tx · BpwmB4oLWsgermjCKfqPx8ukNXszvfbPkfDpWVkGHoKd 3N9cKCHp6ZLMgz7rRgF8Q8DEt8zbtd1Ht7F: -0.01000000 Waves 2023.01.05 09:54 [2391325] smart account 3N9cKCHp6ZLMgz7rRgF8Q8DEt8zbtd1Ht7F > SELF 0.00000000 Waves
{ "type": 13, "id": "BpwmB4oLWsgermjCKfqPx8ukNXszvfbPkfDpWVkGHoKd", "fee": 1000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1672901808530, "version": 2, "chainId": 84, "sender": "3N9cKCHp6ZLMgz7rRgF8Q8DEt8zbtd1Ht7F", "senderPublicKey": "3V22YUj3GF4AeBxdWx8rgGdG4groE4W6P2s4sAkshe7R", "proofs": [ "2jwDKPfP3kgxgMgYPdLhe6tF5zd75WAPRTUhzqQ4tYLTG498dDZyR4covR9QKoCTR5s8ucCvX3j15dAvvQ7jBKQT" ], "script": "base64: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", "height": 2391325, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: CskGsY7HVsKJHeLkGqunb6n5zjBEsVd8fadDb57ivfjS Next: 4o5zmW6XLMiRrdzHJfFjc4WTsMkbue6Ta9CUiXXCuWEz Diff:
Old | New | Differences | |
30 | 30 | ||
31 | 31 | ||
32 | 32 | @Callable(i) | |
33 | - | func createNft (nft_name,nft_owner,nft_dAppAddress,nft_type,nft_tags,nft_selling_price,nft_description,nft_onSell,nft_data) = { | |
34 | - | let newToken = Issue(nft_name, nft_description, 1, 0, false) | |
35 | - | let issueId = calculateAssetId(newToken) | |
36 | - | let txId = i.transactionId | |
37 | - | [newToken, ScriptTransfer(i.caller, 1, issueId), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "Owner"), toString(i.caller)), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_type"), nft_type), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_tags"), nft_tags), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_dAppAddress"), nft_dAppAddress), IntegerEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_selling_price"), nft_selling_price), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_onSell"), nft_onSell), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_data"), nft_data), StringEntry(((toBase58String(txId) + separator) + "issue_nft"), toBase58String(issueId))] | |
38 | - | } | |
39 | - | ||
40 | - | ||
41 | - | ||
42 | - | @Callable(i) | |
43 | - | func sellNFT (price) = { | |
44 | - | let txId = i.transactionId | |
45 | - | let seller = i.caller.bytes | |
46 | - | let $t017921877 = $Tuple2(value(i.payments[0].assetId), value(i.payments[0].amount)) | |
47 | - | let token0 = $t017921877._1 | |
48 | - | let amount0 = $t017921877._2 | |
49 | - | if (!(isNft(token0))) | |
50 | - | then throw("Token is not NFT") | |
51 | - | else [StringEntry(((kPrice + separator) + toBase58String(value(i.payments[0].assetId))), price), StringEntry(((toString(i.caller) + separator) + kSell), ((toBase58String(token0) + separator) + toString(amount0)))] | |
52 | - | } | |
53 | - | ||
54 | - | ||
55 | - | ||
56 | - | @Callable(i) | |
57 | - | func buyNFT (nftID,current_nft_owner) = { | |
58 | - | let assetId = fromBase58String(nftID) | |
59 | - | let amount = value(i.payments[0].amount) | |
60 | - | let checkOwnerIsSame = match getString(this, (("nft_" + current_nft_owner) + "_owner")) { | |
61 | - | case a: String => | |
62 | - | a | |
63 | - | case _ => | |
64 | - | false | |
65 | - | } | |
66 | - | let price = getStringValue(((((kPrice + separator) + nftID) + "_") + current_nft_owner)) | |
67 | - | if ((i.payments[0].assetId != unit)) | |
68 | - | then throw("Pay in waves") | |
69 | - | else if ((current_nft_owner == toString(i.caller))) | |
70 | - | then throw("current Owner of NFT not able to purchase") | |
71 | - | else [ScriptTransfer(i.caller, 1, assetId), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(current_nft_owner)), amount, unit), StringEntry(((toString(i.caller) + separator) + kBuy), ((nftID + separator) + toString(amount))), DeleteEntry((("nft_" + current_nft_owner) + "_owner")), StringEntry((("nft_" + current_nft_owner) + "_owner"), toString(i.caller)), StringEntry(((nftID + separator) + "_owner"), toString(i.caller))] | |
72 | - | } | |
73 | - | ||
74 | - | ||
75 | - | ||
76 | - | @Callable(i) | |
77 | 33 | func addAuction (start,end,startPrice,duration) = { | |
78 | 34 | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) | |
79 | 35 | let nftId = value(i.payments[0].assetId) | |
96 | 52 | } | |
97 | 53 | ||
98 | 54 | ||
99 | - | ||
100 | - | @Callable(i) | |
