tx · Ary8KDR8xh8fqHe2aVErEpt4bgp93tBstpiXfnsHCXpu

3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5:  -3.00900000 Waves
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF:  +3.00000000 Waves

2019.08.07 14:18 [620454] invoke 3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5 > 3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF additem() 3.00000000 Waves

3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: expiration_two_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa: 641334
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: expiration_one_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa: 637734
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: datajson_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa: "{"name":"Coupon Bazaar","description":"Coupon bAZAAR","logoUrl":"/uploads/thumbnail.da1de1f0-b904-11e9-84ef-7d365f1234d8.jpg","expireCrowd":"2019-08-31 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-11-29","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["DESING"],"contents":{"problem":"Traditional referral programs can be time intensive to manage, lack transparency (data held by program owner only), and be prone to human error.\n\nAdditionally, referral programs often only refer for a single product or service being offered. If the supplier is involved in several ventures, an invite would need to be sent for each product/service and the referral would have to sign up to each one individually. This requires more effort than is necessary and a better solution is required.","solution":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","xFactor":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","whySmartContracts":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","newFeaturesOrMvp":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","marketStrategy":"1. Develop MVP to demonstrate the use case.\n\nIf considered viable:\n\n2. Contact cryptocurrency-friendly projects this may be relevant to.\n\n3. Engage with WAVES/crypto community to identify and alert them of the referral program opportunities.","impactOnCommunity":"https://monosnap.com/file/7ekyOaGCknJeM9dou0lLJnLf82on3p","currentStage":"https://monosnap.com/file/7ekyOaGCknJeM9dou0lLJnLf82on3p"},"socials":{"url_website":"GOOGLE.COM","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/@SUBCLAY"},"uid":"c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 13:19:01","expireWhale":"2019-09-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-07 11:19:01"}"
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: status_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa: "new"
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: bank_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa: 300000000
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: expiration_block_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa: 620514
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: block_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa: 620454
3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF: author_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa: "3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5"

{ "type": 16, "id": "Ary8KDR8xh8fqHe2aVErEpt4bgp93tBstpiXfnsHCXpu", "fee": 900000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1565176741799, "version": 1, "sender": "3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5", "senderPublicKey": "3wiUqSzhQgfRkSr3PvpbckF1GtGtF65hFYDHQWPaywUb", "proofs": [ "2j3ZrwSVsFkTRcpQo4NQ45LmeZYcf97WFXYnYVaZZ23jqH1cSE14pcNM8JhMaRHdH351QePoBzpxh19yPQeBFfgq" ], "dApp": "3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF", "payment": [ { "amount": 300000000, "assetId": null } ], "call": { "function": "additem", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa" }, { "type": "integer", "value": 60 }, { "type": "integer", "value": 17280 }, { "type": "integer", "value": 20880 }, { "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"Coupon Bazaar","description":"Coupon bAZAAR","logoUrl":"/uploads/thumbnail.da1de1f0-b904-11e9-84ef-7d365f1234d8.jpg","expireCrowd":"2019-08-31 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-11-29","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["DESING"],"contents":{"problem":"Traditional referral programs can be time intensive to manage, lack transparency (data held by program owner only), and be prone to human error.\\n\\nAdditionally, referral programs often only refer for a single product or service being offered. If the supplier is involved in several ventures, an invite would need to be sent for each product/service and the referral would have to sign up to each one individually. This requires more effort than is necessary and a better solution is required.","solution":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","xFactor":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","whySmartContracts":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","newFeaturesOrMvp":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","marketStrategy":"1. Develop MVP to demonstrate the use case.\\n\\nIf considered viable:\\n\\n2. Contact cryptocurrency-friendly projects this may be relevant to.\\n\\n3. Engage with WAVES/crypto community to identify and alert them of the referral program opportunities.","impactOnCommunity":"https://monosnap.com/file/7ekyOaGCknJeM9dou0lLJnLf82on3p","currentStage":"https://monosnap.com/file/7ekyOaGCknJeM9dou0lLJnLf82on3p"},"socials":{"url_website":"GOOGLE.COM","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/@SUBCLAY"},"uid":"c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 13:19:01","expireWhale":"2019-09-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-07 11:19:01"}" } ] }, "height": 620454, "spentComplexity": 307, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "author_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa", "type": "string", "value": "3N2Wtz5jNLoh4DFFGD8qWK64HdfHp29f7g5" }, { "key": "block_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa", "type": "integer", "value": 620454 }, { "key": "expiration_block_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa", "type": "integer", "value": 620514 }, { "key": "bank_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa", "type": "integer", "value": 300000000 }, { "key": "status_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa", "type": "string", "value": "new" }, { "key": "datajson_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"Coupon Bazaar","description":"Coupon bAZAAR","logoUrl":"/uploads/thumbnail.da1de1f0-b904-11e9-84ef-7d365f1234d8.jpg","expireCrowd":"2019-08-31 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-11-29","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["DESING"],"contents":{"problem":"Traditional referral programs can be time intensive to manage, lack transparency (data held by program owner only), and be prone to human error.\\n\\nAdditionally, referral programs often only refer for a single product or service being offered. If the supplier is involved in several ventures, an invite would need to be sent for each product/service and the referral would have to sign up to each one individually. This requires more effort than is necessary and a better solution is required.","solution":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","xFactor":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","whySmartContracts":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","newFeaturesOrMvp":"A smart contract script that offers a decentralized referral program that allows suppliers to invite other suppliers to their sales platform(s) that automatically executes a zero-trust revenue-sharing agreement when the referral makes a sale An Oracle-Verifier will match suppliers with their referrals to ensure revenue-sharing is conducted between the correct accounts for the correct sales platform(s).","marketStrategy":"1. Develop MVP to demonstrate the use case.\\n\\nIf considered viable:\\n\\n2. Contact cryptocurrency-friendly projects this may be relevant to.\\n\\n3. Engage with WAVES/crypto community to identify and alert them of the referral program opportunities.","impactOnCommunity":"https://monosnap.com/file/7ekyOaGCknJeM9dou0lLJnLf82on3p","currentStage":"https://monosnap.com/file/7ekyOaGCknJeM9dou0lLJnLf82on3p"},"socials":{"url_website":"GOOGLE.COM","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/@SUBCLAY"},"uid":"c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 13:19:01","expireWhale":"2019-09-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-07 11:19:01"}" }, { "key": "expiration_one_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa", "type": "integer", "value": 637734 }, { "key": "expiration_two_c0189d6d-dce8-4195-a38f-0a326f0007fa", "type": "integer", "value": 641334 } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

14.39 ms