4 | | - | let SEP = "__" |
5 | | - | |
6 | | - | let contractFile = "rebalance.ride" |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let keyFactoryAddress = "%s__factory" |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | func keyAdditionalBalance (assetId) = makeString(["%s%s", "additionalBalance", assetId], SEP) |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | |
13 | | - | func keyInternalAdditionalBalance (assetId) = makeString(["%s%s", "internalAdditionalBalance", assetId], SEP) |
14 | | - | |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | func keyStakingAssetBalance (assetId) = makeString(["%s%s", "stakingAssetBalance", assetId], SEP) |
17 | | - | |
18 | | - | |
19 | | - | func getAdditionalBalance (assetId) = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyAdditionalBalance(assetId)), 0) |
20 | | - | |
21 | | - | |
22 | | - | func getInternalAdditionalBalance (assetId) = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyInternalAdditionalBalance(assetId)), 0) |
23 | | - | |
24 | | - | |
25 | | - | func getStakingAssetBalance (assetId) = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, keyStakingAssetBalance(assetId)), 0) |
26 | | - | |
27 | | - | |
28 | | - | func throwError (errorMsg) = throw(((contractFile + ": ") + errorMsg)) |
29 | | - | |
30 | | - | |
31 | | - | func parseAssetId (input) = if ((input == "WAVES")) |
32 | | - | then unit |
33 | | - | else fromBase58String(input) |
34 | | - | |
35 | | - | |
36 | | - | func getRate (proxy) = { |
37 | | - | let inv = invoke(proxy, "getRate", nil, nil) |
38 | | - | if ((inv == inv)) |
39 | | - | then match inv { |
40 | | - | case s: Int => |
41 | | - | s |
42 | | - | case _ => |
43 | | - | throwError("getRate() unexpected type") |
44 | | - | } |
45 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
46 | | - | } |
47 | | - | |
48 | | - | |
49 | | - | func getLeaseProxyConfig (assetId) = { |
50 | | - | let factory = addressFromStringValue(valueOrElse(getString(keyFactoryAddress), "")) |
51 | | - | let myAddressString = toString(this) |
52 | | - | invoke(factory, "getPoolLeaseConfigREADONLY", [myAddressString, assetId], nil) |
53 | | - | } |
54 | | - | |
55 | | - | |
56 | | - | func deposit (assetId,amount,stakingAssetId,proxy) = { |
57 | | - | let currentAdditionalBalance = getAdditionalBalance(assetId) |
58 | | - | if ((currentAdditionalBalance == currentAdditionalBalance)) |
59 | | - | then { |
60 | | - | let currentStakingAssetBalance = getStakingAssetBalance(stakingAssetId) |
61 | | - | if ((currentStakingAssetBalance == currentStakingAssetBalance)) |
62 | | - | then { |
63 | | - | let asset = parseAssetId(assetId) |
64 | | - | if ((amount > 0)) |
65 | | - | then { |
66 | | - | let depositInvoke = invoke(proxy, "deposit", nil, [AttachedPayment(asset, amount)]) |
67 | | - | if ((depositInvoke == depositInvoke)) |
68 | | - | then match depositInvoke { |
69 | | - | case receivedStakingAsset: Int => |
70 | | - | let newAdditionalBalance = (currentAdditionalBalance + amount) |
71 | | - | let newStakingAssetBalance = (currentStakingAssetBalance + receivedStakingAsset) |
72 | | - | [IntegerEntry(keyAdditionalBalance(assetId), newAdditionalBalance), IntegerEntry(keyStakingAssetBalance(stakingAssetId), newStakingAssetBalance)] |
73 | | - | case _ => |
74 | | - | nil |
75 | | - | } |
76 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
77 | | - | } |
78 | | - | else nil |
79 | | - | } |
80 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
81 | | - | } |
82 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
83 | | - | } |
84 | | - | |
85 | | - | |
86 | | - | func withdraw (assetId,amount,stakingAssetId,proxy,proxyRateMul,profitAddress) = { |
87 | | - | let currentAdditionalBalance = getAdditionalBalance(assetId) |
88 | | - | if ((currentAdditionalBalance == currentAdditionalBalance)) |
89 | | - | then { |
90 | | - | let currentStakingAssetBalance = getStakingAssetBalance(stakingAssetId) |
91 | | - | if ((currentStakingAssetBalance == currentStakingAssetBalance)) |
92 | | - | then { |
93 | | - | let currentProxyRate = getRate(proxy) |
94 | | - | if ((currentProxyRate == currentProxyRate)) |
95 | | - | then { |
96 | | - | let oldRate = fraction(proxyRateMul, currentAdditionalBalance, currentStakingAssetBalance) |
97 | | - | let stakingAsset = parseAssetId(stakingAssetId) |
98 | | - | let oldSendStakingAmount = fraction(proxyRateMul, amount, oldRate) |
99 | | - | let sendStakingAssetAmount = fraction(proxyRateMul, amount, currentProxyRate) |
100 | | - | let profitAmount = max([0, (oldSendStakingAmount - sendStakingAssetAmount)]) |