101 | - | func placeBid (auctionId,nftId,nft_owner,bid_price) = { | |
102 | - | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) | |
103 | - | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
104 | - | let assetId = fromBase58String(nftId) | |
105 | - | let currentBidPrice = i.payments[0].amount | |
106 | - | let getLastWinnerBidPrice = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_highest_bid")) | |
107 | - | let getPreviousBidderAddress = getString(this, (auctionId + "_previous_bidder")) | |
108 | - | let currentBidCount = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_bidder_count")) | |
109 | - | let getLastWinnerAddress = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_winner_of_nft")) | |
110 | - | let checkNftAuctioned = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_nft_status")) | |
111 | - | if ((i.payments[0].assetId != unit)) | |
112 | - | then throw("Pay in waves") | |
113 | - | else if ((checkNftAuctioned != "OPEN")) | |
114 | - | then throw("Not open for auction") | |
115 | - | else if ((parseIntValue(getLastWinnerBidPrice) >= currentBidPrice)) | |
116 | - | then throw("Bid is less then starting/highest Bid") | |
117 | - | else if ((getLastWinnerBidPrice == "0")) | |
118 | - | then [StringEntry((auctionId + "_highest_bid"), toString(currentBidPrice)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_winner_of_nft"), toBase58String(i.caller.bytes)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_bidder_count"), toString((parseIntValue(currentBidCount) + 1))), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_id"), toBase58String(assetId)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_owner"), nft_owner), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_highest_bid"), toString(currentBidPrice)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_winner"), toBase58String(i.caller.bytes)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_bidder_count"), toString((parseIntValue(currentBidCount) + 1))), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_nft_id"), toBase58String(assetId)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_nft_owner"), nft_owner), StringEntry((txId + "_bid_for_nft_by"), toBase58String(caller)), StringEntry((txId + "_bid_price_place"), bid_price), StringEntry((txId + "_previous_bid_amount_refund_to_address"), getLastWinnerAddress), StringEntry((txId + "_prevoius_bid_amount_refund"), getLastWinnerBidPrice)] | |
119 | - | else [StringEntry((auctionId + "_highest_bid"), toString(currentBidPrice)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_winner_of_nft"), toBase58String(i.caller.bytes)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_bidder_count"), toString((parseIntValue(currentBidCount) + 1))), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_id"), toBase58String(assetId)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_owner"), nft_owner), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_highest_bid"), toString(currentBidPrice)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_winner"), toBase58String(i.caller.bytes)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_bidder_count"), toString((parseIntValue(currentBidCount) + 1))), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_nft_id"), toBase58String(assetId)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_nft_owner"), nft_owner), StringEntry((txId + "_bid_for_nft_by"), toBase58String(caller)), StringEntry((txId + "_bid_price_place"), bid_price), StringEntry((txId + "_previous_bid_amount_refund_to_address"), getLastWinnerAddress), StringEntry((txId + "_prevoius_bid_amount_refund"), getLastWinnerBidPrice), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(getLastWinnerAddress)), parseIntValue(getLastWinnerBidPrice), unit)] | |
120 | - | } | |
121 | - | ||
122 | - | ||
123 | - | ||
124 | - | @Callable(i) | |
125 | - | func acceptBidOffer (auctionId,nftId,bid_amount_from_user) = { | |
126 | - | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) | |
127 | - | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
128 | - | let assetId = fromBase58String(nftId) | |
129 | - | let getNftWinningPrice = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_highest_bid")) | |
