 | + | unit |
| 208 | + | case _ => |
| 209 | + | throw("Match error") |
| 210 | + | } |
| 211 | + | |
| 212 | + | let configAddressOrFail = valueOrErrorMessage(configAddressOption, wrapErr("invalid config address")) |
| 213 | + | |
| 214 | + | let votingResultAddressOption = match configAddressOption { |
| 215 | + | case a: Address => |
| 216 | + | match getString(a, keyVotingResultAddress()) { |
| 217 | + | case s: String => |
| 218 | + | addressFromString(s) |
| 219 | + | case _: Unit => |
| 220 | + | unit |
| 221 | + | case _ => |
| 222 | + | throw("Match error") |
| 223 | + | } |
| 224 | + | case _: Unit => |
| 225 | + | unit |
| 226 | + | case _ => |
| 227 | + | throw("Match error") |
| 228 | + | } |
| 229 | + | |
| 230 | + | let votingResultAddressOrFail = valueOrErrorMessage(votingResultAddressOption, wrapErr("invalid voting result address")) |
| 231 | + | |
| 232 | + | let childrenAddressOption = match configAddressOption { |
| 233 | + | case a: Address => |
| 234 | + | match getString(a, keyChildrenAddress()) { |
| 235 | + | case s: String => |
| 236 | + | addressFromString(s) |
| 237 | + | case _: Unit => |
| 238 | + | unit |
| 239 | + | case _ => |
| 240 | + | throw("Match error") |
| 241 | + | } |
| 242 | + | case _: Unit => |
| 243 | + | unit |
| 244 | + | case _ => |
| 245 | + | throw("Match error") |
| 246 | + | } |
| 247 | + | |
| 248 | + | let childrenAddressOrFail = valueOrErrorMessage(childrenAddressOption, wrapErr("invalid children address")) |
| 249 | + | |
| 250 | + | let lpAssetIdOption = match getString(this, keyLpAssetId()) { |
| 251 | + | case s: String => |
| 252 | + | fromBase58String(s) |
| 253 | + | case _: Unit => |
| 254 | + | unit |
| 255 | + | case _ => |
| 256 | + | throw("Match error") |
| 257 | + | } |
| 258 | + | |
| 259 | + | let lpAssetIdOrFail = valueOrErrorMessage(lpAssetIdOption, wrapErr("invalid lpAssetId")) |
| 260 | + | |
| 261 | + | func onlyAddress (i,address) = if ((i.caller == address)) |
| 262 | + | then true |
| 263 | + | else throwErr("permission denied") |
| 264 | + | |
| 265 | + | |
| 266 | + | func onlyThis (i) = onlyAddress(i, this) |
| 267 | + | |
| 268 | + | |
| 269 | + | func onlyCalculator (i) = onlyAddress(i, calculatorAddressOrFail) |
| 270 | + | |
247 | | - | func suggestRemove (assetId) = { |
248 | | - | let gwxAmountAtNow = getUserGwxAmountAtHeight(toString(i.caller), height) |
249 | | - | let minSuggestRemoveBalance = getIntegerValue(keyMinSuggestRemoveBalance) |
250 | | - | let wxPayment = i.payments[0] |
251 | | - | let wxPaymentAssetId = value(wxPayment.assetId) |
252 | | - | let wxPaymentAmount = value(wxPayment.amount) |
253 | | - | let tokenIsVerified = { |
254 | | - | let @ = invoke(assetsStoreContract, "isVerifiedREADONLY", [assetId], nil) |
255 | | - | if ($isInstanceOf(@, "Boolean")) |
256 | | - | then @ |
257 | | - | else throw(($getType(@) + " couldn't be cast to Boolean")) |
258 | | - | } |
259 | | - | let checks = [if (tokenIsVerified) |
260 | | - | then true |
261 | | - | else throwErr("token not verified"), if ((gwxAmountAtNow >= minSuggestRemoveBalance)) |
262 | | - | then true |
263 | | - | else throwErr("not enough gWXes"), if ((wxPaymentAmount >= getIntegerValue(keyWxForSuggestRemoveAmountRequired))) |
264 | | - | then true |
265 | | - | else throwErr("payment less then min for suggest")] |
266 | | - | if ((checks == checks)) |
267 | | - | then { |
268 | | - | let currentIndexKey = keyCurrentIndex(assetId) |
269 | | - | let currentIndex = getInteger(currentIndexKey) |
270 | | - | let newIndex = if (isDefined(currentIndex)) |
271 | | - | then (value(currentIndex) + 1) |
272 | | - | else 0 |
273 | | - | let periodLength = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(keyPeriodLengthRemove), wrapErr("periodLengthRemove not set")) |
274 | | - | let votingEndHeight = (height + periodLength) |
275 | | - | let votesQuorum = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(keyVotingThresholdRemove), wrapErr("votingThresholdRemove not set")) |
