tx · 7j19M9bF1pkG6zz5xihwnD9KGozLgyGb85rz732D8muX

3N15nAdj9qrHvDH1DgLbmepCntjN99so5jc:  -0.01400000 Waves

2019.08.28 12:59 [650904] smart account 3N15nAdj9qrHvDH1DgLbmepCntjN99so5jc > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

{ "type": 13, "id": "7j19M9bF1pkG6zz5xihwnD9KGozLgyGb85rz732D8muX", "fee": 1400000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1566986368367, "version": 1, "sender": "3N15nAdj9qrHvDH1DgLbmepCntjN99so5jc", "senderPublicKey": "D68JmfUWTpU1LBah5jzrSJyBnewyue1stMqKSEFAq8po", "proofs": [ "22sqSDaUwddKKQZUtQexqnzxVUmPC6F14Nq4JyQFpMKk2QvkhMPyVXAEriuBptkVhGEjRmU7iTDT3uWhQLvRf7kg" ], "script": "base64:AwQAAAAHUHViS2V5MQEAAAAgaQxxSAhSITOlMYdvwKcfK7u/x0yzOg/68EH0ax0QlWUEAAAAB1B1YktleTIBAAAAILb58FcZXTIbjEshMW6ayDB2XcNop87YatlbtNE8j6N0BAAAAARzaWcxAwkAAfQAAAADCAUAAAACdHgAAAAJYm9keUJ5dGVzCQABkQAAAAIIBQAAAAJ0eAAAAAZwcm9vZnMAAAAAAAAAAAAFAAAAB1B1YktleTEAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAABHNpZzIDCQAB9AAAAAMIBQAAAAJ0eAAAAAlib2R5Qnl0ZXMJAAGRAAAAAggFAAAAAnR4AAAABnByb29mcwAAAAAAAAAAAQUAAAAHUHViS2V5MgAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAkAAGYAAAACCQAAZAAAAAIFAAAABHNpZzEFAAAABHNpZzIAAAAAAAAAAADO+UOI", "chainId": 84, "height": 650904, "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: 5J8S3pu2XeqHcGPjTxR4sY7P7TCgBQviM4FPbLrPWbqW Next: 6ERjmeP5WCn8pwvEQetpSCH9FbJSg4ugGViiuZHBLfsC Full:
11 {-# STDLIB_VERSION 3 #-}
4-let a = fromBase64String("base64:MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqlAiANSmBpDHYKP9sKgeN/l1bAb28g/tGlgDkwT5FiMN4X3pwdvdxE7mvSR8/41dU9rx4jG+6tZpb1ULVDPs431tR2IRaTXw5Cj+Ac2vhL+5JamCerGD1UW+bh/EGQtxo8W3YLDrofXB5QHJx4Pkz2Kgf+oS/C8hHuB/U4krO76U0507GTjZPP9kRQ0uLSMeqQXt8wXS+nMp5wajqxPpDLMaSREgsKwv/AEkP4dzpTYbikLBYl4qtdJsD84HLFSkiwd3BhcOrPjoIYmLxQuBD5TIMKTKD3sdZgaY9rsyqx3A00innyxD6zp3b4gFpUOX8JxKZdEC2myEqleNgg7GzwIDAQAB")
6-let b = addressFromStringValue("3NCiG28LmWyTigWG13E5QnvdHBsZFYXSS2j")
8-let c = ((100 * 1000) * 1000)
10-let d = ""
12-let e = toBytes(d)
14-let f = "_"
16-let g = 50
18-let h = ((5 * c) / 1000)
20-let i = 15
22-let j = "INIT"
24-let k = "READY"
26-let l = "FINISHED"
28-func m (n) = if ((0 > n))
29- then -(n)
30- else n
33-func o (p,q,r) = {
34- let s = ((p + f) + q)
35- if ((r == d))
36- then s
37- else ((s + f) + r)
38- }
41-func t (u) = {
42- let v = getStringValue(this, u)
43- split(v, f)
44- }
47-func w (x,y) = {
48- let z = m(toInt(y))
49- let A = toString(z)
50- let B = isDefined(indexOf(x, A))
51- if (if ((x == d))
52- then true
53- else !(B))
54- then [((x + f) + A), "yes"]
55- else [x, d]
56- }
59-func C (u,D,E,F) = {
60- let G = sha256(F)
61- let x = getStringValue(this, u)
62- let H = getIntegerValue(this, u)
63- let I = w(x, drop(G, (H + 1)))
64- let J = w(x, drop(G, (H + 2)))
65- let K = w(x, drop(G, (H + 3)))
66- let L = w(x, drop(G, (H + 4)))
67- let M = w(x, drop(G, (H + 5)))
68- let N = w(x, drop(G, (H + 6)))
69- let O = w(x, drop(G, (H + 7)))
70- let P = w(x, drop(G, (H + 8)))
71- let Q = w(x, drop(G, (H + 9)))
72- let R = w(x, drop(G, (H + 10)))
73- let S = w(x, drop(G, (H + 11)))
74- let T = w(x, drop(G, (H + 12)))
75- let U = w(x, drop(G, (H + 13)))
76- let V = w(x, drop(G, (H + 14)))
77- let W = w(x, drop(G, (H + 15)))
78- let X = if ((I[1] != d))
79- then 1
80- else 0
81- let Y = if ((J[1] != d))
82- then 1
83- else 0
84- let Z = if ((K[1] != d))
85- then 1
86- else 0
87- let aa = if ((L[1] != d))
88- then 1
89- else 0
90- let ab = if ((M[1] != d))
91- then 1
92- else 0
93- let ac = if ((N[1] != d))
94- then 1
95- else 0
96- let ad = if ((O[1] != d))
97- then 1
98- else 0
99- let ae = if ((P[1] != d))
100- then 1
101- else 0
102- let af = if ((Q[1] != d))
103- then 1
104- else 0
105- let ag = if ((R[1] != d))
106- then 1
107- else 0
108- let ah = if ((S[1] != d))
109- then 1
110- else 0
111- let ai = if ((T[1] != d))
112- then 1
113- else 0
114- let aj = if ((U[1] != d))
115- then 1
116- else 0
117- let ak = if ((V[1] != d))
118- then 1
119- else 0
120- let al = if ((W[1] != d))
121- then 1
122- else 0
123- let am = ((((((((((((((X + Y) + Z) + aa) + ab) + ac) + ad) + ae) + af) + ag) + ah) + ai) + aj) + ak) + al)
