1 | | - | {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-} |
2 | | - | {-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} |
3 | | - | {-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} |
4 | | - | let AI_TOKEN_ASSET_ID = base58'AxGKQRxKo4F2EbhrRq6N2tdLsxtMnpzQsS4QemV6V1W1' |
5 | | - | |
6 | | - | let STATUS_OPEN = "open" |
7 | | - | |
8 | | - | let STATUS_CHECKED_OUT = "checked_out" |
9 | | - | |
10 | | - | let STATUS_DONE = "done" |
11 | | - | |
12 | | - | let CHECKED_OUT_BY = "_checked_out_by" |
13 | | - | |
14 | | - | let SIMPLE_CHATGPT_TASK = "simple_ChatGPT_task" |
15 | | - | |
16 | | - | let CHECK_OUT_HEIGHT = "_check_out_height" |
17 | | - | |
18 | | - | let REGISTER_HEIGHT = "_register_height" |
19 | | - | |
20 | | - | let COMMIT_HEIGHT = "_commit_height" |
21 | | - | |
22 | | - | func canBeCheckedOut (taskId) = { |
23 | | - | let status = getString(this, (taskId + "_status")) |
24 | | - | (status == STATUS_OPEN) |
25 | | - | } |
26 | | - | |
27 | | - | |
28 | | - | func isCorrectAgent (taskId,agentId) = { |
29 | | - | let checkoutAgentId = getString(this, (taskId + CHECKED_OUT_BY)) |
30 | | - | (checkoutAgentId == agentId) |
31 | | - | } |
32 | | - | |
33 | | - | |
34 | | - | func getTaskId (txId) = { |
35 | | - | let callerPublicKey = match getString(this, (txId + "_initializer")) { |
36 | | - | case str: String => |
37 | | - | str |
38 | | - | case _ => |
39 | | - | "" |
40 | | - | } |
41 | | - | match getString(this, ((txId + "_") + callerPublicKey)) { |
42 | | - | case str: String => |
43 | | - | str |
44 | | - | case _ => |
45 | | - | "" |
46 | | - | } |
47 | | - | } |
48 | | - | |
49 | | - | |
50 | | - | @Callable(i) |
51 | | - | func registerChatGPTTask (description) = { |
52 | | - | let numberOfPayments = size(i.payments) |
53 | | - | if ((numberOfPayments != 1)) |
54 | | - | then throw("Payment necessary!") |
55 | | - | else { |
56 | | - | let callerPublicKey = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
57 | | - | let txId = toBase58String(i.transactionId) |
58 | | - | let payment = i.payments[0] |
59 | | - | let fee = payment.amount |
60 | | - | let feeAssetId = payment.assetId |
61 | | - | let taskId = ((txId + "_") + callerPublicKey) |
62 | | - | let timestamp = lastBlock.timestamp |
63 | | - | if ((feeAssetId != AI_TOKEN_ASSET_ID)) |
64 | | - | then throw("Payment only possible in the AI Token!") |
65 | | - | else if ((10000000 > fee)) |
66 | | - | then throw("Payment needs to be at least 0.1 AI Token!") |
67 | | - | else [StringEntry((taskId + "_description"), description), StringEntry((txId + "_initializer"), callerPublicKey), StringEntry((taskId + "_status"), STATUS_OPEN), StringEntry((taskId + "_type"), SIMPLE_CHATGPT_TASK), IntegerEntry((taskId + REGISTER_HEIGHT), height), IntegerEntry((taskId + "_register_timestamp"), timestamp), BooleanEntry(("open_chatgpt_" + taskId), true)] |
68 | | - | } |
69 | | - | } |
70 | | - | |
71 | | - | |
72 | | - | |
73 | | - | @Callable(i) |
74 | | - | func checkoutChatGPTTask (taskId) = { |
75 | | - | let callerPublicKey = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
76 | | - | let taskStillOpen = canBeCheckedOut(taskId) |
77 | | - | let timestamp = lastBlock.timestamp |
78 | | - | if (!(taskStillOpen)) |
79 | | - | then throw("Task not open for checkout!") |
80 | | - | else [StringEntry((taskId + CHECKED_OUT_BY), callerPublicKey), StringEntry((taskId + "_status"), STATUS_CHECKED_OUT), IntegerEntry((taskId + CHECK_OUT_HEIGHT), height), IntegerEntry((taskId + "_check_out_timestamp"), timestamp), DeleteEntry(("open_chatgpt_" + taskId))] |
81 | | - | } |
82 | | - | |
83 | | - | |
84 | | - | |
85 | | - | @Callable(i) |
86 | | - | func commitChatGPTTask (taskId,response) = { |
87 | | - | let callerPublicKey = toBase58String(i.callerPublicKey) |
88 | | - | let correctAgent = isCorrectAgent(taskId, callerPublicKey) |
89 | | - | let timestamp = lastBlock.timestamp |
90 | | - | if (!(correctAgent)) |
91 | | - | then throw("Task may only be submitted by the agent who checked the task out!") |
92 | | - | else [StringEntry((taskId + "_status"), STATUS_DONE), StringEntry((taskId + "_result"), response), IntegerEntry((taskId + COMMIT_HEIGHT), height), IntegerEntry((taskId + "_commit_timestamp"), timestamp)] |
93 | | - | } |
94 | | - | |
95 | | - | |
96 | | - | @Verifier(tx) |
97 | | - | func verify () = sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey) |
98 | | - | |
| 1 | + | # no script |