276 | | - | let votingInfo = votingInfoValue(false, "EMPTY", 0, "deverification", "inProgress", height, (height + periodLength), votesQuorum, 0, 0) |
277 | | - | [IntegerEntry(currentIndexKey, newIndex), StringEntry(keySuggestIssuer(assetId, newIndex), toString(i.caller)), StringEntry(keyVotingInfo(assetId, newIndex), votingInfo)] |
278 | | - | } |
279 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
280 | | - | } |
| 273 | + | func stringEntry (key,val) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 274 | + | then $Tuple2([StringEntry(key, val)], key) |
| 275 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
285 | | - | func vote (assetId,inFavor) = { |
286 | | - | let currentIndexKey = keyCurrentIndex(assetId) |
287 | | - | let currentIndex = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(currentIndexKey), wrapErr("voting does not exist")) |
288 | | - | let votingInfo = votingExistChecks(assetId, currentIndex) |
289 | | - | if ((votingInfo == votingInfo)) |
290 | | - | then { |
291 | | - | let currentVotingEndHeight = votingInfo._2 |
292 | | - | let gwxAmountAtEnd = getUserGwxAmountAtHeight(toString(i.caller), currentVotingEndHeight) |
293 | | - | let voteKey = keyVote(assetId, currentIndex, i.caller) |
294 | | - | let checks = [if ((getString(voteKey) == unit)) |
295 | | - | then true |
296 | | - | else throwErr("You have already voted"), if ((gwxAmountAtEnd > 0)) |
297 | | - | then true |
298 | | - | else throw("You'll not have gWX at the end of voting")] |
299 | | - | if ((checks == checks)) |
300 | | - | then { |
301 | | - | let votingInfoStr = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(keyVotingInfo(assetId, currentIndex)), wrapErr("voting info not found")) |
302 | | - | let votingInfoParts = getVotingInfoParts(votingInfoStr) |
303 | | - | let votesFor = votingInfoParts._9 |
304 | | - | let votesAgainst = votingInfoParts._10 |
305 | | - | let $t01274512906 = if (inFavor) |
306 | | - | then $Tuple2((votesFor + gwxAmountAtEnd), votesAgainst) |
307 | | - | else $Tuple2(votesFor, (votesAgainst + gwxAmountAtEnd)) |
308 | | - | let newVotesFor = $t01274512906._1 |
309 | | - | let newVotesAgainst = $t01274512906._2 |
310 | | - | let newVotingInfoValue = votingInfoValue(votingInfoParts._1, votingInfoParts._2, votingInfoParts._3, votingInfoParts._4, votingInfoParts._5, votingInfoParts._6, votingInfoParts._7, votingInfoParts._8, newVotesFor, newVotesAgainst) |
311 | | - | let votingRewardAction = match getString(keyVotingRewardAssetId(assetId, currentIndex)) { |
312 | | - | case pk: String => |
313 | | - | [StringEntry(keyVotingReward(i.caller, assetId, currentIndex), voteValue(inFavor, gwxAmountAtEnd))] |
314 | | - | case _: Unit => |
315 | | - | nil |
316 | | - | case _ => |
317 | | - | throw("Match error") |
318 | | - | } |
319 | | - | ([StringEntry(voteKey, voteValue(inFavor, gwxAmountAtEnd)), StringEntry(keyVotingInfo(assetId, currentIndex), newVotingInfoValue)] ++ votingRewardAction) |
320 | | - | } |
321 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
322 | | - | } |
323 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
324 | | - | } |
| 280 | + | func integerEntry (key,val) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 281 | + | then $Tuple2([IntegerEntry(key, val)], key) |
| 282 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
329 | | - | func cancelVote (assetId) = { |
330 | | - | let currentIndexKey = keyCurrentIndex(assetId) |
331 | | - | let currentIndex = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(currentIndexKey), wrapErr("voting does not exist")) |
332 | | - | let voteKey = keyVote(assetId, currentIndex, i.caller) |
333 | | - | let lastVote = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(voteKey), wrapErr("you have not voted")) |
334 | | - | let lastVoteParts = split(lastVote, separator) |
335 | | - | let inFavor = lastVoteParts[1] |
336 | | - | let gwxAmount = parseIntValue(lastVoteParts[2]) |
337 | | - | let votingInfo = votingExistChecks(assetId, currentIndex) |
338 | | - | if ((votingInfo == votingInfo)) |
339 | | - | then { |
340 | | - | let checks = [if (if ((inFavor == "true")) |
