3Mpwj347hnPHjU5ed4Dn1T64SBodhEyV3bm · data · room_8V967YVdnX4zQtd5CQ7xMU1UCxVdxNQWu7sTNH5RRAho
    "room_8V967YVdnX4zQtd5CQ7xMU1UCxVdxNQWu7sTNH5RRAho": "{"city":"osaka","title":"What is the coolest Gift of Osaka?","when":"Thu Sep 19 2019 19:41:34 GMT+0900 (日本標準時) ~ Thu Sep 19 2019 19:41:34 GMT+0900 (日本標準時)","genre":"Gift","detail":"I want to make my wife be surprised by my gift. She likes sweets and traditional goods.","prize":"2","height":683066,"duration":15720}"


    "2019.09.19 13:44": "{"city":"osaka","title":"What is the coolest Gift of Osaka?","when":"Thu Sep 19 2019 19:41:34 GMT+0900 (日本標準時) ~ Thu Sep 19 2019 19:41:34 GMT+0900 (日本標準時)","genre":"Gift","detail":"I want to make my wife be surprised by my gift. She likes sweets and traditional goods.","prize":"2","height":683066,"duration":15720}"

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