130 | - | let getAuctionWinner = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_winner_of_nft")) | |
131 | - | [ScriptTransfer(Address(caller), parseIntValue(getNftWinningPrice), unit), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(getAuctionWinner)), 1, assetId), StringEntry((txId + "_amount_paid_to_owner"), getNftWinningPrice), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_transfer_to"), getAuctionWinner), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_status"), "REWARDED"), StringEntry((auctionId + "_amount_paid_to_owner"), getNftWinningPrice), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_transfer_to"), getAuctionWinner), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_status"), "REWARDED")] | |
132 | - | } | |
133 | - | ||
134 | - | ||
135 | - | ||
136 | - | @Callable(i) | |
137 | - | func cancelAuction (auctionId) = { | |
138 | - | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) | |
139 | - | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
140 | - | let auctionStatus = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_nft_status")) | |
141 | - | let biddingWinner = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_winner_of_nft")) | |
142 | - | let nftOwner = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_nft_owner")) | |
143 | - | let nftId = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_nft_on_auction")) | |
144 | - | let biddingPrice = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_highest_bid")) | |
145 | - | if ((biddingWinner == "0")) | |
146 | - | then [StringEntry(((txId + auctionId) + "_nft_status"), "CANCELED"), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(nftOwner)), 1, fromBase58String(nftId))] | |
147 | - | else [StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_status"), "CANCELED"), StringEntry((auctionId + "_previous_bid_amount_refund_to_address"), biddingWinner), StringEntry((auctionId + "_prevoius_bid_amount_refund"), biddingPrice), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_status"), "CANCELED"), StringEntry((txId + "_previous_bid_amount_refund_to_address"), biddingWinner), StringEntry((txId + "_prevoius_bid_amount_refund"), biddingPrice), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(nftOwner)), 1, fromBase58String(nftId)), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(biddingWinner)), parseIntValue(biddingPrice), unit)] | |
148 | - | } | |
149 | - | ||
150 | - | ||
151 | - | ||
152 | - | @Callable(i) | |
153 | - | func withdrawBid (bidTxId) = { | |
154 | - | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
155 | - | let bidPrice = getStringValue(this, (bidTxId + "_highest_bid")) | |
156 | - | let asBidder = getStringValue(this, (bidTxId + "_winner")) | |
157 | - | let bidForNFT = getStringValue(this, (bidTxId + "_nft_id")) | |
158 | - | if ((toBase58String(caller) != asBidder)) | |
159 | - | then throw("No bid") | |
160 | - | else [StringEntry((bidTxId + "_nft_bid"), "WITHDRAW"), StringEntry((bidTxId + "_nft_id"), bidForNFT), StringEntry((bidTxId + "_bidding_price_refund_amount"), bidPrice), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, parseIntValue(bidPrice), unit)] | |
161 | - | } | |
162 | - | ||
163 | - | ||
164 | - | ||
165 | - | @Callable(i) | |
166 | - | func testBid (data) = [StringEntry("E8kkFBYCy44JJaq6pAZ6KizsuResi5UKNhbD1WNZwhhY_highest_bid", "0")] | |
167 | - | ||
168 | - |
Old | New | Differences | |
1 | 1 | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-} | |
2 | 2 | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} | |
3 | 3 | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} | |
4 | 4 | let separator = "_" | |
5 | 5 | ||
6 | 6 | let kBuy = "buy" | |
7 | 7 | ||
8 | 8 | let kPrice = "price" | |
9 | 9 | ||
10 | 10 | let kSell = "sell" | |
11 | 11 | ||
12 | 12 | let maxAuctionDuration = 7 | |
13 | 13 | ||
14 | 14 | let kBid = "bid" | |
15 | 15 | ||
16 | 16 | let statusForNFT = $Tuple4("OPEN", "CLOSED", "REWARDED", "CANCELED") | |
17 | 17 | ||
18 | 18 | let dAppAddress = base58'3MvjAaDYHpS4A5K4CV3kZMMEH9m9JdBSvbq' | |
19 | 19 | ||
20 | 20 | func isNft (assetId) = match assetInfo(assetId) { | |
21 | 21 | case token: Asset => | |