101 | | - | if ((sendStakingAssetAmount > 0)) |
102 | | - | then { |
103 | | - | let withdrawInvoke = invoke(proxy, "withdraw", nil, [AttachedPayment(stakingAsset, sendStakingAssetAmount)]) |
104 | | - | if ((withdrawInvoke == withdrawInvoke)) |
105 | | - | then match withdrawInvoke { |
106 | | - | case receivedAssets: Int => |
107 | | - | let newAdditionalBalance = (currentAdditionalBalance - receivedAssets) |
108 | | - | let newStakingAssetBalance = ((currentStakingAssetBalance - sendStakingAssetAmount) - profitAmount) |
109 | | - | [IntegerEntry(keyAdditionalBalance(assetId), newAdditionalBalance), IntegerEntry(keyStakingAssetBalance(stakingAssetId), newStakingAssetBalance), ScriptTransfer(profitAddress, profitAmount, parseAssetId(stakingAssetId))] |
110 | | - | case _ => |
111 | | - | nil |
112 | | - | } |
113 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
114 | | - | } |
115 | | - | else nil |
116 | | - | } |
117 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
118 | | - | } |
119 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
120 | | - | } |
121 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
122 | | - | } |
123 | | - | |
124 | | - | |
125 | | - | func rebalanceInternal (targetRatio,assetId,stakingAssetId,minBalance,proxy,proxyRateMul,profitAddress) = { |
126 | | - | let currentAdditionalBalance = getAdditionalBalance(assetId) |
127 | | - | if ((currentAdditionalBalance == currentAdditionalBalance)) |
128 | | - | then { |
129 | | - | let currentStakingAssetBalance = getStakingAssetBalance(stakingAssetId) |
130 | | - | if ((currentStakingAssetBalance == currentStakingAssetBalance)) |
131 | | - | then { |
132 | | - | let availableBalance = if ((assetId == "WAVES")) |
133 | | - | then wavesBalance(this).available |
134 | | - | else assetBalance(this, fromBase58String(assetId)) |
135 | | - | if ((availableBalance == availableBalance)) |
136 | | - | then { |
137 | | - | let wholeBalance = max([0, ((availableBalance + currentAdditionalBalance) - minBalance)]) |
138 | | - | let targetAdditionalBalance = fraction(targetRatio, wholeBalance, 100) |
139 | | - | let diff = (currentAdditionalBalance - targetAdditionalBalance) |
140 | | - | if ((diff == 0)) |
141 | | - | then nil |
142 | | - | else if ((0 > diff)) |
143 | | - | then { |
144 | | - | let sendAssetAmount = -(diff) |
145 | | - | deposit(assetId, sendAssetAmount, stakingAssetId, proxy) |
146 | | - | } |
147 | | - | else { |
148 | | - | let getAssetAmount = diff |
149 | | - | withdraw(assetId, getAssetAmount, stakingAssetId, proxy, proxyRateMul, profitAddress) |
150 | | - | } |
151 | | - | } |
152 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
153 | | - | } |
154 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
155 | | - | } |
156 | | - | else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.") |
157 | | - | } |
158 | | - | |
159 | | - | |
160 | | - | func rebalanceAsset (assetId) = match getLeaseProxyConfig(assetId) { |
161 | | - | case a: (Boolean, Int, Int, String, String, Int, String) => |
162 | | - | let $t048804989 = a |
163 | | - | let isLeasable = $t048804989._1 |
164 | | - | let leasedRatio = $t048804989._2 |
165 | | - | let minBalance = $t048804989._3 |
166 | | - | let proxyAddress = $t048804989._4 |
167 | | - | let proxyAssetId = $t048804989._5 |
168 | | - | let proxyRateMul = $t048804989._6 |
169 | | - | let stakingProfitAddress = $t048804989._7 |
170 | | - | if (isLeasable) |
171 | | - | then rebalanceInternal(leasedRatio, assetId, proxyAssetId, minBalance, addressFromStringValue(proxyAddress), proxyRateMul, addressFromStringValue(stakingProfitAddress)) |
172 | | - | else nil |
173 | | - | case _ => |
174 | | - | throwError((("[" + assetId) + "] Rebalance error")) |
175 | | - | } |
176 | | - | |
177 | | - | |
178 | | - | func rebalanceAsset2 (assetId,ratio) = match getLeaseProxyConfig(assetId) { |
179 | | - | case a: (Boolean, Int, Int, String, String, Int, String) => |
180 | | - | let $t054655574 = a |
181 | | - | let isLeasable = $t054655574._1 |
182 | | - | let leasedRatio = $t054655574._2 |
183 | | - | let minBalance = $t054655574._3 |
184 | | - | let proxyAddress = $t054655574._4 |
185 | | - | let proxyAssetId = $t054655574._5 |
186 | | - | let proxyRateMul = $t054655574._6 |
187 | | - | let stakingProfitAddress = $t054655574._7 |
188 | | - | if (isLeasable) |
189 | | - | then rebalanceInternal(ratio, assetId, proxyAssetId, minBalance, addressFromStringValue(proxyAddress), proxyRateMul, addressFromStringValue(stakingProfitAddress)) |
190 | | - | else nil |
191 | | - | case _ => |
192 | | - | throwError((("[" + assetId) + "] Rebalance error")) |
193 | | - | } |