341 | | - | then true |
342 | | - | else (inFavor == "false")) |
343 | | - | then true |
344 | | - | else throwErr("invalid vote")] |
345 | | - | if ((checks == checks)) |
346 | | - | then { |
347 | | - | let votingInfoStr = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(keyVotingInfo(assetId, currentIndex)), wrapErr("voting info not found")) |
348 | | - | let votingInfoParts = getVotingInfoParts(votingInfoStr) |
349 | | - | let votesFor = votingInfoParts._9 |
350 | | - | let votesAgainst = votingInfoParts._10 |
351 | | - | let $t01453114692 = if ((inFavor == "true")) |
352 | | - | then $Tuple2((votesFor - gwxAmount), votesAgainst) |
353 | | - | else $Tuple2(votesFor, (votesAgainst - gwxAmount)) |
354 | | - | let newVotesFor = $t01453114692._1 |
355 | | - | let newVotesAgainst = $t01453114692._2 |
356 | | - | let newVotingInfoValue = votingInfoValue(votingInfoParts._1, votingInfoParts._2, votingInfoParts._3, votingInfoParts._4, votingInfoParts._5, votingInfoParts._6, votingInfoParts._7, votingInfoParts._8, newVotesFor, newVotesAgainst) |
357 | | - | [StringEntry(keyVotingInfo(assetId, currentIndex), newVotingInfoValue), DeleteEntry(voteKey), DeleteEntry(keyVotingReward(i.caller, assetId, currentIndex))] |
358 | | - | } |
359 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
360 | | - | } |
361 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
362 | | - | } |
| 287 | + | func booleanEntry (key,val) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 288 | + | then $Tuple2([BooleanEntry(key, val)], key) |
| 289 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
367 | | - | func finalize (assetId) = { |
368 | | - | let currentIndexKey = keyCurrentIndex(assetId) |
369 | | - | let currentIndex = valueOrElse(getInteger(currentIndexKey), 0) |
370 | | - | let votingThresholdAdd = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(keyVotingThresholdAdd), wrapErr("votingThresholdAdd not set")) |
371 | | - | let votingThresholdRemove = valueOrErrorMessage(getInteger(keyVotingThresholdRemove), wrapErr("votingThresholdRemove not set")) |
372 | | - | let votingInfoStr = valueOrErrorMessage(getString(keyVotingInfo(assetId, currentIndex)), wrapErr("voting info not found")) |
373 | | - | let votingInfoParts = getVotingInfoParts(votingInfoStr) |
374 | | - | let votingType = votingInfoParts._4 |
375 | | - | let status = votingInfoParts._5 |
376 | | - | let votingEndHeight = votingInfoParts._7 |
377 | | - | let votingQuorum = votingInfoParts._8 |
378 | | - | let votesFor = votingInfoParts._9 |
379 | | - | let votesAgainst = votingInfoParts._10 |
380 | | - | let checks = [if ((status == "inProgress")) |
381 | | - | then true |
382 | | - | else throwErr("voting not in progress"), if ((height >= votingEndHeight)) |
383 | | - | then true |
384 | | - | else throwErr("voting not finished"), if (isDefined(getString(keyAssetImage(assetId)))) |
385 | | - | then true |
386 | | - | else throwErr("asset image not set")] |
387 | | - | if ((checks == checks)) |
388 | | - | then { |
389 | | - | let votingAccepted = if (if (((votesFor + votesAgainst) >= votingQuorum)) |
390 | | - | then (votesFor > votesAgainst) |
391 | | - | else false) |
392 | | - | then true |
393 | | - | else false |
394 | | - | let newStatus = if (votingAccepted) |
395 | | - | then "accepted" |
396 | | - | else "rejected" |
397 | | - | let assetImage = getStringValue(keyAssetImage(assetId)) |
398 | | - | let isVotingAccepted = if (votingAccepted) |
399 | | - | then { |
400 | | - | let votingAcceptedInvokes = if ((votingType == "verification")) |
401 | | - | then invoke(assetsStoreContract, "createOrUpdate", [assetId, assetImage, true], nil) |
402 | | - | else invoke(assetsStoreContract, "setVerified", [assetId, false], nil) |
403 | | - | votingAcceptedInvokes |
404 | | - | } |
405 | | - | else nil |
406 | | - | if ((isVotingAccepted == isVotingAccepted)) |
407 | | - | then { |
408 | | - | let newVotingInfoValue = votingInfoValue(votingInfoParts._1, votingInfoParts._2, votingInfoParts._3, votingInfoParts._4, newStatus, votingInfoParts._6, votingInfoParts._7, votingInfoParts._8, votingInfoParts._9, votingInfoParts._10) |