22 | 22 | if (if ((token.decimals == 0)) | |
23 | 23 | then (token.quantity == 1) | |
24 | 24 | else false) | |
25 | 25 | then (token.reissuable == false) | |
26 | 26 | else false | |
27 | 27 | case _ => | |
28 | 28 | false | |
29 | 29 | } | |
30 | 30 | ||
31 | 31 | ||
32 | 32 | @Callable(i) | |
33 | - | func createNft (nft_name,nft_owner,nft_dAppAddress,nft_type,nft_tags,nft_selling_price,nft_description,nft_onSell,nft_data) = { | |
34 | - | let newToken = Issue(nft_name, nft_description, 1, 0, false) | |
35 | - | let issueId = calculateAssetId(newToken) | |
36 | - | let txId = i.transactionId | |
37 | - | [newToken, ScriptTransfer(i.caller, 1, issueId), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "Owner"), toString(i.caller)), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_type"), nft_type), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_tags"), nft_tags), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_dAppAddress"), nft_dAppAddress), IntegerEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_selling_price"), nft_selling_price), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_onSell"), nft_onSell), StringEntry(((toBase58String(issueId) + separator) + "nft_data"), nft_data), StringEntry(((toBase58String(txId) + separator) + "issue_nft"), toBase58String(issueId))] | |
38 | - | } | |
39 | - | ||
40 | - | ||
41 | - | ||
42 | - | @Callable(i) | |
43 | - | func sellNFT (price) = { | |
44 | - | let txId = i.transactionId | |
45 | - | let seller = i.caller.bytes | |
46 | - | let $t017921877 = $Tuple2(value(i.payments[0].assetId), value(i.payments[0].amount)) | |
47 | - | let token0 = $t017921877._1 | |
48 | - | let amount0 = $t017921877._2 | |
49 | - | if (!(isNft(token0))) | |
50 | - | then throw("Token is not NFT") | |
51 | - | else [StringEntry(((kPrice + separator) + toBase58String(value(i.payments[0].assetId))), price), StringEntry(((toString(i.caller) + separator) + kSell), ((toBase58String(token0) + separator) + toString(amount0)))] | |
52 | - | } | |
53 | - | ||
54 | - | ||
55 | - | ||
56 | - | @Callable(i) | |
57 | - | func buyNFT (nftID,current_nft_owner) = { | |
58 | - | let assetId = fromBase58String(nftID) | |
59 | - | let amount = value(i.payments[0].amount) | |
60 | - | let checkOwnerIsSame = match getString(this, (("nft_" + current_nft_owner) + "_owner")) { | |
61 | - | case a: String => | |
62 | - | a | |
63 | - | case _ => | |
64 | - | false | |
65 | - | } | |
66 | - | let price = getStringValue(((((kPrice + separator) + nftID) + "_") + current_nft_owner)) | |
67 | - | if ((i.payments[0].assetId != unit)) | |
68 | - | then throw("Pay in waves") | |
69 | - | else if ((current_nft_owner == toString(i.caller))) | |
70 | - | then throw("current Owner of NFT not able to purchase") | |
71 | - | else [ScriptTransfer(i.caller, 1, assetId), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(current_nft_owner)), amount, unit), StringEntry(((toString(i.caller) + separator) + kBuy), ((nftID + separator) + toString(amount))), DeleteEntry((("nft_" + current_nft_owner) + "_owner")), StringEntry((("nft_" + current_nft_owner) + "_owner"), toString(i.caller)), StringEntry(((nftID + separator) + "_owner"), toString(i.caller))] | |
72 | - | } | |
73 | - | ||
74 | - | ||
75 | - | ||
76 | - | @Callable(i) | |
77 | 33 | func addAuction (start,end,startPrice,duration) = { | |
78 | 34 | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) | |
79 | 35 | let nftId = value(i.payments[0].assetId) | |
80 | 36 | let price = value(startPrice) | |
81 | 37 | let endHeight = (lastBlock.height + duration) | |
82 | 38 | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
83 | 39 | let checkNftAuctioned = match getString(this, (((toBase58String(nftId) + separator) + "nft_status_") + toBase58String(caller))) { | |
84 | 40 | case a: String => | |
85 | 41 | true | |
86 | 42 | case _ => | |
87 | 43 | false | |
88 | 44 | } | |
89 | 45 | if ((i.payments[0].assetId == unit)) | |
90 | 46 | then throw("NFT not attached") | |
91 | 47 | else if ((checkNftAuctioned == true)) | |
92 | 48 | then throw("Already in auction list") | |
93 | 49 | else if ((duration > maxAuctionDuration)) | |
