8 | | - | let c = "price" |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let d = "sell" |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let e = 7 |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | let f = "bid" |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | let g = $Tuple4("OPEN", "CLOSED", "REWARDED", "CANCELED") |
17 | | - | |
18 | | - | let h = base58'3MvjAaDYHpS4A5K4CV3kZMMEH9m9JdBSvbq' |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | func i (j) = { |
21 | | - | let k = assetInfo(j) |
22 | | - | if ($isInstanceOf(k, "Asset")) |
23 | | - | then { |
24 | | - | let l = k |
25 | | - | if (if ((l.decimals == 0)) |
26 | | - | then (l.quantity == 1) |
27 | | - | else false) |
28 | | - | then (l.reissuable == false) |
29 | | - | else false |
30 | | - | } |
31 | | - | else false |
| 6 | + | @Callable(a) |
| 7 | + | func token () = { |
| 8 | + | let b = Issue("shub", "This is an ordinary token", 1000000, 2, true) |
| 9 | + | let c = calculateAssetId(b) |
| 10 | + | [b] |
35 | | - | @Callable(m) |
36 | | - | func createNft (n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v) = { |
37 | | - | let w = Issue(n, t, 1, 0, false) |
38 | | - | let x = calculateAssetId(w) |
39 | | - | let y = m.transactionId |
40 | | - | [w, ScriptTransfer(m.caller, 1, x), StringEntry(((toBase58String(x) + a) + "Owner"), toString(m.caller)), StringEntry(((toBase58String(x) + a) + "nft_type"), q), StringEntry(((toBase58String(x) + a) + "nft_tags"), r), StringEntry(((toBase58String(x) + a) + "nft_dAppAddress"), p), IntegerEntry(((toBase58String(x) + a) + "nft_selling_price"), s), StringEntry(((toBase58String(x) + a) + "nft_onSell"), u), StringEntry(((toBase58String(x) + a) + "nft_data"), v), StringEntry(((toBase58String(y) + a) + "issue_nft"), toBase58String(x))] |
41 | | - | } |
42 | | - | |
43 | | - | |
44 | | - | |
45 | | - | @Callable(m) |
46 | | - | func sellNFT (z) = { |
47 | | - | let y = m.transactionId |
48 | | - | let A = m.caller.bytes |
49 | | - | let B = $Tuple2(value(m.payments[0].assetId), value(m.payments[0].amount)) |
50 | | - | let C = B._1 |
51 | | - | let D = B._2 |
52 | | - | if (!(i(C))) |
53 | | - | then throw("Token is not NFT") |
54 | | - | else [StringEntry(((c + a) + toBase58String(value(m.payments[0].assetId))), toString(z)), StringEntry(((toString(m.caller) + a) + d), ((toBase58String(C) + a) + toString(D)))] |
55 | | - | } |
56 | | - | |
57 | | - | |
58 | | - | |
59 | | - | @Callable(m) |
60 | | - | func buyNFT (E,F) = { |
61 | | - | let j = fromBase58String(E) |
62 | | - | let G = value(m.payments[0].amount) |
63 | | - | let H = { |
64 | | - | let k = getString(this, (("nft_" + F) + "_owner")) |
65 | | - | if ($isInstanceOf(k, "String")) |
66 | | - | then { |
67 | | - | let I = k |
68 | | - | I |
69 | | - | } |
70 | | - | else false |
71 | | - | } |
72 | | - | let z = getStringValue(((((c + a) + E) + "_") + F)) |
73 | | - | if ((m.payments[0].assetId != unit)) |
74 | | - | then throw("Pay in waves") |
75 | | - | else if ((F == toString(m.caller))) |
76 | | - | then throw("current Owner of NFT not able to purchase") |
77 | | - | else [ScriptTransfer(m.caller, 1, j), ScriptTransfer(Address(fromBase58String(F)), G, unit), StringEntry(((toString(m.caller) + a) + b), ((E + a) + toString(G))), DeleteEntry((("nft_" + F) + "_owner")), StringEntry((("nft_" + F) + "_owner"), toString(m.caller)), StringEntry(((E + a) + "_owner"), toString(m.caller))] |
78 | | - | } |
79 | | - | |
| 14 | + | @Verifier(d) |
| 15 | + | func e () = sigVerify(d.bodyBytes, d.proofs[0], d.senderPublicKey) |