409 | | - | let finalizeCallRewardAmount = getIntegerValue(keyFinalizeCallRewardAmount) |
410 | | - | [StringEntry(keyVotingInfo(assetId, currentIndex), newVotingInfoValue), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, finalizeCallRewardAmount, wxAssetId)] |
411 | | - | } |
412 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
413 | | - | } |
414 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
415 | | - | } |
| 294 | + | func binaryEntry (key,val) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 295 | + | then $Tuple2([BinaryEntry(key, val)], key) |
| 296 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
432 | | - | func claim (assetId,index) = { |
433 | | - | let callerAddress = i.caller |
434 | | - | let claimHistoryKey = keyClaimHistory(callerAddress, assetId, index) |
435 | | - | let claimHistory = getInteger(claimHistoryKey) |
436 | | - | let checks = [if ((claimHistory == unit)) |
| 308 | + | func reissue (amount) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 309 | + | then $Tuple2([Reissue(lpAssetIdOrFail, amount, true)], amount) |
| 310 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
| 311 | + | |
| 312 | + | |
| 313 | + | |
| 314 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 315 | + | func burn (amount) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 316 | + | then $Tuple2([Burn(lpAssetIdOrFail, amount)], amount) |
| 317 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
| 318 | + | |
| 319 | + | |
| 320 | + | |
| 321 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 322 | + | func transferAsset (recepientBytes,amount,assetId) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 323 | + | then $Tuple2([ScriptTransfer(Address(recepientBytes), amount, assetId)], amount) |
| 324 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
| 325 | + | |
| 326 | + | |
| 327 | + | |
| 328 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 329 | + | func transferAssets (recepientBytes,assetsList,amountsList) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 330 | + | then { |
| 331 | + | func addNewTransfer (accum,nextAssetId) = { |
| 332 | + | let $t074577483 = accum |
| 333 | + | let transfers = $t074577483._1 |
| 334 | + | let j = $t074577483._2 |
| 335 | + | let newTransfer = ScriptTransfer(Address(recepientBytes), parseIntValue(amountsList[j]), stringToAssetId(assetsList[j])) |
| 336 | + | let updatedTransfers = (transfers :+ newTransfer) |
| 337 | + | $Tuple2(updatedTransfers, (j + 1)) |
| 338 | + | } |
| 339 | + | |
| 340 | + | let $t077437824 = { |
| 341 | + | let $l = assetsList |
| 342 | + | let $s = size($l) |
| 343 | + | let $acc0 = $Tuple2(nil, 0) |
| 344 | + | func $f0_1 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
| 345 | + | then $a |
| 346 | + | else addNewTransfer($a, $l[$i]) |
| 347 | + | |
| 348 | + | func $f0_2 ($a,$i) = if (($i >= $s)) |
| 349 | + | then $a |
| 350 | + | else throw("List size exceeds 10") |
| 351 | + | |
| 352 | + | $f0_2($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($f0_1($acc0, 0), 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9), 10) |
| 353 | + | } |
| 354 | + | let assetsTransfers = $t077437824._1 |
| 355 | + | let _lastIndex = $t077437824._2 |
| 356 | + | $Tuple2(assetsTransfers, unit) |
| 357 | + | } |
| 358 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
| 359 | + | |
| 360 | + | |
| 361 | + | |
| 362 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 363 | + | func transferWaves (recepientBytes,amount) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 364 | + | then $Tuple2([ScriptTransfer(Address(recepientBytes), amount, unit)], amount) |
| 365 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
| 366 | + | |
| 367 | + | |
| 368 | + | |
| 369 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 370 | + | func transferFromProxyTreasury (recipientBytes,rewardsAmount) = if (onlyCalculator(i)) |
| 371 | + | then $Tuple2(nil, invoke(proxyTreasuryAddressOrFail, "transferWaves", [recipientBytes, rewardsAmount], nil)) |