94 | 50 | then throw(("Duration is too long. Must be less than or equal to 7 " + toString(maxAuctionDuration))) | |
95 | 51 | else [StringEntry(((txId + "_nft_start_auction_date_") + toBase58String(caller)), start), StringEntry(((txId + "_nft_end_auction_date_") + toBase58String(caller)), end), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_start_price"), startPrice), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_owner"), toString(i.caller)), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_on_auction"), toBase58String(nftId)), StringEntry((txId + "_previous_bidder"), "none"), StringEntry((txId + "_highest_bid"), "0"), StringEntry((txId + "_winner_of_nft"), "0"), StringEntry((txId + "_bidder_count"), "0"), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_status"), "OPEN")] | |
96 | 52 | } | |
97 | 53 | ||
98 | 54 | ||
99 | - | ||
100 | - | @Callable(i) | |
101 | - | func placeBid (auctionId,nftId,nft_owner,bid_price) = { | |
102 | - | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) | |
103 | - | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
104 | - | let assetId = fromBase58String(nftId) | |
105 | - | let currentBidPrice = i.payments[0].amount | |
106 | - | let getLastWinnerBidPrice = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_highest_bid")) | |
107 | - | let getPreviousBidderAddress = getString(this, (auctionId + "_previous_bidder")) | |
108 | - | let currentBidCount = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_bidder_count")) | |
109 | - | let getLastWinnerAddress = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_winner_of_nft")) | |
110 | - | let checkNftAuctioned = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_nft_status")) | |
111 | - | if ((i.payments[0].assetId != unit)) | |
112 | - | then throw("Pay in waves") | |
113 | - | else if ((checkNftAuctioned != "OPEN")) | |
114 | - | then throw("Not open for auction") | |
115 | - | else if ((parseIntValue(getLastWinnerBidPrice) >= currentBidPrice)) | |
116 | - | then throw("Bid is less then starting/highest Bid") | |
117 | - | else if ((getLastWinnerBidPrice == "0")) | |
118 | - | then [StringEntry((auctionId + "_highest_bid"), toString(currentBidPrice)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_winner_of_nft"), toBase58String(i.caller.bytes)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_bidder_count"), toString((parseIntValue(currentBidCount) + 1))), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_id"), toBase58String(assetId)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_owner"), nft_owner), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_highest_bid"), toString(currentBidPrice)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_winner"), toBase58String(i.caller.bytes)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_bidder_count"), toString((parseIntValue(currentBidCount) + 1))), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_nft_id"), toBase58String(assetId)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_nft_owner"), nft_owner), StringEntry((txId + "_bid_for_nft_by"), toBase58String(caller)), StringEntry((txId + "_bid_price_place"), bid_price), StringEntry((txId + "_previous_bid_amount_refund_to_address"), getLastWinnerAddress), StringEntry((txId + "_prevoius_bid_amount_refund"), getLastWinnerBidPrice)] | |
119 | - | else [StringEntry((auctionId + "_highest_bid"), toString(currentBidPrice)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_winner_of_nft"), toBase58String(i.caller.bytes)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_bidder_count"), toString((parseIntValue(currentBidCount) + 1))), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_id"), toBase58String(assetId)), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_owner"), nft_owner), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_highest_bid"), toString(currentBidPrice)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_winner"), toBase58String(i.caller.bytes)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_bidder_count"), toString((parseIntValue(currentBidCount) + 1))), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_nft_id"), toBase58String(assetId)), StringEntry((((txId + "_") + auctionId) + "_nft_owner"), nft_owner), StringEntry((txId + "_bid_for_nft_by"), toBase58String(caller)), StringEntry((txId + "_bid_price_place"), bid_price), StringEntry((txId + "_previous_bid_amount_refund_to_address"), getLastWinnerAddress), StringEntry((txId + "_prevoius_bid_amount_refund"), getLastWinnerBidPrice), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(getLastWinnerAddress)), parseIntValue(getLastWinnerBidPrice), unit)] | |
