tx · AyFGwsQDkFzXTv7fJXaiwFv9wCWJvd8PQbZCgKgVFbw9
3Mvqg45GNNEhYssByz8tT6BECpZd8wKyuki: -0.00100000 Waves
2024.07.06 01:04 [3181280] smart account 3Mvqg45GNNEhYssByz8tT6BECpZd8wKyuki > SELF 0.00000000 Waves
"type": 13,
"id": "AyFGwsQDkFzXTv7fJXaiwFv9wCWJvd8PQbZCgKgVFbw9",
"fee": 100000,
"feeAssetId": null,
"timestamp": 1720217111689,
"version": 2,
"chainId": 84,
"sender": "3Mvqg45GNNEhYssByz8tT6BECpZd8wKyuki",
"senderPublicKey": "Em3xR3qCDVUJh4RYP61j2iaMKdEHYvyYEA4kmBMKQHLd",
"proofs": [
"height": 3181280,
"applicationStatus": "succeeded",
"spentComplexity": 0
View: original | compacted
Prev: 83GsDA8yYuEj2ncaReeMuNm2aoxzEkhghE32ZSAcLsni
Next: none
Old | New | | Differences |
4 | 4 | | |
5 | 5 | | |
6 | 6 | | @Callable(a) |
7 | | - | func storeData (b,c) = { |
8 | | - | let d = getInteger(this, b) |
9 | | - | if (isDefined(d)) |
10 | | - | then throw("Key already exists") |
11 | | - | else [IntegerEntry(b, c)] |
| 7 | + | func deposit () = { |
| 8 | + | let b = value(a.payments) |
| 9 | + | if (if ((size(b) > 1)) |
| 10 | + | then true |
| 11 | + | else isDefined(b[0].assetId)) |
| 12 | + | then throw("You can only one WAVES deposit at a time") |
| 13 | + | else { |
| 14 | + | let c = toBase58String(a.caller.bytes) |
| 15 | + | let d = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, c), 0) |
| 16 | + | let e = (d + b[0].amount) |
| 17 | + | [IntegerEntry(c, e)] |
| 18 | + | } |
12 | 19 | | } |
13 | 20 | | |
14 | 21 | | |
15 | | - | @Verifier(e) |
16 | | - | func f () = { |
17 | | - | let g = e |
18 | | - | if ($isInstanceOf(g, "DataTransaction")) |
| 22 | + | |
| 23 | + | @Callable(a) |
| 24 | + | func withdraw (f) = { |
| 25 | + | let c = toBase58String(a.caller.bytes) |
| 26 | + | let d = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, c), 0) |
| 27 | + | let e = (d - f) |
| 28 | + | if ((0 > f)) |
| 29 | + | then throw("Cannot withdraw negative amount") |
| 30 | + | else if ((0 > e)) |
| 31 | + | then throw("Not enough balance") |
| 32 | + | else [IntegerEntry(c, e), ScriptTransfer(a.caller, f, unit)] |
| 33 | + | } |
| 34 | + | |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + | @Verifier(g) |
| 37 | + | func h () = { |
| 38 | + | let i = g |
| 39 | + | if ($isInstanceOf(i, "SetScriptTransaction")) |
19 | 40 | | then { |
20 | | - | let h = g |
21 | | - | throw("This transaction is prohibited to the dApp owner!") |
| 41 | + | let j = i |
| 42 | + | false |
22 | 43 | | } |
23 | | - | else sigVerify(e.bodyBytes, e.proofs[0], e.senderPublicKey) |
| 44 | + | else sigVerify(g.bodyBytes, g.proofs[0], g.senderPublicKey) |
24 | 45 | | } |
25 | 46 | | |
Old | New | | Differences |
1 | 1 | | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-} |
2 | 2 | | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} |
3 | 3 | | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} |
4 | 4 | | |
5 | 5 | | |
6 | 6 | | @Callable(a) |
7 | | - | func storeData (b,c) = { |
8 | | - | let d = getInteger(this, b) |
9 | | - | if (isDefined(d)) |
10 | | - | then throw("Key already exists") |
11 | | - | else [IntegerEntry(b, c)] |
| 7 | + | func deposit () = { |
| 8 | + | let b = value(a.payments) |
| 9 | + | if (if ((size(b) > 1)) |
| 10 | + | then true |
| 11 | + | else isDefined(b[0].assetId)) |
| 12 | + | then throw("You can only one WAVES deposit at a time") |
| 13 | + | else { |
| 14 | + | let c = toBase58String(a.caller.bytes) |
| 15 | + | let d = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, c), 0) |
| 16 | + | let e = (d + b[0].amount) |
| 17 | + | [IntegerEntry(c, e)] |
| 18 | + | } |
12 | 19 | | } |
13 | 20 | | |
14 | 21 | | |
15 | | - | @Verifier(e) |
16 | | - | func f () = { |
17 | | - | let g = e |
18 | | - | if ($isInstanceOf(g, "DataTransaction")) |
| 22 | + | |
| 23 | + | @Callable(a) |
| 24 | + | func withdraw (f) = { |
| 25 | + | let c = toBase58String(a.caller.bytes) |
| 26 | + | let d = valueOrElse(getInteger(this, c), 0) |
| 27 | + | let e = (d - f) |
| 28 | + | if ((0 > f)) |
| 29 | + | then throw("Cannot withdraw negative amount") |
| 30 | + | else if ((0 > e)) |
| 31 | + | then throw("Not enough balance") |
| 32 | + | else [IntegerEntry(c, e), ScriptTransfer(a.caller, f, unit)] |
| 33 | + | } |
| 34 | + | |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + | @Verifier(g) |
| 37 | + | func h () = { |
| 38 | + | let i = g |
| 39 | + | if ($isInstanceOf(i, "SetScriptTransaction")) |
19 | 40 | | then { |
20 | | - | let h = g |
21 | | - | throw("This transaction is prohibited to the dApp owner!") |
| 41 | + | let j = i |
| 42 | + | false |
22 | 43 | | } |
23 | | - | else sigVerify(e.bodyBytes, e.proofs[0], e.senderPublicKey) |
| 44 | + | else sigVerify(g.bodyBytes, g.proofs[0], g.senderPublicKey) |
24 | 45 | | } |
25 | 46 | | |