124-[W[0], toString(am)]
125- }
128-func an (u,ao,ap,aq) = {
129- let ar = take(ao.key, g)
130- if ((aq >= ap))
131- then true
132- else if (if (if ((u == ar))
133- then (size(ao.key) > g)
134- else false)
135- then !(isDefined(getString(this, ao.key)))
136- else false)
137- then {
138- let as = ao.value
139- if ($isInstanceOf(as, "String"))
140- then {
141- let at = as
142- true
143- }
144- else throw((u + " draw: only String type is accepted for data transactions"))
145- }
146- else false
147- }
151-func initDraw (u,av,aw,ax,ay) = {
152- let az = (size(fromBase58String(u)) > 0)
153- if ((size(u) != g))
154- then throw("Draw Id must be exactly 50 simbols")
155- else if (!(az))
156- then throw("Draw id must be in Base58 format")
157- else if (if ((0 >= av))
158- then true
159- else (0 >= aw))
160- then throw("randFrom and randTo must be greater than 0")
161- else if ((av >= aw))
162- then throw("randFrom must be strict less then randTo")
163- else if (if (ay)
164- then (ax > ((aw - av) + 1))
165- else false)
166- then throw(((((("Impossible to generate " + toString(ax)) + " for provided random range - from ") + toString(av)) + " to ") + toString(aw)))
167- else {
168- let q = toBase58String(au.callerPublicKey)
169- let aA = o(j, q, d)
170- ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(u, aA)]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(b, 1000, unit)]))
171- }
172- }
177-func ready (u) = {
178- let aB = t(u)
179- let p = aB[0]
180- let q = aB[1]
181- let aC = fromBase58String(q)
182- if ((p != j))
183- then throw((u + " draw: moving into READY state is allowed only from INIT state"))
184- else if ((aC != au.callerPublicKey))
185- then throw((u + "draw: moving into READY state is allowed for organizer only"))
186- else {
187- let aD = o(k, q, d)
188- WriteSet([DataEntry(u, aD)])
189- }
190- }
195-func random (u,F) = {
196- let D = 1
197- let E = 100
198- let aB = t(u)
199- let p = aB[0]
200- let q = aB[1]
201- let aC = fromBase58String(q)
202- if ((p != k))
203- then throw((u + " draw: it must be in READY state to generate random numbers"))
204- else if (!(rsaVerify(SHA256, toBytes(u), F, a)))
205- then throw("Invalid RSA signature")
206- else {
207- let aE = C(u, D, E, F)
208- let aF = aE[0]
209- if ((aF != d))
210- then ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(u, o(l, q, "-1")), DataEntry((u + "A"), aE[1])]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(b, 1000, unit)]))
211- else ScriptResult(WriteSet([DataEntry(u, o(l, q, aF)), DataEntry((u + "A"), aE[1])]), TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(b, 1000, unit)]))
212- }
213- }
217-func aH () = {
218- let as = aG
219- if ($isInstanceOf(as, "DataTransaction"))
220- then {
221- let aI = as
222- let aJ = aI.data[0]
223- let u = take(aJ.key, g)
224- let aB = t(u)
225- let p = aB[0]
226- let q = aB[1]
227- let aC = fromBase58String(q)
228- let ap = size(aI.data)
229- if (if (if (if (if (if (if (if (if ((p == j))
230- then sigVerify(aG.bodyBytes, aG.proofs[0], aC)
231- else false)
232- then (ap > 0)
233- else false)
234- then (5 >= ap)
235- else false)
236- then an(u, aJ, ap, 0)
237- else false)
238- then an(u, aI.data[1], ap, 1)
239- else false)
240- then an(u, aI.data[2], ap, 2)
241- else false)
242- then an(u, aI.data[3], ap, 3)
243- else false)
244- then an(u, aI.data[4], ap, 4)
245- else false)
246- then an(u, aI.data[5], ap, 5)
247- else false
248- }
249- else if ($isInstanceOf(as, "SetScriptTransaction"))
250- then {
251- let aK = as
252- true
253- }
254- else if ($isInstanceOf(as, "TransferTransaction"))
255- then {
256- let aL = as
257- true
258- }
259- else false
260- }
3+let PubKey1 = base58'854p8BYzrj6yBPRPmfQur3oF1Rjc1AJ548qRp5FT5kDa'
4+let PubKey2 = base58'DKGFPozLrsiR8NM4NJzqQaBYC8NyGYjuw2hDYicQVjco'
5+let sig1 = if (sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], PubKey1))
6+ then 1
7+ else 0
8+let sig2 = if (sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[1], PubKey2))
9+ then 1
10+ else 0
11+((sig1 + sig2) > 0)

44.09 ms