| 372 | + | else $Tuple2(nil, unit) |
| 373 | + | |
| 374 | + | |
| 375 | + | |
| 376 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 377 | + | func finalize (newTreasuryVolumeInWaves,pwrManagersBonusInWaves,treasuryVolumeDiffAllocationCoef) = $Tuple2(nil, reentrantInvoke(calculatorAddressOrFail, "finalize", [i.caller.bytes, newTreasuryVolumeInWaves, pwrManagersBonusInWaves, treasuryVolumeDiffAllocationCoef], i.payments)) |
| 378 | + | |
| 379 | + | |
| 380 | + | |
| 381 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 382 | + | func finalizeREADONLY (newTreasuryVolumeInWaves,pwrManagersBonusInWaves,treasuryVolumeDiffAllocationCoef) = $Tuple2(nil, reentrantInvoke(calculatorAddressOrFail, "finalizeREADONLY", [newTreasuryVolumeInWaves, pwrManagersBonusInWaves, treasuryVolumeDiffAllocationCoef], nil)) |
| 383 | + | |
| 384 | + | |
| 385 | + | |
| 386 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 387 | + | func claimLP () = $Tuple2(nil, reentrantInvoke(calculatorAddressOrFail, "claimLP", [i.caller.bytes], i.payments)) |
| 388 | + | |
| 389 | + | |
| 390 | + | |
| 391 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 392 | + | func claimCollateral (txIdStr) = $Tuple2(nil, reentrantInvoke(calculatorAddressOrFail, "claimCollateral", [i.caller.bytes, fromBase58String(txIdStr)], i.payments)) |
| 393 | + | |
| 394 | + | |
| 395 | + | |
| 396 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 397 | + | func invest () = $Tuple2(nil, reentrantInvoke(calculatorAddressOrFail, "invest", [i.caller.bytes], i.payments)) |
| 398 | + | |
| 399 | + | |
| 400 | + | |
| 401 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 402 | + | func withdraw () = $Tuple2(nil, reentrantInvoke(calculatorAddressOrFail, "withdraw", [i.caller.bytes], i.payments)) |
| 403 | + | |
| 404 | + | |
| 405 | + | |
| 406 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 407 | + | func cancelWithdraw (txIdStr) = $Tuple2(nil, reentrantInvoke(calculatorAddressOrFail, "cancelWithdraw", [i.caller.bytes, fromBase58String(txIdStr)], i.payments)) |
| 408 | + | |
| 409 | + | |
| 410 | + | |
| 411 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 412 | + | func processBlocks () = $Tuple2(nil, reentrantInvoke(calculatorAddressOrFail, "processBlocks", [i.caller.bytes], i.payments)) |
| 413 | + | |
| 414 | + | |
| 415 | + | |
| 416 | + | @Callable(i) |
| 417 | + | func voteForTxId (txId) = { |
| 418 | + | let callerAddressString = toBase58String(i.caller.bytes) |
| 419 | + | let keyPrefix = keyAllowedTxIdVotePrefix(txId) |
| 420 | + | let result = [StringEntry(keyAllowedTxId(), txId)] |
| 421 | + | let allowedTxIdOption = getString(this, keyAllowedTxId()) |
| 422 | + | let err = [if ((size(fromBase58String(txId)) == TXID_BYTES_LENGTH)) |
438 | | - | else throwErr("already claimed")] |
439 | | - | if ((checks == checks)) |
440 | | - | then { |
441 | | - | let rewardAmount = if ((calculateReward(callerAddress, assetId, index) > 0)) |
442 | | - | then calculateReward(callerAddress, assetId, index) |
443 | | - | else throwErr("nothing to claim") |
444 | | - | let votingRewardAssetIdStr = getString(keyVotingRewardAssetId(assetId, index)) |
445 | | - | let rewardAction = if (isDefined(votingRewardAssetIdStr)) |
446 | | - | then { |
447 | | - | let votingRewardAssetId = fromBase58String(value(votingRewardAssetIdStr)) |
448 | | - | [ScriptTransfer(callerAddress, rewardAmount, votingRewardAssetId), IntegerEntry(claimHistoryKey, rewardAmount), DeleteEntry(keyVotingReward(callerAddress, assetId, index))] |
449 | | - | } |
450 | | - | else throwErr("nothing to claim") |
451 | | - | rewardAction |
452 | | - | } |
| 424 | + | else throwErr((txId + " is not valid txId")), if (if ((allowedTxIdOption == unit)) |
| 425 | + | then true |
| 426 | + | else (value(allowedTxIdOption) != txId)) |
| 427 | + | then true |
| 428 | + | else throwErr((txId + " is already allowed"))] |
| 429 | + | if ((err == err)) |
| 430 | + | then voteINTERNAL(callerAddressString, keyPrefix, QUORUM, result) |