3N6v7X1pA1NFzRfiquJdYxKz7tnk3XdvcT2 · data · room_HRYWZV6pSyyBVi3TeFgNjQV9W1EKprfMRYuZQMfDNHwa
    "room_HRYWZV6pSyyBVi3TeFgNjQV9W1EKprfMRYuZQMfDNHwa": "{"city":"Tokyo","title":"Good hotel for hackers.","when":"undefined ~ undefined","genre":"Hotel","detail":"I'll go to Tokyo on business. I wanna enjoy sightseeing, but I'm busy. So I want to stay at good working space. I wanna creative lounge. Are there any hotels like that?","prize":"2.5","height":685074,"duration":7200}"


    "2019.09.20 22:42": "{"city":"Tokyo","title":"Good hotel for hackers.","when":"undefined ~ undefined","genre":"Hotel","detail":"I'll go to Tokyo on business. I wanna enjoy sightseeing, but I'm busy. So I want to stay at good working space. I wanna creative lounge. Are there any hotels like that?","prize":"2.5","height":685074,"duration":7200}"

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