3NBB3iv7YDRsD8ZM2Pw2V5eTcsfqh3j2mvF · data · datajson_450e8b56-9c15-4f8c-8c2c-4fcaca81d8ea
    "datajson_450e8b56-9c15-4f8c-8c2c-4fcaca81d8ea": "{"name":"Signature Chain","description":"Signature Chain’s primary goal is to develop a platform allowing the certification of files and documents in any type and size, certification of email and muliparty contracts and agreements. ","logoUrl":"https://www.signature-chain.com/logo_sica.jpg","expireCrowd":"2030-05-28 00:00:00","demoDay":"2030-05-28","targetWaves":4000,"tags":["documents","certification","multiparty agreement","blockchain","waves"],"contents":{"problem":"Current documents’ certification and validation methods are dependent on a third party, and consume too much time. ","solution":"We have studied and identified what could facilitate and accelerate the certification process for many enterprise areas using blockchain technology, which offers the best guarantees regarding security, autonomy, and execution time.  Our experience and current knowledge give an incentive to solve the problem of document falsification and deal with the time-consuming process of certification. ","xFactor":"It's 100% based on waves and waves keeper, the web wallet side project https://www.web-wallet.com will soon be merged with https://www.sica-web.app and this will allow any waves project getting the web wallet to have also all our certification options activated upon mutual agreement (file certification, email certification, multiparty agreement). The second Grant have been given for this merge as well as addition of feature in the wallet.","whySmartContracts":"Current MAINNET MVP include:\nOverview tab, sending tab, receiving tab, a buy token option to acquire token (waves pair) directly from the app and of course the file certification tab. \nhttps://www.sica-web.app\n\nTESTNET version include all the features from mainnet as well as the email certification tab.\nhttps://testnet.sica-web.app\n\nIn sandbox development is the multiparty agreement. ","impactOnCommunity":"Sica also offer a webservice allowing any waves project to have a customized web wallet. ","marketStrategy":"Current plan is to release the multiparty agreement in version one, merge web wallet and sica web app, develop new wallet options then work on version 2 of every features, version 2 mean rewritting all in RIDE. Then working on mobile version.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"Its will definitelly ease all type of certification and verification process. ","currentStage":"Main impact on users is saving time and money, certifying anything without having to interact with any third party, no needs to create any account with signature chain, no needs to send any payment prior to access anything."},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.signature-chain.com","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/SignatureChain"},"uid":"450e8b56-9c15-4f8c-8c2c-4fcaca81d8ea","expireVoting":"2019-07-19 16:21:53","expireWhale":"2030-06-02 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-07-19 14:21:53"}"


    "2019.07.19 17:21": "{"name":"Signature Chain","description":"Signature Chain’s primary goal is to develop a platform allowing the certification of files and documents in any type and size, certification of email and muliparty contracts and agreements. ","logoUrl":"https://www.signature-chain.com/logo_sica.jpg","expireCrowd":"2030-05-28 00:00:00","demoDay":"2030-05-28","targetWaves":4000,"tags":["documents","certification","multiparty agreement","blockchain","waves"],"contents":{"problem":"Current documents’ certification and validation methods are dependent on a third party, and consume too much time. ","solution":"We have studied and identified what could facilitate and accelerate the certification process for many enterprise areas using blockchain technology, which offers the best guarantees regarding security, autonomy, and execution time.  Our experience and current knowledge give an incentive to solve the problem of document falsification and deal with the time-consuming process of certification. ","xFactor":"It's 100% based on waves and waves keeper, the web wallet side project https://www.web-wallet.com will soon be merged with https://www.sica-web.app and this will allow any waves project getting the web wallet to have also all our certification options activated upon mutual agreement (file certification, email certification, multiparty agreement). The second Grant have been given for this merge as well as addition of feature in the wallet.","whySmartContracts":"Current MAINNET MVP include:\nOverview tab, sending tab, receiving tab, a buy token option to acquire token (waves pair) directly from the app and of course the file certification tab. \nhttps://www.sica-web.app\n\nTESTNET version include all the features from mainnet as well as the email certification tab.\nhttps://testnet.sica-web.app\n\nIn sandbox development is the multiparty agreement. ","impactOnCommunity":"Sica also offer a webservice allowing any waves project to have a customized web wallet. ","marketStrategy":"Current plan is to release the multiparty agreement in version one, merge web wallet and sica web app, develop new wallet options then work on version 2 of every features, version 2 mean rewritting all in RIDE. Then working on mobile version.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"Its will definitelly ease all type of certification and verification process. ","currentStage":"Main impact on users is saving time and money, certifying anything without having to interact with any third party, no needs to create any account with signature chain, no needs to send any payment prior to access anything."},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.signature-chain.com","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/SignatureChain"},"uid":"450e8b56-9c15-4f8c-8c2c-4fcaca81d8ea","expireVoting":"2019-07-19 16:21:53","expireWhale":"2030-06-02 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-07-19 14:21:53"}"

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