tx · 7VMxD11EnwMYoPXT5ajD3qU9xjHurBLRWmmCTSx5ex2y

3NBvFDxdNYqr5YwFDwSjH28w8edop2SNro1:  -0.05000000 Waves

2019.08.28 13:33 [650936] smart account 3NBvFDxdNYqr5YwFDwSjH28w8edop2SNro1 > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

1-{-# STDLIB_VERSION 2 #-}
3-let me = tx.sender
4-let oracle = extract(addressFromString("3NCzaYTNDGtR8zf9yfcqePFjCqFx9S5zhs4"))
5-let minWithdrawFee = 500000
6-let registerBetTxFee = 500000
7-match tx {
8- case withdrawTx: TransferTransaction =>
9- let txId = extract(getString(me, (toBase58String(tx.proofs[1]) + "_withdraw")))
10- match transactionById(tx.proofs[1]) {
11- case paymentTx: TransferTransaction =>
12- let isPaymentTookPlace = if ((txId == toBase58String(tx.id)))
13- then sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], paymentTx.senderPublicKey)
14- else false
15- let feesKey = (toBase58String(tx.proofs[1]) + "_withdraw_fees")
16- let dataTxsFees = extract(getInteger(me, feesKey))
17- let guessUnit = getBinary(me, toBase58String(tx.proofs[1]))
18- let correctAmount = if (!(isDefined(guessUnit)))
19- then ((paymentTx.amount - dataTxsFees) - withdrawTx.fee)
20- else {
21- let guess = extract(guessUnit)
22- let type = take(guess, 1)
23- let val = drop(guess, 1)
24- let key = extract(getString(me, (toBase58String(tx.proofs[1]) + "_round")))
25- let valComplex = extract(getBinary(oracle, key))
26- let koeff = if ((type == drop(toBytes(0), 7)))
27- then 36
28- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(1), 7)))
29- then 2
30- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(2), 7)))
31- then 2
32- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(3), 7)))
33- then 2
34- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(4), 7)))
35- then 3
36- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(5), 7)))
37- then 3
38- else 0
39- ((((paymentTx.amount - registerBetTxFee) * koeff) - dataTxsFees) - withdrawTx.fee)
40- }
41- if (if (if (isPaymentTookPlace)
42- then true
43- else throw("There was no bet"))
44- then if ((withdrawTx.amount == correctAmount))
45- then true
46- else throw(("Amount is incorrect. Correct amount is " + toString(correctAmount)))
47- else false)
48- then if (if (!(isDefined(withdrawTx.feeAssetId)))
49- then !(isDefined(withdrawTx.assetId))
50- else false)
51- then true
52- else throw("Withdraw and fee must be in WAVES")
53- else false
54- case _ =>
55- false
56- }
57- case dtx: DataTransaction =>
58- if ((size(dtx.data) == 3))
59- then {
60- let minBet = 50000000
61- let maxSumBet = 1000000000
62- let paymentTxIdStr = extract(dtx.data[0].key)
63- let guessStr = extract(getString(dtx.data, paymentTxIdStr))
64- let paymentRoundKey = (paymentTxIdStr + "_round")
65- let paymentRound = extract(getString(dtx.data, paymentRoundKey))
66- let sumBetsOld = if (isDefined(getInteger(me, (paymentRound + "_betsSum"))))
67- then extract(getInteger(me, (paymentRound + "_betsSum")))
68- else 0
69- let sumBetsNew = extract(getInteger(dtx.data, (paymentRound + "_betsSum")))
70- let itsTooLate = isDefined(getString(me, (paymentRound + "_stop")))
71- let isPaymentAlreadyMentioned = isDefined(getString(me, paymentTxIdStr))
72- let paymentTx = transactionById(fromBase58String(paymentTxIdStr))
73- match paymentTx {
74- case paymentTx: TransferTransaction =>
75- let isDtxSignedByPayer = sigVerify(dtx.bodyBytes, dtx.proofs[0], paymentTx.senderPublicKey)
76- let correctSumBets = ((sumBetsOld + paymentTx.amount) - dtx.fee)
77- if (if (if (if (if (if (if (if ((addressFromRecipient(paymentTx.recipient) == me))
78- then true
79- else throw("Incorrect recipient of the payment"))
80- then if (!(isPaymentAlreadyMentioned))
81- then true
82- else throw("This transfer is already used as a bet")
83- else false)
84- then if ((sumBetsNew == correctSumBets))
85- then true
86- else throw(("Wrong value for Sum of Bets. Must be " + toString(correctSumBets)))
87- else false)
88- then if ((maxSumBet > sumBetsNew))
89- then true
90- else throw(((("Maximum amount of bets for round " + toString(maxSumBet)) + ". With your bet it's ") + toString(sumBetsNew)))
91- else false)
92- then if ((dtx.fee == registerBetTxFee))
93- then true
94- else throw(("Fee of bet registration data transaction must be " + toString(registerBetTxFee)))
95- else false)
96- then if (((paymentTx.amount - registerBetTxFee) >= minBet))
97- then true