120 | - | } | |
121 | - | ||
122 | - | ||
123 | - | ||
124 | - | @Callable(i) | |
125 | - | func acceptBidOffer (auctionId,nftId,bid_amount_from_user) = { | |
126 | - | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) | |
127 | - | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
128 | - | let assetId = fromBase58String(nftId) | |
129 | - | let getNftWinningPrice = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_highest_bid")) | |
130 | - | let getAuctionWinner = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_winner_of_nft")) | |
131 | - | [ScriptTransfer(Address(caller), parseIntValue(getNftWinningPrice), unit), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(getAuctionWinner)), 1, assetId), StringEntry((txId + "_amount_paid_to_owner"), getNftWinningPrice), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_transfer_to"), getAuctionWinner), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_status"), "REWARDED"), StringEntry((auctionId + "_amount_paid_to_owner"), getNftWinningPrice), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_transfer_to"), getAuctionWinner), StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_status"), "REWARDED")] | |
132 | - | } | |
133 | - | ||
134 | - | ||
135 | - | ||
136 | - | @Callable(i) | |
137 | - | func cancelAuction (auctionId) = { | |
138 | - | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) | |
139 | - | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
140 | - | let auctionStatus = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_nft_status")) | |
141 | - | let biddingWinner = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_winner_of_nft")) | |
142 | - | let nftOwner = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_nft_owner")) | |
143 | - | let nftId = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_nft_on_auction")) | |
144 | - | let biddingPrice = getStringValue(this, (auctionId + "_highest_bid")) | |
145 | - | if ((biddingWinner == "0")) | |
146 | - | then [StringEntry(((txId + auctionId) + "_nft_status"), "CANCELED"), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(nftOwner)), 1, fromBase58String(nftId))] | |
147 | - | else [StringEntry((auctionId + "_nft_status"), "CANCELED"), StringEntry((auctionId + "_previous_bid_amount_refund_to_address"), biddingWinner), StringEntry((auctionId + "_prevoius_bid_amount_refund"), biddingPrice), StringEntry((txId + "_nft_status"), "CANCELED"), StringEntry((txId + "_previous_bid_amount_refund_to_address"), biddingWinner), StringEntry((txId + "_prevoius_bid_amount_refund"), biddingPrice), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(nftOwner)), 1, fromBase58String(nftId)), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(biddingWinner)), parseIntValue(biddingPrice), unit)] | |
148 | - | } | |
149 | - | ||
150 | - | ||
151 | - | ||
152 | - | @Callable(i) | |
153 | - | func withdrawBid (bidTxId) = { | |
154 | - | let caller = i.caller.bytes | |
155 | - | let bidPrice = getStringValue(this, (bidTxId + "_highest_bid")) | |
156 | - | let asBidder = getStringValue(this, (bidTxId + "_winner")) | |
157 | - | let bidForNFT = getStringValue(this, (bidTxId + "_nft_id")) | |
158 | - | if ((toBase58String(caller) != asBidder)) | |
159 | - | then throw("No bid") | |
160 | - | else [StringEntry((bidTxId + "_nft_bid"), "WITHDRAW"), StringEntry((bidTxId + "_nft_id"), bidForNFT), StringEntry((bidTxId + "_bidding_price_refund_amount"), bidPrice), ScriptTransfer(i.caller, parseIntValue(bidPrice), unit)] | |
161 | - | } | |
162 | - | ||
163 | - | ||
164 | - | ||
165 | - | @Callable(i) | |
166 | - | func testBid (data) = [StringEntry("E8kkFBYCy44JJaq6pAZ6KizsuResi5UKNhbD1WNZwhhY_highest_bid", "0")] | |
167 | - | ||
168 | - |
github/deemru/w8io/169f3d6 39.79 ms ◑![]()