98- else throw(((("Your Bet amount is less then minimal bet " + toString(minBet)) + ". Payment amount for such bet must be ") + toString((minBet + registerBetTxFee))))
99- else false)
100- then if (!(isDefined(paymentTx.feeAssetId)))
101- then true
102- else throw("Paymnet must be in WAVES")
103- else false)
104- then if (!(itsTooLate))
105- then true
106- else throw("It's too late to play this round. Try next one")
107- else false
108- case _ =>
109- false
110- }
111- }
112- else if ((size(dtx.data) == 2))
113- then {
114- let isDataCountOk = (size(dtx.data) == 2)
115- let paymentTxIdStr = dropRight(extract(dtx.data[0].key), 9)
116- let feesKey = (paymentTxIdStr + "_withdraw_fees")
117- let paymentTx = transactionById(fromBase58String(paymentTxIdStr))
118- let newFees = extract(getInteger(dtx.data, feesKey))
119- let oldFeesUnit = getInteger(me, feesKey)
120- let oldFees = if (isDefined(oldFeesUnit))
121- then extract(oldFeesUnit)
122- else 0
123- let isFeeCorrect = (newFees == (oldFees + dtx.fee))
124- let withdrawTxIdUnit = getString(me, paymentTxIdStr)
125- let isPaymentAlreadyMentioned = isDefined(withdrawTxIdUnit)
126- let withdrawTransactionId = fromBase58String(extract(withdrawTxIdUnit))
127- match paymentTx {
128- case paymentTx: TransferTransaction =>
129- let isDtxSignedByPayer = sigVerify(dtx.bodyBytes, dtx.proofs[0], paymentTx.senderPublicKey)
130- if (if (if (if (if ((addressFromRecipient(paymentTx.recipient) == me))
131- then if (!(isPaymentAlreadyMentioned))
132- then true
133- else !(isDefined(transactionById(withdrawTransactionId)))
134- else false)
135- then isDtxSignedByPayer
136- else false)
137- then isFeeCorrect
138- else false)
139- then isDataCountOk
140- else false)
141- then {
142- let guess = extract(getBinary(me, paymentTxIdStr))
143- let type = take(guess, 1)
144- let key = extract(getString(me, (paymentTxIdStr + "_round")))
145- let valComplex = extract(getBinary(oracle, key))
146- let koeff = if ((type == drop(toBytes(0), 7)))
147- then 36
148- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(1), 7)))
149- then 2
150- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(2), 7)))
151- then 2
152- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(3), 7)))
153- then 2
154- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(4), 7)))
155- then 3
156- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(5), 7)))
157- then 3
158- else 0
159- let valReal = if ((type == drop(toBytes(0), 7)))
160- then drop(take(valComplex, 2), 1)
161- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(1), 7)))
162- then drop(take(valComplex, 3), 2)
163- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(2), 7)))
164- then drop(take(valComplex, 4), 3)
165- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(3), 7)))
166- then drop(take(valComplex, 5), 4)
167- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(4), 7)))
168- then drop(take(valComplex, 6), 5)
169- else if ((type == drop(toBytes(5), 7)))
170- then drop(take(valComplex, 7), 6)
171- else throw("Incorrect type of guess provided")
172- let isWin = (drop(guess, 1) == valReal)
173- let isMoneyStillEnough = ((((paymentTx.amount - registerBetTxFee) * koeff) + minWithdrawFee) > newFees)
174- if (if (isWin)
175- then true
176- else throw("You didn't guess"))
177- then if (isMoneyStillEnough)
178- then true
179- else throw("Not enough money for withdraw")
180- else false
181- }
182- else false
183- case _ =>
184- false
185- }
186- }
187- else false
188- case _ =>
189- sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)
1+{-# STDLIB_VERSION 3 #-}
4+let a = 20
6+let b = ["It is certain.", "It is decidedly so.", "Without a doubt.", "Yes - definitely.", "You may rely on it.", "As I see it, yes.", "Most likely.", "Outlook good.", "Yes.", "Signs point to yes.", "Reply hazy, try again.", "Ask again later.", "Better not tell you now.", "Cannot predict now.", "Concentrate and ask again.", "Don't count on it.", "My reply is no.", "My sources say no.", "Outlook not so good.", "Very doubtful."]
8+func c (d,e) = {
9+ let f = sha256(toBytes((d + e)))
10+ let g = toInt(f)
11+b[(g % a)]
12+ }
15+func h (i) = {
16+ let j = getString(this, (i + "_a"))
17+ if ($isInstanceOf(j, "String"))
18+ then {
19+ let k = j
20+ k
21+ }
22+ else i
23+ }
27+func tellme (d) = {
28+ let m = toBase58String(l.caller.bytes)
29+ let n = c(d, h(m))
30+ WriteSet([DataEntry((m + "_q"), d), DataEntry((m + "_a"), n)])
31+ }

26.83 ms